Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University 2021-2022 Block 4 Schedule ECC Approved 06.23.2021 (Updated 07.12.2021) Required attendance sessions are highlighted in red. INDIVIDUAL COURSE SYLLABI TAKE PRECEDENCE OF THIS SCHEDULE FOR ATTENDANCE POLICIES. STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR BEING AWARE OF AND ADHERING TO ALL SYLLABUS-LISTED POLICIES. Students are expected to be available 8:00 am-5:00 pm, Monday through Friday The schedule is subject to change in the event of emergencies Ignore room numbers listed on virtual sessions Yellow highlights indicate Path lab sessions which are splitting with certain Psych sessions Block 4 – Week 1 ver 14 07/12/2021 SYST 9100 HEMATOLOGY AND RENAL Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 08-02-21 08-03-21 08-04-21 08-05-21 08-06-21 8:00 8:00-8:50 2S04 8:00-8:50 2S04 8:00-8:50 2S04 8:00-8:50 2S04 CLINAPP 1 PATH 3 CLINAPP 2 PATH 7 Block 4 Intro; Clinical Hematology Hematology Hematology 8:30 Reasoning RBC: Anemia - Anemia CASES WBC: Lymphomas Destruction 2 9:00 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 PATH 1 PATH 4 PATH 5 CLINAPP 3 ORIENTATION Hematology Hematology Hematology Hematology 9:30 RBC: Hematopoiesis; RBC: Anemia - Production WBC: Overview; Tools for White Cell Disorders Hemoglobin; Tools for Deficits Diagnosis; Reactive WBC CASES evaluation Proliferation 10:00 10:00-10:50 2S04 10:00-11:30 10:00-10:50 2S04 10:00-10:50 2S04 PATH 2 Ethics 9 PATH 6 PATH 8 Hematology 2S04, 2E100 Hematology Hematology RBC: Anemia - WBC: Hematology WBC: Myeloproliferative 10:30 Destruction 1 Neoplasms Overview; and Myelodysplastic Leukemia Disease; Plasma cell Disease 11:00 11:00-11:50 2S04 11:00-12:20 2S04 11:00-11:50 2S04 Psych 1 FoD2 2 Psych 2 11:50-12:40 2S04 Overview Value-Based Care Flipped Classroom. 11:30 Step 1 Prep Psychodynamic Model 12:00 LUNCH 12:30 LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH 1:00 1:30 1:30-2:50 2S04 FoD2 1 2:00 Intro to Course 1:30-2:20 Webex M2 Town Hall 2:00-5:00 2:30 Medical Student Scholarship Forum IS IS 3:00 3:30 INDEPENDENT STUDY IS 4:00 (IS) 4:30 Block 4 – Week 2 ver 14 07/12/2021 SYST 9100 HEMATOLOGY AND RENAL Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 08-09-21 08-10-21 08-11-21 08-12-21 08-13-21 8:00 8:00-8:50 TC 8:00-9:50 TC 8:00-8:50 2S04 8:00-8:50 2S04 8:00-8:50 2S04 QUIZ 1 PATH 11 PHARM 2 CLINAPP 4 CLINAPP 7 Hematology Anti-Coagulants – Hematology Renal 8:30 Hemostasis/Thrombosis: Reversal Agents Platelet Disorders Overview Thrombosing 9:00 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 PATH 9 PHARM 1 PATH 12 CLINAPP 5 PATH 14 Hematology Anti-Coagulants Hematology Hematology Hematology 9:30 Hemostasis/Thrombosis Thymus, Histiocytosis, Coagulation Transfusion Medicine CASES 10:00 10:00-10:50 2S04 10:00-11:20 2S04 10:00-11:30 10:00-10:50 2S04 10:00-10:50 2S04 PATH 10 Psych 4 Ethics 10 CLINAPP 6 (+ PATH) PATH 15 Hematology 2S04, 2L55, 2N55, 2N57, Hematology Hematology 10:30 Hemostasis/Thrombosis: Definitions/Classifications 2E69, 2S11, 2S13 PI Cases 1 Transfusion Medicine Bleeding 11:00 11:00-11:50 2S04 11:00-11:50 2S04 Psych 3 Psych 5 11:30-1:00 2S04 11:40-12:30 Flipped Classroom. Match 102 PATH 13 11:30 Cognitive & Behavioral The Psychiatric Interview Hematology Model2 RBC/ WBC/ Hemostasis & 12:00 