KODAK COMPANY Vol. 6, No. 34 Copyr ight 1948 by Eastman Kod ak Com pany, Rochester, N.Y. August 26. 1948 Prince 'Shoots' Olympic Eventj Company Lists 3 New Models In l(odak Tourist Camera Line Bodies Pattern ed After Rugged Oriainal ~ Three new m odels of the K odak T ourist Camera - K oda k's n ew strea mlined folding camera - are a n nounced by the Compa ny. T hey are the K odak T ourist f/ 6.3 Cam­ era, the Kodak Tourist f/8.8 Cam ­ era and the Kodak T ourist Ca mera with K odet Lens. These three additions to t he K odak Tour ist Camera line are patterned a fter the origina l m odel, the K odak Tourist Came ra with K oda k Anaston f/4.5 Le ns, a n­ nounced last May . Basic d iffer­ ences in t he cameras are in t he le nses and shutters. Many Features Like t he ir more expensive pred­ ecessor, the new m odels a re styled around a rugged, cast a luminum body ; removable back ; Kodadur fin ish, a nd d ura ble Tenite top trim. T hey have the same built-in shut­ Another Tourist_ Mary Flaherty of Dept: 75 a t Camera Works ter release, enclosed e y e - I e v e 1 brushes lens and mountings on the new Kodak viewfinder a nd ·built-in fl ash syn­ Tourist f/ 6.3 Camera, now in production. It' s one of three new models. chronization. The f/6.3 camera features the The third model has a fixed­ priced at $46.50 plus lax. T he K o­ K oda k Anaston Lens, K o d a k focus Kodet Lens an d a Flash K o­ dak T ourist f / 8.8 Camera, retailing F lash D ioma tic Shutter w ith speeds don Shutter, with e xposures of for $36.50 plus tax, is scheduled for of 1/25, 1/ 50, 1/ 100, and Time a nd T ime, Bulb and Instantaneous. dealer delivery in Se ptember. A nd, Production is under way on all according to present plans, the Royal Photographer _His Cine: Kodak Spedal Camera !ucked Bulb settings. It a lso includes the under hts arm and ready for mstan.t depth of fi eld scale a nd b uilt-in three m odels, wit h the K o d a k Kodak T ourist Camera with Kodet action, Prince Bernhard of tho Netherlands leans over to check the exposure guide featured in the T ourist f / 6.3 Ca mera a lready avail­ Le ns w ill be available in October. name of a competitor while watching the cross-country run at Alder­ f/4.5 m odel. able in limited quantities. It is T he price is $25 plus tax. shot, England. It was part of the Olympic equestrian three-day event. The K oda k T ourist f/8.8 Cam era The woman on Prince's right appears more interested in the Cine­ is fi tted w ith a K odak Anaston Kodak Special Camera than other events tra.nspiring. Lens and K oda k Flash Dioma tic Shutter w ith t he same speeds as $1000 for Her Suggestion! the f/ 6.3 camera. Bea tTice Judge, Monitor Assembly Dept. at the Na vy Or dnance Division of Camera Works, has received a $1000 su ggestion award. 2 New f/ 4.5 Ektar Lenses This is the largest initial awa.rd given to a woman in the 36 years in which the CW Suggestion System has been operating. Park Begins Beatrice's idea w as to use the automatic machine time of NOD's Ready for Photographers potting machines to permit one operator to run two machines. Re­ locahlon of the machines allows loading and unloading of one dur­ T wo n ew K odak Ektar L enses, f/4.5, are now available for New Building ing the automatic operation of the other. while the operator still por tra it and commercial photographers. One has a 7lh-inch focal Structura l foundation work is remains in a sitting position. length , and the other a 12-inch focal length . under way at Kodak P ark for the Suggestion officia ls at Ca mera Works pointed out thai this is the P ossessing a ll the K odak Ekta r r-:-------------­ first of a three-section building third time this year that a woman h as received the top award for Lens qualities, the 111~-inch focal No. 5 Ilex Univer sal Synchro Shut­ project tha t w ill be constructed a period, indicating that women are becoming increasingly active length has been produced to cover ter, taking a 4-inch Kodak Adj ust­ along the La ke Avenue boundary in submitting suggestions.. a 5x7 negat ive, a nd the 12-inch able F ilter Holder. It will be sold of t he plant. It is Beatrice's third suggestion rin less than