INDEX. Aberdeenshire, Dykes, 323 Analyses: continued. Aberdour, 247, 248, 342 Dolerite, Braefoot Plantation, Fife, Abernethy Forest, 286 362 ALEXANDER, M. F., and F. WALKER, Hypersthene-quartz, Balgay The Problem of the Quartz- Hill, Dundee, 66 dolerites, 180 Quartz, Hound Point, Dal­ Alkali-syenites, 366 meny, 84, 85 Alpine Structure, 173 North Queensferry, 85 Analyses : first publication of :— Prestonhill Quarry, In- Andesite, Hypersthene-augite, verkeithing, 86 Dundee, 66 Dolerite-pegmatite, chloritised, Ash, Point Garry, North Berwick, Braefoot Pier, Fife, 356 337 Chlorophaeite, Braefoot Pier, Banakite, Quartz, Bangly Quarry, 356 Haddington, 257 Essexite, Craigleith, 265 Basalt, Binny Craig, 78 Hone Stones, Ratho, 123 Braefoot Bay, Fife, 349 Jasper, Dirleton Craigs, 384 Car Double Vent, Seacliff, Eel Burn, North Berwick, 384 East Lothian, 232 Mutton Hole, 384 (Markle type), Carlekemp, Limestones, Carcraig, 243 North Berwick, 119 Matrix of Pseudo-breccia, North of (Monchiquitic), Cheese Bay, Skid Hill, 384 Gullane, 265 Microsyenite, Dalgety Bay, Fife, (Craiglockhart type), Craig- 368 dimas, 246 Mugearite, Longskelly Rocks, East Dalgety Bay, Fife, 365 Lothian, 381 (Ocellar), Dalgety Bay, Fife, North Berwick Pier, 266 365 Phonolite, Bass Rock, 235 (Altered), near Eel Burn, North Berwick Law, 235 North Berwick, 119 Traprain Law, 235 Fidra Island, 265 Picrite, Inchcolm, 236 Lamb Island, 265 Pkgiophyre, Ninewells, Dundee, 66 Longskelly Point, North Ber­ Porphyrite, Augite, Craigie, Dundee, wick, 381 66 Primrose Bank, Seaeliff, East The Law, Dundee, 66 Lothian, 232 Oligoclase-biotite, Ninewells, St Baldred's Cradle, Whit- Dundee, 66 berry Point, 232 Quartzite, Braefoot Bay, Fife, 248 Seacliff Quarry, East Lothian, Hound Point, Dalmeny, 84 232 Sandstone, North of Traprain Law, Taking Head (Great Intrusion 340 at), North Berwick, 51 Ravelston, 104 Taking Head (Secondary In­ Sandstone Xenoliths, Point Garry, trusion at), 51 North Berwick, 337 Yellow Craig, North Berwick, Traprain Law, 254, 340 265 Shale Xenolith, Traprain Law, 254 Yellow Craig Plantation, 381 Teschenite, Braefoot Promontory, Basanite, Nepheline, Partan Craig, Fife, 354 North Berwick, 89 Carcraig, 241 Coal, Portobello, 318 Frances Craig, 262 391 392 EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Analyses: continued. CADELL, H.M., The Hypothesis of Teschenite, Links Quarry, Gullane, Continental Drift, 171 265 Caledonian Movement, 198 Point Garry, North Berwick, CAMPBELL, R., T. C. DAY, and A. G. 193, 336 STENHOUSE, Braefoot Outer Sill, 342 Ravensheugh, 262 and J. W. LUNN, On Chloro- Hornblende, Braefoot Bay, phgeite, 178 Fife, 370 CAMPBELL, R., John Home and his Trachybasalt, Bangly Quarry, Had­ Contributions to Geological Science, dington, 257 267 Trachyte, Dirleton Craigs, 266 Occurrence of " Carnethy Por­ Eyebroughy Scar, 266 phyry " at Blackford Hill, 387 Peppercraig, Haddington, 266 240, 250 Skid Hill, Garleton Hills, 266 Ganis lupus, 319 Water of Ayr Stone, Stair, 123 Canty Bay, 214 White Trap, Dalmeny, 192 Car, The, 216, 220, 223, 224 Granton, 192, 194 Garbonicola, 387 Point Garry, North Berwick, Carboniferous Stratigraphy of Scot­ 193 land, 280 Weak Law, 192, 194 Carcraig, 236 Anthracomya Phillipsi, 386 Celestine, 216 Arctic Ocean, 207 Channel Tunnel, 303 Ardnamurchan, 175 Charles Hill, 245 Ardsheal Hill, 170 Cheese Bay, 263 Ayrshire, 284, 329 Chlorophaeite, 178, 204, 