Ó Ó Preliminary Map PMAP2010-1 600 000 620 000 640 000 660 000 680 000 700 000 720 000 740 000 Precambrian geology of the Seal River region, Manitoba Legend Sequence 1 (<2.7 Ga, >2.57 Ga) Symbols (parts of NTS 54L, M, 64I, P) Ordovician limestone, sandstone Extent of Western Warrior magnetic data (AFN 94732) Geology by: S.D. Anderson, C.O. Böhm and E.C. Syme Sa18 Quartz arenite with minor mudstone and conglomerate Planar structures Seal River Domain Extent of BHP Billiton magnetic data (AFN 74007) 20 70 Sa17 Arenite and polymictic conglomerate; <2.7 Ga This map is a provisional summary of work carried out during the summer field season and is produced directly Paleoproterozoic Bedding: tops unknown, known, overturned Extent of GSC magnetic data (Fortin et al., 2009) from the geologist's manuscript. It is not to be regarded as a final interpretation of the geology of the area. Sequence 4 (<1.88 Ga) 80 0 Unconformity –––––––– 0 0 Sp13 Quartz arenite with subordinate mudstone 0 0 This map is available to download free of charge at www.manitoba.ca/minerals; to purchase a copy 0 Pillows: tops unknown, known, overturned 0 contact Publication Sales at 1-800-223-5215 or (204) 945-4154 or [email protected]. 0 4 4 6 6 Intrusive rocks 6 Sp12 Greywacke-mudstone turbidites; feldspathic 6 Flow contact: tops unknown, known 25 Sa16 Serpentinite, peridotite, gabbro 83 64N 64O 64P 54M PMAP2010-1 Sp11 Iron formation; oxide facies Biotite±hornblende granite, granodiorite, tonalite; Sa15 gneissic; minor amphibolite Igneous layering: tops unknown 55 72 64I 54L 54K Sp10 Greywacke-mudstone turbidites; quartzose; <1.88 Ga 64K 64J 75 DICKINS RIVER Dickins Na2 80 PLUTON River 54H Fault contact? –––––––– Foliation 54F 54G Sp9 Iron formation; oxide facies ! Woodcock Point 64F 64G 64H 54E 38 90 Crave Lake Na4 54A Sp8 Dolomitic marble and calcsilicate rocks Sosnowski Lake assemblage 54C 54B Gneissosity 85 64C 64B 64A 54D Garlinski Lake and Howard Lake greenstone belts 10 Na3 80 Sa14 Feldspar-quartz porphyry; 2679±6 Ma 60 53N 53O Unconformity –––––––– 63N 63O 63P 53M Fold axial plane 85 10 Sa13 Volcaniclastic and epiclastic rocks; <2.7 Ga, <2.61 Ga 78 53J 90 53L 53K Sp7 Pegmatite; biotite–muscovite±garnet 63K 63J 63I Dike Na5 Sa12 Dacite and rhyolite; associated intrusives 80 Pollock Island 53F Sp6 Biotite–muscovite granite (±garnet, fluorite) Linear structures Haywood 63F 63G 63H 53E Lake 15 Sa11 Leucodiorite 38 63C 63B 63A 53D Intrusive contact –––––––– Sa10 Andesite Fold axis: symmetry unknown, S, U, Z 10 65 Basalt and basaltic andesite; related gabbro; minor 62N 62O 62P 52M Sequence 3 (<1.98 Ga) Sa9 65 Na3 Na1 iron formation Lineation (includes stretching and mineral lineations) 85 Sp5 Mudstone with subordinate arenite interbeds 0 Index 0 0 52L 71 0 0 62K 62J 62I Sa8 Gabbro; local amphibolite along belt margins Dikes inferred from magnetics Na2 0 0 Map 87 0 2 85 2 6 Sp4 Dolomitic marble 6 Mp1 Gabbro (ca. 1.27 Ga Mackenzie swarm) Vinsky Lake 75 6 0 100 200 Na5 6 62F 62H 52E 62G 85 90 Fault contact? –––––––– 90 kilometres Sp3 Quartz arenite with subordinate mudstone