two years of sugges­ to covet· Sx 10 negatives. for $275 plus tax. Specificat ions for the fi rst unit, tion activity. Her very first idea earned $285 for her. As with a ll Kodak Ektat· Lenses, upon w hich work h as bee n started, the new ones a r e unsurpassed in R cJ k w·cJ have been fi led with City Buildings optical qua!tty, color correction, ecor 0 I ens Superintendent Wa lker S. Lee by und definition . or new design, each p s . Morgan B. K lock, structural engi­ is a four-element lens with cement- ress ervlce neer ing consultant at the P ark. ed rear combination in which, by Recordak Corp. has added T his building will provide addi­ proper design of the lens mount, facilities in its Chicago, New tiona l facilities for the manufacture the intcmol reflection has been Orlean s and L o s A n g e 1 e s of photographic papers. minim1zed. Even the edges of each branches to do newspaper m i­ Designated as Bldg. 9, the new of the elements hove been ground crofilming. Previously all this structure will be 342 feet long, nnd blackened to eliminate the work was done at Kodak Park. p a r a II e I i n g La ke A venue. Its po~sibilHy of refie(·tion. Another which will con.tinue to handle width of 7 1 feet will extend south feature or value to the commercial papers in the New England and o! Ha nford Landing Road East. Of I photosn·npher is that these Lumen­ Middle Atlantic States. red brick, with stone trim, the ized Ekt. r Lenses f!ive a brilliant Some 30 paper s will be first building will have a basement and ~round gloss image even w tlh low to benelH from the increased rise three stories high, with a pent­ tlluminntlon. facilities which permit more house atop it to house mechanical The Kodak Ektnr Lens, 7 ~!!-inch qewspapers to take advantage equipmen t and ventilation devices. f 4.5, will be available in three of the service. speed up the When this unit of Bldg. 9 is types or mounts-in bnrr~l with service and reduce costs. completed, Bldg. 36 equipment will Iris Diaphragm, for behind-the-­ Faclli1ies of the air-condi­ be moved into the new structure lens shutten.: in llex Universal and Bldg. 36 will be razed to make Autom:\tic lnon-fto!lh) Shutter, tioned fireproof vault at Kodak P ark &till will be available to way !or the second section. Ulti­ which docs not re<:~uire cocking; aU subscribers for storage of mately the third section will be nnd the Ilt>x Acme Synchro Shut­ master negatives from which constructed when the other two are ter, Cor tlnsh synchronization. The positive prints ue made. re­ finished. The O\'er-all project will 1\n.t 1s pric~ nt $120 plus tax, the gardless of the location of the require !:everal years o£ work. l'l'ond at $136 plus tn ·. and the newspaper or the point at As a preliminary project to the ln. t nomed at $172 plus tax. which it was photographed. building work to expand the paper The Sene Vlll Kodnk Combina­ A large number of the na­ manufacturing facilities at the tion Len Attachments nnd the tion's newspapers subscribe to Park! a ~ew 1500-foot storm sewer 1 Highest for CW Women _ Clarence E. Bassett. s uper~e.ndent :! 1 -mch I:S-tmm \Series Vlll Adnp­ the microfilming service by J<; bemg mstalled along Lake Ave- of the Na v-y Ordna nce Din s1on of tcr Rio Will fit the 7 ~~-inch lens 1 which 800 pages aze pu.t on one nue. south of Hanford Landing Camera Works. presents to Beatrice Judge of Dept. 83 at NOD a $1000 Thc new Kodak Ektar L<>n!l. 12- roll of film. Road Enst. It will extend to a award for her suggestion. This repreun.t.s the highest initial amount tm·h C l 5, I 0\'atlnbll' only in the point opposite Bldg. 58. ever given to a woman under the CW Suggestion Syatem. 2 August 26. 1948 ~---Photo PaHer·--------------------------, Prescription: Take in Large Doses Basic Techniques Alike To End Headaches of Motor Trips For Movie, Still Shots Gojnfl th dr> I{Jfflf.: long-di tance motoring on your vacation this au mm~>r CJr f:dl? Jus t 25 years ago this s ummer, home movies were first intro­ If .,-,, hr·rr· 11 etJrnt! ht•lpful ln!vrm.atlon that will save you time, mt.rwy and n hr;tful ,,, ht•;Jdncht1.
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