2 THE CATHOLIC BULLETIN, MARCH 1, 1913. perior General of the Sisters of the Last Act of Japanese Emperor.;— Parliament. The Poles, the Center Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, ac­ The Rev. Joseph Dahlmann, S. J., who and the Socialists combined to carry a .JZ : f*>> companied by the general secretary is engaged la educational and mis­ resolution of disapproval against this of the Order, Mother Mary Ludger, is sionary work in Japan, writing to reply, by a vote of 213 to 97. THE HOUSE THAT "QUALITY" BUILT .THE CHURCH iN TOISTANOCTMERLANDJ,at present visiting the houses of her friends in the United States says that Congregation in the Province of Ore­ the last public function at which the Ancient Coins Unearthed.—Whilst W S gon, where she will spend three and late emperor Mutsuhito assisted was w> digging in his garden recently a vine a half months. the conferring of honors of scholarship grower of Marmery, in the Depart­ ''' - * ' ''' awarded to a Catholic student whose ment of Marne, France, turned up a thesis was drawn from the philosophy beautiful granite'vase the contents of NEW WORLD ITEMS. the St. Joseph's Academy was OLD WORLD NEWS. of St Augustine. which gave out a metallic ring. Hav­ destroyed by fire Tuesday morning of ing cleared the mouth, out rolled a last week. The gross loss will reach Oregon Priest With China's Lepers. number of gold pieces, silver doub­ Italian Catholics Act.—The Catholic Denver Priests Organize.—In view of probably $7,500, with only' $2,500 in­ —A letter from Father Conrardy to loons and copper coins to the number '4 organizations of Italy are busily en­ the fact that the new Mothers' Pen­ surance. the Catholic Sentinel of Portland, of eighteen gold, eighty silver and sion Act of Colorado, provides that gaged at present in making prepara­ ., £ * Jif Oregon, makes known that the vener­ twenty-two bronze. The archeological ifvv' •** . - '* tions for the coming elections. They if Mi the Catholic children declared depend­ Cardinal Gibbons on Temperance able missionary is about to see ful­ society of Champagne immediately have decided to insist upon all parlia­ ent by the courts and sent to the State Instruction.—In a recent letter to the filled one of the great desires of his recognized the wonderful value of the mentary candidates who desire the \ ^ -v e ' v * Home may be adopted into families of Anti-Saloon League of Baltimore, Car­ life. The lepers of the Province of treasure. Among the coins some bear l-JJV „ support of Catholics signing a docu­ 46 means, or into families without suffi­ dinal Gibbons says: "I believe that, Canton are to be given into his care the effigy of Charles VIII, 1484; Louis 1< (W-fV® ' 'fk M V « ,*f 1 ' s |il ment in which they promise to refrain I a L H cient means to care for them, if other­ for their own protection, children to the number of about 1,000. He has XII, 1500; Francis I, 1515; Francis II, wise satisfactory, the State helping to from attacking the religious orders and * }• • ik-' . ' ' i should be taught the scientific facts now for some years devoted his life Charles IX, Ferdinand and Isabella of & q from supporting any measures hostile > £ * i v-*'? 1 maintain them, or committed to the respecting alcohol upon the human to such of the lepers as he could ac­ Spain, Charles I of Spain, Charles V to Catholic interests. It is probable v U R 1 asylum, the State then not being system and I heartily approve, as commodate on St. Joseph's Island, and many others, including some of ^ . *•> & t x T * • P i' that Catholics will take a more active obliged to give them any aid, the something tending to make such in­ which he purchased near Canton for Henry VIII and Edward VI of Eng­ * 51 m ** f • • h part in the approaching election than priests of Denver held a meeting a few struction more vital, the offer of his mission. land, and Emmanuel and John III of | -•< ' x; days ago and formed a Home-finding prizes on a large scale throughout the in any that has occurred since 1870. Portugal. $ * r n h m m m "r I' I * 1 R'.: | Association to look after the interests schools of Baltimore for the best es­ The principle of the "Non expedit," Catholic's Gift to Edinburg.- however, still remains intact. m of Catholic children. The committee says upon this subject written by chil­ Percy Fitzgerald, friend of Dickens Irish University Board Members.— ^ ^ •' *45* - ^ ^ *0 cil Jj will hold monthly meetings. dren in grades where such instruction and of so many other distinguished The Most Reverend Bishop Foley of is given." Persecution in Portugal.—Indigna­ nineteenth century writers, artistes Kildare and the Reverend William tion has been aroused in Spain by the Toronto's Scripture Endowment.