Draft Electoral Roll of Srikakulam-Vizianagaram-Visakhapatnam Teachers Constituency of the A.P Legislative Council as published on 15-12-2012 Polling Station Number : ( 74 ) Munchingputtu District: Visakhapatnam - 03 Inter Second Year Bi.PC Class Room School Complex Munchingputtu Sl.No. House address Full Name of the Name of father/ mother / Name of educational Age (Place of ordinary elector husband institution, if any, in residence) which he is teaching (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Mandal : MUNCHINGIPUTTU Village: Boragam 0 Boragam Satya Rao Sunkarnna CA HIGH SCHOOL 28 1 BORAGAM MUNCHNGPUTTU BOYS Mandal : MUNCHINGIPUTTU Village: Burugumetta 0 Ambidi Applamma Bhaskara Rao TWA HIGH SCHOOL 27 2 PANASA BANAGARUMETTA Mandal : MUNCHINGIPUTTU Village: Dareli 1-52 Chety Narayana Gopalam TWA HIGH SCHOOL 40 3 DARELA SEEKARI Mandal : MUNCHINGIPUTTU Village: Doraguda 0 Samareddy Venktaganapathi Sanyasayya ZP HIGH SCHOOL 31 4 DURAGAGUDA Ramarao BYLAPUDI Mandal : MUNCHINGIPUTTU Village: Karimukhiputtu 0 Vanthala Viswanadham Rammurthy TWAP HIGH SCHOOL 37 5 KARIMUKIPUTTU PANASAPUTTU Mandal : MUNCHINGIPUTTU Village: Kilagada 1-38 Solagam Rambabu Polludora ZPHIGH SCHOOL 32 6 KILAGADA 1-119 Pandoi Dasu Mukundu GOVT HIGH SCHOOL 34 7 KILAGADA KILAGADA Mandal : MUNCHINGIPUTTU Village: Labburu 0 Seesa Raju Gasi TWA HIGH SCHOOL 45 8 LABBURU 0 Vampuru Keswara Rao Bojjaiah TWA HIGH SCHOOL 51 9 LABBURU LABBURU 0 Kuda Satyanarayana Appanna GP HIGH SCHOOL 50 10 LABBURU BARADA 0 Seesa Ramaswamy Laikon TWA HIGH SCHOOL 34 11 LABBURU 0 Tallabu Laxmanbabu Bonjayya TWAHIGH SCHOOL 38 12 LABBURU LABBURU 0 Kuda Ramababu Mallaiah TWA HIGH SCHOOL 23 13 LABBURU LABBURU 1of 332 Draft Electoral Roll of Srikakulam-Vizianagaram-Visakhapatnam Teachers Constituency of the A.P Legislative Council as published on 15-12-2012 Polling Station Number : ( 74 ) Munchingputtu District: Visakhapatnam - 03 Inter Second Year Bi.PC Class Room School Complex Munchingputtu Sl.No. House address Full Name of the Name of father/ mother / Name of educational Age (Place of ordinary elector husband institution, if any, in residence) which he is teaching (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Mandal : MUNCHINGIPUTTU Village: Labburu 0 Gaddapangi Apparao Balanna TWA HIGH SCHOOL 50 14 LABBURU LABBURU Mandal : MUNCHINGIPUTTU Village: Munchingiputtu 0 Chittapuli Bhaskara Rao Kondapadal CAHIGH SCHOOL 47 15 MUNCHINGPUTTU MUNCHINGPUTTU 0 Erikala Madhusudhana Maddilety TWA HIGH SCHOOL 46 16 MUNCHINGPUTTU MUNCHINGPUTTU 0 Vanthinibha Chinaiah Endunaidu TWATWA HIGH SCHOOL 48 17 MUNCHINGPUTTU MUNCHINGPUTTU 0 Somareddi Venkta Laxmi Ramana CACA HIGH SCHOOL 33 18 MUNCHINGPUTTU MUNCHINGPUTTU 0 Kurthadi Vasantha Rao Ajjanna Late GOVT HIGH SCHOOL 50 19 MUNCHINGPUTTU KILAGADA 0 Korra Neelakantam Sankarnna CAHIGH SCHOOL 30 20 MUNCHINGPUTTU MUNCHINGPUTTU 0 Jayanthi Suryanarayana Murthy Sriramamurthy CA HIGH SCHOOL 55 21 MUNCHINGPUTTU MUNCHINGPUTTU BOYS 0 Patuni Nageswara Rao Pandanna CAHIGH SCHOOL 32 22 MUNCHINGPUTTU MUNCHINGPUTTU BOYS 0 Sarabha Gangadharam Karrana TWA HIGH SCHOOL 47 23 MUNCHINGPUTTU MUNCHINGPUTTU 0 Korra Ravikumar Ramamurthy TWA HIGH SCHOOL 27 24 MUNCHINGPUTTU MUNCHINPGUTTU BOY 1-4 Samareddy Modakonda Sachadi TWA HIGH SCHOOL 52 25 MUNCHINGPUTTU MUNCHINGPUTTU 