Showboat has $5,500 profit The report of the treasurer will be needed. Insurance 1,Oil.21 of Lowell Showboat. Inc., .lake Total income for the 1965 Boat operation 554.97 Callier on Monday night at the Showboat, when the income Costumes 285.47 annual meeting of the corpora- from program advertising and Supplies 196.30 Ticket Expense 148.SI Directors of the Schneider tion disclosed that this year's seal cushion rental Is In will fund, Philip Schneider of Lowell, show will have a profit of some be over $35,000, This is a gain Petty Cash items 1WU9 Telephone 56,12 Ray Ritlenger of Lowell Town- $5,500, of $12,000 in gross income over Michigan Sales Tax 53.56 ship, and Donald O. Johnson of This is a great improvement 1?JW. the Old Kent Bank, met for over last year, when the pro- The mteting adjourned until Electricity 25 00 the first time on Tuesday. duction ended up wilh a $4,000 December 1st. when a dinner Total expenses $28,882.13 / Use of the money was dis- loss. meeting will be held and final cussed, but the only decision Principal increase In earnings figures will be available. The made was that it would be came from ticket sales: total terms of Bernard Baer. Bern- NET PROFIT TO DATE $5.650 01 for a definite project and no sales this year were $32,089.10, ard Kropf atid Bill Jones ex- funds would be available ior an increase of $9,000 over last ire this fall and elections will individual cases. year's $23,000 ticket take. pan of the Decemlier meet- It was agreed at Monday's ing. • Statement of Assets The Thomas Kings ley trailer meeting that a star attraction September 13, 1965 suffered smoke damage Sunday like George Gobel Is needed to Financial Statement evening when the oil burner bring increased crowds to Cash on Hand. over heated Showboat. This year Showboat RECEIPTS: June I. 1965 $ 653 32 Lowell firemen were sum- spent $16,589 for talent, double Ticket sales $32.0«9 m Net profit Vol. 72—No. 23 LOWELL. MICH.. THURSDAY. SEPT. 16. 1965 moned to the trailer located the budget of 1964. Complimentary ticket As shown alwve 5.650.01 just south of the city on M-91. Need new boat, scats receipts 1,033.80 • Concession sale (Net) 615.03 Vernon Darby. 36, of Grand President William Doyle told Amateur night 487.71 Cash on hand. Mr. Summers, Rapids was arrested by Lowell the group at the annual meet- Interest income 212.50 September 13, 1965 $6,303.33 Police at i?:20 a. m. on West Open football season retired engineer, Police raid ing that a new boat and seat Press conference income 94.00 Main Street. He was charged repairs are needed by next Other assets on hand: with driving under the influence passes, Sunday year, which are estimated to Total receipts $34,532.14 Time certificates $10,000.00 teen party of liquor. cost $13,000 to $14,000, Perma- Series J Bonds here on Friday night A 32 year resident of Lowell. He Is being held on $100 nent seating for Showboat will EXPENSES; (Value 7-1-65) 2.856 00 Maurice Summers passed away bond until his trial which has not be possible for at least two A group estimated at between Lowell high school will open The offensive line will have Sunday evening. September 12, been set for September 29. years. Doyle also stated that Entertainment $16,589.22 $12,856.00 50 and 75 teenagers were raid- Jim Malcolm, left end: Dave in Butterworth Hospital, unex- • in order to keep the show go- Advertising 5.50123 the football season at home on ed by Sheriff's officers and the Friday night at 7:30 when they Wessell, left tackle: Brad Fong- pectedly following a brief ill- Police Chief Avery Block re- ing. the same cooperation from Construction Expense 2.440.05 Total Assets as of Lowell Police on Friday night vealed this week that Lowell meet Ionia in the annual battle er, left guard: Jim Cook, cen- ness at the age of 69. organizations in the community Sound & Lighting 1,937.80 September 13. 