966, 989 Aalborg (Denmark), 856-58, 865 Aalst, See Alost A"Rgau (Switz

966, 989 Aalborg (Denmark), 856-58, 865 Aalst, See Alost A"Rgau (Switz

INDEX Aabenraa (Denmark), 865 Agri (Turkey), 1385 Aachen (Germ.), 966, 989 Aguadutce (Pan.), 1222 Aalborg (Denmark), 856-58, 865 Aguasealien!es (Mex.), 1151 Aalst, see Alost Ahmadi (Kuwait), 1125-26 A"rgau (Switz.), 1356, 1358 Ahmedabad (India), 335, 355, 361-63 Aarhus (Den mark), 856-58, 865 Ahmednagar (India), 335, 371 Aha (Nigeria), 457 Ahuachapan (EI Salv.), 887 Abaco (Bahamas), 218 Ahvenanmaa (Finland), 901 Ab(\(!an (Iran), 1047- 48, 1053 Ahwaz (Iran), 1047-49, 1052- 53 Abaiang (Gilb. & Ellice Is.), 318 Aidin, see Aydin Abajo (Cub,,), 843 Ain (France), 912 Abakan (USSR), 1416, 1429 Ain Oar (Saudi Arabia), t 287 Abancay (Peru), 1235 Ain Zalah (lm q), 1059 Abastuman (USSR), 1436 Air (Niger), 957 Ab<!cl Magid (Sudan), 1336 Aisne (France), 912 Abcmama (Gilb. & Ellice Is.), 318 Aitutaki (Cook [s.), 45 3 Abcokuta (Nigeria), 457, 460 Aix (France), 916 Abcrcom, see Mbilla Aix-en-Provence (France), 914, 923 Aberdeen (S. D.), 690 Ajman (VAE), 1459, 1461 Aberdeen (UK), 74-75, 78,83- 84 Ajmer ([ndia), 335, 356 Abcrys!wyth (U K), 83-84 Akari (Syria), 1369 Abhazia Rep. (VSSR), 1438 Akershus (Norway), 1199 Abidjan (lvory Coast), 951-52 Akhala (Greece), 1001 Abi!enc (Tex.), 694 Akhali-Antoni (VSSR), 1438 Abington (Pa.), 683 Akhal-Senaki (USSR), 1438 Ab()~ see Turku Akita (Japan), 1100 Abo (Finland), 901 - 02 Akjoujt (Mauritania), 956 Abomcy (Oahomey), 953-54 Akmolinsk, see Tselingrad Abqaiq (Saudi Arabia), 1287 Akola (India), 335, 371 Ab!'lIzzi (ltaly), 1088- 89 Akposso (Togo), 962 Abu Ohabi (UAE), 1459-62 Akrancs (leeland), 1035 Abu Hamad (Sudan), 1338 Ak!'on (Ohio), 543. 674 AbC! Kodis (AROE), 882 Aksu (USS1{), 1449 Abu Zabad (Sudan), 1338 Aktogai (China), 820 Abyssinia, see Ethiopia Aklyubinsk (lJSSR), 1398, 1448-49 Acajutla (EI Salv.), 890 Akureyri (Ieeland), 1035, 1038 Acapu1co (Mex.), 1152, t 157-58 Alabama (USA), 535··36, 541, 566, 571, 578, Acaray (Para.), 123 t 589-91 A~:"trl1ania (Grcece). 1001 - agricuIture, 591 Acera (Ghana), 310.. 15 - area and pop., 590 Achiasi (Ghana), 314 - cducation, 590 Achimota (Ghana), 314 - gov\. and represcntahon, 589-90 Achinsk (USSR), 1413 Alag6as (Brazil), 780 Ach"'i (Uganda), 501 Al Ain (lIAE), 1460-62 Acklin's 15. (Bahamas), 218 Alajuela (Costa Rica), 834- 35 Aconc.g"" (Chile), 805 Alameda (Catif.), 599 Acre (Bmzil), 779, 784 Alamosa (ColD.), 602 Acre ([srael), 1080 Aland (Finland), 900- 01 Adilna Cl'urkey), 1385, 1392 Alaska (USA), 535-36, 538-40, 542, 544, 551, Adapazari (TUo'key), t 385 553, 564, 591-94 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 895-99 -- agriculture, 593 Adelaide (S. Aust.), 145 , 202, 206 -- area and pop., 592 Aden (S. Yomcn), 1319-20 -- cducation, 592 Adiyaman (Turkey), 1385 -- govt. aod reprcse nl ~) ti o n, 591-92 Adizh"n (USSR), 14 11 Alava (Spain), 1323 Adjara Rcp. (USSR), 1438 -39 Alaverdi (USSR), 1438, 1440 Ad"l" (Ethiopia), 897-98 Alba (Romania), J 275 Adrar (Mauritania), 955 Albacetc (Spain), 1323 Adventu!'e (Guyana), 323 Alba lulia (Romania), 1275- 76 Adygei (USSR), 1420, 1428 Albania, 730-35 A'gcan Is. (Greece), 1002, 1005 Albany (Ga.), 613 ,·Elotin (Greeee), 1001 Albany (N. Y.), 543, 665- 68 Afghanistan, 725- 30 Albany (Ore.), 679 Afyonkarahisar (Turkey), 1385 Albany (W. Aust.), 208 Agadez (Niger), 957 Albert" (Canada), 237, 239-42, 247-51, 260, Agadir (Morocco), 1165, 1167 283- 86 Agalega Is. (Mauritius), 431 -- agriculture, 285 Agafia (Guam), 718 - area and pop., 285 Agartala (Tripura), 355, 385 - cducation, 285 Aghios Nikolaos (Greece), 1002 - govt. and representation, 283-84 Aginsky (USSR), 1420 Alberton (S. Afr.), 1298 Agona, see Swedru Albertville, see Kalemie Agordat (Ethiopia), 898 Alborz (Iran), 1052 Agra (India), 335, 386 Albuquerque (N.M.), 543, 663- 64 1505 1506 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1973-1974 Albury (NSW), 181 Ambon (lndon.), 1040-41 Alcoy (Spain), 1323 Ambrym (New Hebr.), 434 Aldabra (Br. Ind. Ocean Terr.), 464 Amersfoort (Netb.), 1176 Alderney (Channel 15.), 75, 138, 140-41 Ames (Iowa), 624-25 Aldridge-Brownhills (UK), 72 Amherst (Mass.), 639 Alegranza (Spain), 1323 Amherst (N.S.), 268 Aleppo (Syria), 1368, 1370 Amida (Turkey), 1386 AI~s (France), 917 Amiens (France), 914, 916 Alessandria (Italy), 1089 Amindivi Is., see Laccadive Is. Alesund (Norway), 1199, 1210 Amirantes (Seychelles), 465 Alexandria (AROE), 878-79, 881, 883-84 Amlai «(ndia), 370 Alexandria (La.), 631 Amlekgani (Nepal), 1171 Alexandria (Romania), 1275 Amman (Jordan), 1109-11 Alexandria (Va.), 543, 701 Amphissa (Greece), 1001 Alexandroupolis (Greece), 1002 Amravati «(ndia), 335, 371 Algarve (port.), 1261 Amreli (India), 361 Algeciras (Spain), 1323, 1331 Amritsar (lndia), 335, 380 Aiger, see Aigiers Amstelveen (Neth.), 1176 Aigeria, 735-40, 910 Amsterdam (Neth.), 1176,1182, 1184 Algiers (Algeria), 736-39 Amur (USSR), 1416, 1420 Alhambra (Calif.), 599 Aoaa (Fr. Polyn.), 935 AI-Homina (Morocco), 1165 Aoaconda (Mont.), 651 Alhucemas (SP. Afr.), 1323 Anadia (Port.), 1260 Alicante (Spain), 1323, 1328 Anadyr (USSR), 1417 Alice Springs (N. Aust.), 160, 165, 168 Anaheim (Calif.), 543 Aligarh (lndia), 335, 386 Aoaiza (Saudi Arabia), 1285 AI JUihad, see Madinet al-Shaab Anand (lndia), 362 AI Jadida (Morocco), 1165 Ancash (Peru), 1235 AI Khobar (Saudi Arabia), 1287 Aochorage (Alaska), 586, 592 Alkmaar (Neth.), 1176 Anchorage Is. (Cook Is.), 453 Allahabad (lndia), 335, 386-87 Anc6n (Pan.), 1224 Allentown (pa.), 543, 683 Aocona (ltaly), 1089-90, 1092 ." " Allepey (lndia), 335 Andaman and Nkobar Is. (lndia), 331, 333-34, Allier (France), 912 338, 344, 3550-56,388-90 ' . Alma-1.~48(USSR), 1398, 1401, 1412, 1416, Anderson (Ind.), 622 Anderson (S.C.), 687 Almada (port.), 1259-60 Andhra Pradesh (lndia), 33Q..31,334, 338, 340, Alrnalyk (USSR), 1413 344, 348-49, 355-58 · " Almelo (Neth.), 1176 - area and pop., 357 A1meria (Spain), 1323 - education, 357 ' Almetyevsk (USSR), 1412 - govt. and representation, 357 Almirante (pan.), 1222, 1224 - production, 357 Alofi (Niue Is.), 452 ' Andijan (USSR), 1410, 1452, 1454 Alofi Is. (Wams and Futuna), 942 Andina (Argen.), 743 Alon (Burma), 799 Andizhan (USSR), 1398 Alost (Belgium), 763 Andorra, 740-41 Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (France), 912 Andorre-Ia-Vieille (Andorra), 741 Alpes, Hautes- (France), 912 " Andros (Bahamas), 218 " Alpes Maritimes (France), 912 Andujar (Spain), 1328 Alpben ad Rijn (Neth.), 1176 Anecho (Togo), 961-62 Alsace (France), 925 Anegada (Br. Virgin Is.), 510 AI-Sbargiyab (Syria), 