[ December 24; 1943 ] Board o f Education t t s s r urn ana face^by mSere of teaching1 staff S l ^ i S S S S » % § - * - ‘s r s . t W W Iethe^ total added to teacher compensation aggregates ITEM some $25,000 the net budget rise Is but $7,000, operating w d other SH 0RTHILLS economies taking up the major portion of the difference. Here is an accomplishment of which Washington might take note As to taxes and the tax rate for educational purposes, the in­ crease will spread so thin as to make small upset In local house­ hold economy^One meal of ground steak instead of porterhouse and the accourif Is balanced. ■ Founded 1888 * • • • Published every FRIDAY at MILLBURRN.J. FIVECENTS SSn Supervising school heads may hue to a chalk line in some of their worit, but this may be good practice for time to come. -$7 ,0 00 School - The Turn W itt Be Name Craig— A Worthy Work Closed Friday Fuel Aide Budget Rise ■ ■ ' * ■me Camp and Hospital Committee of Millbum has done much 1 Mlllbum Board of Education In anticipation of the Millbum Township Committee this past year to make the soldiers In nearby camps and hospitals .presented! its 1944-1945 budget Christmas holiday and in has named R. Carlisle Craig to more comfortable. Among the donations made through their ef­ draft to public gaze Tuesday forts are m any.truck loads of furniture, including jig h t "pianos, order th a t employees may act as emergency fuel aide to assist in avoiding any hard­ night. The total to be raised curtains, athletic equipment,- musical instruments, flowers and enjoy it to the full, The-Item ship to residents as a result hy taxation is $402,977.50.. This plants; victrolas, records, radios, magazines_books, bedside bags office will be closed all day of coal and oil. shortages--------- is an increase of $7,212.50 over afghans, puzzles and pillows. Friday and Saturday, De­ the present year, and reflects Dealers in the local area have -“ This list Is far from complete, but will give some idea of the cem ber 24 and 25. And so, a rise of .0245 in the tax rate theinaelves.4ormeti a n organi­ variety of things accomplished. Another outstanding Job was the Merry Christmas to alL. - for sohooi purposes. production of one the spows from the Paper Mill Playhouse. zation to cooperate in -m ain ­ taining home-fuel supplies and The educators-tentatively-ap­ The Millbum group; tfi cooperation with three other chapters proved the draft, A. Ross Meek­ equipped the Perry Phots’ Lounge at Newark Airport and through Mr. Craig will act as interme­ 4th War Bond diary between consumer and er not voting, and set Tuesday . the generosity of local residents the custom of serving coffee to evening, January 11 as the time the pilots was started. supplier to the end th a t home fires be kept burning. for a public hearing and final Thanks are due all who shared in this good work-the men Drive In Jan. adoption. The hour is 8 P. M. and women who gave their time, t{ie clubs who donated money Recent cold weather has and the - plaee— Washington brought—te— Hgtrt— numerous and th e business houses who gavp fhoir The Fourth War Loan Drive School. will be launched in Millbum cases of inability to procure ★ Picking up a dollar here and Township the middle of Jan ­ coal. In some instances dealers a thousand there, the budgeters uary and again th e local Of­ have themselves had none or sizes have not been those have managed to sot up a $25,- Fathers Still In Doubt fice Of Civilian Defense will 000 item for salary adjustments, needed. The dealer cooperation handle Bond Sales with W. Gil­ teacher, custodial and other. is expected to end such diffi­ If local pre-Pearl Harbor fathers were confused before as to bert Morrison acting is chair­ ( In the current year adjust­ culties. their draft status, now seemingly they may as well throw up the man of the War Loan Commit­ ments aggregating some $13,- sponge. Quantities available are and tee. .000 were made. These are re­ wtii /rem ain limited but with ... Designed originally to put them at the foot of the list, amend­ tained in the new pay base home owners assisting, it is ments and interpretations of the new law by draft officials appear 000 of which five and one-half and practically double that purposed to avoid hardship. to set this Intent aside so that one guess Is as good as another as billion must come from indi­ amount win be available next Any who are unable to secure to who will be called and when. viduals. This is the highest year. Total