interbeds; <1.98 Ga Sap4 Gabbro 79 67 Neoarchean to Mesoarchean 84 Sp2 Thinly interbedded arenite and mudstone; <2.05 Ga Np1 Diabase? (ca. 2.45 Ga Kaminak swarm?) Na2 Cartography by S.K.Y. Lee Seal River Complex 45 15 79 69 45 Published by: Sp1 Iron formation; silicate facies Sa7 Diabase (dikes); foliated; northwest-trending VINSKY LAKE Geological contacts (in part inferred from geophysical data) PLUTON Manitoba Innovation, Energy and Mines Simundson Lak e 76 Catton Manitoba Geological Survey, 2010 Sa6 Quartz- and feldspar-phyric rhyolite; 2570±3 Ma Lake Unconformity –––––––– Form line 90 SUGGESTED REFERENCE: Sa5 Feldspar (±hornblende, quartz) porphyry 70 Anderson, S.D., Böhm, C.O. and Syme, E.C. 2010: Precambrian geology of the Seal River region, Manitoba (parts of Paleoproterozoic or Late Neoarchean (?) 67 NTS 54L, M, 64I, P); Manitoba Innovation, Energy and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, Preliminary Map Sequence 2 (<2.5 Ga) Fault 25 Sa4 Hornblende diorite (dikes) PMAP2010-1, scale 1:175 000. 85 90 Sap5 Basalt 76 Sa3 Biotite granodiorite (dikes); 2860±4 Ma Mapping limit 82 Gabbro; possibly includes east- to east-northeast- 79 97°30'W 97°0'W 96°30'W 96°0'W 95°30'W 95°0'W 94°30'W Sap4 trending gabbro dike swarm Na1, Na4-6 N ' Sa2 Biotite±hornblende granite and granodiorite; heterogeneous 0 ° 0 6 Sap3 Psammitic and semipelitic paragneiss; ca. 2.56 Ga Orthogneiss; includes amphibolite or metagabbro 80 Sa1 enclaves; 2901±5 Ma 80 75 Sap2 Mudstone with subordinate arenite 81 Quartz arenite with subordinate conglomerate and Fault contact? –––––––– 85 Sap1 mudstone; <2.5 Ga Kirk River 45 N ' 0 0 71 0 4 70 ° 0 0 Nejanilini Domain Mink 9 78 69 0 Tully 0 5 Rapids Na1, Na4-6 Lake 0 0 N ' Unconformity –––––––– Intrusive and supracrustal rocks 80 0 0 0 6 6 4 75 39 ° 75 85 9 6 Morris 6 5 66 Na6 Biotite granite, leucogranite, granitic pegmatite McMurachy Esker 62 50 Late Neoarchean Island 71 72 80 80 Intrusive rocks 80 76 75 Na5 Potassium feldspar porphyritic granite; 'fresh' 70 20 Na5 80 Sa23 Granitic pegmatite; biotite 60 Na4 Potassium feldspar porphyritic granite; recrystallized Burch Rapids N ' 0 Sa22 Alaskite 51 2 Na2, Na4, ° 9 75 85 5 Na3 Mafic granulite 40 Na5 N ' 0 2 79 Hudson Bay ° Sa21 Granite, granodiorite, quartz diorite; 2550±4 Ma Richardson 9 5 Rapids Na2 Paragneiss 75 70 Sa20 Quartz±feldspar porphyry; 2562±5 Ma 60 Unseparated biotite±hornblende granite, granodiorite; Long Na1 85 Lake variably gneissic; 2527±2 Ma 86 Sac Rapids 76 Sa19 Syenogranite, quartz syenite; typically fine grained; 2570±5 Ma 85 74 40 N ' 0 ° Thibedeau 80 60 9 Lake Russell 5 Intrusive contact –––––––– 10 Na5 Esker Na4 N ' 0 ° 80 29 9 68 5 Kwasny GROSS RIVER 79 37 80 Lake PLUTON 38 60 Caribou Mason Rapids River Gross Lake 35 86 46 John Campbell 1:175 000 Lake 80 17 57 N ' CARIBOU RIVER 0 0 10 20 kilometres Caribou 7 4 ° Lake 85 0 0 8 PLUTON 60 5 0 0 0 0 N ' 75 0 26 0 Stodgell Islands 90 0 4 ° 8 8 8 5 5 5 6 6 80 83 75 Sirett Lake Na5 85 Viljoen et al., 1999 30 84 5 75 97°30'W 97°0'W 96°30'W 96°0'W 95°30'W 95°0'W 80 16 80 Koleda Stubner 36 22 Lake 80 87 Lake