Aliran Monthly : Vol.33(11/12) Page 1 For Justice, Freedom & Solidarity PP3739/12/2012(031205) ISSN 0127 - 5127 2014:Vol.33No.11/12 EDITOR'S NOTE It has been 37 years since the formation of Aliran and 33 years since Aliran Monthly (initially Aliran CONTENTS Quarterly). • Aliran Monthly bids farewell 3 During this time, we have challenged the dominant discourses of political, socio-cultural and economic • Societal challenges faced orthodoxies and attempted to be a source of alterna- by Aliran Monthly 7 tive analyses. We have encouraged critical thinking • Aliran history: Some highlights 11 and provided space for ‘thinking allowed’. • AM honoured these towering Malaysians 14 Alas, this issue is our final edition. It was only after • The struggle against the ISA 19 much soul-searching but also tallying of costs that we came to this painful decision. In this issue, we • Assault on the judiciary 22 document the history of the AM and the societal • Worsening inter-ethnic relations 23 pressures and political constraints within which • Neoliberal policies burden the we had to operate. people 26 • Globalisation, migrant labour We take this opportunity to thank all our contribu- and the working class 27 tors who faithfully wrote for us without payment. Thanks to them, we managed to produce a monthly • Education: Corporatisation, magazine of quality and relevance for over three flip-flops and declining standards 30 decades. The secret is that we were driven to do so • Sabah, Sarawak and the federal because you, our faithful readers, have told us that factor 32 you always found the Monthly informative and edu- • Damned dams 35 cational, and you looked forward to every issue. • Reformasi to ‘tsunami politics’, Thank you! and to the future 37 Every beginning has an ending; however, in this • Contemporary media: prescribed case, our ending opens up a new era. The last part freedom, proscribed truth 40 of our final edition looks forward to the digital • Looking forward to the digital era 42 Aliran. If you are not yet familiar with our website • Tributes 46 aliran.com, our facebook, our tweets and our e-news- • Thinking Allowed 48 letters, do look us up and follow us faithfully. On this auspicious occasion, we invite all readers to join us in the struggle for justice, freedom and Published by solidarity for a better Malaysia. Persatuan Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN) Aliran is an organisation for social and democratic 103, Medan Penaga, 11600 Jelutong, reform. We advocate justice, freedom and Penang, Malaysia. solidarity; comment critically on social issues, offer analyses and alternative ideas keeping in mind Tel: (04) 658 5251 Fax: (04) 658 5197 the national and global picture based on universal Email: [email protected] human rights and spiritual values. We are listed on the roster of the Economic and Social Council of Website: aliran.com the United Nations. Founded in 1977, Aliran Website: aliran.com welcomes all Malaysians above 21 to be members. Contact the Hon. Secretary or visit our webpage. Printed by Konway Industries Sdn. Bhd. Plot 78, Lebuhraya Kampung Jawa, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang Aliran Monthly : Vol.33(11/12) Page 2 Aliran Monthly bids farewell hen something dear to W all of us comes to a close, W it is always very sad. It evokes a lot of memory and brings to mind many memo- rable moments. This is the case with Aliran Monthly. After having been around for 33 years, it will cease to be published. This will be the final issue of Aliran Monthly. After this, there will be no more hard copies avail- able, apart from what is in our ar- chives. This is a heart-wrenching moment for all of us who have been involved in the production of the Monthly for 33 years. Monthly. In spite of the obstacles from the Home Affairs Ministry For 33 years, the Malaysian pub- and bureaucratic nuisance, we asking us why we had not for- lic was aware of the Aliran have never failed the Malaysian warded copies of our publication Monthly which carried more than public. Aliran Monthly may not as required by law. It was then that 350 cover stories and articles have been published on time, but we found out that we had a per- about human rights violations, we have come out regularly with- mit to print. Since the year was abuse of the rule of law, the de- out fail. Every issue of Aliran ending, and as we hardly had time cline of parliamentary democracy, Monthly was a labour of love. At to put together a magazine, we the marginalisation of the poor times, it was difficult and even came out with this four-pager and the homeless, displaced