for the two years fuel through regular channels The one thing th a t stands out clearly at this time is that quota yet and the amount al­ wm be approximately $38,000. and are in danger of running Manpower Chief McNutt is himself out of the draft, and the Army, located for New Jersey i s f in The board now has a surplus out, should contact Mr. Craig Navy, Marines and Coast Guard will gave to plan to win the war keeping. of $33,943.49. Of this $10,000 at Town Hail. He will at once without any more directives from-him? That is an accomplishment Details of toe most intensive EVEN SANTA uses V-Mail these days and this week he brings will be paid to the Hartshorn investigate and call upon the When the thing is all worked out, local boards may have more' canvass of individuals ever The Item .a Christmas card from England. Technician Hillard J. Estate shortly as title is taken dealer group to make such de­ power to review the “indispensability” of youths recently employed made in the State are made Eddy sends us greetings from Britain. to the athletic field on Millbum livery as is needed. in war work and there may come some reclassifications. public by John E. Manning, Ad­ avenue,-leaving a net of $23,- Henry M. Blank appeared be­ By and large however, fathers will have to fill the gaps made ministrator of the New Jersey 934.49. fore the Committee Monday by casualties and expanding activities and with a new front in War Finance Committee at Reports are th at the amount night and asked that rules re­ Capt. Gewehr Church Services prospect, spring a t the latest, will no doubt see them in service in Newark. finally set up for salary adjust­ specting use of the ambulance numbers. ments falls far short of what The canvass will pack a two be further liberalized,. He re­ teachers have asked from the fold punch, calling for individ­ ported personal experience Is Missing For Christmas board. That this Is probably so EDWARD J. BETTERIDGE, ual solicitations a t places of when his own child was injured C aptain RSiph P. Gewehr was Township churches will hold is borne but by the fact that son of Mr. and Mrs. William employment and a house-to- in a skating accident, taken to G iv e i t e r N ose officially listed as missing in their usual Christmas services Mrs. A. -C^ W alker^^nd Alfred Betteridge, of FOrest drive, is house canvass of every resi­ the-hospitaland later-retumed- afUon by the War Department with special programs and. mu­ H.s Hauser were named a com­ Borne Tram The Choate School, dence in toe State.- home. Requestor the ambu­ Tuesday although his parents sic this year. Serviced,- to which mittee of two to f. meet with Wallingford, Connecticut, for “Individual solicitation and lance tor this service was re­ Pain t For Xmas Mr. and Mr*. Arthur P. Gewehr all are invited, in the various teachers in an effort to recon­ the beginning of his winter va­ purchases must be stepped up fused. of Gap Vie# road, were ad­ churches and church schools of cile differences. Maybe it was and is an old cation. Edward is a member of if New Jersey is to reach its E Mr. Blank suggested the Mo­ vised November 26th th a t he the community follow; In addition to submitting the family custom to rub noses just the Choir and the Glee Club of Bond quota of $117,000,000 an tor Corps be permitted to drive had failed to return from a Christ Church — Christmas budget the Board accepted the as Mrs. Roosevelt says and the school, and has participated increase of approximately fifty the ambulance in the present bombing mission over Germany, Eve, 3:30 P. M. kindergarden resignation of Miss Barbara demonstrates in recently re­ actively in tennis during the per cent over the best previous emergency and that possibly a November 13. through third grade, 5:00 P. M. Finney of the High School leased photographs. fall term. performance in this district,” fee system for service calls be Captain Gewehr joined the Young People’s service, fourth faculty who will go to the In any event the question Manning said. instituted. Colonel Franklin D uller and Army Air Force in 1941 while grade through Bible classes. WAVE’S officers C andidate heard to date “whose nose is A resolution calling for the M anning have been busy for a junior at North Carolina State 11:00 P. M. Candlelight Com­ School, January 19. She re­ who”, has not mitigated against sale of bonds to meet the Town­ USO U nited several weeks completing the College.
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