OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE DIOCESE OF SOUTHEAST FLORIDA TTHEHE NNETET APRIL/MAY 2005 • VOLUME 36 NUMBER 2 Frade issues Pastoral Letter on end-of-life New Fire, New Life concerns n Easter Monday, as the battle over withdrawing a feeding tube from Terri OSchiavo wound down in the courts but continued in the media, Bishop Leo Frade issued a Pastoral Letter addressing the end-of- life concerns raised by the case of the severely brain-damaged Pinellas Park woman. Frade said that many families face the diffi- cult decision with which Schiavo’s family strug- gled before her death on Mar. 31—the question of whether to continue life-sustaining treatment for a patient in a vegetative or comatose state with no hope of recovery. “I encountered such a tragic and painful mo- ment myself,” he said, relating how he and his sister had to decide whether to continue treat- ment of their comatose mother “or to accept our mother’s condition as irreparable”. As Christians, he said, when faced with such questions, “we must remain faithful to our Christian belief in the sanctity of each human life as a cherished creation of God, but we must also reject an attitude that disregards the inevi- tability of physical death”. “There is a difference between allowing a ter- minally ill person to die of natural causes, even by the withholding or withdrawing of heroic and extraordinary life-sustaining treatments, and the initiating of actions that will cause someone’s death,” he continued. “I believe that allowing death to take its course is morally appropriate when death is inevitable and will obviously be the natural outcome. We must be aware that our good intentions in Dominic Lamberti/The Net blocking this process can rob the patient of the Deacon April Berends (left) holds the Paschal Candle as her husband, Fr. Drew Bunting, kindles the new fire, from dignity of a peaceful and natural death. We must which the “Light of Christ” will be carried into the darkened church at St. Stephen’s, Coconut Grove (Miami) at the not be trapped by our own technology that can Easter Vigil service on the evening of Mar. 26. See p. 10 for Bishop Leo Frade’s reflections on our Easter faith. prolong dying without really extending life.” The bishop noted, and said he agreed with, Archdeacon, canons See Pastoral Letter, next page installed at Holy Week Bishop’s Spring Clergy Day Conference he Bishop’s Spring Conference, One n Mar. 22, Body, Many Members: Ministry in a Tuesday of Multicultural World, held Apr. 8-9 at St. Holy Week, T O Mark the Evangelist, Ft. Lauderdale, was too the service in which late to be covered in this diocesan clergy an- issue of The Net. Look nually reaffirm their for a story with photo- ordination vows was graphs at www.diosef. also the occasion for org, under “News and the formal installation Events”, “current post- of a new archdeacon ings”, and for complete and two new canons. Bishop Leo Frade prays coverage in the June is- All three were al- for God’s blessing upon (l- sue of The Net. ready serving in these r) Canon Terrence Taylor, Bright orange “E-Church” bracelets with positions; this service Archdeacon Mary Gray- the words “Embrace Everyone”, reflecting the conferred the titles Reeves and Canon How- theme of the conference, are still available for and formally commis- arth “Hap” Lewis as they $2; email [email protected], or call the Dioc- sioned them for their begin their new ministries. esan Office, 800-268-9993 or 305-373-0881. ministries. See Archdeacon, next page THE NET • PAGE 2 in the www.diosef.org News APRIL/MAY 2005 •Archdeacon, canons •Pastoral Letter Continued from previous page Continued from previous page The Ven. Mary Gray-Reeves, former rector of ioners of the three persons being installed. the resolution passed by General Convention in St. Margaret’s, Miami Lakes, is now Archdeacon The presenters included family members: 1991, which states in part: “There is no moral ob- for Deployment. As she had Gray-Reeves’ husband, Mi- ligation to prolong the act of dying by extraordi- explained to the Executive chael Reeves, and her 12- nary means and at all costs if such dying person Board at its Mar. 8 meeting, year-old children, Katie and is ill and has no reasonable expectation of recov- her work is in three areas: Dorian Reeves; Lewis’s wife ery,” but “it is morally wrong and unacceptable to Clergy formation—monitor- Dede Lewis and son and take a human life in order to relieve the suffering ing the process of those pre- daughter-in-law, Jeff and caused by incurable illness.” paring for ordained ministry; Cathy Lewis; and Taylor’s (The complete text of this resolution can parishes in transition—facili- uncle, William Cooper, and be found at http://www.episcopalarchives. tating search processes; and aunt, Leona Cooper Baker. org/cgi-bin/acts_new/acts_resolution-complete. parishes in conflict—provid- Other presenters for the pl?resolution=1991-A093.) ing guidance and resources