NAME STATE OFFICE PARTY WEBSITE Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) AK U.S. Sen REP lisamurkowski.com Berta Gardner AK State Senate DEM http://akleg.gov/legislator.php?id=gan Charisse Millet AK State House REP http://charissemillett.com/ Amy Demboski AK Council member of the Non-partisan http://amydemboski.com/ Anchorage Municipal Assembly Twinkle Cavanaugh AL Public Service REP ourcampaigns.com Commission President Martha Roby AL U.S. Rep. REP martharoby.com Becky Gerritson AL U.S. Rep. REP beckyforcongress.com Terri Sewell AL U.S. Rep DEM sewell.house.gov Kay Ivey AL Lieut. Gov REP Harri Anne Smith AL State Senator IND http://bit.ly/1ZYWQd5 Victoria Steele AZ State House DEM victoriasteeleforcongress.com Kyrsten Sinema AZ Congress DEM kyrstensinema.com Martha McSally AZ Congress REP mcsallyforcongress.com Ann Kirkpatrick AZ U.S. Sen DEM kirkpatrickforsenate.com Kelli Ward AZ U.S. Sen REP kelliward.com Wendy Rogers AZ U.S. Rep. REP wendyrogers.org Edna San Miguel AZ U.S. Rep. REP sanmiguelforcongress.com Gabby Saucedo Mercer AZ U.S. Rep. REP N/A Christine Jones AZ U.S. Rep. REP christinejones.com Jenn Daniels AZ Gilbert, Arizona Council Non-partisan http://bit.ly/22dYMzS member Lauren Tolmachoff AZ Glendale, Arizona Non-partisan http://www.glendaleaz.com/cholla/bio Council Member .cfm Dianne Curry AR U.S. Rep. DEM diannecurry.com Leslie Rutledge AR Attorney General REP http://www.arkansasag.gov/ Andrea Lea AR Auditor of State REP http://auditor.ar.gov/ Elana Wells AR Arkansas Public Service Non-partisan http://www.apscservices.info/willsbio. Commission asp Norma Torres CA Congress DEM normatorres.com Jacquie Atkinson CA Running in 2016 for REP jacquieatkinson.com Congress Kamala Harris (D) CA U.S. Sen. DEM kamalaharris.org Dianne Feinstein (D- CA U.S. Sen. DEM feinstein.senate.gov CA) Barbara Boxer (D-CA) CA U.S. Sen. DEM boxer.senate.gov Loretta Sanchez CA U.S. Sen. DEM loretta.org Doris Matsui CA U.S. Rep. DEM matsuiforcongress.com Rita Ramirez CA U.S. Rep. DEM ritaforcongress.com Kathryn Nance CA U.S. Rep. REP nance2016.com Nancy Pelosi CA U.S. Rep. DEM pelosiforcongress.org Barbara Lee CA U.S. Rep. DEM barbaraleeforcongress.org Suzanne Caro CA U.S. Rep. REP N/A Jackie Speier CA U.S. Rep. DEM jackieforcongress.com Anna Eshoo CA U.S. Rep. DEM eshoo.house.gov Zoe Lofgren CA U.S. Rep. DEM lofgrenforcongress.com Casey Lucius CA U.S. Rep. REP caseylucius.com Teresita "Tess" Andres CA U.S. Rep. DEM andresforcongress.com Wendy Reed CA U.S. Rep. DEM wendyreedforcongress.com Helene Schneider CA U.S. Rep. DEM heleneschneider.org Julia Brownley CA U.S. Rep. DEM juliabrownley.com Judy Chu CA U.S. Rep. DEM chu.house.gov Patrea Patrick CA U.S. Rep. DEM patreapatrick.com Grace Napolitano CA U.S. Rep. DEM napolitanoforcongress.com Karen Bass CA U.S. Rep. DEM karenbass.com Linda Sanchez CA U.S. Rep. DEM voteforlinda.com Lucille Roybal-Allard CA U.S. Rep. DEM roybal-allard.house.gov Maxine Waters CA U.S. Rep. DEM waters.house.gov Nanette Barragan CA U.S. Rep. DEM barraganforcongress.com Charlotte "Sadiyah" CA U.S. Rep. DEM sadiyahgibson.com Gibson Mimi Walters CA U.S. Rep. REP mimiwalters.com