March 2021 TUBESTOCK LIST TUBESTOCK Is Available in 40Mm Square X 80Mm Deep Tubes at 56 Per Tray

March 2021 TUBESTOCK LIST TUBESTOCK Is Available in 40Mm Square X 80Mm Deep Tubes at 56 Per Tray

March 2021 TUBESTOCK LIST TUBESTOCK is available in 40mm square x 80mm deep tubes at 56 per tray. A charge of 80 cents will apply for trays supplied. A charge for cartons will be made where applicable. DELIVERY is free to Melbourne metro and interstate freight depots for tubestock invoices exceeding $600. Victorian country customers at destinations serviced by Van Berkel Plant Transport please ask us about freight charges. We take all reasonable care to pro- duce quality tubestock, but will not be liable for losses of any kind in transport or grow- ing conditions outside our nursery. PAYMENT: Strictly 30 days from date of invoice. Customers who purchase our tubestock on our 30 day account are required to comply with our payment terms. OVERDUE ACCOUNTS: Customers who buy our tubestock and do not pay within our trading terms will be charged an overdue account management fee of 1% of the outstand- ing invoice balance per month until the account is fully paid. GST: Listed prices do not include GST. VALUED CUSTOMER DISCOUNT: We may offer a volume discount to regular customers who trade within our 30 day terms. SMALL QUANTITIES: The minimum quantity per variety is 14 plants. Quantities of less than one tray are priced as shown. IMAGES: Email pictures of some plants are available on request. (Photo = Y) Images are also available for many of the plants we propagate on our website at PICTORIAL LABELS: We do supply some of our own labels which are coded “WILD”, and our stocklist shows the most up to date listing we have of the other labels available from various horticultural printers. I is for Immij, N is for Norwood. Other labels may be held by nurseries, and if available for general sale are listed with the abbreviated nursery name. Customers are advised to check label availability with their suppliers, as label sup- pliers may withdraw a label from sale without notice. Plants marked with * are PBR and must be sold with labels at additional cost. Prices on request. QUARANTINE TREATMENT: Tubestock sent to South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia will incur a $45 per consignment treatment and documentation charge. CLEARANCE PRICE: Every month we will list discount price clearance tubestock which is suitable for landscape planting or potting into large containers. Some of these plants may not be suitable for prime ornamental potting. If in doubt, give us a call. PLANT NAME 14‐27 28‐55 56+ QTY LABEL PIC HAB FLOWERS COLOUR FR CFL FOOD Acacia denticulosa $1.55 $1.45 $1.40 B y MS SPR YEL Y N Acacia prav. Little Nugget PBR $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 L WILD Y SS WIN YEL Y N Adenanthos sericea $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 L IN MS SPR PIN Y N Agonis flexuosa Weeping Wonder $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 L I MS SPR WHI N N Agonis linearifolia $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 B N LS SUM WHI Y Y Agonis parviceps $0.99 $0.99 $0.99 B Y LS SPR WHI Y Y Ajuga australis purpurea $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B GC SPR BLU Y N Alyogyne Melissa Anne $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B MS SUMAUT PIN Y N Anigozanthos Orange Cross $1.75 $1.65 $1.60 L MS SPR ORA Y Y Astartea Winter Pink $1.45 $1.35 $1.30 L IN MS WINSPR PIN Y Y Austromyrtus Copper Tops $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B SS SPR WHI Y N Y Austromyrtus dulcis $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 L IN SS SUM WHI Y N Y Baeckea imbricata $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B SS AUTWIN WHI Y N Baeckea virgata dwarf $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B IN SS SUM WHI Y N Banksia occidentalis $2.05 $1.95 $1.90 L N LS AUT RED Y Y Banksia paludosa $2.05 $1.95 $1.90 L SS AUTWIN YEL Y Y Banksia prionotes $2.05 $1.95 $1.90 L LS WIN ORA Y Y Billardiera cymosa $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 L CL SPR WHI Y N Billardiera lehmanniana $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 B CL SPR PUR Y N Boronia chartacea $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 B SS SPR PIN Y Y Boronia cymosa $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 L MS SPR PIN Y Y Boronia muelleri x pinnata $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 L SS WINSPR PIN Y Y Brachyscome angustifolia pink $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B GC SPR PIN Y N Brachyscome Hot Candy $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B GC SPR PIN Y N Brachyscome microcarpa $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B GC SPR PUR Y N Brachyscome multifida $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B IN Y GC SUM PUR Y N Brachyscome multifida alba $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B GC SPR WHI Y N Brachyscome multifida Amethyst $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B GC SPR PUR Y N Brachyscome multifida pink $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B IN GC SPR PIN Y N Brachyscome Pilliga Posy $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B N Y GC WINSPR PIN Y N Brachyscome Valencia $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B GC SPR PUR Y N Callistemon Candy Pink $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B IN LS SPR PIN Y N Callistemon Captain Cook $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B IN LS SPR RED N N Callistemon Clearview White $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B N Y LS SPR WHI Y N Callistemon Dawson River Weep. $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B IN LS SPR RED N N Callistemon Endeavour $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B IN Y LS SPR RED Y N Callistemon Eureka $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 B N LS SPR RED Y N Callistemon forresterae $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 L MS SPR PUR Y N Callistemon Hannah Ray $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B IN LS SPR RED N N Callistemon Harkness $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B N LS SPR RED Y N Callistemon Hooley Dooley $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 L SNVLY LS SPR RED N N Callistemon Little