2 Kings 15:13-30 2 Chron 26:1-23 13 Shallum son of Jabesh became king Then all the people of Judah took in the thirty-ninth year of Uzziah king of Uzziah,a who was sixteen years old, and Judah, and he reigned in Samaria one made him king in place of his father month. 14 Then Menahem son of Gadi Amaziah. 2 He was the one who rebuilt went from Tirzah up to Samaria. He at- Elath and restored it to Judah after tacked Shallum son of Jabesh in Samaria, Amaziah rested with his fathers. assassinated him and succeeded him as 3 Uzziah was sixteen years old when he king. became king, and he reigned in Jerusa- 15 The other events of Shallum's reign, lem fifty-two years. His mother's name and the conspiracy he led, are written in was Jecoliah; she was from Jerusalem. 4 the book of the annals of the kings of Is- He did what was right in the eyes of the rael. LORD , just as his father Amaziah had done. 5 He sought God during the days of 16 At that time Menahem, starting out Zechariah, who instructed him in the from Tirzah, attacked Tiphsah and every- fearb of God. As long as he sought the one in the city and its vicinity, because they refused to open their gates. He LORD , God gave him success. sacked Tiphsah and ripped open all the 6 He went to war against the Philis- pregnant women. tines and broke down the walls of Gath, Jabneh and Ashdod. He then rebuilt 17 In the thirty-ninth year of Azariah towns near Ashdod and elsewhere among king of Judah, Menahem son of Gadi be- the Philistines. 7 God helped him against came king of Israel, and he reigned in the Philistines and against the Arabs who Samaria ten years. 18 He did evil in the lived in Gur Baal and against the Me- eyes of the LORD . During his entire reign unites. 8 The Ammonites brought tribute he did not turn away from the sins of to Uzziah, and his fame spread as far as Jeroboam son of Nebat, which he had the border of Egypt, because he had be- caused Israel to commit. come very powerful. 19 Then Pul king of Assyria invaded the 9 Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at land, and Menahem gave him a thousand the Corner Gate, at the Valley Gate and talentsf of silver to gain his support and at the angle of the wall, and he fortified strengthen his own hold on the kingdom. them. 10 He also built towers in the de- 20 Menahem exacted this money from Is- sert and dug many cisterns, because he rael. Every wealthy man had to contrib- had much livestock in the foothills and in ute fifty shekelsg of silver to be given to the plain. He had people working his the king of Assyria. So the king of Assyria fields and vineyards in the hills and in withdrew and stayed in the land no the fertile lands, for he loved the soil. longer. 11 Uzziah had a well-trained army, 21 As for the other events of Mena- ready to go out by divisions according to hem's reign, and all he did, are they not their numbers as mustered by Jeiel the written in the book of the annals of the secretary and Maaseiah the officer under kings of Israel? 22 Menahem rested with the direction of Hananiah, one of the his fathers. And Pekahiah his son suc- royal officials. 12 The total number of ceeded him as king. family leaders over the fighting men was 23 In the fiftieth year of Azariah king of 2,600. 13 Under their command was an Judah, Pekahiah son of Menahem became army of 307,500 men trained for war, a king of Israel in Samaria, and he reigned powerful force to support the king two years. 24 Pekahiah did evil in the against his enemies. 14 Uzziah provided eyes of the LORD . He did not turn away shields, spears, helmets, coats of armor, from the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, bows and slingstones for the entire army. which he had caused Israel to commit. 25 15 In Jerusalem he made machines de- One of his chief officers, Pekah son of signed by skillful men for use on the tow- Remaliah, conspired against him. Taking ers and on the corner defenses to shoot fifty men of Gilead with him, he assassi- arrows and hurl large stones. His fame nated Pekahiah, along with Argob and spread far and wide, for he was greatly Arieh, in the citadel of the royal palace helped until he became powerful. at Samaria. So Pekah killed Pekahiah and 16 But after Uzziah became powerful, succeeded him as king. his pride led to his downfall. He was un- 26 The other events of Pekahiah's faithful to the LORD his God, and entered reign, and all he did, are written in the the temple of the LORD to burn incense book of the annals of the kings of Israel. on the altar of incense. 