![Women S and Ulysses'](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
>5-- '^*1' n O D A T , R A fr U A R T t , IfC T Average Daily CtreukUen f0 O S fT B B t hr Uw 8laatk o< Piiamkir, IMfi The Weather iWattfhfgtfr t pgntop 1|rralb rareeesl ol D. a Woatba 9 ^8 3 Bair taalgkt end Suada __ I Miminf €( lUglaa d’ltalU lo* E n g a g e m e n U Scandia Lodge who! eaMar teolghti ( 'AboutTown bs*S " S iW L S ^ ■aaakly eeli Suuday. 'dub on * r ^ Camey-Count Kiddies PuTyl Manehetter^A CUy o )’ Viliaga Charm of Odd rd- w bm th v »»tn :0«vM Lodg* VfMo 'homo at u Dlrldoo tta BWtlng thin aa*nlng in Wbuto to John A. Vmco ^ .VOIw LXV1„ NO. 80 10) t i Odd fWtowa haB wlU eonfer tb* di«d Twrtordny, >nd wtMiM wlfa Four Swedish Orgnuizn- MANCHESTER. CONN„ SATURDAY, JANUARY 4.1947 (TWELVE PAQE8) PRICE THREE CENTS fimT'AfVeeco. 1* a m*mb*r Women s and Ulysses’ ^ T o S '’5»o”w ffl'ft^ 155*^ tions to Participate on | ita bgr Junna Oii~ I of tho aodetj. Sunday Soya and gtrla o t Manch«*t» Where Ntl^ Fled from New York Prison Knutson Plans Jovanila Oranga or* reminded of of Bmanue) Lutboran Says Viet-Namese tiM meeting tomorrow afternoon Movlea wUt be aim of the fea-1 Republican Leaders win baa* ^ at two o’d o « at their uaual meet- tiirea at the Christmas Party at aigbt o'clock at t h olag | » J place ^ " ^ on^ ^.inMain atnet.atreet. which Scandia' Lodge No. 88, V. O. To Push Along la sponsoring for the children or | Sunaet Council, Degree of Poca- grandchildren of members of Man­ Must Be Smashed ____ I^utheran church will [ bontaa. wW meet M oi^y evenli^ chester’s fqur Swedish organise-I Tax^lash BiU gloa a fbtowdl tooqytloa *«**•► at eliiit o’dock In Tinker hall. tions on Sunday wt the Orange Threaten Keep W Tlwiidiaa B. Palmer and hla hall. Lester H. Smith, Past Grand to ---- - iDeouty Oreat Pocabontaa Mary Sunday aftern o y at ^ HarUord and t f t Chancellor and member of Memor­ Will Be Sent to Vote / Ttm aaaiial mcdtog of the - - officer* for ial Lodge K. of P. has promised to ^ To Restore Peace win bo held Sunday, Janu- ^ monthe at IMT. AU preeent eeveral Intareatlag fllmsl In House Without •IT It. ht t;M pjB. offloera-elect are «nrwl *« ^ for the children. French Colonial Mini* Hearing Anyone But ent to be irtataUed. A aodal period Santa Claus wUI. of ceurae, b* I COATS ^ the main feature and will ba there Midwest Cold Senate wiU follow the oerernony. ter AsaerU Military Government Officials with fruit, candy and a present for each and evary child. In addi­ "The ruUneee of Time," a Chriat Decision Necessary Waohington, Jan. A—UP)—Chalr- maa atory In UMeaun by Thomas tion light refraahmenta win bo Moving East; Tackle Bilbo Stalemale LECLERC Moawell. wUl be preeented at the oehred for the older folks <n the Before Any Negotia* Knutaon (R-Mlnn) of the House banquet hall. H m committee la Wagner Strikes Back In Effoit to Get fssafsl BoflM ^ < South Methodist ehnrch. ffimday MUdred B. Coups tions Can Be Carried Ways and Means committee, de­ oeenlng, January t. ^ chaig^ for the occaslOB |iaa ar­ Fury Reduced termined to Jam his tsK-alaahing Mr. and Mna George Coup* of range a moat Intanatlng pro^j Southemers to Abon* tn Main Street caat and Irapfaaalve ataglng. T y ^On in Indo - China Mil through Oongreaa quickly, aiid Pbese SSet ' program was postponed from Sun­ Holyoke, Meas., announce the en­ grant. At Labor Law Critics (Ion Tlheir FilUraslar day evening, Deo. W on acwOTt gagement of their daughter, MU­ The party win atart promptly at Sub - Freezing Weather today it will be sant to q House ofatonny waather. It ta ho|^ tte dred EUaabeth, to WllUam U two-thirty o'clock la the aftemooa 1 ^ 8 ,' Jan. 4.— (/P)— ^The vote without hearing from anyone Agabkst Onstinf oil weathar ariB be more favorable for Carney, son of Mr. and Mre. PhlUp and la so planned that anyone may FreneXPress Agency report­ In Texas Threatens but government witnesses. Senator Atterts ^Anti- the coming prooontntlon. Carney of 40 Garden street. attend other actlvltlca -that are | ed todaXthat Colonial Minis­ The committee will receive tes­ Mississippian; Alter* Damage to Wintw Veg­ timony only from the secretary at Bowles Stands YOUR CUIIJ) MIm Cniipe is a graduata Of Bcheduled for the same day. Labor* Propostdt in This U the first such party to be | ter Marius^Modtet, now in hi- the Treasury and coagrMaional nittive May Be to Pat raUTUGRAPHIfiO TTio marrtago of Mine Kmertlne Holyoke High achool and the etable and Citrus