Thrombosis Laboratory LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH 12:30 LUNCH 1:00 1:00-4:00 LUNCH 1:00-3:00 2W Rooms Autopsy 1 1:30-2:50 1:30-2:20 1:30 Group A Student Organizations FoD2 3 FoD2 5 Fair (Tentative) 2:00 EKGs Lecture #1 2:30 2:30-4:00 IS FoD2 6 3:00-4:20 3:00 IS PBL 1 Case 1A FoD2 4 Small Groups 3:30 Cardiac Auscultation IS 4:00 4:30 Block 4 – Week 3 ver 14 07/12/2021 SYST 9100 HEMATOLOGY AND RENAL Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 08-16-21 08-17-21 08-18-21 08-19-21 08-20-21 8:00-8:50 TC 8:00-8:50 2S04 8:00-8:50 2S04 8:00-8:50 2S04 8:00-8:50 2S04 8:00 QUIZ 2 CLINAPP 8 CLINAPP 9 CLINAPP 13 CLINAPP 15 Renal Renal Renal Renal 8:30 Diagnostic Approaches Fluids & Electrolytes Glomerular Acute Disease 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00 PATH 16 PATH 18 CLINAPP 10 CLINAPP 14 CLINAPP 16 Renal Renal Renal Renal Renal 9:30 Evaluation of Renal Glomerular Disease - Acid Base Non‐Glomerular Chronic Disease Disease Nephrotic Disease 10:00-11:20 2S04 10:00-10:50 2S04 10:00-11:30 10:00-10:50 2S04 10:00-10:50 2S04 10:00 Psych 6 PATH 19 Ethics 11 PATH 20 PHARM 3 Renal 2S04, 2L55, 2N55, 2N57, Renal Diuretics 10:30 Flipped Classroom. Glomerular Disease – 2E69, 2S11, 2S13 RPGN & Systemic Mental Status Exam Nephritic Disease Disease Affecting Kidneys 11:00-11:50 2S04 11:00-11:50 2S04 11:00-12:20 2S04 11:00 Psych 7 PATH 21 Psych 8 11:30-12:20 2S04 11:40-12:30 2S04 Renal 11:30 PATH 17 Testing and Rating Scales CLINAPP 11 Tubulointerstitial Disease Neurocognitive Disorders Renal Renal Histology and Urinary Tract Infection 12:00 Mechanisms of Renal LUNCH LUNCH Disease 12:30 12:30-1:20 LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH FoD2 1:00 Career & Academic Small Groups 1:30-4:30 1:30-4:30 2S04 1:30-3:00 2S04 1:30-4:30 1:30 Autopsy 2 FoD2 7 CLINAPP 12 FoD2 8 2:00 Group B Clinical Conference and Heme/Renal PBL 2 Case 1B/2A PDR PI Cases 2 Small Groups 2:30 3:00 IS IS 3:30 - 5:00 3:30 Autopsy Slide IS 4:00 Review 1 Group A 4:30 Block 4 – Week 4 ver 14 07/12/2021 SYST 9100 HEMATOLOGY AND RENAL Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 08-23-21 08-24-21 08-25-21 08-26-21 08-27-21 8:00-8:50 2S04 8:00-8:50 2S04 8:00-9:30 2S04 8:00 PHARM 4 PATH 24 CLINAPP 17 Diuretics Renal Renal 8:30 Hypertension, Renal PI Cases 3 Vascular Disease 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00 PATH 229/8 PATH 25 Renal 9:30-1:30 TC Urolithiasis; EXAM 1 9:30 Renal Hydronephrosis; Cysts & Neoplasms Transplant Disease 10:00-10:50 2S04 10:00-11:20 2S04 10:00-11:30 10:00 PATH 23 Psych 10 Ethics 12 Renal 2S04 10:30 Urinary Tract: Ureter, Bipolar and Related Student Presentations Bladder, Urethra Disorders 11:00-12:20 2S04 11:00 Psych 9 11:30-12:20 11:40-1:00 11:30 Schizophrenia Spectrum PATH 26 Ethics 12 IS Renal 2S04 12:00 & Other Psychotic Disorders Laboratory Student Presentations 12:30 LUNCH LUNCH 1:00-5:00 (or 12:30-5:00) 1:00 CLINAPP 18 1:30-4:30 1:30-4:30 2S04 1:30 Renal/Cardio Autopsy 3 FoD2 9 SimLab 1 2:00 Group C Clinical Conference and 40 min per student PDR 2:30 3:00 IS 3:30 4:00 4:30 Block 4 – Week 5 ver 14 07/12/2021 SYST 9200 – CARDIOPULMONARY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 08-30-21 08-31-21 09-01-21 09-02-21 09-03-21 8:00 8:00-8:50 2S04 8:00-8:50 2S04 8:00-8:50 2S04 8:00-8:50 