1369 Aneityum (New Hebr.), 434-35 Altai (USSR), 1415, 1420 Angarsk (USSR), 1398 Alta Verapaz (Guat.), 1009 Angers (France), 914 Alto Adige (Italy), 1087, 1089 Anglesey (UK), 71 Alto Beni (Bolivia), 775 Anglo-French Condomininm, 521 Alton (UJ.), 619 Angola b"0rt. W. Mr.), 1258, 1261, 1267, 1269- Altoona (Pa.), 683 7 Alto Paraßli (Para.), 1228-29 Angoul8me (France), 914 Aluminium, see Bauxite Angra do Heroismo (Azores), 1258-59 Älvsborg (Sweden), 1342 Anguilla (W. lndies), 506-09 Amadora (port.), 1259 Angus (UK), 74 Amagasaki (Japan), 1108 Aohazic (Somalia), 1293 Amambay (Para.), 1228 Anhwei (China), 813 Amapa (Brazil), 779, 784 Anjero-Sudjensk (USSR), 1398 Amapala (Hond.), 1022 Anjouan (Comoro Is.), 939 Amara (Iraq), 1056 Ankara (Turkey), 13850-87, 1391 Amarillo (Tex.), 543, 694 Ankeleshwar (lndia), 362 Amarkantak (India), 370 Ankole (Uganda), 501 Amarpur (India), 385 Annaba (A1geria), 736 Amasya (Turkey), 1385 Anaai (Guyana), 323 Amazonas (Brazil), 779, 784 Annamalainagar ([ndia), 384 Amazonas (Co10m.), 828 Annapolis (Md.), 635-36 Amazonas (Peru), 1235 Ann Arbor (Mich.), 641 Amazonas (Venez.), 1472, 1475 Annecy (France), 914 Ambala (India), 335, 363 ; 364 Annobon (Equat. Guin.), 892 Ambato (Equador), 873 ' Anshan (China), 814; 818 ' Ambatondrazaka (Madag.), 946 Antalya (Turkey), 1385, 1390 Ambeno (port. Timor), 1272 Aotarctic territories ' Amboina (Indon.), 1043 - Argentina, 742 INDEX 1507 Antarctic territories Armavir (USSR), 1398, 1412 -Australia, 141, 177-78 Armenia (Co10m.), 828 - British, 303 Arme~~ (USSR), 1398, 1411, 1413, 1439- -Chile, 805 - New Zealand, 449 Armidale (NSW), 181-82 - Norway, 1208-09 Amhern (Neth.), 1176 Antigua (Guat.), 1009 Arod (Israel), 1082 Antigua (W. Indies), 506-08 Arorae (Gilb. & Ellice 1s.), 318 Antioch (Turkey), 1386 Arta (Greece), 1001 Antioquia (Co10m.), 828, 831 Artibonite (Haiti), 1016, 1019 Antipodes Is. (NZ), 451 Artigas (Urug.), 1463 Antofagasta (Chile), 805-06, 809-10 Arts Council of Great Britain, 86 Antrim (N. Ireland), 127, 129-30 Artvin (Turkey), 1385 Antsirabe (Madag.), 947 Arua (E. Afr.), 520 Antwerp (Belgium), 763-64, 767, 769-70 Aruba (Neth. Ant.), 1189-90 Anvers. see Antwerp Arunachal Pradesh (India), 331, 334, 338, 344, Anzoategui (Venez.), 1472, 1475 355-56,390 Aoba (New Hebr.), 434-35 Arusha (Tang.), 491, 519-20 Aomori (Japan), 1100 Arussi (Ethiopia), 895 Aosta (Italy), 1087 Arvada (Colo.), 602 Aotearoa (NZ), 439 Asahikawa (Japan), 1100 Apeldoorn (Neth.), 1176 Asarnankese (Ghana), 311 Apia (W. Samoa), 505-06 Asansol (India), 335, 389 Apolima Is. (W. Samoa), 50~5 Asbestos, product of: Apostles Is. (Fr. Ant.), 941 - Afghanistan, 727 Appenzell (Switz.), 1356-58 - Brazil, 784 Appleton (Wisc.), 708 - Canada, 250, 254 Apra (Guam), 718 -- Newfoundland, 263 Apure (Venez.), 1472 -- Quebec, 274 Apurimac (Peru), 1235 -- Yukon, 290 Aqaba (Jordan), 1109-11 -China, 818 Arab League, 51-52 - Cyprus, 299-300 Arab Republic of Egypt, 877-86 - Iraq, 1058-59 Aracaju (Brazil), 780 - Rhodesia, 526-27 Arad (Romania), 1275 - South Africa, 1305 Aragua (Venez.), 1472, 1475 - Sudan, 1337 Arak (Iran), 1047, 1050 - Swaziland, 487-88 Aran Pradet (ThaiI.), 1376 - USA, Vermont, 700 Aranuka (Gilb. & Ellice Is.), 318 - USSR, 1411 Ararat (Vic.), 190 -- Tadzhikistan,

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