DOCO4ENT RESUBE ED 168 071 CS502.382 TITLE An Inquiry Relative to Preparation fora General WorIrd Administrative RadioConference of the(' International Telecommunication Union to Con'sider. Revision of the international RadioRegulatians; Report and Order before the Federal Communications Commission, _Washington, D.C. DocketNo. 20271. INSTITUTION Federal Communications Commission, Washington; D.C. .REPORT NO FCC-78-849 PUB DATE Dec 78 -NOTE 123p EDRS* RRICE MV01/PC05 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *CommuniCation (Thought Transfer)i Federal Government; *Federal Regtaition; *Radii IDENTIFIERS *Federal Communicatibns Commission ABSTRACT This "Report and Order" from the Federal Communications Commission' (FCC) repreSentstheexamination or thomsands of comments and an expert determinationof, the future needs of the nongovernmental usbts of the radiospettrum in the United States. The proposals it contains .Will bepart of the United States' ; roposals at the 1979 World AdministrativeRadio Conference of the International Telecommunication Union t includes a background, of the report; terminology and rules f th °use of frequencies; table Of frequency allocations; technicalproposals; regulatory proposals; and admi4strative, operational, andmiscellaneous proposals, along with as ociated appendiXes.It is preceded bya statement by FCC chairman Charles D. Ferris and bya joint. statement by Commissioners Abbott V shburn and Jactes'N. Quello. (TJ) '" r. *34 * '' Reproductions supplied by. EDRSare the best that can be made * * \\ . from the original documerit.. * . ;$1` U.S D ISTMISPIT OP IMALTSL ecni Mit*A waLAlt . NATI NAL INSTITUTIS OP '''SD.ISE AT ION THIS DOCUMENTNAS BEEN 'MIMEO. DUCE'S EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM Before the -.JOIE PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIGIN- XTING IT POINTS OF VIEW 01Z OPINIONS FEDERAL,COMMJNICATIONS COMMISSION 4'Cq.78-849'. STATED 00 NOT NECESSARILYREPRE 4athingtons D. C. 20554 4652 SENT OFF iCiAL NATIONALINSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY In the.Miatter of An Inquiry relative to-preparatiOn for a General World Administrative Radio 9onference DOCKET NO.. 20271 of the International Telecommunication Union to consider revision of the international Radio Regulations. REPORT AND ORDER (Proceeding Terminated) Adopted: \D0c94ber 5, 1978 ; Released: Detember 28, 1978 By the Commission:Chairman Fetria concurring and issuinga statement; Commissioners Quelld and Washburn issuing:a joint statement. Section I. Introduction 1, . The ITU is an international organization'of 154 member nations has,a history dating back tol865. It is headquartered in Geneva, SwitiOland. Through gthe'ITU;.nations 'cooperate in the...--, use of telecommunications of BlJArkinds'to prev&it interference, t6 .provide common standards,-and to promote VIgdevelOpment of effiCient 'technical facilities. It s this by- several means, the most significant of whichre,--agreement amo the member nations on a Common set of internatibnal,regulatioris function-of Adminis- trative Conference7;.agreement on e0Nmon te.chhical recommendations Lthe l'unction of the Intiirnatctonal Consultative Committees (CURand CCITTI7; 'd registration of frequency assignmects to radio stations to avoid h ul interference he function- of tbe International Frelquency Ret tration Board' IFRB.17., Each country participates on an equal basis. 2. The 1973 Tien potentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) resolved that a World Administrative Badio Conference (WARC) be convened /in 197p to revise; as necessary, the internat4.onal Radio Regulations. The ITU Plendpotentiary.poted that since 1959, the year of the'last such general revision, various world administrative radio conferences had amended the Radio Regu- lations .on spectpic points without having been able to harmonize the decisions taken because of the limlted nature of their agendas. L. .,-., '..I4 also noted that as a result of technical vehoes someof.the . s s Radio Regulations need reconsideration The idmi4listrative Council Of the ITU issued an initial.rigenda'i"Or the WARC in '1976-and.'.a slightly,reviSed'agendain1917; modifications'.were fUrthermaq* to the agenda'in 1978 W refleCt the,rearrangement of the Radio RegulatiOns., The agenda ror 44:1979 ViiRg.is shown-in Appendil; ,:we do not expect further .changes to .boMade tillehe,,s8endajy 41e, .72' ---1 . Administrative Council wiltch is scheduled; O meet,,In Thine;,979. WAHC Pre at r.Effort. 