Sue Savary CA U.S. Rep. DEM drsuesavory.com Denise Gitsham CA U.S. Rep. REP deniseforcongress.com Susan Davis CA U.S. Rep. DEM susandavisforcongress.com Carla J. Peterman CA Public Utilities Non-partisan http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/peterman/ Commision Catherine Sandoval CA Public Utilities Non-partisan http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/sandoval/ Commision Christine Baker CA CA Director of Industrial Non-partisan https://www.dir.ca.gov/biopage_cbak Relations er.html Elaine Howle CA State Auditor Non-partisan http://www.bsa.ca.gov/aboutus/state _auditor Morgan Carroll CO U.S. Rep. DEM senmorgancarroll.com Diana DeGette CO U.S. Rep. DEM degette.com Catherine Roupe CO State Rep REP http://bit.ly/23VllJ8 Ellen Golombek CO Executive Director of Non-partisan https://www.colorado.gov/governor/e Labor and Employment llen-golombek Marguerite Salazar CO Colorado Commissioner Non-partisan https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/dor of Insurance a/colorado-insurance-commissioner Daria Novak CT U.S. Rep. REP novakforcongress.com Rosa DeLauro CT U.S. Rep. DEM delauro.house.gov Elizabeth Esty CT U.S. Rep. DEM elizabethesty.com Katherine Wade CT Commissioner of Non-partisan http://www.ct.gov/cid/cwp/view.asp? Insurance a=1260&Q=562980 Eleanor Holmes Norton DC U.S. Del. DEM norton.house.gov Muriel Bowser DC Mayor of D.C. DEM http://mayor.dc.gov/ Elissa Silverman DC Councilmember IND http://dccouncil.us/council/elissa- silverman Lacey Lafferty (R) DE Gov. REP laceylafferty.org Karen Weldin Stewart DE C. Ins. DEM N/A Lisa Blunt Rochester DE U.S. Rep. DEM lisabluntrochester.com Rose Izzo DE U.S. Rep. REP roseizzo.com Patrice Gilliam-Johnson DE Secretary of Labor IND http://dol.delaware.gov/ Gwen Graham FL Congress DEM gwengraham.com Priscilla Taylor (D) FL U.S. Rep DEM N/A Pam Keith FL U.S. Sen. DEM pamkeithforsenate2016.com Mary Thomas FL U.S. Rep REP runwithmary.com Corrine Brown FL U.S. Rep DEM corrineforcongress.com Thuy Lowe FL U.S. Rep REP N/A LaShonda Holloway FL U.S. Rep DEM lj4congress.com Glo Smith FL U.S. Rep REP gloforcongress.org Valleri Crabtree FL U.S. Rep DEM crabtreeforcongress.com Wanda Rentas FL U.S. Rep REP wandaforcongress.com Dena Minning FL U.S. Rep DEM denaforcongress.com Susannah Randolph FL U.S. Rep DEM randolphforcongress.com Val Demings FL U.S. Rep DEM valdemings.com Geraldine Thompson FL U.S. Rep DEM geraldinethompsonforcongress.com Fatima Fahmy FL U.S. Rep DEM fatimaforcongress.com Kelly Rice FL U.S. Rep REP N/A Kimberly Walker FL U.S. Rep DEM kimberlyforcongress.com Kathy Castor FL U.S. Rep DEM castorforcongress.com Christine Quinn FL U.S. Rep REP quinnforcongress.org April Freeman FL U.S. Rep DEM aprilfreeman.com Rebecca Negron FL U.S. Rep REP negronforcongress.com Noelle Nikpour FL U.S. Rep REP nikpour4congress.com Carla Spalding FL U.S. Rep REP carlaspaldingforcongress.com Valencia Larose FL U.S. Rep DEM N/A Lois Frankel FL U.S. Rep DEM frankel.house.gov Andrea Leigh McGee FL U.S. Rep REP mcgeeforcongress.com Debbie Wasserman FL U.S. Rep DEM debbiewassermanschultz.com Schultz Frederica Wilson FL U.S. Rep DEM