Za Boha a Národ For God and Nation Slovensk¥ Katolícky Sokol OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL – MEMBERSHIP 28,000 – HOME OFFICE: 205 MADISON STREET, PASSAIC, N.J. 07055 – www.slovakcatholicsokol.org Periodical Postage Paid at original entry of Passaic, N.J., 07055 and additional mailing offi ces VOLUME CI PASSAIC, N.J., JANUARY 11, 2012 NUMBER 4955 Introducing the Members of the Supreme Assembly Who Will Serve Our Organization’s New Administration For the Term of Offi ce, 2012-2015 Rev. Andrew S. Hvozdovic Larry M. Glugosh Julie Ann Dobbs Supreme Chaplain* Supreme President* Supreme Vice President* Most Reverend Joseph V. Adamec, D.D. Bishop-Emeritus of Altoona-Johnstown Protector * Member of the Board of Directors Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C. Dennis J. Zifcak John D. Pogorelec, Esq. Supreme Secretary* Supreme Treasurer* General Counsel* Michael J. Horvath Chairperson of Edward D. Moeller Kathleen S. Watkins Supreme Auditors* Supreme Director of Supreme Physical Directress* Sports and Athletics* (Continued on page 10) PAGE 2 SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, JANUARY 11, 2012 45th Eastern District Basketball Introducing our and Volleyball Tournament Set The plans have been fi nalized for this year’s 45th Eastern newest members District Basketball and Volleyball Tournament scheduled for Saturday, March 31 at the Clifton Boys and Girls Club locat- ed 822 Clifton Avenue in Clifton, N.J., tel. (973)773-2697. The competition begins at 8:30 a.m. Hosting this year’s competition will be Group 1, “Msgr. Stephen Krasula” of Passaic, N.J. We extend a cordial invitation to the following Groups to join us for this excit- ing, annual, day-long competition: Group 2, Bridgeport, Conn.; Group 3, East Douglas, Mass.; Group 7, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Group 10, Bethlehem, Pa.; Group 12, Read- ing, Pa.; Group 18, Lansford, Pa.; as well as Group 1. Volunteers are needed to assist at this year’s competition. If anyone would like to assist, please feel free to contact Group 1 Sports Director Eric Topczij at tel. (973)985-0134. An enjoyable competition is planned in the best traditions of Sokol good sportsmanship and camaraderie. Zdar Boh! Eric Topczij Tournament Director Audra Logue, born August 4, Brenda Lynn Farrell, born 2007, is the daughter of Keith April 19, 2009 is the daughter of and Kelli Sherry Logue of Pitts- Charles A. Farrell of Pittsburgh, burgh, Pa. She was enrolled as Pa. She was enrolled as a mem- a member of Wreath 22 in Pitts- ber of Wreath 22 in Pittsburgh, burgh, Pa. Pa. BABY SPOONS NOVEMBER 2011 ASSEMBLY NO. NAME 167 Drew Sveda WREATH 22 Gianna Coyne 85 Natalie Costlow The smiling faces of the participants of the annual Children’s Christ- mas party hosted by Assembly 180 in Canton, Ohio are shown above. Each of the participants enjoyed games and refreshments as well as a visit by Santa who presented each young Sokol member with a special gift. The annual fraternal event was held in the social hall of St. Mary’s Parish in Canton on Saturday, December 10. Aiden Nicholas Roman, born September 15, 2011, is the son of Dominic and Lori White- 39th March for Life head Roman of Northampton, Pa. He was enrolled as a mem- Washington, D.C. ber of Assembly 72 in Catasau- Monday, January 23 qua, Pa. Plan to participate! ISSN: 0897-8107 Established April 15, 1911 Official Publication of the Slovak Catholic Sokol Group 1 announces “Tunnel” month activities Issued Bi-Weekly With the traditional depress- to enjoy bowling followed by with all the trimmings, are just Daniel F. Tanzone, Editor ing “Tunnel” months upon us, pizza and refreshments. The af- $6.00 for adults, $5.00 for seniors Editorial office: (973) 777-4010 getting out to enjoy some indoor ternoon is free of charge to all and $3.00 for children. members and their parents. An And fi nally, looking ahead, we activities are the answer to cure Annual Subscription Rates the winter blues. Group 1, “Msgr. enjoyable afternoon is assured. hope to see many of our basket- United States $35.00 - All others countries $40.00 Stephen J. Krasula” of Passaic, And for lovers of “comfort ball and volleyball enthusiasts at N.J. will host upcoming activities food,” on Sunday, February 26 this year’s Eastern District Bas- POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Slovak Catholic Falcon, for every age and every member Group 1 will host our 15th annual ketball and Volleyball Tourna- P.O. Box 899, 205 Madison Street, of the family. So plan to come Spaghetti Dinner in SS. Cyril and ment which Group 1 will host on Passaic, New Jersey 07055 and join us for some traditional Methodius Church