O ops i M. Oorons to OUvor 1C MaaweU of Hartford Hospital School of Nurs­ given by Scandia lodge after i do-China, decided that tax expert! on Knutson's propoaal Congrett Threaten lim itation on DebaM IN TOUR OWN BOMS Hertford, will take place tonjorrow ing. She le completing a courso at laps* of approximately tan year Viet-Nam nauonalists there to cut taxes on tncomea up to Against Hurd i afternoon nt 8:S0 in Zion Lutheran and It la hoped that thla will be a By The Associated Press 1300,000 by a straight 20 per cent, *Reactiohary Era* the hoapltal. must be crusK^ by the WhAhington, Jad. 4,—^ JOSBPB ADAMS church. The prospective bridegroom annual affair front now on. French Arm y b ^ r e • peace The midwest’s C9ld wave and the Minheootan told reporters. •Meplwme 2-12*1 native of Manchester and snowstorm moved eastward with He conceded that he may have Wanhinfl^n, Jan. 4.— (/P) Party Setup ■RroubHcsn leaders tackled Membera of the Alpina Society can be restored. been "overly optimlatic” In setting graduate of. Manchester High reduced fury today, but a cold snap — The the Theodore G. Bilbo itale- ore requeated to meet thU evening For MfisisiaBi fl«at aoi “It la neceaaary to h s ^ a mili­ April 1 os effective date for the author of the Wagner school A veteran of three years' tary decision before any Bggotla- struck the south with unusual lUhtfl today with a threat to at Bwen o'clock at 18 Division service with the Army Air Porcea, 83.350,000.000 reduction in 1947 act struck back at its critics New ^Liberal* Movegtient atioot. to pay thdr roopecta to Best Bamlaa EMdency tiona can be conducted,” tbe power. Individual income levies, but de­ today with an assertion that j hold the Senate in a mara­ he le employed by the Rogers cy quoted Mputet as aaying i John A. Veaho, who died Wednea- Sub-freexing weather in Texas clared: Pointed Toward Sup* thon session until southern* 24 HOUR SERVICB Corporation la Manchester. interview at Hanoi. " If thie bill haa hard sledding it anti-labor” proposals in the day night, and whoa* wife, Mr*. No date has been set to t the / threatened damage to -the winter new Congress threaten a "re­ era abandon their flUbustar M .ry VoacOk is * mCmbar of the Mouiet Retums'te Saigon egetable and citrus crops. Fore- will be entirely due to lack ot port of Democ^ts on wedding. Moutet now haa returned to actionary era.” Instead of against ousting the Misaiaaip- cd 4 1 6 6 a o d ^ . ____ TEXACO •r P. F, Sutton of the Chicago knowledge on the part o t the mem^ New Deal Liffm in *48 ian. As an altemative,, tb « Balgon after a trip to Hanoi whera ther bureaa aaid. It was only behi of Congress. , tearing into th« law he caxih- •I a m :h i » i r r t a i i g o . Grsitt-Jackaon / he and hla party repeatedly came S.O.P. otiateglaUi sow a chAaee to Oibbona Aaaembly. Catholle La- 7 above early today at Fort Worth. N* aevenne Le«a Seen, sored in 1935, Senator Wag­ drum up tbe tw#-thlrda majoritj Idtas of Cohunbua, In eonnaotlon Announcement la made of the under sniper fire. He said he bad Washington, Jqh. 4. — (P) — A f M Along^Oie Rio Grande river, un­ Detectives and priaon oBIclala Inspect adndow (left, arrow) through “We take the position there ner (D., N. Y<). said. Congress nccaaaary to limit debate. with their meeting, Tueaday eve- engagement of Mlia Bemice R. RANGE OIL had no contacts with .Vlct-Nam which nine priaonera escaped from Brooklyn's Raymond atreet JalL won’t be any revenue loea. In the new Tlberal" movement wi Jackson, daughter of Mra Sarah repreeentatlves during hla Inspec­ usual rekdliiga Included 23 at Del should ease management-labor re­ Order Moralog Coaeua iBlng. Jan. 7, at the K. of C home, Rio and SOs^t Laredo. It was down Prisoners aawed bar off i^ d o w then clambered up ocaffoldtng and long run we will get more revenue lations by creating a three-man pointed by Its leaden today to­ IwUl hold a *Srhita elephant" nnc Jackson of 20 Knoa atreet, and tion tour to the embattled capital They ordered a morning cauciai Coll 4496 to 19 at SSiK Antonio. fled over 15-foot prison wall at right. The wall was topped with by Increasing businesa through the Fe<leral MediaUun board with ward support ot a Demoentie tlen and aoeiaL Membera ara re- the late Isaac Jackson, to Willard of the Viet-Nam repieaentatlvea a 12-foot high ateel fence. encouragement of m lighter tax to consider meaq* o t untying tU4 P.
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