Новости сист. низш. раст. — Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 51: 263–273. 2017 Calypogeia azurea (Calypogeiaceae, Marchantiophyta) in the Northwestern European Russia A. D. Potemkin1, E. A. Borovichev2,3, E. G. Ginzburg1 1 Komarov Botanical Institute, Professor Popov Str., 2, St. Petersburg, 197376, Russia; [email protected] 2 Institute of Industrial Ecology Problems of the North of the Kola Science Centre of RAS, Fersmana Str., 14a, Apatity, Murmansk Region, 184209, Russia; [email protected] 3 Forest Research Institute of Karelian Research Centre of RAS, Pushkinskaya Str., 11, Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, 185910, Russia Abstract. Calypogeia azurea is reported for the fi rst time in the Leningrad Region and for the second time for the Republic of Karelia. Description of C. azurea based on alive collections from the Leningrad Region and the Republic of Karelia, and their photographs are provided. The variability of the species in studied specimens is rather broad and corresponds to the plants from Great Britain and Nordic countries. C. azurea is known in Russia from alive collections from the Northwestern European Russia, Caucasus, South Urals, South Siberia and South Kuril Islands. Ecology and differentiation of C. azurea are discussed. The revision of all kept in LE specimens from Russia, Latvia, Finland and Georgia identifi ed as C. trichomanis, nom. rej., has shown that most of them cannot be attributed to C. azurea or C. muelleriana, which usually correspond to this rejected name. Except two specimens from Finland and one from Georgia tentatively attributed to Calypogeia cf. azurea, they represent mostly materials of C. integristipula, partly of C. neesiana and exceptionally of C. suecica and C. fi ssa. LE older collections of C. trichomanis from Caucasus are C. fi ssa, from Arctic Siberia and Arctic Far East are C. muelleriana. Keywords: Calypogeia azurea, Calypogeia trichomanis, blue oil bodies, distribu- tion, taxonomy, variation, Leningrad Region, Republic of Karelia, Russia. Calypogeia azurea (Calypogeiaceae, Marchantiophyta) на северо-западе европейской части России А. Д. Потемкин, Е. А. Боровичев, Э. Г. Гинзбург 1 Ботанический институт им. В. Л. Комарова РАН, ул. Профессора Попова, д. 2, 197376, Санкт-Петербург, Россия; [email protected] 2 Институт проблем промышленной экологии Севера КНЦ РАН, ул. Ферсмана, д. 14а, г. Апатиты, Мурманская обл., 184209, Россия; [email protected] 3 Институт леса КарНЦ РАН, Пушкинская ул., д. 11, Петрозаводск, Республика Карелия, 185910, Россия Резюме. Calypogeia azurea впервые достоверно приводится на основании прижизненных коллекций для Ленинградской области и во второй раз для Рес- публики Карелия. Приведены описание и фотографии C. azurea, выявленной в 263 Новости сист. низш. раст. — Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 51: 263–273. 2017 прижизненном состоянии в Ленинградской области и Республике Карелия. В об- разцах с северо-запада России вид характеризуется широким диапазоном измен- чивости, сопоставимым с описанным у растений из Великобритании и Скан- динавии. Обсуждены экология и отличия C. azurea. Вид достоверно известен в России с северо-запада европейской части России, Кавказа, Южного Урала, Южной Сибири и с Южных Курильских островов. Ревизия всех хранящихся в гербарии Ботанического института (LE) образцов, определенных как Calypogeia trichomanis, nom. rej., показала, что большинство из них не может быть отнесено к C. azurea или С. muelleriana, c которыми обычно соотносят это отвергнутое название. Большинство имеющихся образцов из Лениградской обл. и Латвии от- носятся к C. integristipula, часть к C. neesiana, единичные образцы к C. fi ssa и С. suecica. Все образцы с Кавказа относятся к C. fi ssa, из арктических Сибири и Дальнего Востока к C. muelleriana и лишь два образца из Финляндии и один из Грузии могут быть условно отнесены к C. azurea. Ключевые слова: Calypogeia azurea, Calypogeia trichomanis, изменчивость, распространение, синие масляные тела, таксономия, изменчивость, Ленинград- ская область, Республика Карелия, Россия. The name Calypogeia trichomanis (L.) Raddi, nom. rej., since its treatment by K. Müller (1947) and until recently was used for plants with blue oil bodies. Oil bodies in this species are fugacious and need to be studied when plants alive that often makes identifi cation of this species in collections without oil bodies untenable. Before Müller (1947) this name was applied to various species of the genus that resulted from mislead- ing description of Mnium trichomanis L., nom. rej., as «Mnium foliis distichis integerrimis» (Linne, 1753: 1114) referring to not informative illustrations of Dillenius (1741: 236, Plate XXXI) (Fig.). The broad cir- cumscription of C. trichomanis in Synopsis Hepaticarum by Gottsche et al. (1844: 198) with inclusion of infraspecifi c taxa with various shape of leaves and underleaves worsen the situation. Despite Stotler and Crotz (1983) have shown that majority of older re- ports of C. trichomanis in both Europe and eastern North America belong to C. muelleriana the data on distribution of C. azurea in Russia until present remain uncertain because most of them are not annotated by data on oil bodies or not published. Following Stotler and Crotz (1983), Kon- stantoinova et al. (1992) and Potemkin, Sofronova (2009) noted that old records of C. azurea (as C. trichomanis) based on identifi cation of ma- terials without oil bodies might be erroneous and based on specimens of C. muelleriana. Konstantinova, Bakalin et al. (2009: 36) mentioned also that C. azurea is restricted to subalpine belt of mountains and the middle and south taiga, and do not occur in the Far North. Revision of LE col- lections labelled as C. trichomanis has shown their various identifi cations (see Results). 