THE SIXTH REPORT OF TlUI CITY OF TORONTO AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY; FOR 1834. WITH AN APPENDIX. .. PRINTED FOR THE SOOIETY, :BY W. J. COATE., .l60 XING STREET. MARCH 1885. OFFICE BE..ARERII OF TIIB PRESIDENT, RIGHT HON. LORD BEXLEY. VICE.PRESIDENTS, Right hon. and most rev. the Arch. Right hon. Earl of flarrowby. bishop of Tuam. Right hon. Earl of Glasgow. ni.ght rev. Lon' Bishop of'Vinches!cr. Right hon. Earl of Roden. Rightrev. Lord Bishop of Salishury. Right hon. Earl of Gosford. Hon. and l'ight rev. Lord BdlOp of Rigllt hon. Admiral Vise't. Exmouth. Lichfield anrl (·oventry. t;. C. B. Ri~ht rev. Lord Bishop of Bristol. Right hon. Admiral Lord Gambeir, G, Right rev. Lord Bishop of Chester. C. D. Hight rcy. Lord Bishop of I\:Ilduc. Right hon. Lt. Gen. Yiscount Lorton. Right rev. Lord Bishop of Derry .. Right hon. Viscount Mandeville. R:ght rev. Lord Bishop of Sodor and Right hon. I,ord Callhorpe. Man. RilJht hon. Lord Farnham, Ri,,:.t re,'. Lord Bishop of Calcutta. Right hone I~ord B;trh:tm. The very rev. the D0J.n of Bristol. Ri~ht hon. Lorll !\IonnL Sanford. The very rev. the Dean of SalislJUry. Ri~ht hone f.ord John Henley His Grace the Duke of Bedford. Ri::rht hon. Hir Gore OuseIey, But. Most noble Marquis of Cholmondeley. Right hon. Charles Grant, M. P. Right hon. Earl of Harwicke. Sir Thos. Dyke Ackland, Bart., )1. P. Right hon. Earl Spencer. Sir Rohert Harry Inglis, Bart., ~1. P. Right hon. Earl of Romney. Hon. Charles John ~hore. Right hon. Earl of Chichester. Thomas Babington, Esquire. Treasurer-J ohn Thornton, Esquire. S.cretarie.-Rev. Andrew Brandram, A. M. (late of Oriel College, Oxford, and Minister at St. John the Baptist, in the Savoy, London.) Rev. A. H. Browne. A«Duntant and Assistant Secretary-Mr. Joseph Ta.rn. A ..irtant Foreign Secretary-Mr. John Jack.oll. Depositary-Mr. Richard Cockle. ADcredited Agent. of the Society-Mr. James !holllpson, West Indiol ; Rn. H. D. Leeves, A. M., Corfu; Mr. BenJamm Barker, Smyrna; ReT. Dr. Pinkerton, Frankfort; Professor Kitrer, Pari•. Do",.,ti. Ai.nI6--Mr. C. S. Dudley, Mr. Willi.. 1lII Ilr,.,ktllbW'T. Mr. Willil\lD Alwortlo. it'. OFFICERS OF THE TORONTO AlTXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY. thtroJt, HIS EXCELLENCY SIR JOHN COLBORNE. liJrcsibcnt, THE HON. JOHN HENRY DUNN. Vicc~13rcsibcnfg, DOCTOR BALDWIN, Hox. JUSTICE SUERWOOD, DOCTOR lHORllISOX, REv. DR. HARRIS, ROBERT BALDWIX, Esquire, CllARLES C. S}IALT., Esq. J. }IeS E. S)ULL, Esquire, GEORGE MOXRO, Esquire, Jr:S5E KETCl!V)I, Esquire, C,H'LUX PnH-LI'OTTS, REv. CHARLES l\IA'£THEWS, REV. \VILLIA)! RrXToUL. i!re1tsurcr, PETER PATERSON, ESQUIRE . .sccretaries, REv. JAMES HARRIS-REv. ALEXANDER STEW ART. Dcpositar!1, MR. ROBERT CATHCART. ~embcrs of C!i:ommltter, Messrs, J. R. Armstrong, Messrs. --- Hcpburne, James Lesslie, John Ewart. Malcolm McLellan, B. Turquand, John Murchison, jr. --- Connell, T. F. Caldicott, Alex'r Hamilton, John Tyner, P. Freeland, J. H. Price, Charles Baker. Andrew l\lcGlalhen, OF THE • I. The designation of this Society shall be the BRITISH AND FOREIG:'If BIBLE SOCIETY, of which the sole object shall be to encourage a wider circulation of the Holy Scripture, without note or comment: the ouly Copies in the Languages of the United King_ dom, to be circnlated by the Society, shall be the authorised Version. II. This Society shall add its endeavours to those employed by other Societies, for circulating the Scriptures through the British Dominions; and shall also, according to its ability, extend its influ. ence to other countries, whether Christian, :'IIalwmetan or Pagan. III. Each Subscriher of one guinea n:mually shall be a Member. IV. Each Subscriber uf 10 guineas at one time, shall be n Member for Life. V. Each Subscriber of 5 guineas annually shall be a Governor. YI. Each Subscriber of fifty pounds at one time, or who shall, by one additic,nal payment, increase his original Subscription to fitly pounds, shall be a Govern"r for Life. YII. Governors shall be entitled to attend and ,'ote at all meetings of the Committee. VIII. An Executor, paying a be<l',e,;l of fifty poundd. shall be a Member for Life: or of one hundred pounds, a GOI·crnor for Life. IX. A Committee shall be appointed to conduct the busincss of the Society, consisting of thirty.six Laymen, six of whom shall be Forei<Tners, resident in London, or its yicinity; half the remain. del' shaU be members of the Church of England, and the other half members of other denominations