Museum of Economic Botany, Kew. Specimens distributed 1881 - 1901 Page 1 - https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/55370394 28 November 1881 W Carruthers Esq FRS, Botanical Department, Nat Hist Museum, S. Kensington Paper taken to Mr Dyer. All of the above were brought from Herb. Kew. Enclosed in the above box was a parcel for Geological Department containing [1-3 Egyptian pebbles, Boulders from Lebanon, Soapstone &c] 1. Specimens illustrating Flora Tertiaria Helvetica 2. Fossil leaves &c Disco 3. Petrified woods 4. Coals British Columbia H.M.S Plumper 5. Fossils Port Stephen Dr Odenheimer 6. Coals, James Russell, mineral surveyor 7. Coal, Torbane Hill &c 8. One parcel miscellaneous 1. Egyptian pebbles 2. Boulders from Lebanon 3. Soapstone &c 28 November 1881 Dr Gunther FRS, Zoological Dept, British Museum, Great Russell Street WC Paper taken to Mr Dyer. All of the above were brought from Herb. Kew 1. Series of Birds from Bogota, coll. Purdie 2. Specimens of coral, Pacific. 3. Shells from Tibet and Sikkim 4. Nest of trapdoor spiders 7 December 1881 M le Prof Oudemans, Jardin Botanique, Amsterdam Paper taken to Mr Dyer 1. Cones of Welwitschia mirabilis, male and female (in damp moss) 2. Female cones of same (dry) 3. Two cones Sequoia gigantea (dry) Museum of Economic Botany, Kew. Specimens distributed 1881 - 1901 Page 2 - https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/55370395 28 December 1881 Mr C Moore, Director, Bot Gard Sydney NSW One case. Paper taken to Mr Dyer. In all 1 box. 1. Meal of Dioscorea sativa 2. Tillandsia usneoides (dyed) 3. “Keih-seeu-me” Nostoc sp. 4. Split shingles of Thuja gigantea 5. Moccassin Root Cypripedium pubescens 6. Porphyra vulgaris 7. Arrowroot of Maranta arundinacea 8. Arachis hypogea 9. Seeds of Brassica campestris E. Indies 10. Bark of Alyxia stellata 11. Papaver somniferum seeds 12. Calabash of Crescentia cujete. S America 13. Nilofer, Nymphaea 14. Borneo rubber from Willughbeia. sp 15. Papaver somniferum seed, Japan 16. Petals of Anona senegalensis 17. Brassica campestris seeds 18. Brassica campestris seeds Sylhet 19. Wood of Canella alba 20. Mozambique rubber from Landolphia sp. 21. Meal of Dioscorea alata 22. Meal of Dioscorea aculeata 23. Wood of Osmelia Gardneri, Ceylon 24. Caoutchouc, Ficus elastica, 25. Fibre of Agave americana 26. Wood of Pinus contorta 27. Fruits of Gardenia thunbergii S. Africa 28. "Dutch Reeds" Equisetum hyemale 29. Maiden Hair Adiantum pedatum (Shakers Coll) 30. Cardamoms Museum of Economic Botany, Kew. Specimens distributed 1881 - 1901 Page 3 - https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/55370396 31. Papaver somniferum, seed, Bombay 32. Dyed plantain fibre 33. Arrow root, Maranta arundinacea 34. "Jaborandi", leaves of Pilocarpus pennatifolius 35. Root of Thalictrum foliolosum 36. Wax from Myrica sp. Guatemala 37. Seeds of Brassica alba 38. Fruits of Amomum subulatum 39. Paper from Banana fibre 40. Starch prepared from Canna sp. 41. Tahiti arrowroot, Tacca oceanica 42. Cloth made of Pine apple fibre, Manila 43. Roots of Coptis teeta 44. China root, Smilax china 45. Pentaclethra filamentosa 46. Wood of Erythroxylum areolatum 47. Wood of Bumelia lanuginosa 48. Wood of Pinus Elliottii 49. Wood of Pinus serotina 50. Wood of Pinus flexilis 51. Wood of Abies subalpina. 52. Wood of Ulmus crassifolia. 