— RESEARCH PROGRAM 2021-2024 JUNE 2019 — « Le progrès scientifique en général, et en particulier celui réalisé dans l’informatique, ne doit pas asservir l’homme mais au contraire être à son service. » « Der wissenschaftliche Fortschritt im Allgemeinen und insbesondere die Fortschritte in der Informatik dürfen den Menschen nicht versklaven, sondern müssen ihm im Gegenteil von Nutzen sein. » « Scientific progress in general and progress in computer science in particular should not enslave man but on the contrary be at his service. » Angelo Dalle Molle, philanthrope Research Programme 2021-2024 Idiap Research Institute Departement´ fed´ eral´ de l’economie,´ de la formation et de la recherche DEFR Secretariat´ d’Etat a` la recherche et a` l’innovation SEFRI Division Recherche et Innovation Nationales Contribution a` des etablissements´ de recherche d’importance nationale Idiap Research Programme 2021-2024 S’applique aux etablissements´ de recherche encourages´ en vertu de l’art. 15, al. 3, let. a a` c, LERI (Autres bases legales:´ art. 20 a` 23 O-LERI; art. 12 a` 14 O-LERI-DEFR) Etablissement (nom) Institut de Recherche Idiap Adresse Rue Marconi 19, Centre du Parc, 1920 Martigny Tel´ +41 27 721 77 11 e-mail [email protected] Coordonnees´ pour le paiement UBS SA, Av. de la Gare 2, 1920 Martigny IBAN: CH71 0026 4264 6259 7401 M Organe de Revision´ BDO SA, Rte des Arsenaux 9, 1700 Fribourg Directeur Prof. Herve´ Bourlard Tel´ +41 27 721 77 20 e-mail [email protected] Activites´ (parts) Recherche 64.6% Enseignement 5% Prestations de services (Groupe 10.8% Developpeurs)´ Autres (Admin, Finance, Ges- 19.6% tion de Projets, Groupe IT) The present Research Programme was discussed and validated with the Idiap Foun- dation Council on November 29, 2018 and on May 2, 2019. Idiap Research Programme 2021-2024: page i of iv Research Programme 2021-2024 Idiap Research Institute Main contact points Prof. Herve´ Bourlard Dr. Franc¸ois Foglia Director Deputy Director [email protected] [email protected] Idiap Research Institute www.idiap.ch Tel: +41-27-721.77.11 Overview of facilities and human resources The table below gives a quick overview of the staff resources and facilities (office spaces and computer re- sources) as of 2018. Staff statistics (2018) Headquarter & facilities (2018) 4 professors (2 EPFL, 1 UniBe, 1 UCSB) Centre du Parc, Rue Marconi 19 2 senior lecturers (EPFL) 1920 Martigny 8 permanent researchers 7 research associates 2500 m2 15 post‐doctoral researchers 3 meeting rooms 39 PhD students 1 conference room 12 development engineers 1 showroom 6 system engineers 1 server room 13 internships (average/year) 1 library 10 administration staff 500 TB of storage (500 TB in 2017) 27 nationalities 400 CPU for computing (400 CPU in 2017) 1279 man‐months 120 GPU for computing (40 GPU in 2017) 167 persons (arrival/departure) 5’000 GB RAM for computing (4000 GB in 2017) 106.6 full time equivalent (98 in 2017) 1 Gb/s Internet connection December 31, 2018 Idiap Research Programme 2021-2024: page ii of iv Research Programme 2021-2024 Idiap Research Institute Contents Idiap VadeMecum 2019 iv 3.3.2 RG2: Biometrics Security and Privacy............ 33 1 Executive Summary1 3.3.3 RG3: Machine Learning... 35 3.3.4 RG4: Social Computing... 37 2 Missions and Organization2 3.3.5 RG5: Perception and Activity 2.1 Missions................2 Understanding........ 39 2.1.1 Research...........4 3.3.6 RG6: Robot Learning & Inter- 2.1.2 Training............7 action............. 41 2.1.3 Technology transfer.....9 3.3.7 RG7: Computational Bioimaging.......... 43 2.1.4 Idiap’s strengths, key contri- butions and opportunities... 10 3.3.8 RG8: Uncertainty Quantifica- tion and Optimal Design... 45 2.1.5 Large EU network and project flow.............. 12 3.3.9 RG9: Natural Language Un- derstanding.......... 47 2.2 Organizational Management..... 13 3.3.10 RG10: Biosignal Processing. 49 2.2.1 Statutes............ 13 3.3.11 RG11: Energy Informatics.. 51 2.2.2 Operational and management structure............ 13 3.3.12 CRGx (example): Cross- Media Indexing for Multime- 2.2.3 Administration and technol- dia Information Retrieval... 53 ogy transfer.......... 16 3.4 Academic and Training Activities.. 55 2.2.4 Controlling bodies and instru- ments............. 17 3.4.1 Academic anchoring..... 55 2.2.5 Other internal bodies..... 19 3.4.2 PhD students......... 56 2.2.6 Tools and processes...... 19 3.4.3 Relationship with EPFL (and others)............ 56 2.3 Staff .................. 21 3.4.4 Teaching activities...... 57 2.3.1 Staff overview........ 21 3.4.5 Joint Idiap - EPFL initiatives. 58 2.3.2 Turnover of non-permanent staff 21 3.4.6 Joint Idiap - HES-SO..... 59 2.3.3 Turnover of permanent staff . 22 3.5 Technology Transfer (TT) Activities. 60 3 Current and Future Activities 25 3.5.1 TT-aware research environment 60 3.1 Introduction.............. 25 3.5.2 Specific dedicated develop- ment group.......... 61 3.2 Roadmap for 2021-2024....... 27 3.5.3 Clear IPR policy....... 63 3.3 Research Activities.......... 31 3.5.4 TT instruments and processes 63 3.3.1 RG1: Speech and Audio Pro- cessing............ 