of Christi""s. Twcnty.se­ ven of the above number, who shall hal'e most frequently attended, shall be eligible for re.election for the ensuing year. The Committee shall appoint all Officers, except the Tre"surcr, and call Special General Meetings, and shaU be charged with pro. curing for the Society suitable patronage, bnth British and Foreign. X. Each Member of the Society shall be entitled, nnJer th" direction of the Committee to purchase Bibles and Testaments at the Society's prices, whieh shall be as low as possible. XI. Thc Annual Meeting of the Society shall be held on th!! first Wednesday in ~ray, when the Treasurer and Comn;ittee shall be chosen, the Accounts presented, and the proceeding~ of the fore­ going year reported. n. XII. The President, Vice. President, nnd Treasurer, .hall be' considered ex.o.fficio Members of the Committee. XIII. Every Clergyman or Dissenting Minister, who is IL l\fember of the Societv, shall be entitled to attend and vote at all 1IIe-,'!: Igs of the Com;nittee. XIV. The Secretaries, for the time bri"g, shall be considered n.. Members of the CommitlC'c; bnt no other person deriving any­ emolument from the Society shall have that privilege. XV. -\.1 the GClcral ,'f 'C: i"g", and ~Icc:ti"!;s of the Commit­ tee, tbe i'1'f'sidc ,1, or, i": 11:8 a!J-,;c;lcC, the Yj('c-PrC'-:idcl~t first upon t::e Lst thell 1'''-''2"t; alld in the absc.'ce or ail the Vice.Preside;:ts, t!p '1';',:-as'1I' 'r; alld ill hi" "I",';;ce. s'leh H'.'llliJcr as shall bc voted for th,'t purp~se, shall presi.12 at the :\lcc~i,;g. ~:Vl, '1:11 ~ Comillittee s:,all m~et on the tirst lIfonday i;] every mo;)tl;, (;i' C:t( 11.:1', 11 i~(~(,(>:-:'3,H/. XVII. The ('0:]] !lot;,," shaJI havo the p.1"-C" of nomi",,:i 'g Sl)c;l p'~r'3')'-IS ns sh.J h '.re r(>.l,I~'I\'I~ l',':o;::;di.d service to the ;:j ... ciyt,,-, eidl·r .\I!:::,.!(;'~i{5 l'V;~ LIFE, or i~tl·;::-:r.-..·()r..3 FOR LIH;;. W XVII. '1'"," C,"lllllitt,'e s!Jull "I, \ have the power of nominat_ ing U.J .... (;4:~:!\'" ~.L~1;BER3 from among I~'orcigllcrs \vho have pro. moted the object of the ~()~i"ty. XIX. The wh~le of the ~iinutcs of every General Meeting shaH be oigned by the Chairman. Tii. LAWS AND REGULATI01U OF THe CITY OF TORONTO AUXILrAR Y BIBLE SOCIETY. RULE 1st. This Society shall be denominated, The City of To. ronto, U. C. Bible Society, having the same object in vi",;' as the British and Foreign Bible Society, viz. the circulation of the Bible without note or comment, to act in concert with the Pare.,t Societv, or separately, as circulUstances may require. • RULE 2d. The Sor.iety shall consist of all who arc disposed to promote the object of the institution, without rerrard to dllL'fc;;ce gf religious sentiments. " RULE 3d. Every subscriber of Five Shillings annuall,·, shull bo eonsidered a member as long as he pays his suLseri pti,;". RrLE 4th. A subscriber of Five Pounds shall be a m<'mlJer r .. life. Donations of any amount, small or great, will be th~nkL.;'r received. RULE 5th. That the business of this Society shall.be coudnc!e:l by a President, Vice Presidents, a Treasurer, Sccrctaric.o, :t.d a Committee consisting of fifteen other members, ten of \',,,ieh I;::;.,.. be re.elected-five to form a quorum-and that all mi::;stel's oj'tlB Gospel who are members of the Society, shall ba ellliJed to a sc_t and to vote with the Committee. RULE 6th. The Committee shail meet on the seemed :.1" ""3 of February, May, August and November, or when c.,L: by,:." chairman or any three of the committee. RULE 7th. The Society shall meet nnnuall\', in n", SCCO:JJ \n" k in February, in the City of Toronto. The day ned h';lIr to :J~ fixed by the committee, and advertised, at which meeting the C;;,,!· mittee shall give an account of their transactions <llld 1',,,,,1.0. RULE 8th. Every subscriber of One Pound Fin) Shilliligs "'1· nually, shall be entitled to purchase Bible.s and Testa,;,ents to the amount of five pounds, at the reduced pnces of the Boclety. RULE 9th. The Committee shall be empowered to sell the Scrip­ tures, or .to give them gratis w?en th.ey find wei! authenticated claims. They are to purchase il'om the Parent SocIety to supp1t their wants, and if there are any overplus funds to spare, to rellut the same to the Parent Society, luI' the purpose of supplying other nations with the Word of God. Rl'LE lOth. No alterations shall be made in these law~, but at II. general meeting of the Society. viii.
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