r600,000WITHJk/A |» Tsr to i THEJOURNAL.j CIRCULATION, /\ | 3PEALS CLASS, BUT 1 X^jF f\LL CL> i Business Property to Let. Flats and Apartments To Tet Plats and Apartments To Let. Railroads. Pianos and Organs. Per line, 1 time, 15c.; 3 times, 3ac.; 7 times, 75a Per lit*, 1 time, 25c.; 3 times, 65c.; 7 times, f1.4 Persistent Advertising Pays Unfurnished.West Side. Borough of Brooklyn.Unfurnished. Persistent Advertising Pays REAL in a Pros'i'essive Advertising Medium. A.. FLATS. A.. 155TH 669 1st and 2d in a Medium. ESTATE. ST.. flats; Progressive Advertising REAL ESTATE, EAST.Elegant LIGHT. WELL VENTILATED FLATS; flights; 6 rooms, bath; all light halls and bath South of 14th Street. renta. $25 to $40; hot water supply. Apply on heated; hot water supply; open plumbing; nice For Sale.Brooklyn Borough, For Sale.Brooklyn Borough. 402 West 58th or ylvania j premises. at., street and $19. Bauer. asphalted; $18 J. E. WHITAFEK. Broadway, near West 74th at. location; D A II Dfl A Pi 118.NASSAU ST..118 $9.$10.4 ROOMS, beautiful scenery; rettned Pennsl\/"\ 11_ l\W /-V LJ First floor, suitable for any mercantile business; surroundings; no children; no drunkards. 636 West Weber Pianc new must be to be 428 AMSTERDAM AVE. 152d st. 5 JTATIONS foot of West Twenty-third street and building; seen appreciated. 5 and 6 IJesbrosses and Cortlandt streets. rooms, every modern improvement. The leaving time from Desbrosses and Borough of Brooklyn.Unfurnished, j streets is ten minutes later than that givenCortaudt OND'S Fulton St. Stores To Let. 81ST STREET L- STATION. lelow for Twenty-third Street Station. WAREROOMS, Raym UPLAND & WHITING, 5 Beekman St. DESIRABLE Flats, 5 rooms and im- :50 A. 11.. FAST MAIL.Pullman Buffet Parlor to !j $28.00 $38.00. Car. New York to Pittsburg. Sleeping Car, COR. FIFTH AVE. AND SIXTEENTH STREET CO Pir'trvriat I r\ffc on A Milk See Janitor. provements, from $10 to $16. Choice Pittsburg to Chicago. No coaches to Pittsburg. i avivi L.U1 IJ ai:u iiiiiui At no time during the history of our fifty COLUMBUS AVE.. 483. near 81st st. station. flats in Bedford 6 rooms and :50 A. M.. FAST LINK.Pittsburg and Cleveland. ' D. W. HAYNES. 234_ AND 235 BROADWAY. | Flat, $22, worth $35; 0 large rooms, bath; all1 section, fl:50 A. M.. PENNSYLVANIA years of existence have we been so well AY $1,000 rent, 117 Beekman st 4-story building light, handsomely decorated; 90 feet deep; all bath, to Steam heated Compartment, Sleeping, Dining,LIMITED.PullmanSmoking equipped to meet all demands of the At $1,200 rent, 242 South st 5-story building improvements. $20 $30. flats, and Observation cars. For Chicago, Cleveland, Homes. At $1,200 rent, 12 Peck 5-story building Toledo, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Louisville. St. public as at present. Pianopurcliasing Parkway slip GROVE ST., 58.$7 monthly; choice small Park Slope, $20 to $27- Also sma^ Louis. and second-hand At $1,400 rent, 114 John st 4-story building 58 Grove st., near Bleecker and Christopher; New Uprights Grands, Tus question is often asked, Why are Ra^yrmond's houses selling so rapidly ? At $1,500 rent, 254 Front st 5-story building bargain. apartments,houses to moderate 1 :50 P. M. CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS and Grands, slightly used Uprights and KULAND & WHITING, let; good sections; Nashville (via Cincinnati!, EXPRESS.For Uprights Because they are perfect houses for the f5EOPLE OF GREATER NEW YORK; 5 Beekman LEItOY ST., 54.Three front rooms, first floor, rtnits. H A. M'CARTHY. 2017 Chicago. St. Louis. Indianapolis,Grands at prices and terms that will be st._ $9.50; water, gas; few doors from new park. :50 P. M.. WESTERN EXPRESS.For Chicago, wjn schools, churches, water, gas, el lights, every improvement and locaectricAT $800 RENT, store and basement, 25x00. 356 for Toledo, except Saturday. appreciated. perfect, Pearl st. RULAND & 5 Beekman st. MODEL FLATS.Three and four large rooms, Fulton st. :40 1'. EXPRESS.For WHITING, hot rents to 705 ,, M.. SOUTHWESTERN venience necessary for an up to date home, f station two blocks ; two lines conilevatedHUDSON 645.STORE & BASEMENT. water, range, tubs; $11 $15. 9tli Pittsburg. Cleveland. Cincinnati, Louisville, ST., are., near 48th st. and St. Louis. Indianapolis Invited. leys, five cents; 25 minutes express trains t( Manhattan. Pay no more rent. Be yourtrol3 RENT MOPBBA T E. DUROSS, 244 W. 14TH ST. :40 P. M.. PACIFIC EXPRESS.For Pittsburg Inspection 71-73 West and 228 West and Chicago. For via a LOFTS, Broadway ONE MONTH RENT FREE. Knoxville, daily, If not convenient to call, send for catalogue® own landlord and banker. All who wish to get for themselves beautiful home now Broadway; all light; elevator service, steam heat, Brick Valley route. Connects for Cleveland,Shenandoahexcept and mail. 343-347 St. Ann's ave., cor. 142d.5 large rooms; Flats, Saturday. particulars by e_tc. $12' have a My prices and te:rms are in the reach of all. Eight houses PARK tiled baths; heated; hot water; handsomely NICE SINGLE FLATS. $12 TO $15. 