archdeacon were Fr. Hallock “I must note that terms like passive and ac- for reconciliation. Martin, representing the tive euthanasia are sometimes used incorrectly Canon Howarth “Hap” Standing Committee, Dea- to refer to the discontinuation of extraordinary Lewis is Canon for Deacons. con Ledly Moss and Senior means of preserving life when there is no hope The deacon-in-charge of Warden Judith Varela from of recovery,” Frade said. “This process is not in St. George’s Church and St. St. Margaret’s, and Guy and the proper medical and ethical sense euthanasia. George’s Center in Riviera Lois Bailey of St. Stephen’s, Instead it belongs to the responsible care that we, Beach will be coordinating Coconut Grove (Miami), the medically and ethically, are due to patients that the ministries of deacons in parish in which Gray-Reeves appear to have entered an irrevocable process of the diocese. grew up. dying.” Canon Terrence Taylor, Presenters for the can- He stated “emphatically” that the family should who has served as diocesan ons included Interim Dean make these kinds of decisions, that the courts Youth Missioner for nearly Robert Libby of Trinity Ca- provide needed safeguards against abuses and Canon Terrence Taylor gets assistance with two years, is now designated thedral and the cathedral’s that “the government should not intrude in even his new cincture from his aunt, Leona Cooper Canon for Youth Ministry. senior and junior wardens, a surrogate role”. Baker, as Youth Commission President Ellie Ev- He will continue to coordi- Theodore Eldredge and He called for prayer for Terri Schiavo and her ans watches. The cincture once belonged to the nate diocesan ministries for Donald F. Benjamin. Youth family, for all families facing these kinds of situ- late Canon Theodore Gibson, longtime rector youth and to work with par- Commission President Ellie ations and “for a reconciliation of all men and of Christ Church, Coconut Grove (Miami), Tay- ish youth leaders and youth Evans was a presenter for women who hold different opinions on these lor’s home parish, and was a gift to Taylor from ministers. the Canon for Youth Minis- matters”. Gibson’s widow, Thelma Gibson. After a morning’s medita- try. The bishop also called on clergy and vestries tions on the cross, led by the Rev. Dr. Christopher In his sermon at the Eucharist, Bryan spoke of to encourage all church members to provide ad- Bryan, professor of New Testament at the School “the limitless generosity of God and the endless vance written directives outlining their wishes of Theology at the University of the South in Se- ways we try to put limits on God.” regarding their care in a situation in which they wanee, Tenn., the clergy gathered for Eucharist, “At the end of the day, the generosity of God are no longer able to make their choices known, the reaffirmation of vows and the Blessing of the matters more than our mistakes,” he said. “To and reminded them of the resources available Oils for sacramental use throughout the year. deny this is the greatest mistake of all.” through the Southeast Florida Episcopal Founda- Because of the installations of the archdeacon God expects “serious disciples”, he said, who tion for preparing end-of-life documents. and the canons, the clergy were joined for the do “more listening than talking.” The complete text of the bishop’s Pastoral Let- service by an unusually large number of diocesan He urged the congregation to “be a church ter can be found at http://www.diosef.org/easter_ lay leaders, as well as families, friends and parish- that truly accepts God’s kingdom as children.” 05.html . House of Bishops begins ‘new day’ of collegiality, issues Covenant Statement Resources on he bishops of the Episcopal Church say a satisfaction for the hard and faithful work that “new day” of collegiality has begun among the bishops completed there and hope for the end-of-life issues Tthem as an outcome of their annual spring church, after witnessing our strong commitment meeting devoted to private consultation and spir- to the unity of our Church and Communion and • The 72nd General Convention of the Epis- itual reflection. a real attempt to find reconciliation.” copal Church created a task force to study Their Covenant Statement adopted March 15 He thanked the clergy for their prayers during and report on end-of-life concerns. The re- “represents continued growth in new and health- the meeting, saying, “I believe that only through port of the End-of-Life Task Force was pub- ier behavior,” Nevada Bishop Katharine Jefferts the power of the Holy Spirit we were able to find lished as Faithful Living, Faithful Dying: Schori said following the six-day meeting at the the healing and unity we needed.” Anglican Reflections on End of Life Care, Camp Allen conference center in rural eastern The Covenant Statement responds to the Angli- and is available from Morehouse Publishing Texas.
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