— and great men, has offered the Scot­ Crawford are among the members of v ~--re Archbishop Neil McNeil, of Toronto, K. of C. Lecture 8eries.—A com­ publication of a royal decree ordering tish Capital a statue of Thomas Car- the newly appointed governing body all students belonging to religious or­ •A*---* >,X^,WW<W*wW»»WI»WtHP'i'Jlllll«lu oyyywrt asked his priests to contribute out of mittee representing Brownson, DeSoto lyle, provided the Municipality pro­ of University College, Dublin. their own incomes $20,000 for the en­ and Ravenswood Councils, Knights of ders to perform military service. Such cures a suitable site*. The statue is Bishop O'Callaghan of Cork was re­ It has, and always shall be our aim dowing of the Chair of Holy Scripture Columb.us, of Chicago, has made all a law is in existence, but it has never from the chisel of Mr. Fitzgerald him­ cently appointed to the new governing previously been enforced. The decree That quality and service forever reign. in his new Seminary, and in his Pas­ arrangements for a series of lectures self, and is in bronze standing six feet body of University College, Cork. toral says the greater part of that dealing with the vital problems of the is a sufficient indication of the policy in height from the pedestal. It is a An aim that has pleased and proven every claim to be pursued by Premier Romanones. amount is already subscribed. day. The course which began Feb­ characteristic impression of the Irish Bishops on Temperance.—In That quality and service follow our name. ruary 23 in the St. Alphonsus morose Chelsea Sage. his Lenten pastoral the Archbishop of A Hard Blow at Divorce.—Excom­ Athenaeum will continue until April Psychologist Defends Catholic Prin­ Tuam remarks that there has been a We carry nothing but the highest grade line of munication for any Catholic in his 23. ciples.—The celebrated Dr. F. W. Welsh Disestablishment.—Mr. Lloyd- steady and general improvement in the Plumbing Fixtures,. Heating and Steam Specialties, in­ Foerster, special lecturer in Ethics and diocese who wilfully and culpably at­ George succeeded in getting the Welsh matter of temperance, especially in Psychology at the University of Zurich, cluding the popular tends the marriage of a divorced per­ St. Vincent de Paul, Philadelphia. Disestablishment Bill put through the the West. Most Rev. Dr. Gaughran, a son whose divorced partner is still —The reports of the forty-five confer­ non-Catholic scientist, says that in Commons by a sweeping majority. He Bishop of Meath, says strong preju­ education it is the Catholic ideals B. O. T. CLOSET COMBINATIONS alive, is the decree announced by ences of the Society of St. Vincent de had the hearty support of the Irish dices against total abstinence are fast which are true to sound psychology. Archbishop John B. Pitaval of Santa Paul in the Archdiocese of Philadel­ party as well as the labor party. disappearing and the cause of tem­ We also have the exclusive sale of Ideal Fe, New Mexico, in a Lenten pastoral. phia for the quarter ending December perance is making progress. Most Dioceses Organize for Centenary.— 31, showed that 672 families had re­ Glasgow Catholic Institute.—Ar­ Rev. Dr. O'Neill, Bishop of Kilmore, Boilers in the Northwest. Gift to Helena Parish.—A statue of ceived relief in the form of provisions, Committees have been formed in the rangements have been made for estab­ says that the temperance movement dioceses of France, Spain, Italy, China, St. Ann with the Blessed Virgin was clothing, coal, etc.; 3,818 visits were lishing an economic library, in con­ has stirred the heart of the country, Turkey, Africa, Asia, Austria, and Hun­ recently ordered from the Giuliani Sta­ made. The total moneys received nection with the Glasgow Catholic and that its prospects of permanent promote the celebration of the CENTRAL SUPPLY COMPANY tuary Company of St. Paul for the amounted to $10,549.55, and the ex­ gary, to Institute. The main purpose of the success are becoming more hopeful Constantinian Peace of the Church. "THE QUALITY HOUSE" parish of SS. Cyril and Methodius in penditures to $10,630.50. library will be to afford those who are every day. Manufacturers and Dealers Bast Helena. The people making the interested in the study of economics Columns Erected by Constantlne.— gift reside in Montana but wish to Prelate Assails Modern Dances.— an opportunity for consulting the best Bequests to Charity in Ireland.— Plumbing, Heating, Engineers, Gas, Water and Mill Supplies Two marble columns with Ionic remain unknown. A direct appeal was made recently to works on the subject. Irish charities benefit largely by the capitals, which were discovered in 312-314-316 Third Street South Minneapolis, Minn.
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