2S04 8:00-8:50 TC PATH 27 PATH 29 PHARM 8 PATH 32 QUIZ 3 Cardiology Cardiology Cardiopulmonary Cardiology VD: Arterio- and Atherosclerosis and Lipids Hypertension Valvular Heart Disease 8:30 Arteriolosclerosis, Dissection, Connective Tissue Disease, Aneurysm; Hypertension 9:00 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 PATH 28 PHARM 6 PATH 30 CLINAPP 20 CLINAPP 22 Cardiology Cardiology Cardiology Cardiology Cardiology 9:30 BVD: Vasculitis Hypertension Coronary Artery Disease Coronary Artery Heart Valve & Myocardial Infarct Disease 10:00 10:00-10:50 2S04 10:00-10:50 2S04 10:00-11:30 10:00-10:50 2S04 10:00-10:50 2S04 PHARM 5 PHARM 7 Ethics 13 CLINAPP 21 PATH 34 Cardiology Cardiology 2W38, 2W40A, 2W40B, Cardiology Cardiology 10:30 Hypertension Hypertension 2W50 Cardiomyopathies Heart Failure, Cardiac Neoplasms, Pericardial Disease 11:00 11:00-11:50 2S04 11:00-11:50 2S04 11:00-11:50 2S04 11:00-11:50 2S04 Psych 11 CLINAPP 19 11:40-12:30 2S04 PATH 33 Psych 12 11:30 Cardiology PATH 31 Cardiology Depressive Disorders Hypertension Cardiology Laboratory 1 Live Patient Noon-1:00 12:00 Myocarditis; LUNCH LUNCH Cardiomyopathies Fireside Chat 1 12:30 12:40-1:30 LUNCH SYST 9100 1:00-4:00 LUNCH 1:00 Autopsy 4 FEEDBACK IS Group D SESSION 1:30 IS 1:30-4:30 1:30-3:00 1:30-4:30 1:30-2:30 TC 2:00 FoD2 10 Autopsy Slide Review 2 FoD2 11 SECURE REVIEW Clinical Conference and Group B PBL 3 Case 2B/3A 2:30 PDR Small Groups 3:00 Review 3:30 EKG Info 3:30 - 5:00 from 08-10 4:00 Autopsy Slide Review 3 IS Group C 4:30 Block 4 – Week 6 ver 14 07/12/2021 SYST 9200 – CARDIOPULMONARY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 09-06-21 09-07-21 09-08-21 09-09-21 09-10-21 8:00 8:00-8:50 2S04 8:00-8:50 2S04 8:00-8:50 2S04 8:00-8:50 2S04 PHARM 9 PHARM 11 CLINAPP 24 PHARM 14 Cardiology Cardiology Cardiology Cardiology 8:30 Cardiac Ischemia-Angina Congestive Heart Failure EKG/Arrhythmias Anti-Arrhythmics 9:00 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 9:00-9:50 2S04 PHARM 10 PHARM 12 PHARM 13 PHARM 15 9:30 Cardiology Cardiology Cardiology Cardiology Cardiac Ischemia-Infarct Congestive Heart Failure Anti-Arrhythmics Anti-Arrhythmics 10:00 10:00-10:50 10:00-11:30 10:00-11:20 2S04 10:00:10:50 Psych 13A Ethics 14 CLINAPP 25 Psych 15A Standardized Patient 2S04, 2L55, 2N55, 2N57, Cardiology Standardized Patient 2N53, 2N55, 2N57, 2N76, 2E69, 2S11, 2S13 PI Cases 4 2N53, 2N55, 2N57, 2N76, 10:30 2E69, 4E65, 4E104 2E69, 4E65, 4E104 PATH 35A PATH 36A Cardiology Cardiology CHD; Heart Sounds Laboratory 2A 11:00 11:00-11:50 11:00-11:50 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY Psych 13B 11:40-12:30 2S04 Psych 15B Standardized Patient Psych 14 Standardized Patient 2N53, 2N55, 2N57, 2N76, 2N53, 2N55, 2N57, 2N76, 11:30 2E69, 4E65, 4E104 Anxiety Disorders 2E69, 4E65, 4E104 PATH 35B PATH 36B Cardiology Cardiology CHD; Heart Sounds Laboratory 2B 12:00 LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH 12:30 LUNCH 12:30-5:00 1:00 CLINAPP 23 SimLab 2 1:30 1:30-4:30 40 min per student 1:30-4:30 2:00 FoD2 12 FoD2 13 Clinical Conference and PBL 4 Case 3B/4A 2:30 PDR Small Groups IS 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 Block 4 – Week 7 ver 14 07/12/2021 SYST 9200 – CARDIOPULMONARY Monday Tuesday Wednesday
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