1-24 Kilda Simhachalam Chitakanna CAHIGH SCHOOL 31 26 MUNCHINGPUTTU MUNCHINGPUTTUC 1-37 Gamparai Mohana Rao Pentanna TWHIGH SCHOOL 48 27 MUNCHINGPUTTU MUNCHINGPUTTU Mandal : MUNCHINGIPUTTU Village: Panasa 0 Kuda Bhaskara Rao Kannayya GOVT HIGH SCHOOL 29 28 PANASA KILAGADA Mandal : MUNCHINGIPUTTU Village: Peda guda 2of 332 Draft Electoral Roll of Srikakulam-Vizianagaram-Visakhapatnam Teachers Constituency of the A.P Legislative Council as published on 15-12-2012 Polling Station Number : ( 74 ) Munchingputtu District: Visakhapatnam - 03 Inter Second Year Bi.PC Class Room School Complex Munchingputtu Sl.No. House address Full Name of the Name of father/ mother / Name of educational Age (Place of ordinary elector husband institution, if any, in residence) which he is teaching (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Mandal : MUNCHINGIPUTTU Village: Peda guda 0 Tamarbha Bhaskara Rao Narayana GOVT HIGH SCHOOL 33 29 PEDAGUDA KILAGADA Mandal : MUNCHINGIPUTTU Village: Sujanakota 1-45 Kondaseema Radhakrishna Rajayya GOVT HIGH SCHOOL 31 30 SUJANAKOTA KILAGADA 3of 332 Draft Electoral Roll of Srikakulam-Vizianagaram-Visakhapatnam Teachers Constituency of the A.P Legislative Council as published on 15-12-2012 Polling Station Number : ( 75 ) Pedabayalu District: Visakhapatnam - 03 6th Class room Z.P.High Schol, Pedabayalu Sl.No. House address Full Name of the Name of father/ mother / Name of educational Age (Place of ordinary elector husband institution, if any, in residence) which he is teaching (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Mandal : PEDABAYALU Village: Arada kota 0 Kuda Janakirama Rao Bodanna GOVT HIGH SCHOOL 41 1 ARADAKOTA PEDABAYALU KILAGADA Mandal : PEDABAYALU Village: Boddaputtu 0 Jamparangi Poul Lakshmanna ZP HIGH SCHOOL 31 2 TAMARA VEEDHI BONDAPUTTU PEDABAYALU 0 Palasi Thirupathirao Chinnayya ZP HIGH SCHOOL 34 3 TAMARA VEEDHI BONDAPALLI PEDABAYALU Mandal : PEDABAYALU Village: Gamparai 0 Pangi Pallavi Kamayya TWA HIGH SCHOOL 25 4 GAMPARAI PEDABAYALU Mandal : PEDABAYALU Village: Kimudu palle 0 Koda Krishnamurthy Bodiyadora GOVT HIGH SCHOOL 38 5 KIMUDUPALLI PEDABAYALU KILAGADA Mandal : PEDABAYALU Village: Laxmipeta 0 Kakara Kesava Rao Chinayya TWA UP SCHOOL 33 6 LAXMIPETA PEDABAYALU MUNCHINGPUTTU Mandal : PEDABAYALU Village: Parreda 0 Cheepuru Nagaraju Ramanaidu TWA UP HIGH SCHOOL G 36 7 PARREDA PEDABAYALU MADUGULA Mandal : PEDABAYALU Village: Peda konda palle 0 Koda Chittibabu Lakshmaiah TWA HIGH SCHOOL 35 8 PEDAKODAPALLI PEDABAYALU ARADAKOTA Mandal : PEDABAYALU Village: Pedabayalu 0 Marrichettu Apparao Devinaidhu TWA HIGH SCHOOL 47 9 PEDABAYALU ARADAKOTA 0 Maga Apparao Damodaram CA HIGH SCHOOL 55 10 PEDABAYALU MUNCHINGPUTTU 0 Vechangi Dalapathi Sanyasayya GOVT HIGH SCHOOL 35 11 OPARDANAPUTTU PEDABAYAL DUMBRIGUD 0 Koda Parasuram Bojjaiah GOVT HIGH SCHOOL 39 12 LAKEYPUTTU PEDABAYALU KILAGADA 4of 332 Draft Electoral Roll of Srikakulam-Vizianagaram-Visakhapatnam Teachers Constituency of the A.P Legislative Council as published on 15-12-2012 Polling Station Number : ( 75 ) Pedabayalu District: Visakhapatnam - 03 6th Class room Z.P.High Schol, Pedabayalu Sl.No. House address Full Name of the Name of father/ mother / Name of educational Age (Place of ordinary elector husband institution, if any, in