es- painful but it was nothing com- which focussed on the spiritual tate workers, gender inequality, pared to the joy when the Monthly aspect of life and clearly reaf- urban squatters, religious conflict, was delivered! firmed what Aliran stands for: lopsided development, the selec- tive use of the ISA, the fight against A publication is born To start with let us declare clearly that corruption, the squandering of the Aliran is a multi-ethnic, non-parti- nation’s wealth and many more The first cover was white and the san reform movement concerned with issues - you name it, we have com- masthead was very different. It raising social awareness and foster- mented on all these issues of was a four-page tabloid. It was a ing a common sense of nationhood. grave concern to all of us and to rush job. We didn’t know that we Aliran is therefore not connected with the nation. We have fought the had been given a permit. Probably any political party, trade union, com- good fight through our publica- it got lost in the post and never munity organisation or any other in- tion. reached us. stitution and we stay outside the elec- toral process. For 33 years we have carried on But the fact was sometime in Oc- this good fight through the Aliran tober 1980, we received a letter Then the following year, they did Aliran Monthly : Vol.33(11/12) Page 3 not give us a permit. Don’t ask why. It is the privilege of power. It is their right to be arrogant! From Quarterly to Monthly Then we applied for a permit to publish a Quarterly. The cover conveyed a valid and legitimate message: Criticism is not as crime. Indeed, it is our patriotic duty to criticise whenever it is necessary to do so. We produced the Quarterly for two years. Each issue contained lengthy, analytical articles. But great tug of war among the Exco tailed a by-election. Umno Baru then, to wait for the next Quarterly members: to raise or not to raise? was on a very weak wicket in took three months. It was far too There would be vigorous debates. Sabah. A by-election at that time long. We felt that we should com- Reluctantly, we raised the price in therefore could have had disas- municate with the public more fre- 1992 by a mere 50 sen! Then the trous consequences for Umno quently. cost of printing went up in the Baru because of the formation of a middle of 1994, and after a lot of PBS-Usno coalition government. So we applied for a Monthly and soul searching, we increased the This coalition had the advantages we were given a permit for 1984. price by another 50 sen. of government machinery and The first copy of Aliran Monthly state resources to clobber Umno was published in January at the You would realise that we were Baru. height of the BMF scandal. Of no prudent business people. No course we had a lot to write! wonder we are in dire straits fi- So the constitution was amended nancially! to prevent a by-election and serve What was the significance of the Umno’s interest. The amend- Monthly? It meant news and A touch of gloss... ments took care of two problems views from Aliran every 30 days and going colour for Umno Baru: Mustapha need instead of 90 days as was the case not resign and there would be no with the Quarterly. It meant 12 is- In 1993 we decided to use glossy by-election. Not only that, in fu- sues (later 11) instead of four for art paper for the cover and the ture there would be no by-election the year. And because of its fre- middle pages. This issue focused if a vacancy was caused either by quency, Aliran Monthly would be on the Constitutional Amend- the death or resignation of an more current and topical. Remem- ments. We didn’t mean to gloss elected representative within two ber there was no internet then! over this important issue! years before the next general elec- tion was scheduled. We were selling the Quarterly and At that time, Mahathir wanted to Aliran Monthly - you wouldn’t be- appoint Tun Mustapha as Federal Then towards the end of 1993, lieve this but yes, just for a ringgit Minister but he overlooked the we went full colour for the first a copy. And to our credit - or oth- then constitutional provision re- time. It coincided with the High- erwise - we maintained this price quiring Mustapha to resign from land Towers tragedy. This issue for 10 long years! the Sabah State Assembly as he featured this sad occasion viv- could not be an assembly member idly, and the title “Malaysians Each time, when there was a need and a member of Parliament at the Mourn spoke on behalf of all to raise the price, there would be a same time.
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