John $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 B IN Y SS SPR RED Y N Callistemon sieberi crimson $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B WILD Y LS SUM CRI Y N Callistemon sieberi pink $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 L WILD Y LS SPR PIN Y N Callistemon White Anzac $1.45 $1.35 $1.30 B IN SS SPR WHI Y N Calothamnus quadrifidus grey $1.45 $1.35 $1.30 B IN Y MS SPR RED Y N Calothamnus quadrifidus prost. $1.45 $1.35 $1.30 B I SS SPR RED Y N Calytrix sullivanii $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B N Y MS SPR WHI Y N Carpobrotus rossii $1.05 $0.95 $0.90 B Y GC SPR PIN Y N Y Chamelaucium Meringer Mist $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 B IN Y MS SPR PIN Y Y Chamelaucium uncinatum alba $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 L I MS SPR WHI N Y Chamelaucium uncinatum Purple $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 B WILD Y MS SPRSUM PUR N Y Chorilaena quercifolia $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 L MS SPR YEL Y N Chrysocephalum ramosissimum $1.15 $1.05 $1.00 B N Y GC SPR YEL Y N Clematis microphylla $1.15 $1.05 $1.00 L CL SPR WHI Y N Conostylis aculeata $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 L N SS SPR YEL Y N Correa alba pink $1.45 $1.35 $1.30 B I Y SS SPR PIN Y N Correa alba prostrate $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B Y GC SPR WHI Y N Correa bauerlenii $1.45 $1.35 $1.30 L IN Y MS WIN GRE Y N Correa Carpet Bells $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B GC AUTWIN PIN Y N Correa decumbens $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B IN Y GC SUM RED Y N Correa Dusky Bells $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B IN SS AUTWIN RED Y N Correa glabra red var turnbullii $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B I Y MS AUTWIN RED Y N Correa glabra yellow $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B N Y MS SUM YEL Y N Correa lawrenciana red fls $1.45 $1.35 $1.30 L Y LS SPR RED Y N Correa Pink Frost $1.45 $1.35 $1.30 L SS WINSPR PIN Y N Correa reflexa peninsula form $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 L SS AUTWIN GRE Y N Correa reflexa Port Albert $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B WILD Y SS WINSPR REDYEL Y N Correa reflexa v nummul large leaf $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 L IN Y GC SPRSUM CREYN Correa reflexa v nummul small leaf $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B IN GC SUMSPR CRE YN Crowea exalata $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 L IN Y SS AUTWIN PIN Y Y Crowea exalata compact purple $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 B WILD Y SS AUTWIN PUR Y Y Crowea Festival $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 B IN Y MS AUTWIN PIN Y Y Dampiera altissima $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 L N Y GC WINSPR PUR Y N Dampiera diversifolia $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B IN Y GC SPR BLU Y N Dampiera trigona pink $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 L GC SPR PIN Y N Darwinia citriodora $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B IN MS SPR CRERED Y N Darwinia citriodora prostrate $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B IN GC SPR CRERED Y N Diplolaena drummondii $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 L WILD Y MS SPR RED Y Y Disphyma crassifolium $1.05 $0.95 $0.90 B GC SPR PIN Y N Y Dodonea viscosa ssp spathulata $0.80 $0.80 $0.80 B MS SPR GRE Y N Epacris petrophila $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 L SS AUTWIN WHI Y N Eremophila alternifolia Wild Berry $1.55 $1.45 $1.40 B ENN MS SPRSUM PINNN Eremophila Augusta Storm $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B Y SS SPR PUR Y N Eremophila barbata $1.45 $1.35 $1.30 B Y GC SUMAUT PUR Y N Eremophila biserrata $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 L GC SUMAUT GREPUR Y N Eremophila christopheri x nivea $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 L MS SPRSUM PUR Y N Eremophila decipiens large form $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 L I Y MS SUMAUT RED Y N Eremophila glabra Amber Carpet $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B ENN I Y GC SUMAUT ORA YN Eremophila glabra Kalbarri Carpet $1.45 $1.35 $1.30 B IN Y GC SUMAUT YEL YN Eremophila glabra Lime Gold $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B ENN Y MS SUMAUT YEL Y N Eremophila glabra prostrate yellow $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 L GC SUMAUT YEL Y N Eremophila glabra Roseworthy $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B ENN Y GC SUMAUT RED Y N Eremophila mackinlayi $1.45 $1.35 $1.30 L SS SPRSUM PUR Y N Eremophila maculata silver hybrid $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B MS SPRSUM SIL Y N Eremophila microtheca $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B IN Y SS SPR PUR Y N Eremophila oppositifolia Moonlight $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B ENN Y LS AUTWIN CRE N N Eremophila oppositifolia pink $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B LS AUTWIN PIN N N Eremophila pterocarpa $1.45 $1.35 $1.30 L LS WINSPR PIN Y N Eremophila Red Desert $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B ENN MS SUMAUT RED Y N Eremophila subteretifolia $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 L IN GC SPRSUM RED Y N Eremophila Summertime Blue $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 L IN Y LS SUM BLU Y N Eremophila weldii $1.45 $1.35 $1.30 B I MS WINSPR PUR Y N Gastrolobium celsianum $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B IN Y MS SPR RED Y N Goodenia amplexans $0.80 $0.80 $0.80 B SS SPR YEL Y N Goodenia humilis $1.15 $1.05 $1.00 B GC SPR YEL Y N Goodenia ovata $1.15 $1.05 $1.00 B IN Y MS SPR YEL Y N Grevillea Apricot Charm $1.45 $1.35 $1.30 B N Y MS SPR ORA Y N Grevillea Big Red $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B N Y LS SPR RED Y N Grevillea Copper Rocket $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 L WILD Y LS SPR PIN Y N Grevillea delta $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B SS WINSPR RED Y N Grevillea Ellendale Pool $1.35 $1.25 $1.20 B IN SS SUM RED Y N Grevillea endlicheriana $1.65 $1.55 $1.50 L N Y LS SPR WHI Y

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