Hall, located Saturday, March 31. For addition- Member of the Catholic Press fraternal fellowship and camara- at 218 Ackerman Avenue in Clif- al information on any of the above Association and the Slovak Newspapermen's derie. ton, N.J. beginning at 4 p.m. The activities, feel free to call Eric Top- Association of America On Sunday, February 19 we gathering is a wonderful opportu- czij at (973)985-0134. Wishing all will host our traditional Chil- nity for our members, especially a very happy and healthy New Year Proprietor and Publisher dren’s Bowlingfest and Youth our young adults, to meet and and looking forward to seeing you SLOVAK CATHOLIC SOKOL Conference. Festivities will be greet each other and learn about at upcoming Group 1 activities, P.O. Box 899 held at the Garden Palace Bowl- our other sporting and fraternal may I remain 205 Madison Street, Passaic, N.J. 07055 ing Lanes, located at 42 Lakev- activities in the new year. Tick- Zdar Boh! Home Office: (973) 777-2605-06 iew Avenue in Clifton, N.J. from ets for the dinner, which features Eric Topczij WEB SITE –www.slovakcatholicsokol.org 2 - 4 p.m. Youngsters are invited spaghetti and meat balls along Group 1 Sports Director SLOVAK CATHOLIC FALCON, JANUARY 11, 2012 PAGE 3 SUN.FEB.19 Q Annual Group 1 Children’s Bowlingfest and Youth Confer- ence at the Garden Palace Bowl- ing Lanes, 42 Lakeview Ave., Clifton, N.J. from 2-4 p.m., pizza and refreshments to follow; free From the Desk of the Supreme Secretary of charge; for information call Eric Topczij at (973)985-0134. Q Assembly 167 annual meeting My Fraternal View at the Slovak Catholic Sokol Cen- ter, 888 West Hopocan Ave., Bar- by Steven M. Pogorelec, F.I.C. berton, Oh. beginning at 2 p.m. MON.FEB.20 Q St. Malachy’s, the Actors’ Cha- pel hosts a benefi t for Broadway Kidcare and Covenant House Mother and Child Program at A TIME FOR RESOLUTIONS surance agent asking them to sell them life insurance. Those Radio City Music Hall, New York This is my fi rst column in the New Year of 2012. I of us in the life insurance business need to get out and ask City beginning at 7:30 p.m. call hope that you and your family and friends all enjoyed a won- individuals whether they have suffi cient life insurance cover- (212)489-1340 or visit www. derful and blessed Christmas and the welcoming of a New age. I am therefore asking you to resolve and sit down with voicesunited.com. Year. Hopefully, the last of the Christmas decorations have your spouse in the New Year and review your family’s life SUN.FEB.26 been packed away and we have swept away the remain- insurance coverage. Statistics show that most Americans Q 15th annual Spaghetti Dinner ing pine needles from the Christmas tree. Now we can look lack suffi cient life insurance coverage. They know they need hosted by Group 1 at SS. Cyril ahead and prepare for a bright and exciting New Year. May I more, but they need to be gently pushed in the right direction. and Methodius Church Hall, 218 extend to you and yours my best wishes for a happy, healthy We need to remind our family and friends what really matters. Ackerman Ave., Clifton, N.J. be- and prosperous one. In 2012 our organization will mark its We need to help them plan for life....throughout life. What we ginning at 4 p.m.; $6.00 per per- 107th year of service promoting outstanding fraternal activi- do in this regard is so important. Remember life matters and son, $5.00 seniors and $3.00 ties and providing fi nancial security for our members. our members and their families matter. Now that we have a children, call Peter Walentow- Traditionally, the beginning of a New Year is a time for professional serving as our Director of Sales and Marketing icz(973)432-8841. resolutions. Too often, we attempt to make many resolutions who is assembling an agency sales force in addition to our and then fail to complete any of them. It’s more important for traditional recommenders, we are there for you and yours to HAPPY NEW YEAR us to just make a few and resolve to see them fulfi lled. As a answer any questions you might have regarding suffi cient life A blessing of time.... member of a fraternal organization, I would recommend that insurance coverage. We have introduced our new Legacy Time is too slow for those you consider making two resolutions. The fi rst is to make an Collection of Life Insurance Protection. Each of these plans who wait, too slow for those effort to join in some of our wonderful activities. I am sure that provide sound fi nancial protection which only life insurance who fear, too long for those you have received the issue of December 30, 2011 which fea- can provide.
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