CacheRegional County, Transportation Utah Regional Transportation Plan 2040 June 2015 Mobility Economic Vitality Quality of Life CMPO Executive Council Chair: Todd Beutler, CVTD Transit Manager Vice Chair: Lloyd Berentzen, North Logan Mayor Don Calderwood, Providence County Executive Craig Buttars, Cache County Mayor Shaun Dustin, Nibley Mayor Bryan Cox, Hyde Park Wayne Barlow, Utah Transportation Commissioner Holly Daines, Logan City Council Mayor Craig Petersen, Logan Mayor Thomas Bailey, Wellsville Mayor Darrell Simmons, Smithfield Mayor Stephanie Miller, Hyrum Mayor Mike Johnson, Millville Mayor James Brackner, River Heights Cache Technical Advisory Committee Jim Gass, Smithfield Bill Young, Logan Randy Parks, Transit Josh Runhaar, Cache County Scarlet Bankhead, Providence David Zook, Nibley Ron Salvesen, Hyrum Cordell Batt, North Logan Reed Elder, Hyde Park Don Hartle, Wellsville Elden Bingham, UDOT Dave Adamson, UDOT Steve Call, FHWA Executive Director: James P. Gass Staff: Jeff Gilbert, Transportation Planner DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS chapter 1 – Overview & Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 5 2040 Background and regional information.............. 5 Cache Metropolitan Planning Organization .......... 5 Planning process .................................................... 5 Regional characteristics ......................................... 6 Transportation and Land Use ................................ 9 Development intensity .......................................... 9 Utah’s Unified Plan .................................................. 10 Chapter 2—Goals and Objectives ........................................................................................................................................ 11 Federal Requirements ............................................. 11 Envision Cache Valley- ............................................. 11 Quality Growth Principles ........................................ 11 2040 Regional Transportation Plan Goals & Objectives 12 CMPO 2040 RTP Goals ......................................... 12 Chapter 3--Performance Measures ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Utah Unified Plan Measure Selection Criteria..... 13 Summary of Five Utah Unified Plan Selected Joint Goals 13 Utah Unified Plan Performance Measures .......... 13 Chapter 4—Needs Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 15 Roadway needs ........................................................ 15 Logan’s Main Street Corridor .............................. 16 Roadway Network: Existing System Performance17 Public Transit Needs ................................................ 17 service expansion ................................................ 20 Special Needs Public Transit ................................ 20 Transit and Land use ........................................... 21 Active Transportation Needs ................................... 21 Pedestrian Needs ................................................ 21 Bicycle Needs ....................................................... 22 Connecting Destinations ..................................... 22 Active Transportation Education ......................... 23 Freight transportation Needs .................................. 23 Truck Freight ........................................................ 23 Cache Rail Freight ................................................ 24 Cache Air Freight ................................................. 24 Transportation Safety Needs ................................... 24 Crash Data ........................................................... 24 Chapter 5-CMPO Transportation Vision Plans (2040 & Beyond) ........................................................................................ 27 2040 Transportation funding ................................... 27 Cache Metropolitan Planning Organization 2040 Statewide Funding Assumptions ................ 27 2040 Local Transportation Funding Assumptions 28 2040 Estimated hIGHWAY Funding For Cache County 28 Local Road Preservation Funding Challenges ...... 28 2040 Estimated Transit Funding For Cache County30 2040 Estimated Bicycle & pedestrian Funding For Cache County 30 Environmental Considerations ................................ 30 2040 CMPO Highway Vision Plan ............................ 31 Logan One Way Couplets .................................... 31 Systemic and Spot Safety Improvement Projects 32 Roadway “Buildout” Vision Plan (Beyond 2040) ..... 35 Transit Vision Plan ................................................... 37 Years 2021 to 2040 .............................................. 37 Beyond 2040 ........................................................ 37 Bicycle and Pedestrian Vision Plan .......................... 37 Trails, Pathways and Bike Routes ........................ 38 Additional 2040 Bike and Pedestrian Projects to Consider 38 Chapter 6-Implementation strategies ................................................................................................................................. 40 Plan Refinement & Update ...................................... 40 Implementation Studies ...................................... 40 Local Government Coordination ............................. 41 Land use Implementation ................................... 41 Project Implementation ...................................... 41 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) ........... 42 Appendix 1-Air Quality Memorandum 2040RTP-1 ................................................................................................................ 1 A. Conformity Requirements .................................... 2 Conformity Process ............................................... 2 Conformity Requirements ..................................... 3 B. Transportation Modeling ...................................... 5 Cache County Utah Travel Demand MODEL (TDM)5 C. Emission Modeling................................................ 6 I/M Programs......................................................... 7 Vehicle Age Profile ................................................ 7 Vehicle Mix ............................................................ 7 Fuel Supply/Formulation ....................................... 7 Meteorological Conditions .................................... 7 Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) ............................... 7 Speed Profile ......................................................... 8 D. Conformity Determination ................................... 8 Logan Utah/Idaho PM2.5 Non-attainment Area ..... 8 Cache Metropolitan Planning Organization DRAFT Regional Transportation Plan 2040 5 CHAPTER 1 – OVERVIEW & Figure 1: CMPO Planning Area Trenton INTRODUCTION ¤£91 Newton Amalga 2040 BACKGROUND AND REGIONAL 218«¬ INFORMATION Smithfield The Cache Valley Area Regional Transportation Plan Hyde Park (RTP) is the long-range transportation plan for the Logan Urbanized Area and the Utah portion of the North Logan greater Cache Valley area. The plan identifies specific 252«¬ projects that will be needed to meet the transportation 30 «¬ ¤£89 demands of the region. At present, most travel in the Logan region is by automobile. However, other modes such as River Heights public transit (buses), pedestrian, and bicycle Mendon Providence transportation are becoming increasingly important. Millville The RTP identifies future transportation investments «¬23 ¤£89/91 Nibley for all modes. Not unlike many communities across the nation, 165«¬ anticipated revenues are not sufficient to fund all the Wellsville Hyrum needed transportation improvements in Cache County. ¯ Therefore, this plan prioritizes projects for implementation to respond to financial constraints. CACHE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION The oversight and planning/operational direction for The Cache Metropolitan Planning Organization (CMPO) the CMPO is provided by its Executive Council. This works with Cache County and ten of the nineteen board is made up of elected officials from the 10 incorporated cities in Cache County to oversee participating communities (in addition to the Cache transportation planning activities for the Logan County Executive). UDOT and CVTD also have one Urbanized Area (See Figure 1). Since transportation voting member on the board. needs and problems do not end at the CMPO planning PLANNING PROCESS boundary, this plan includes all of Cache County. However, communities outside the CMPO planning This RTP attempts to build on and incorporate concepts area had less official involvement in the plan and are and recommendations from previous efforts. Federal included only by way of general recommendations. law requires the plan to be updated every four years. However, for meeting the legal requirements of air However the plan can be amended at any time. quality analysis as part of transportation conformity The CMPO utilized a simple approach to completing required by the Federal Government, data for all of this plan. This plan was developed in the following Cache County and a portion of Franklin County Idaho steps: were used. 1) REGIONAL VISIONING/GOALS AND OBJECTIVES- A number of years ago the CMPO partnered with the Cache Metropolitan Planning Organization DRAFT Regional Transportation Plan 2040 6 Envision
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