residence) which he is teaching (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Mandal : PEDABAYALU Village: Pedabayalu 0 Porapu Baburao Appanna ZP HIGH SCHOOL 38 13 VANABHASINGI PEDABAYALU 0 Lake Kondababu Veerannadora ZP HIGH SCHOOL 36 14 PEDABAYALU PEDABAYALU 0 Chittapuli Rajeswarai Bangarayya TWA HIGH SCHOOL 36 15 PEDABAYALU PEDABAYALU Mandal : PEDABAYALU Village: Rudagomangi 0 Tangula Lingeswararao Balanna TWA HIGH SCHOOL 39 16 RUDAGOMANGI PEDABAYALU SUKURU Mandal : PEDABAYALU Village: Seekari 0 Seekari Seshagiri Rao Neelayadora ZP HIGH SCHOOL 36 17 SEEKARI PEDABAYALU 0 Katari Ramababu Bangaru Naidu TWA HIGH SCHOOL 50 18 SEEKARI SEEKARI 0 Konta Chandramohan Appanna TWA HIGH SCHOOL 26 19 SEEKARI SEEKAR 0 Lake Neelakanteswarrao Londayya TWA HIGH SCHOOL 37 20 SEEKARI SEEKARI 0 Pujari Srirammurthy Sunkra TWA HIGH SCHOOL 36 21 SEEKARI SEEKARI 0 Nikkula Thirupathirao Ramanna TWA HIGH SCHOOL 45 22 SEEKARI SEEKARI 0 Mukki Madhava Rao Gundanna TWA HIGH SCHOOL 26 23 SEEKARI SEEKARI 0 Jamparangi Ramachandra Ramanna TWA HIGH SCHOOL 48 24 SEEKARI Sekhar SEEKARI 0 Marrichettu Bonjunaidhu TWA HIGH SCHOOL 32 25 SEEKARI Venkateswaralunaidu SEEKARI 0 Thangula Subbarao Saithan TWA HIGHSCHOOL 28 26 SEEKARI SEEKAR Mandal : PEDABAYALU Village: Seethagunta 0 Kimankari Nagaraju Dappanna GOVT HIGH SCHOOL 32 27 SEETHAGUNTA PEDABAYALU KILAGADA 5of 332 Draft Electoral Roll of Srikakulam-Vizianagaram-Visakhapatnam Teachers Constituency of the A.P Legislative Council as published on 15-12-2012 Polling Station Number : ( 75 ) Pedabayalu District: Visakhapatnam - 03 6th Class room Z.P.High Schol, Pedabayalu Sl.No. House address Full Name of the Name of father/ mother / Name of educational Age (Place of ordinary elector husband institution, if any, in residence) which he is teaching (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Mandal : PEDABAYALU Village: Vanabarangi 0 Paltasingi Premavathi Koteswara Rao TWA HIGH SCHOOL 42 28 VANABHASINGI PEDBAYALU 6of 332 Draft Electoral Roll of Srikakulam-Vizianagaram-Visakhapatnam Teachers Constituency of the A.P Legislative Council as published on 15-12-2012 Polling Station Number : ( 76 ) Hukumpeta District: Visakhapatnam - 03 Room No.20 Govt High School , Hukumpeta Sl.No. House address Full Name of the Name of father/ mother / Name of educational Age (Place of ordinary elector husband institution, if any, in residence) which he is teaching (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Mandal : HUKUMPETA Village: Addumanda 0 Tarmangi Ramesh Kondabau GOVT.HIGH SCHOOL, 32 1 ADDUMANDA ARAKU Mandal : HUKUMPETA Village: Bakuru 00 Paati Balayya Lakshmayya CAH 51 2 Y BAKURU SCHOOL,HUKUMPETA Y BAKURU 00 Dusuru Pradeep Chandra Balanna TWAUP 35 3 BAKURU SCHOOL,MERAKACHINTA 0 Vengada Bairagi Majji Jagannadha Majji TWAH SCHOOL, SEEKARI 48 4 BAKURU 00 Vengada Mahadev Majji Jagandham Majji CAH SCHOOL BAKURU 54 5 GORRELAKUDDA GORRELAKUDDA Mandal : HUKUMPETA Village: Beeram 0 Boyapalli Simhachalam Pandanna GH SCHOOL KILLOGUDA 34 6 BHEERAM 6-184 Ubbeti Krishna Rao Lakshmayya TWAGH SCHOOL, 48 7 BHEERAM G.BODDAPUTTU 82 Ganjayi Ravi Prasad Chinnayya ZPH SCHOOL, G.KODURU 28 8 BHEERAM Mandal : HUKUMPETA Village: Boddaputtu 0 Tuburu China Kondababu Bodayya TWAH SCHOOL, 46
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