53. Wood of Beech prepared for smoothing plane 54. Wood of Myrica californica 55. Wood of Cliftonia ligustrina 56. Pods of Mucuna pruriens 57. Seeds of Brassica campestris, Britain 58. Arrowroot from Bermuda tubers grown at Nassau 59. Myrobs of Terminalia bellirica 60. Starch from Canna indica 61. Sliced stems of Akebia quinata 62. Roots of Coptis teeta Museum of Economic Botany, Kew. Specimens distributed 1881 - 1901 Page 4 - https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/55370397 63. Root of Podophyllum peltatum 64. Gum of Acacia farnesiana 65. Seeds of Adenanthera pavonina 66. Pods of Poinciana regia 67. Fruits of Nymphaea pubescens 68. Seeds of Entada scandens 69. Fruits of Nectandra Rodiei 70. Vase made of fibres of Opuntia tuna 71. Male Spadices of Borassus flabelliformis 72. Male Spadices of Borassus flabelliformis 73. Pods of Caesalpinia pulcherrima 74. "Isperuk" Delphinium sp. 75. Madagascar rubber, Landolphia sp. 76. Lactaria salubris var grandiflora 77. Borneo Gutta Percha 78. Gutta Sundah 79. Quercus sp (East Indies, coll Griffith.) 80. Fruits of Lecythis, Brazil 81. Tabebuia, Brazil 82. Aspidosperma, Brazil 83. Seeds of Lucuma mammosa 84. Quercus lancaefolia, Java 85. Carya glabra fruits. 86. Fruit of Crescentia, Venezuela 87. Young Nepenthes sanguinea 88. Fruits of Barringtonia speciosa 89. Acorns of Quercus fenestrata (Khasia) 90. Paulownia imperialis fruit 91. Acorns of Quercus dealbata (Khasia) 92. Wood dye, Isatis tinctoria 93. Fruit of Myristica castanaefolia (Samoa) 94. Pod of Hymenaea courbaril (Porto Rico) Museum of Economic Botany, Kew. Specimens distributed 1881 - 1901 Page 5 - https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/55370398 95. African Tongue Rubber Landolphia sp. 96. Attalea fruit (Brazil) 97. Argania sideroxylon fruits (Morocco) 98. Fruits of Lecythis 99. Acorns of Quercus infectoria 100. Crude Gutta Percha, (Singapore) 101. Pitchers of Nepenthes sanguinea (Khasia) 102. Pods of Tecoma stans 103. Flowers of Gnaphalium polycephalum 104. Aconite root 105. Fruit of Aspidosperma excelsum 106. Seeds of Nigella sativa 107. Fruit of Bignonia echinata 108. Bark of Cimicifuga racemosa 109. Cloth of Aloe fibre Agave cantala 110. Acorns of Quercus thalassica (Hong Kong) 111. Nellofur, Nymphaea lotus 112. Fruits of Gynocardia odorata (Sikkim) 113. Fruits of Heritiera littoralis (Andaman) 114. Fruits of Polyalthia longifolia 115. Fruits of Illicium anisatum 116. Fruits of Gardenia (S.Africa) 117. Sandal such as is worn near Lucerne 118. Fruits of Carya 119. Selaginella lepidophylla 120. Fruits of Kadswia japonica 121. Substance used in Japan for windows 122. India Rubber, Landolphia sp. (W. Africa) 123. Fruit of Hydnocarpus 124. Seeds of Papaver somniferum (Madras) 125. Fruits of Sarcocephalus esculentus 126. Acorns of Quercus rubra (N. America) 127. Mat of Bambusa arundinacea Museum of Economic Botany, Kew. Specimens distributed 1881 - 1901 Page 6 - https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/55370399 128. India rubber from Landolphia sp. (Zanzibar) 129. "Abo" Landolphia florida (W. Trop Africa) 130. Acorns of Quercus annulata (E Indies) 131. Acorns of Quercus Skinneri (Guatemala) 132. Sliced stems of Tinospora cordifolia 133. Aconitum fischeri 134. Acorns of Quercus Skinneri (Mexico) 135. Pitchers of Nepenthes sp. 136. Fruit of Jacaranda elliptica 137. Musa textilis prepared for paper making 138. Spadix of Phoenix sylvestris 139. Basket of cedar bark and grass stems 140. Acorns of Quercus Libani 141. Pods of aspidosperma (Brazil) 142. Seeds of Thevetia neriifolia (Demerara) 143. Pods of Plumeria phagadenica 144. Mat of Cyperus tegetum 145. Mat