8 :20 P. M.. MAIL AND EXPRESS.Pullman golden opportunity. ROW AND ROOOSEVELT ST..Long; decorated.Four and five rooms and bath; 20 feet wide; all Sleeping Car New York to Altoona, East established saloon; nicely fitted up, with cellar and streets and two blocks Buffet, sold during March, 20 completed and 50 now under construction, PERRY 137.Four rooms and bath improvements; paved sewered; Liberty. Pittsburg and points West, daily except large ice box; $1,200 per annum. Inquire S. ST., room, from Van Siclen ave. station. Kings County "L." Sunday. No coaches. or faimilies. 8TRAS8NER. 181 Park row. all modern improvements, select, desirable. $17, $18. Houses planned for either one two See janitress, Office on corner. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. WEBER ' STORE, cellar and lofts; 5 floors; 1,250 square feet each; iron and stone building; 103 Crosby St., TRAFALGAR.7TH AVE., 197 (near 22d st.). German-American Co. <':50. 8:20. 9:20. 9:50 (Dining Car), 10:50 a. m. Seven rooms and all Improvement (Dining Car). 12:50, 1:50, 2:50, 3:20 near Bleecker; rent $3,000: will alter and put in bath; improvements; Lim.." Parlor and PIANO WAREROOMS rHAN all improvements for desirable tenant on lease. Janitor. firstclass. all^ Dining ("CongressionalCars), LESS * * PRICE m :ou t »too $4,000. in forenoon at HITCHCOCK PUBLISHINGApply BAY WINDOW FLATS $10. ijjmmg can, turning ar), p. m., COR. 5TH AVE. AND 16TH ST. for themselves. Come and eixamine. 131 -in 12:05 night. Sundays 8:20, 9:20, 10:50 a. m. They speak CO.. West 23d st. 17TH ST., 330 TO 340 W., #16. Fine 5-room flats, containing tubs and water, (Dining Carl, 12:50, 2:50, 3:20 ("Congressional An Assortment of Second Hand Houses located on 40th st., between l:2th ave. and the beautiful Fort Hamilton WEST ST., 398.SMALL HOTEL TO LET. good location, within 25 minutes of New York; Lim.." all I'arlor and Dining Cars), 4:20 RENT MODERATE. DUROSS, 244 W. 14TH ST\ 4 rooms, all improvements, any floor. newly decorated; can be seen by janitor on Car), 4:50 (Dining Car), 8:50 p. m., 12:05(Dining Parkway, Brooklyn. Open Evenings and Sundays. Apply to 87 FULTON ST..L.arge light loiti^-will divide; 1040 Atlantic ave., neaT Classon ave.,premises,or night. $40. WARREN, & SKILLIN. 96 Broadway. 20TH ST. AND 8TH AVE. LEONARD MOODY, 20 Court St., or 309 Flat- £SOUTHERN RAILWAY."Florida Limited." bush ave., 11:50 a. m.. week days. Express, 2:50, 4:20 p. Pianos, Upright an Choice single and double flats. $25, $33 See m.. 12:05 night, daily. Standard Makes, in good order, with ex« - East Side. 206 8th ave. TREACY, Broadway, near 65th.janitor. NORFOLK AND WESTERN RAILWAY.For cellent tone, etc. BARBER SHOP TO LET.152 East 41st St., 22D, 218 WEST.Elegant steam heated, 5 room, Meipphis and New Orleans, 2:50 p. m., daily. R one door west nf 3d m-e PTTSTTT .1C V 1100 H'w,t hot ATLANTIC COAST LINE."Florida Special," ERNEST bath; water; dry goods neighborhood; $32. : AYMOND, 12 :20 p. m.. week 9:20 m. $11 C UD. Easy Payments. Janitor. days. Express a. and on or Downtown Office, Garheld 26 Court and 181 ETOFT, 28x175, with power; lighted four sides. Flats 8:50 St., m., Owner, premises, Building, on 4U4 East 14th st. seven rooms p. daily. Also 20 good square pianos 4. Apply premises, APARTMENTS.22d'st., 258 West, Elegant YTLANTIC CITY.1:50 p. m., week days, room Remsen st.. Brooklyn, STORES.1422 and 1535 Avenue A; also 430 and bath, heated; hot water supply; $45-$50. on 60th St., near 5th ave; every improvement; and Cortlandt Streets, 2:10 p. (Deshrossesm.l. East 79th. Inquire 170 East OCth at. Janitor. rents, $12, $13, $14 per month; fine location and Through Vestibule Train, Bullet Parlor Cars. 10TH AVE., 691.Nice apartments of three and view; convenient to all trolleys. Passenger Coach and Combination Coach. $4J up. $4 Monthly. THIRD FLOOR. 25x50. northwest corner 3d four LOANS, Fnr Sale.Westeliestftp f^nnntv. ave. and 79th st.; suitable for any business. Apply rooms; all improvements; tubs, etc., to let; FOR PHILADELPHIA. on premises. rents $1(1 to $13. Housekeeper, on premises. CHAS. 5:10. 7:20. 7:50, 8:20, 8:50, 9:20, 9:50 (Penn. cccown wnDTn \np<z 3D 553.Store: 10TH AVE., 506, between 38th and 39tli sts..- HART, Limited!.
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