The Illinois Wesleyan University P Imay not agree with what you z A SAPIENTIAI1z Ssay, but I will defend to the death VER your right to say it. 1850 S DoSt.SITY r o -Voltaire Devoted to the concept of free press Volume 85 Bloomington, Illinois 61701, Friday, September 8, 1978 number 1 Honor four... Establish merit award The establishment of the Il- as the Presidential Scholars, they National Merit Scholarship linois Wesleyan University will be presented to the universi- finalist and recipient of an Alum- Presidential Scholarships was ty community at the convocation. ni Award at Wesleyan. She plans announced by William M. Goebel, The recipients will be selected to major in English in prepara- secretary of the board of for their high scholastic poten- tion for law school. trustees, at the President's Con- tial, as reflected in past Miss Pauls graduated 12th out vocation Wednesday. academic achievements, distinc- of a class of 506 at Parkway North The scholarships, which are tive personal qualities, leader- High School. She received an designed specifically to reward ship capabilities and intellectual Alumni Talent Award from merit, will guarantee gift curiosity in the search for the Wesleyan. Her major will be assistance to the recipients liberal education. Their records music education with perfor- regardless of financial need. of excellence indicate continued mance in piano. The awards are being in- success at Illinois Wesleyan. Miss Little was valedictorian of stituted in recognition of the 10th The first recipients of these her class at Rushville High anniversary of Dr. Robert S. awards, as announced by Goebel, School. She plans to major in Eckley as president of the univer- are Kathryn Ann Kasley of business. She is the third from sity and will be announced an- Pekin, Janet Carol Pauls of her family to attend Wesleyan. CHECK IT OUT. Greg De Graff discusses campus job information nually at the President's Con- Creve Coeur, Mo., Pamela Diane Two uncles graduates here - with Lauri Bilyeu at Tuesday's registration. Photo by Doug Bibo vocation, the first all-school Little of Littleton, and Tim William Henderson in 1938 and ent of the school year. Joseph Vega of Chicago. Lyle Henderson in 1940. ee or four students will be Miss Kasley graduated fourth Vega was salutatorian of his Ad each year from the in her class of 740 at Pekin Com- class at St. Rita High School. He .. ring freshman class. Known munity High School. She was a plans to major in biology. WESN set to air WESN, Illinois Wesleyan's "There won't be a hard rock show campus radio station, will begin against an easy-listening slot," University defers rush decision limited broadcasting Friday, he explained. September 8, marking the In addition, WESN plans to con- The deferred rush decision has release, Eckley stated that there year were all for the better." earliest first semester start the tinue its extensive Wesleyan been deferred. will be another rush study com- Rick Simkins, Phi Gamma Del- station has ever had. sports' coverage of all home University President Robert S. mittee which will be comprised of ta member, agreed with the rush The 88.1 FM station will run games and possibly a few key Eckley released his decision on faculty, Greek actives, and pro- decision also, pointing out that daily from noon until midnight away match-ups. Wednesday morning. For at least fessional residence hall staff one new rule, limiting rushees to before going to the regular noon WESN is an alternative radio the next two years, Greek rush members. This committee will be three house choices after to 2 a.m. format in a few weeks. station, specializing in rock, jazz, will remain an early September working closely with his office. September 16 "will be fairer to The station had considered ex- disco, soul, country, live bands, activity. Eckley's printed state- Faculty members were not the houses." Simkins added that panding its broadcasting hours, and special shows. The request ment pointed to some areas for available for comment at press the enforcement of the new but decided the move would not line number is 556-3276. possible improvement in rush ac- time Wednesday night, however alcohol policy is one big change be practical due to heavy morn- With a veteran radio staff tivities. However, Eckley has Greek student leaders expressed that the houses are abiding by. ing class schedules. returning, Richards expects a decided not to follow the con- approval of his decision. Vice- Alpha Gamma Delta and Tau Programming "looks real more professional set-up this troversial faculty recommenda- president of Inter-Fraternity Kappa Epsilon members ex- good" this year, according to sta- year. WESN staff includes: Dave tion to defer Greek rush until se- Council Marty Anderson has pressed agreement with Eckley's tion manager Wayne Richards. Lawrence, program director; cond semester of each year. taken a positive attitude toward decision