of split stems of Arundo 146. Mat of split stems of Arundo Karka 147. Wood of Phyllanthus emblica 148. Wood of Briedelia spinosa 149. Wood of Givotea Rottleriformis 150. Wood of Artocarpus integrifolia 151. Wood of Casuarina 152. Wood of Wrightia tinctoria 153. Wood of Salvadora persica 154. Wood of Pyrularia Wallichiana 1862 Ceylon, Inter Exhib 155. Wood of Berrya ammonilla 1862 Ceylon, Inter Exhib 156. Wood of Grewia tiliaefolia 1862 Ceylon, Inter Exhib 157. Wood of Trichadenia zeylanica 1862 Ceylon, Inter Exhib 158. Wood of Mappia foetida 1862 Ceylon, Inter Exhib 159. Wood of Xanthoxylon Rhetsa 1862 Ceylon, Inter Exhib Museum of Economic Botany, Kew. Specimens distributed 1881 - 1901 Page 7 - https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/55370400 160. Wood of Elaeocarpus serratus 1862 Ceylon, Inter Exhib 161. Wood of Hemigyrosa trichocarpa 1862 Ceylon, Inter Exhib 162. Wood of Phoberos acuminatus 1862 Ceylon, Inter Exhib 163. Wood of Atalantia Missionis 1862 Ceylon, Inter Exhib 164. Wood of Feronia elephantum 1862 Ceylon, Inter Exhib 165. Wood of Cassia florida 1862 Ceylon, Inter Exhib 166. Wood of Berrya racemosa 1862 Ceylon, Inter Exhib 167. Wood of Milnea apiocarpa 1862 Ceylon, Inter Exhib 168. Wood of Citrus nobilis 1862 Ceylon, Inter Exhib 169. Wood of Pongamia glabra 1862 Ceylon, Inter Exhib 170. Wood of Tamarindus indica 1862 Ceylon, Inter Exhib 171. Wood of Vitex altissima 172. Wood of Cinnamomum iners 173. Wood of Strychnos potatorum 174. Wood of Strychnos nux vomica 175. Wood of Myristica cinerea 176. Wood of Pterocelastrus rostratus 177. Wood of Leucadendron argenteum 178. Wood of Olea laurifolia 179. Wood of Plectronia Mundtiana 180. Wood of Tarchonanthus camphoratus 181. Wood of Plectronia Ventosa 182. Letterwood, in all 1 box, 28 December 1881 Dr Gunther, British Museum, Bloomsbury, London Paper taken to Mr Dyer Plant of Myrmecodia armata, Borneo Museum of Economic Botany, Kew. Specimens distributed 1881 - 1901 Page 8 - https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/55370401 10 January 1882 Prof Baird, Smithsonian Institution Washington U.S America One case. Paper taken to Mr Dyer. In all 1 box. 1. Cones of Pinus Smithiana 2. Pod of Entada scandens 3. Mat of split flower stems of Phrynium 4. dichotomum. Cardamoms, Siam 5. Bellrope of Musa textilis 6. Meal of Dioscorea sativa 7. Eulophia vera, Salep 8. Turmeric C. longa 9. Cardamoms, East Indies 10. Meal of Dioscorea alata 11. Orris root 12. Portugal Sarsaparilla 13. Amomum Korarima 14. China root 15. Manilla Hemp 16. Plantain Rope 17. Male spadix of Borassus flabelliformis 18. Cardamom seed 19. Fibre of Doryanthus excelsa 20. Meal, Dioscorea aculeata 21. Cardamoms, Saharumpore 22. Amomum sp (seeds) 23. Pine apple wool 24. Brassica campestris seeds 25. Brassica nigra seeds 26. Dyed split leaves Phoenix sylvestris 27. Pods of Poinciana regia 28. Sliced stems of Akebia quinata Museum of Economic Botany, Kew. Specimens distributed 1881 - 1901 Page 9 - https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/55370402 29. Brassica nigra seeds, Beyrout 30. Porphyra vulgaris 31. Brassica campestris seeds 32. Nilofer, Nymphaea 33. Fatsia papyrifera (paper) 34. Mixed rape seed 35. Seeds of Papaver somniferum 36. Paper pulp of Pinus abies 37. Paper pulp of Populus tremula 38. Lump Benzoin 39. Fruits of Nymphaea pubescens 40. Sabot of Oreodaphne bullata 41. Orchis mascula, Salep 42. Paper of Fourcroya gigantea 43.
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