264 Potemkin et al. Calypogeia azurea in Northwestern European Russia Stotler and Crotz (1983) have shown that C. trichomanis sensu K. Müller and modern authors cannot be correlated with any previous legitimate name and needs to be replaced by name C. azurea Stotler et Crotz which has limited occurrence in Europe and North America. Buczkowska and coauthors (Buczkowska, 2004; Buczkowska et al., 2004) made biometrical analysis of morphological and anatomical char- acters of the alive plants of European species of the genus Calypogeia Raddi with oil bodies in Poland. The study was also combined with the isoenzyme analysis and demonstrated a distinct segregation of C. azurea from the other European species at the species level and from American C. peruviana Nees et Mont. Those results are supported by recent mo- lecular studies (Buczkowska, pers. com. 19.04.2017). The facts above and recent fi nds of C. azurea in the Leningrad Region and the Republic of Karelia persuade us to provide its description on the basis of collections identifi ed with oil bodies, to analyze and discuss its distinctive characters and differentiation, and generalize all known infor- mation on its distribution and ecology in Russia. Material and Methods All materials of Calypogeia trichomanis kept in Herbarium of Koma- rov Botanical Institute, St. Petersburg (LE) from different regions of Rus- sia and some adjacent territories, Latvia, Finland and Georgia mostly (34 specimens cited below) have been revised. Data on C. azurea from the Northwestern European Russia are based on identifi ed with oil bodies collections from the Leningrad Region and the Republic of Karelia, which certify correct identifi cation of this still poorly known in Russia species. Three specimens with oil bodies were found and identifi ed in the area. Specimens of C. azurea in the Leningrad Region were collected in minigrip (= ziplock) plastic bags to prevent de- siccation. Photographs of alive plants from the Leningrad Region have been made by Olympus Tough TG-3 and Nikon Coolpix 7900. Data on specimens deposited in KPABG and INEP are available in CRIS (Cryptogamic Russian Information System, http://kpabg.ru/ cris/?q=node/16). Specimens examined Calypogeia azurea (3 specimens identifi ed with oil bodies). Russia. Republic of Karelia, Kondopoga District, Kivach State Nature Reserve, W part of the reserve, 2 km NW of the administration place, 62°16ʹ58ʺN, 33°58ʹ14ʺE, 95 m alt., spruce for- est near Suna River, peaty bank of the river, with Fuscocephaloziopsis lunulifolia 265 Новости сист. низш. раст. — Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 51: 263–273. 2017 (Dumort.) Váňa et L. Söderstr., 26.06.2015, E. A. Borovichev BE19-45-15, INEP; Petrozavodsk City, Sulazhgora Lake, spruce forest with Oxalis acetosella L., on the hummock, 21.08.1998, V. A. Bakalin, KPABG. Leningrad Region, Vsevolozhsk Dis- trict, 60.1814456°N, 30.4622110°E, 500 m W of Kavgolovskoe Lake, bilberry-sphag- num spruce forest, on needle litter and soil under spruce, 11.09.2016, E. G. Ginzburg 1109-3, det. A. D. Potemkin, LE. Calypogeia cf. azurea (2 specimens identifi ed without oil bodies as C. trichoma- nis, all in LE). Finland. Finlandia australis, Lojo, 22.06.1878, S. O. Lindberg (mod. parvifolia); Nylandia, Porvoo, 17.07.1937, H. Buch. Georgia. Lagodekhi Nature Re- serve… 26.06.1948, A. Dolukhanov (trans. ad C. muelleriana). Calypogeia fi ssa (8 specimens identifi ed as C. trichomanis or Kantia trichoma- nis (L.) Gray, all in LE). Russia. Caucasus, Krasnodar Territory, Adler District… 16.07.1948, Raspopov; Sakhalin Region, Iturup Island… 23.09.1974, Blagodatskikh (C. fi ssa s. l.). Latvia. Livland, Kreis Riga… 21.06 (= 04.07) 1909, J. Mikotowicz, Bryotheca Baltica Nr. 2f (mod. subintegrifolia, admixture to C. neesiana). Geor- gia. Adzharia Republic, Batumi Botanical Garden… 03.07.1961, A. Abramo- va, I. Abramov; ibid., 17.06.1961, A. Abramova, I. Abramov; ibid., 03.07.1961, A. Abramova, I. Abramov; ibid., 18.06.1961, A. Abramova, I. Abramov (mod. densifo- lia with rather large underleaves); ibid., 20.06.1961, A. Abramova, I. Abramov. Calypogeia integristipula (15 specimens identifi ed as Kantia trichomanis or Ca- lypogeia trichomanis, all in LE). Russia. Leningrad Region, on rotten stump in for- est near Dno Railway Station, 07.06.1940, I. I. Abramov. Baltic countries or Russia. Musci hepatic. et frondosi Rus. Balt. Exs. I, Leif. 3, N 132. G. Girgensohn. Latvia or Estonia. Musci hepatic.
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