206, 239 COCKBURN, A. M., and J. MATHIESON, BAILEY, E. B., and T. C. DAY, Bombs St Kilda, 287 of Nepheline Basanite in the Partan and F. WALKER^ Note on the Craig Vent, North Berwick, 87 Igneous Geology of ^Ardsheal Hill, BAILEY, E. B., James Hutton, 183 Kentallen, 170 Ring Dykes, 176 COCKBURN, A. M., Some Geological Across Canada with Princeton, Notes on the Volcanoes of Hawaii, 281 182 243 COLLET, LEON W., Alpine Structure, BALSILLIE, D., 171 173 Bangly Quarry, 256 Continental Drift, 171 Barents Sea, 207 Corby Crags, 263 Barnhill Bay, 245, 247 Corroded Phenocrysts, 329 Bass Rock, 234 CRAIG, R. M., 387 Bellhouse Rocks, 245 Craigdimas, 245 Binny Craig, 74 Craigleith Island, 264 BISSET, C. B., Geological Notes on CUMMING, G. A., The Lower Lime­ North-east Land and Franz Josef stones and Associated Volcanic Land, 196 Rocks of a section of the Fifeshire Observations on Material from Coast, 124 the Sea-floor, Barents Sea and 387 Arctic Ocean, 207 BISSET, J. S., 171 Blackford Hill, 382 Dalgety Bay, 342 Black Sandstones, 90 Dahnahoy, 189, 206, 247 Bohemia, 179 DAY, T. CUTHBERT, and E. B. BAILEY, BOSWELL, P. G. H., 287 Bombs of Nepheline Basanite in the Braefoot Outer Sill, 248, 342 Partan Craig Vent, North Berwick, BREMNER, A., Further Problems in 87 the Glacial Geology of North- R. CAMPBELL, and A. G. STEN­ Eastern Scotland, 147 HOUSE, The Braefoot Outer SHI, 342 286 and A. G. STENHOUSE, Notes on Brickmaking, 195 the Inchcolm Anticline, 236 BUCHAN, S., Dykes in East Aberdeen­ and J. WHITECROSS, A Rhomb shire, 323 Porphyry Boulder found at Ox Bushveld Igneous Complex, 299 Road Bay, North Berwick, 174 INDEX. 393 DAY, T. CUTHBERT, An Igneous Dyke ECKFORD, R. J. A., and W. MANSON, in the Quartz Banakite of Bangly Note on a Section of Laminated Quarry, near Haddington, 256 Clay and Sand at Neidpath, Peebles, Chemical Analyses of Phonolites 141 from Traprain Law, the Bass Rock, Note on a Xenolith in and North Berwick Law, 234 Riebeckite-trachyte, Mid Eildon, Chemical Analyses of Quartz- Roxburghshire, 143 Dolerites and Segregation Veins at ENNOS, T. R., 234 Hound Point, North Queensferry, Excursions, 304, 389 and Inverkeithing, 80 EYLES, V. A., and A. G. MACGREGOR, Chemical Analyses of Thirteen Exhibition of Bohemian Geological Igneous Rocks of East Lothain, Maps and Rocks, 179 263 EYLES, V. A., 284 Chemical Analyses of White Trap from Dalmeny, Granton, Weak Law, Faroe Islands, 284 and North Berwick, 189 Fidra, 263 Large Sandstone Xenolith in the Fifeshire Coast, The Lower Lime­ Phonolite of Traprain Law, 338 stones and Associated Volcanic Metasomatism in Basalt near Rocks of a Section of, 124 Eel Burn, North Berwick, 117 FINLAY, T. M., A Tonsbergite Boulder Pseudo-breccias from Dirleton from the Boulder-clay of Shetland, Craigs, the Garleton Hills, and 180 Blackford Hill, 382 332 The Intrusive Rock of Frances FISHER, W., 387 Craig and the Teschenite of Ravens- FLETT, (Sir) J. S., Pelean Eruptions, heugh, 260 169 The Teschenite of Point Garry, Frances Craig, 260 334 Franz Josef Land, 196, 201, 207, 208 Two Large Xenoliths within the Phonolite of Traprain Law, 252 Garleton Hills, 264, 382 Volcanic Vents at Longskelly GEIKIE, Sir A., 213, 230, 242 Rocks and at Yellow Craig Planta­ Gin Head, 216 tion, 376 Glacial Geology of North-eastern Volcanic Vents on the Coast from Scotland, Further Problems in, 147 Tantallon Castle eastwards to Peffer Phenomena recently