17 Azariah the priest with eighty other courageous 27 In the fifty-second year of Azariah priests of the LORD followed him in. 18 king of Judah, Pekah son of Remaliah be- They confronted him and said, "It is not came king of Israel in Samaria, and he right for you, Uzziah, to burn incense to reigned twenty years. 28 He did evil in the LORD . That is for the priests, the de- the eyes of the LORD . He did not turn scendants of Aaron, who have been con- away from the sins of Jeroboam son of secrated to burn incense. Leave the Nebat, which he had caused Israel to sanctuary, for you have been unfaithful; commit. and you will not be honored by the LORD 29 In the time of Pekah king of Israel, God." Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria came and 19 Uzziah, who had a censer in his hand took Ijon, Abel Beth Maacah, Janoah, ready to burn incense, became angry. Kedesh and Hazor. He took Gilead and While he was raging at the priests in Galilee, including all the land of Naph- their presence before the incense altar in tali, and deported the people to Assyria. the LORD 's temple, leprosyc broke out on 30 Then Hoshea son of Elah conspired his forehead. 20 When Azariah the chief against Pekah son of Remaliah. He at- priest and all the other priests looked at tacked and assassinated him, and then him, they saw that he had leprosy on his succeeded him as king in the twentieth forehead, so they hurried him out. In- year of Jotham son of Uzziah. deed, he himself was eager to leave, be- cause the LORD had afflicted him. To see a chronological chart of 21 King Uzziah had leprosy until the day he died. He lived in a separate the Kings and contemporary housed - Prophets go to: leprous, and excluded from the temple http://www.bcbsr.com/survey/ of the LORD . Jotham his son had charge kp.html of the palace and governed the people of the land. 22 The other events of Uzziah's reign, from beginning to end, are recorded by the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz. 23 Uzziah rested with his fathers and was buried near them in a field for burial that be- longed to the kings, for people said, "He had leprosy." And Jotham his son suc- ceeded him as king. 2 Chron 27:1-9 Jotham was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jeru- salem sixteen years. His mother's name was Jerusha daughter of Zadok. 2 He did what was right in the eyes of the LORD , 2 Kings 15:32-38 just as his father Uzziah had done, but 32 In the second year of Pekah son of unlike him he did not enter the temple of Remaliah king of Israel, Jotham son of the LORD . The people, however, contin- Uzziah king of Judah began to reign. 33 ued their corrupt practices. 3 Jotham re- He was twenty-five years old when he built the Upper Gate of the temple of the became king, and he reigned in Jerusa- LORD and did extensive work on the wall lem sixteen years. His mother's name was at the hill of Ophel. 4 He built towns in Jerusha daughter of Zadok. 34 He did the Judean hills and forts and towers in what was right in the eyes of the LORD , the wooded areas. just as his father Uzziah had done. 35 The high places, however, were not removed; 5 Jotham made war on the king of the the people continued to offer sacrifices Ammonites and conquered them. That and burn incense there. Jotham rebuilt year the Ammonites paid him a hundred the Upper Gate of the temple of the talentsa of silver, ten thousand corsb of wheat and ten thousand cors of barley. LORD . The Ammonites brought him the same 36 As for the other events of Jotham's amount also in the second and third reign, and what he did, are they not years. written in the book of the annals of the 6 Jotham grew powerful because he kings of Judah? 37 (In those days the LORD began to send Rezin king of Aram and walked steadfastly before the LORD his God. Pekah son of Remaliah against Judah.) 38 Jotham rested with his fathers and was 7 The other events in Jotham's reign, buried with them in the City of David, including all his wars and the other things the city of his father.
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