December 3, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1525 Throughout his Army career, CW2 Knadle mania also joined the European Union in 2007 missed, Dr. Miles has created a culture of was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, Air and recently successfully finished a term hold- progress that will endure for years to come. I Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National ing the EU’s presidency. extend my congratulations and best wishes to Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Cam- The United States and Romania have en- her for a well-deserved retirement. paign Medal with Campaign Star, Global War joyed almost 140 years of diplomatic relations f on Terrorist Service Medal, Army Service Rib- and share a deep and longstanding friendship, bon, Combat Action Badge, and Army Aviator a strategic partnership built on historical ties, RECOGNIZING PEGGY WHITE WELL Badge. and a joint commitment to advancing the se- KNOWN BUFFALO AND SUSAN I want to take this opportunity to extend my curity and prosperity of their citizens and com- KELLY OF GARRYOWEN thoughts and prayers to David Knadle’s family munities. and friends. David was a man who fought Madam Speaker, it is for these reasons that HON. GREG GIANFORTE bravely for his country and I am grateful for I urge all of my colleagues to join me in con- OF MONTANA his service and sacrifice. gratulating Romania on the 101st anniversary IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f of its Great Union Day. Tuesday, December 3, 2019 f PERSONAL EXPLANATION Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, I rise HONORING DR. CINDY L. MILES today to honor Peggy White Well Known Buf- falo and Susan Kelly of Garryowen for their HON. DAN BISHOP work to fight hunger in their community. OF NORTH CAROLINA HON. SUSAN A. DAVIS OF CALIFORNIA In 1999, Peggy and Susan launched the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Center Pole Foundation, a Native grassroots Tuesday, December 3, 2019 Tuesday, December 3, 2019 organization that promotes knowledge, justice, and sovereignty in Native communities. The Mr. BISHOP of North Carolina. Madam Mrs. DAVIS of California. Madam Speaker, Speaker, I missed the vote on H.R. 5084. Had foundation seeks to serve the needs of the I rise with admiration and respect to honor the community, including hunger within the Crow I been present, I would have voted NAY on career of one of San Diego’s most dedicated Roll Call No. 630. Indian Reservation. public servants and leaders, Dr. Cindy L. As part of the foundation, Peggy and Susan f Miles. created a community food bank which serves Dr. Miles is retiring after ten years as Chan- IN RECOGNITION OF ROMANIA’S not only the reservation but also the sur- cellor of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community GREAT UNION DAY rounding community. College District, where she transformed public Their mission to fulfill a fundamental need, HON. MICHAEL R. TURNER higher education in eastern San Diego County such as nourishment, is personal for Peggy and opened the doors to college for thousands and Susan. OF OHIO of students. For Peggy, confronting hunger began when IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In the decade since Dr. Miles joined the col- she attended a boarding school. There, she Tuesday, December 3, 2019 lege district as chancellor, the number of grad- experienced hunger and made it a life mission uates from Grossmont and Cuyamaca col- Mr. TURNER. Madam Speaker, I would like to feed people in a loving and kind environ- leges increased by 78 percent, and the num- ment. to recognize Romania on her 101st celebra- ber of degrees and certificates awarded at the tion of unification. This year is especially sig- For Susan, she has seen firsthand how hun- colleges rose by 178 percent. Under her direc- ger impedes a child’s progress. Wanting every nificant as we also celebrate 30 years since tion, the district has been recognized nation- the fall of Communism in Romania. kid to do well in school, Susan says a kid ally for removing barriers to student success can’t be creative if his or her stomach isn’t full. December 1st is representative of the sov- and eliminating longstanding equity gaps that ereignty of Romania because on this date in Each week, the food bank’s staff goes to have impeded students of color in their edu- Billings to collect food from grocery stores. 1918 the Alba Iulia National Assembly met to cational pursuits. unify the peoples and territories of Romania. Their efforts provide food to the reservation One of Dr. Miles’s most successful innova- and surrounding communities, feeding more The Resolution passed by the Assembly tions was the creation of the East County Edu- united Moldova and Wallachia with Transyl- than 300 people a week. cation Alliance in 2014, which initially began To Peggy and Susan, their work is about vania, Crisana, Banat, and Maramures. While as a partnership between the district and the more than providing people with food. It’s the authorities of Romania have changed sev- Grossmont Union High School District to en- about providing their community nourishment, eral times since then, the proud and inde- sure a smooth path for students between high boosting its health, helping combat illness, and pendent spirit of the Romanian people has school, college, and eventually, into a career. reinforcing the benefits of a healthy, positive not. In 2019, the Mountain Empire School District lifestyle. Their commitment to the future of December holds an increased meaning as joined the Alliance, ensuring that every public their communities is front and center of all the Romanian Revolution occurred in 1989 in high school student in eastern San Diego they do through Center Pole Foundation. which the people wrested an opportunity for County could benefit. As evidence of this fact, Madam Speaker, for their dedicated work to self-direction from the dark times of the Com- the Alliance was selected by the League for fight hunger in their community, I recognize munism towards the bright future of a demo- Innovation in the Community College for a na- Peggy White Well Known Buffalo and Susan cratic country which nowadays shares com- tional Innovation of the Year award. Kelly of Garryowen for their Spirit of Montana. mon values with the United States. Over the The prestige of the two campuses was sig- f past 30 years, Romania has become a bastion nificantly advanced during Dr. Miles’s service of democracy in Eastern Europe and a solid as chancellor. In 2018, the California Commu- PRINCIPLES GOVERNING CONSID- and strong U.S. ally in the region. Romania is nity College Chancellor’s Office awarded ERATION OF ARTICLES OF IM- setting an example of steady commitment to Cuyamaca College the John W. Rice Diversity PEACHMENT OF A PRESIDENT transatlantic security and democratic leader- and Equity Award and Grossmont College was ship, while the Romanian public opinion has recognized as a Champion of Higher Edu- HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE an overwhelmingly favorable view of American cation. OF TEXAS leadership and role in the world. Dr. Miles has played an influential role in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Romania, as a member of North Atlantic state and national community college organi- Treaty Organization since 2004, has sent zations. She served on committees and task Tuesday, December 3, 2019 troops to support NATO missions in the West- forces for the American Association of Com- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, as a ern Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq and is con- munity Colleges, the American Council on senior member of the House Judiciary Com- tributing 2 percent of its gross domestic prod- Education, the California Community Colleges mittee and one who served on the Committee uct on defense spending. Romania has been Chancellor’ s Office, the Community College during the last impeachment proceeding, I rise a leading nation in providing cybersecurity League of California, and the Accrediting to share some of the fundamental principles support to NATO and its partners and is work- Commission for Community and Junior Col- that will guide my deliberations on the momen- ing with the U.S. Government on the secure leges. tous task before the Committee. implementation of fifth generation wireless While her presence in the Grossmont- In 1776, the Framers founded this country communication networks (5G) technology. Ro- Cuyamaca Community College District will be and created this government on the basis of a VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:54 Dec 04, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03DE8.008 E03DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS.
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