exposed at Sands, and at Whitberry Point, 177, Inverkeithing, 174 213 GLENNIE, F. M'L., On a Dolerite Dyke Dean Bridge, 293 in Rubislaw Quarry, Aberdeen, 180 Diatomaceous Deposits at Dalmahoy, GOODCHILD, J. G., 248 175 GORDON, W. T., 237 DICK, ALLAN B., Obituary Notice of, Granites of Scotland, The Heavier 165 Accessory Minerals in the, 22 On Needles of Rutile in the Test Granton, 189, 190, 192 of Balhysiphon Argenteus, 19 GRAY, J. R. LESLIE, Exhibition of Dirleton Craigs, 264, 382 Rock Specimens, etc., from Central Dolerite Dyke in Rubislaw Quarry, Norway, 170 Aberdeen, 180 Volcanoes and Glaciers of Ice­ DOUGAL, J. WILSON, Observations on land, 301 the Geology of Lewis, 12 GREENLY, E., Benjamin Neeve Peach: Downtonian, A Lava-flow at the Base A Study, 1 of the Kincardineshire, 69 GREGORY, J. W., 280 Dry Valley at Onich, Inverness-shire, Gullane, 263 114 GUNTER, A. E., 284 Dundee District, Extrusive Igneous Rocks of, 105 Haddington, 264 Intrusive Igneous Rocks of, 53 Hailes Quarry, 195 Duntulm, Skye, 321 HALDANE, D., Note on Glacial Phenomena recently exposed at Eastern Alps, 287 Inverkeithing, 174 East Lothian, Igneous Rocks of, Hallcraig, 236 263 HARKER, A., 240 394 EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. HARRIS, J. W., Notes on the Extrusive MACKIE, W., The Heavy Minerals in Rocks of the Dundee District, 105 the Torridon Sandstones and Meta- The Intrusive Rocks of the morphic Rocks of Scotland, 181 Dundee District, 53 Magdala Crescent, 295 HART, R., The Soil Zones of Russia, MANSON, W., and R. J. A. ECKFORD, 305 Notes on a Section of Laminated Hawaii, Volcanoes of, 182 Clay and Sand at Neidpath, Haystack, 236, 246, 247, 342 Peebles, 141 HENDERSON, ELLEN B., and J. W. Note on a Xenolith in Rie- LTTNN, A Diatomaceous Deposit at beckite-trachyte, Mid Eildon, 143 Dalmahoy, 175 MANSON, W., 172, 303, 386 HOLMES, A. H., 281 MATHIESON, J., 287 Hone-stone Quarry near Ratho, 122 Meadulse, 237, 245, 247 HORNE, J., 267 Metasomatism in Basalt, 117 HUTCHISON, A. G., A Lava-flow at the Monchiquite, Fossiliferous, 171 base of the Kincardineshire Down- Mourne Mountains, 304 tonian, 69 Muirkirk, 300 HUTTON, The Father of Modern Murrayfield Bridge, 292 Geology, 183 Neidpath, 141 Iceland, 301 Nepheline-basanite in the Partan Inchcolm, 236 Craig Vent, 87 North Berwick, Teschenite of Point JEHU, T. J., Some Observations on Garry, 334 the Geology of South Africa, 297 189, 191, 214, 264 North Berwick Law, 234 Kelp, 303 North-east Land, 196 Kidlaw District, East Lothian, 111 Kolar Gold Field, 387 Oil, Origin of, 284 Oil Shale, 195, 290, 293 LATNG, D., and W. MANSON, Exhibi­ Olivine Sand, 321 tion of Mesozoic Fossils from the Onich, Inverness-shire, A Dry Valley Boulder-clay of Caithness, 172 at, 114 Lamb Island, 263 Ox Road Bay, 213 Lateritised Norite of Sierra Leone, 171 Lewis, 12 Palagonite, 203, 237, 242, 301 Lion's Haunch, 205 PEACH, B. N., 1 Listracanlhus Wardi, 303 Peffer Sands, 213, 227, 228 Little Craig, 246 Pelean Eruptions, 169 Long Craig, 342, 360 Peppercraig, 264 Longskelly Rocks, 376 Petroliferous Sandstones in the Car­ LUNN, J. W., and R. CAMPBELL, On boniferous Rocks of Scotland, 90 Chlorophaeite, 178 PHEMISTER, J., Geological Survey by and E. B. HENDERSON, A Dia­ the Torsion Balance, 297 tomaceous Deposit at Dalmahoy, Phonolite of Traprain Law, 338 175 Pilansberg, 178 LUNN, J.
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