31 3.5.5 Future activities........ 66 Idiap Research Programme 2021-2024: page iii of iv Research Programme 2021-2024 Idiap Research Institute 4 Budget, Funding Distribution, and Finan- 5 Contribution to the Swiss Research and In- cial Planning for 2021-2024 67 novation Activities 75 4.1 Overview............... 67 5.1 Idiap added value at the national level 75 4.2 Main funding sources......... 67 5.2 International Web presence and statistics 76 4.2.1 Public funding........ 67 5.3 Swiss Center for Biometrics Research 4.2.2 Sponsored research (CH and and Testing.............. 78 international)......... 70 4.2.3 International, national and lo- 6 Specific Requirements 80 cal industrial collaborations. 70 6.1 Networking with academic institutions 80 4.2.4 International exchanges and internships.......... 70 6.2 Regional (VS) impact......... 80 4.2.5 Public/Competitive funding 6.3 International positioning....... 80 ratio:............. 71 6.4 International auditing......... 81 4.3 Evolution of budget and funding 6.5 Most important (25 max) scientific sources over time........... 71 publications over the last five years.. 81 4.4 Internal funding distribution..... 73 4.5 Institutional Supports......... 74 7 Conclusion 85 Idiap Research Programme 2021-2024: page iv of iv Artificial Intelligence for Society Institut de Recherche Idiap / Idiap Research Institute VADE-MECUM 2019 Missions L’Idiap est un institut de recherche, indépendant, à but non lucratif, reconnu par la Confédération Suisse et le Canton du Valais, associé au domaine stratégique des Ecoles Polytechniques Fédérales et spécialisé dans la gestion de l’information multimédia, les interactions homme-machine multimodales et l’intelligence artificielle. The Idiap Research Institute is an independent, nonprofit research foundation associated with the strategic domain of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology, specialized in multimedia information management, in multimodal man-machine interaction and artificial intelligence. Mission L’Idiap a pour but de conduire des recherches fondamentales et appliquées dans les domaines de l’informatique avancée, ainsi que de contribuer à la formation supérieure et au transfert de technologie dans ces domaines. The objectives of Idiap are to conduct basic and applied research in the fields of advanced computing, and to contribute to higher education and technology transfer in these areas. Comptes / Accounting 2019 Charges / Expenses en millier de francs / in thousands francs Recettes / Income en millier de francs / in thousands francs Charges de personnel / Personnel expenses 9’658 81% Canton du Valais / Canton of Valais 2’000 16% Charges des projets / Projects expenses 169 1% Commune de Martigny / City of Martigny 700 6% Confédération suisse / Swiss Confederation 2’334 20% Charges administratives / Admin. expenses 161 1% Total subventions / Total subventions 5’034 42% Charges informatiques / Computer expenses 336 3% Total dons / Total donations 207 2% Charges d’immeuble / Building expenses 662 6% Projets suisses / Swiss projects 2’964 25% Amortissement / amortization 328 3% Projets européens / European projects 2’037 17% Projets USA / USA projects 972 8% Autres / Other 627 5% Projets industriels / Industrial projects 504 4% Total projets / Total projects 6’477 54% Autres / Other 262 2% TOTAL 11’941 TOTAL 11'980 Personnel et infrastructure / Staff and facilities Statistiques du personnel / Staff statistics 31.12.2018 Siège et infrastructure / Headquarter and facilities 4 professeurs / professors Centre du Parc, Rue Marconi 19 2 maîtres d’enseignement et de recherche (MER) / 1920 Martigny senior lecturers 8 chercheurs permanents / permanent researchers 2500 m2 de bureaux / m2 of office space 7 chercheurs associés / research associates 3 salles de réunion / meeting rooms 32 postdoctorants / postdocs 1 salle de conférence / conference room 41 doctorants / PhD students 1 salle de serveur / server room 16 ingénieurs de développement /development engineers 1 bibliothèque / library 7 ingénieurs système / system engineers 500 TB de stockage / TB of storage 38 stagiaires, moyenne/année / internships, average/year 400 CPU pour les calculs / CPU for computing 13 personnes à l’administration / administration staff 120 GPU pour les calculs / GPU for computing 27 nationalités / nationalities 5000 GB RAM pour les calculs / RAM for computing 161 personnes (arrivées, départs) / persons (arrivals, 1 Gb/s de connexion internet / internet connection departures) 106.6 équivalents plein-temps / full time equivalent Institut de Recherche Idiap - Centre du Parc - Rue Marconi 19 - 1920 Martigny - [email protected] - www.idiap.ch 22.05.2019 Organisation / Organization Conseil de Fondation / Foundation Council M. Olivier Dumas Président, Administrateur indépendant, conseiller d’entreprises M. Marc-André Berclaz Directeur opérationnel de l’Antenne EPFL Valais Wallis Dr. Michael Baeriswyl Vice-Président Data, Analytics &AI, Swisscom Mme Anne-Laure Couchepin Vouilloz Vice-Présidente, Présidente de la ville de Martigny M.
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