Na1, Na4-6 Mann 25 40 20 0 25 50 kilometres McMurchy Island Post Lake Lake 80 61 66 13 Pakulak Lake 72 89 Clarke 80 72 River 82 40 SOURCES OF AEROMAGNETIC DATA: Na1, Na4-6 75 Assessment File 74007, Manitoba Innovation, Energy and Mines, Winnipeg. Airborne magnetic and MEGATEM Survey, Seal River Travis Lake and Keewatin blocks, Churchill, Manitoba. BHP Billiton World Exploration Inc. Futoranski 45 80 25 Lake Hanscom 50 Ploschansky 80 81 75 Lake Lake Assessment File 94732, Manitoba Innovation, Energy and Mines, Winnipeg. High resolution aeromagnetic survey 82 72 65 (HRAM) logistical report for Western Warrior Resources Ltd, Eppler Lake Project, Churchill area, Manitoba, NTS 54L/13, 85 Benville Craib 54M/4, 64I/16, & 64P/1. 85 Lake Walton Lake Island 75 71 Na4 49 80 Na 2 Fortin, R., Coyle, M., Carson, J.M. and Kiss, F. 2009: Airborne geophysical survey of the Great Island and Seal River Benjamin Frederick Cook 80 area, Manitoba (NTS 64P/03, 64P/02, 64P/01 and part of 54M/04, 64I/16 and part of 54 L/13, 64I/15, 64I/14, 64I/11, Lake Anderson Schoenthaler 82 85 Lake Lake 64I/10, 64I/09 and part of 54L/12, 64I/07, 64I/06, 64I/08 and part of 54L/05, parts of 64I, 64P, 54L and 54M); 75 11 Sothe 90 Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 6065 to 6076; Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy and Mines, Manitoba Dingle Renault 12 Lake Lake Lake 54 Geological Survey, Open File OF2009-1 to OF2009-12, 1 DVD-ROM (120 colour maps), scale 1:50 000. 81 70 20 70 85 87 82 Viljoen, D., Chackowsky, L., Lenton, P. and Broome, H.J. 1999: Geology, magnetic & gravity maps of Manitoba: 71 75 54 69 A Digital Perspective; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File D3695; Manitoba Energy and Mines, Larocque 4 McCann Lake Lake 82 85 0 44 0 Geological Services, Open File Report OF99-12, 1 CD-ROM. 0 0 d'Arcis 0 89 0 82 Lake 36 43 85 0 85 0 6 6 Tourand 67 49 84 5 5 55 6 6 Lake Washook 86 5 85 Sa21, Sa15 76 77 74 Lake 48 83 GARLINSKI 85 80 51 76 70 83 67 68 Quigley 18 Nykolaishen 48 Lake LAKE Brooks Hill Lake 17 76 88 74 69 GREENSTONE BELT 80 51 Warner 75 80 Lake Sa12 Sa13 82 71 50 60 82 81 Harbottle 71 Pincock Antonyszyn Lake Lake Richardson 40 Seal River Lake 50 30 85 Na1 Hill 35 75 85 75 55 40 40 Thagard 55 Sa 10 Sa21 75 79 60 60 77 84 Madge Island 64 Lake 84 The Knoll 83 53 Thekakaya 76 16 80 70 20 Gugins Lake Lake 65 79 89 13 24 60 85 82 65 90 22 Sa10 Witt 19 60 86 78 10 32 64 64 Lake 82 20 85 75 52 64 80 76 64 83 73 Baker 85 55 45 58 79 Hebner Sa15 Obuyi Lake 69 Peninsula 21 85 72 80 40 47 50 60 Lake 80 80 80 80 70 Thuykay Lake Sa12 85 52 90 68 Naelin Lake 36 32 70 56 35 10 78 78 Garlinski 70 83 83 Sellar 80 51 80 85 58 82 20 1 Kesselman Lake 57 Sosnowski 71 85 90 Lake 51 Avery 1 Lake Sa10, Sa8 Lake 74 ! Sap3, Sp6 10 65 35 81 Point of the Woods 80 50 Collins 78 Sa8 70 Sa18 56 45 Sp5 Sa8 9, 8 74 Lake 41 81 Seal River 90 61 25 Sp6 70 72 80 80 80 85 Hoguycho 85 82 90 5 49 75 84 80 40 Lake 90 7 71 85 60 24 85 84 40 86 56 60 61 72 42 85 85 85 85 62 34 11 27 76 Spruce Lake 81 19 65 25 75
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