also. TKE president, Richard, serving his second year' Jay Bowman, music director; Last year Eckley appointed a the rush decision and said that Dan Jameson said his house is as station manager, says the Brian Lee, librarian; Ted Lee, student - faculty - alumni com- the fraternities are going to com- very pleased and he agrees that schedule is designed to flow more public service; Steve Hutson, mittee to work on the question of ply with Dr. Eckley's recom- "President Eckley made a good smoothly, with music scheduled news director; and Jim Fleming, deferred rush. After receiving mentions. Some changes were decision." to fit the times it's played. administrative assistant. this committee's report last already implemented upon spring, Eckley announced his in- review of last year's deferred Uh-Oh ... Those planning to take one or tention to reach a decision on the rush study committee report. more of the admission tests re- matter over the summer. In his Anderson said, "Changes this Senate turns up short quired by graduate and profes- Student Senate Treasurer Han- and estimates are simply the an- sional schools are advised to nah Dabill announced Wednes- ticipated number of students register for the tests immediate- day that the Senate has received multiplied by that dollar figure. ly. A disruption in mail service over $4,000 less than anticipated Less students than anticipated could prevent those who delay when the present year's budget returned to campus this year. from being registered for the ear- was established. Student Senate officials ly fall administrations. Regular The $4,547 deficit, which was estimated an enrollment of 1680 Registration Deadlines for the hypothetically divided up among students, for an anticipated in- examination are: numerous Senate committees come of $40,320, but only 1620 Medical College Admission and subcomittees during budget students actually enrolled, for a Test (MCAT)..Sept. 1, 1978 hearings last year, heralds an real total of $38,880. Dental Admission Test urgent belt-tightening session of In addition, the carryover from (DAT) ....... Sept. 11, 1978 the Financial Advisory Board of last year was estimated at Law School Admission Test the Senate at 7:00 Sept. 7, follow- $11,000. With all accounts in, the (LSAT) ...... Sept. 14, 1978 ed by a week of financial total came to only $6,130. Graduate Management scramblings, as various Interest income, however, was Admission Test organizations and committees at- estimated at $1500, but really (GMAT) ..... Sept. 21,1978 tempt to save their own budgets totaled $1632, to provide a single" Graduate Record Examination from the axe. bright spot. (GRE) ........ Sept. 28, 1978 There is no real alternative to As a result of these problems, Late Registration Deadlines slashing the budget. Virtually all the total budget was estimated, generally are one week later than Senate funds are derived from and budgeted at, $90,620, while the Regular Registration Dead- STEP RIGHT UP! Fathers were drafted into active service this week the $48 activity fee paid by each actual funds totaled only $86,073. lines. as Wesleyan students arrive on campus. Photo by Doug Bibo student attending the University, Page 2 THE ARGUS-Illinois Wesleyan University, Friday, September 8, 1978 Eckley celebrates tenth year Ten years ago Dr. Robert S. Curriculum has been improved proud of at Wesleyan, Eckley Eckley made the following state- and strengthened without depart- said: ment when he announced his ing from a sound liberal arts pro- "My greatest reward here at decision to accept the post of gram. Wesleyan is to see students president of Illinois Wesleyan Four years ago, January short achieve after they leave here University. term was focused on a theme: the because of their experience at "Illinois Wesleyan is on the Bicentennial. Wesleyan. verge of gaining wider recogni- Since then 90-400 students have "Over the last ten years the tion and can achieve . an participated in the thematic short academic climate has been good. outstanding reputation among term each year, topics ranging I see the quality of the students liberal arts colleges in the next from World Hunger to Living improving and the faculty setting decade." With Technology. higher academic standards." Under Eckley's leadership, Students have also been able to What does Eckley see for the Wesleyan has improved both its select from a wider range of ma- future of Wesleyan? "I would like academic standards and jors. Two recent additions were to see more in improvements facilities. the Musical-Theater and made in the curriculum," he Academic standards are higher American Studies majors. said. "Students should have more than they were ten years ago, and During the last decade many opportunities to attend small more Wesleyan graduates are go- improvements were made to classes and should be encouraged ing on to graduate school.
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