3. The Commissiorieffort for the 1979"14 c began in late 1974 when'an FCC Steering Committee, having, oyer management responsi- bility; and four,speci.ellized Functional'C ittees.Wereestablished. Also, tome, twenty industry advisory opmm tees,40,e;crated, each representing a particular radio seryit to pigpoSe and juStify spectrum requirements and suggested angp.0 other Radio Regulations: 4. pt'about the same tIms triefla4ional TeleOmmuniCations and 'Information ddministratiorii( ,.which the (time-was eve 'Office of Telecommunica ong Polfcynder the 7Eg,i!pativeNrfice of the Presidelt, estahl shed/a/PreparatOry infiastructure within the Interdepartment Radi. AWSbry Comtittee.,(IRAC) which was anal ous to that of theQ..scion's. Througholit' proceeai4, poor ination between the FCC .74 the Executive: Branch as taken place.. d Notice of Inquiry History' .... I , ----:. '5. On January 3, 975, the CoMmiscion instituted this pro- ceeding with a Notice_ of Inquiry, FCC 75-6, 4o Fed. Reg. 324N which solicited comments or reotmendations from the public concerning ' revision's to thP Radio RegulatiOn8 which would then be.considered . by the Commisgion in cte*eloping United States' proposals. This Notice -was followed h.y.eightother'sduringthe' courseofthe.Commission's . preparation of appr4riate proposals to the Conference' The Seconq Notice of'Inquiry,/kC 75-990,40 Fed.Reg. 44606 (1975), asked for comments and informa ion regarding the matter of igrune5,t.of the international Table ofTre uPricy Allocagons with th nitedrStatesedomestic table for the frequencies above\40'Oliz, th 'of small diameter earth', station ante5nas, and the utilization of t encies between -it.. kt, 100 andw1215 MHz. (On March 22, 1976, we released Public Notice,. No. 62477,. which presented a composite tabulation othe non-government , As used In this Report and Order,.."Executive BranW.mean the agencies of /the. U.S. Government as represented in the IRAC. 3, . y. S I - . spectrusrrequirements.) Ttle Third Notice. of Inquir6 FCC 76-1099, 41 Fed. Reg. 54309, solicited comments'Ona proposal tor a revised international Toble%of. Frequency Allocat4Ons; it also reqUested comments on ad+aft.protocbl toncerninghe domi*nidatkOnsof urotected medical transports which had.:b en proposed'fOr inClulio in the Geneva Convention, Ind on methods proposed for spediTyi 4.. the allowable fre4uency tolerance of rahio.transmitters. The t o Fourth Notice of Inquiry, FCC 77-285,.42 Fed. Reg. 26923. iscussq... the commento concerning small antenna"earth stations and ueste47*:- further comment regarding allocations and 'technical aracterOties;° it also discussed the comments regarding-frequency toranee and, Submitted proposals regardingolerances for frequencies and for' spurious emissions. .Fin tpresented technical proposals for spacecraft station-keeping and antenna pointing and, for ofnew meteod. , of designating emissions. The initial comments regarding the'pro- posal for a revised allocaq;ns tahlejfere.disoussed in the Fifth .Notice of inquiry, FCC 77-34 , 42 Fed. Reg..41756..smd a modified 7036TOialWas submitted for comMent. That Notice also included dig cussion of articles in the Radio'Regulationsrdealingwith definitions, technical matters, operational matter go and,discussionp of. 'Resolutions and'Recommendationsassociated 'with the Radio Regulations.. it The Sixth Notic of Inquiry, FCC 78- 263, 43Jed. Reg. 18748, sought comments' regardingproposals of a worhing .party in the Internattanal Telegraph and Telephone Consultative COmmittee.f.tr.changes in the methods of accounting and operatingto; publfe.Acorrespondencein the maritime mobile service. The primary,topic of the. Seventh Notice of Inclary, FCC 78 -264, 43 Fed. Reg. 18761,-wasthe procedural pro visions of the Radio Regulations relating tothe advance publication; .odordination, aril notification of frequencyassignments. It'also solicited comments on'technical matters including theappropriate value of the maximum permissible interferencelevel in a teiephohe" channel of the fixed-satellite service, the permissiblelevel of interference from one satelllte into another, andon the procedures for determining the coordinationarea around an earth station sharing f frequency sands with terrestrial servicis.. The Eighth Notice of Inquiry, FCC 78-265, 43 Fed. Reg:i16748-/,. Onceagain treated comments regarding frequency allocations ad submitted.a further revised .proposal for comment. The Ninth Notice ct Inquiry; FCC 78-581,.43 Fed. Reg. 36139, concerned.the matter ofrearrangement of the inter:. national Radio Regulations,iintoas more appropriate format. loo,# 5 6. -'Througho'ut this proceedilgcthousands of United States citizens contri)puted countless work hoursto this'effoA, Almost 2000 individual_ commentswere made. These responses have all been reviewed and have providedus with aimilth of. information far use 2/The-EighthNotice was not printed in he Federal Register. Only notice of its availability was)givend N o. o 4. , in thepreparatio of proposals for the 19)9 WARC.1 For this, we commid and:,0,hafik all theparties'Who have participated. We constantly remin partiCipants
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