1965 $19,159.33 on Foreman Road, between businessmen are becoming care- for the V. F. W. trophy. ter: Joe Melle. right guard: Born April 24, 1896 in Flint, Mr. Summers moved to Lo- Cumberland and Parnell Roads. less about locking the doors in Ionia has a strong defensive Terry Blaser, right tackle and well at the age of 37, and re- The party was going strong their stores. Trudy Schlemitzouer team, but Coach Chuck Kohl- Pete Osbom, right end. flag football mained here until his death. with a big bon fire when the Sunday night, three doors off reported that after their 85 Students to to attend 'Gun Fair* Defensive Team Before his retirement, he was police arrived at midnight. Five were found open in the busi- scrimmage with Portland high to begin, Sept 1ft employed as an electrical en- cars were stopped by the po- ness district. in San Francisco school last Saturday, he was On the defensive team Coach gineer with the Electric Eye lice, but several other drivers • The Lowell YMCA will again go on safety dissatisfied with the offensive Pierce has listed the following Mrs. Richard "Trudy" Schler- Company in Grand Rapids for and cars escaped when the four Ten yeirs ago this week... sponsor flag football for bays punch of the team. boys on his starting line-up: nitzauer. won the National Wo- 20 years. raiding officers were unable At the annual meeting of the of fourth grade through ninth Ionia was still searching for In the forward wall he will patrol duty men's Pistol Championship at The Rev. Robert Weber, pas- to round up the crowd. Lowell Showboat, Inc., Elmer grade. Two weeks of funda- the passing necessary for a have: Hillis Kauffman. Jim the recent National Pistol tor of the First Methodist Church One car driving away was Schaefer was named to the mentals stressing running, kick- The 1965-66 Safety Patrol has well rounded attack. Cook. Chas. Craig, Mark Craig, matches held at Camp Perry, of Lowell, was the officiating ordered to halt by officers, and Board of Directors, he has act- ing, passing and blocking will been formed and is now patrol- Lowell has a light team with John Briggs, and Chuck Grud- Ohio. clergyman at the services held several shots were fired into ed as General Chairman this be followed by league com- ing corners near the Elemen- only a few members of the team zinskas. I She fired an outstanding ag- Wednesday afternoon at one the air. but the car made a year. petition after teams have been tary and Junior High School topping the 160 pound mark. The linebackers are Dan Fink- gregate score of 2554 with 76X's. o'clock in the Roth Funeral successful escape. Red Arrows meet Ionia here chosen. Buildings. The backfield is especially ler. Mike Olson. Craig Thurtell The highest possible score is Home. Burial was made in Five boys were taken to the for opening game Friday nite Football starts this Saturday, The patrol numbers eighty- light with Steve Collins starting 2700. Trudy's winning score of and halfbacks Dick Nowak and Bowne Center Cemetery. Lowell Police headquarters and in a battle for the V. F. W. September 18. at Recreation five Junior High School students quarterback at 131 pounds: half- 2554 was among one of the high- Jer7 Dystra. Mr. Summers is survived by their parents called to come trophy, which the Ionia team Park, Boys of 4. 5, and 6 grade who go on duty four times each hacks Dan Finkler at 153: Craig est scores ever fired by a wo- The Junior Varsity will play his wife, Ann: one son, Hor- and get them. Three were mem- would like very much to keep will play from 1:30 to 3:30 day. Patrolers will often miss Thurtell at 154. and fullback, man in the National Matches. at Ionia on Friday afternoon at ace: one daughter. ATI Helen bers of the varsity football team ... there are 13 letter winners p. m. Boys of 7th. 8th and 9th some class time which is pleas- Pat Hoag at 133. 4:15. Summers, stationed at Norfolk, and they were dropped from the back on the team this year, grade will play from 10 o'clock ant enough in the fall, less so, Mrs. Schlernitzauer was ask- Virginia, with the Navy: one squad. with 33 boys on the varsity to 12 noon. in the wintery months ahead. ed by officials of High Stand- brother, Horace of Flint: one Police said that they heard squad. The program fee for the com- A local woman's club, the ard Manufacturing Corporation about the party shortly after 9 The new elementary school ilete 7-week program will be Child Study Club, sponsors a to attend Abercrombie and Fit- granddaughter: and several nie- 4, ces and nephews. p. m. and checked the spot and took one more step toward real- .0 cents for Y" family mem- picnic for the patrol in May. ch's Gun Fair in San Francisco, saw several cars enter this im- ity. this week, when the Board bers. 75 cents for "Y" Youth The American Legion Roller California and appear daily at passable road that leads back announced that the bonds had members and $1.00 for non- Rink gives free passes to out- the High Standard Firearm's Men injured Sunday to an unhabited area.
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