wilson.house.gov Alina Valdes FL U.S. Rep DEM alinavaldesforcongress.com Annette Taddeo FL U.S. Rep DEM annettetaddeo.com Ileana Ros-Lehtinen FL U.S. Rep REP voteileana.com Julie Imanuel Brown FL Public Service Non-partisan http://www.psc.state.fl.us/AboutPSC/ Commissioner Commissioners?name=brown Lisa Edgar FL Public Service Non-partisan http://www.psc.state.fl.us/AboutPSC/ Commissioner Commissioners?name=edgar Pam Stewart FL Commissioner of Non-partisan http://www.fldoe.org/about- Education us/commissioner-pam-stewart Elena Parent GA State Senate DEM elenaparent.com Mary Kay Bacallao GA U.S. Sen. REP marykaybacallao.com Cheryl Copeland GA U.S. Sen. DEM N/A Diane Vann GA U.S. Rep. REP dianevann.com Angela Hicks GA U.S. Rep. REP angelahicks2016.com Tricia Carpenter GA U.S. Rep. DEM N/A McCracken Joyce Nolin GA U.S. Rep. DEM choosejoyceforcongress.nationbuilder. com Teresa Tomlinson GA Mayor of Columbus, GA IND http://columbusga.org/mayor/ Mazie Hirono (D-HI) HI U.S. Sen. DEM mazieforhawaii.com Tulsi Gabbard HI U.S. Rep. DEM votetulsi.com Beth Fukumoto HI State Rep REP http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/memb erpage.aspx?member=fukumoto&year =2016 Lauren Kealohilani HI State Rep REP http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/memb Matsumoto erpage.aspx?member=matsumoto&ye ar=2016 Jan Yamane HI State Auditor Non-partisan http://auditor.hawaii.gov/ Linda Chu Yakayama HI Director of Labor and Non-partisan http://labor.hawaii.gov/ Industrial Relations Staniela Nikola ID U.S. Rep. DEM N/A Shizandra Fox ID U.S. Rep. DEM N/A Lisa Marie ID U.S. Rep. REP N/A Jennifer Martinez ID U.S. Rep. DEM N/A Celia Gould ID Director of Agriculture Non-partisan http://www.agri.idaho.gov/AGRI/Cate gories/AboutISDA/indexAboutISDA.ph p Kristine Raper ID Public Utilities Non-partisan http://www.puc.idaho.gov/about/com Commission missioners.html Joni Ernst IA Congress REP ernst.senate.gov Monica Vernon IA Running for Congress in DEM monicavernonforcongress.com 2016 Monica Vernon (D) IA U.S. Rep. DEM monicavernonforcongress.com Kim Weaver IA U.S. Rep. DEM weaverforcongess.com Patty Judge IA U.S. Senate Dem pattyjudgeforiowa.com Geri Huser IA Chair of Utilities Board Non-partisan https://iub.iowa.gov/node/28#jacobs Robin Kelly IL Congress DEM robinkellyforcongress.org Tammy Duckworth IL Congress / BUT running DEM tammyduckworth.com for Senate in 2016 Leslie Munger IL Compt. REP votemunger.com Susana Mendoza IL Compt. DEM susanamendoza.com Andrea Zopp IL U.S. Senate DEM andreazoppforsenate.com Amanda Howland IL U.S. Rep. DEM amandahowlandforcongress.com Deb Bullwinkel IL U.S. Rep. DEM debforcongress.com Jan Schakowsky IL U.S. Rep. DEM schakowsky.house.gov Joan McCarthy IL U.S. Rep. REP joanforcongress.com Lesonde Nancy Rodkin Rotering IL U.S. Rep. DEM mayornancyrotering.com Tonia Khouri IL U.S. Rep. REP toniakhouri.com Cheri Bustos IL U.S. Rep. DEM cheribustos.com Sherina Maye Edwards IL Commerce Non-partisan https://www.icc.illinois.gov/cc/Edward Commissioner s.aspx Glenda Ritz IN Sup. P.I. DEM glendaritz.com Jennifer McCormick IN Sup.
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