Leseprobe Über Gegenwartsliteratur Interpretationen und Interventionen Festschrift für Paul Michael Lützeler zum 65. Geburtstag von ehemaligen StudentInnen Herausgegeben von Mark W. Rectanus About Contemporary Literature Interpretations and Interventions A Festschrift for Paul Michael Lützeler on his 65th Birthday from former Students Edited by Mark W. Rectanus AISTHESIS VERLAG ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Bielefeld 2008 Abbildung auf dem Umschlag: Paul Klee: Roter Ballon, 1922, 179. Ölfarbe auf Grundierung auf Nesseltuch auf Karton, 31,7 x 31,1 cm. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. © VG BILD-KUNST, Bonn 2008 Bibliographische Information Der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie; detaillierte bibliographische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.ddb.de abrufbar. © Aisthesis Verlag Bielefeld 2008 Postfach 10 04 27, D-33504 Bielefeld Satz: Germano Wallmann, www.geisterwort.de Druck: docupoint GmbH, Magdeburg Alle Rechte vorbehalten ISBN 978-3-89528-679-7 www.aisthesis.de Inhaltsverzeichnis/Table of Contents Danksagung/Acknowledgments ............................................................ 11 Mark W. Rectanus Introduction: About Contemporary Literature ............................... 13 Leslie A. Adelson Experiment Mars: Contemporary German Literature, Imaginative Ethnoscapes, and the New Futurism .......................... 23 Gregory W. Baer Der Film zum Krug: A Filmic Adaptation of Kleist’s Der zerbrochne Krug in the GDR .......................................................... 51 Hester Baer Frauenliteratur ‘After Feminism’: Rereading Contemporary Women’s Writing ................................................................................. 69 Stefan Börnchen Derselbe Krieg mit anderen Mitteln? De Man, Derrida und die Dekonstruktion in Bernhard Schlinks Roman Die Heimkehr 87 Claudia Breger Moral Play? Poetics, Ethics and Politics in Juli Zeh’s Spieltrieb .... 105 David Colclasure Habermas and the Genre-Distinction between Philosophy and Literature ........................................................................................ 123 Sabine von Dirke Sleepless in the New Economy: Money, Unemployment and Identity in the Literature of Generation Golf .......................... 141 Friederike Eigler Zur Repräsentation traumatischer Orte in Texten von Dieter Forte, Ruth Klüger und Stephan Wackwitz ................ 157 Walter Erhart „Schreib den Roman deiner Generation“ – Thomas Braschs Mädchenmörder Brunke (1999) und die Dialektik der Aufklärung ... 175 Veronika Fuechtner From Ultradoitsh to Siegfriedisch: The Problem of a Multicultural Literature in Zé do Rock’s Orthographies ............ 193 Nele Hempel-Lamer Die Frau als Mutter und die Mutter als Frau im Erzählwerk von Birgit Vanderbeke ......................................................................... 209 Thomas Kniesche Hilsenrath’s Humor ............................................................................. 227 Daniel L. Medin Simply Made Up? Franz Kafka in W.G. Sebald’s Dr. K.s Badereise nach Riva ..................................................................... 245 Karen Remmler Traversing Home Territory: Cultures of Memory in W.G. Sebald’s and Ingeborg Bachmann’s Writing ..................... 261 Mary Rodena-Krasan Postcolonial Subversions in Uwe Timm’s Morenga ......................... 279 Gary Schmidt Sublime Melancholy: The Function of the Homoerotic in Sebald’s Die Ausgewanderten ............................................................. 297 Carrie Smith-Prei Masculinities in Trauma: Dieter Wellershoff’s 1960s Writings and New Left Psychology ................................................... 315 Sebastian Wogenstein ‘Leute in echt’ – Contemporary Literature and Playing with Authenticity .................................................................................. 333 Paul Michael Lützeler Biographie/Biography ......................................................................... 351 Paul Michael Lützeler Verzeichnis der Buchpublikationen/List of Book Publications ..... 355 Über die Autorinnen und Autoren/About the Authors .................... 361 Register der im Text behandelten Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller/Index of Writers Discussed in the Text ........................ 365 Mark W. Rectanus Introduction: About Contemporary Literature In his foreword to the first volume of Gegenwartsliteratur: Ein germanis- tisches Jahrbuch, Paul Michael Lützeler remarked: “Es besteht eine Bezie- hung zwischen der zunehmenden Vielfalt, Qualität sowie Welthaltigkeit der zeitgenössischen deutschsprachigen Literatur und dem wachsenden wissenschaftlichen Interesse an ihr”.1 Paul Michael Lützeler has been much more than a keen observer of contemporary literature. He has made significant contributions to research and scholarship on contem- porary German literature through new projects like Gegenwartsliteratur and his ongoing engagement with authors. As the founder and director of the Max Kade Center for Contemporary German Literature at Washing- ton University in St. Louis, he has played an important role in fostering the dialogue with contemporary authors and has expanded the scope of our engagement with contemporary literature by organizing numerous seminars, workshops, and conferences for scholars in the USA and Europe. His own work as an eminent editor, author, and scholar has brought researchers and readers into closer contact with contemporary authors and their work. By creating multiple platforms for conversation and critical enquiry, he has also shaped scholarly discourses on contem- porary literature and facilitated a better understanding of how authors and their texts relate to socio-historical, political, and cultural forces, which increasingly defy traditional categories. Here, he reminds us that, “Schriftsteller sind Seismographen ihrer Zeit. Aber sie erfassen nicht nur neue Realitäten, um sie abzubilden,sondernbefindensichalsQuerden- ker häufig in Opposition zu aktuellen Entwicklungen”.2 About Contemporary Literature: Interpretations and Interventions is dedicated to Paul Michael Lützeler as a contribution to the dialogue that he has created with authors, his students, and colleagues. This volume examines influential works that reflect the complex fabric of German culture and identity. Rather than attempting to offer a comprehensive survey of re- 1 Paul Michael Lützeler. “Vorwort.” Gegenwartsliteratur: Ein germanistisches Jahr- buch/A German Studies Yearbook. Hg. Paul Michael Lützeler/Stephan K. Schind- ler. 1 (2002): p. xiv. 2 Lützeler. “Vorwort.” p. xiv. 14 Mark W. Rectanus cent trends in contemporary German-language literature, these essays provide a range of interpretative and critical approaches which engage emerging themes and issues from multiple, occasionally conflicting, per- spectives or positions. Many of the contributions are conceived as inter- ventions – designed to stimulate, challenge, and engage, while reframing and re-conceptualizing our approaches to contemporary texts. The essays offer insights into a wide range of aesthetic, social, political, and theoretical issues. Particular thematic emphases in the book include: explorations of Germany’s recent past and the ongoing legacy of war; no- tions of futurity among multicultural authors in Germany; reactions to the commercialization of multiculturalism; redefinitions of women’s literature, feminism, and motherhood; interrogations of authorial intention and no- tions of authenticity; literary interrogations of place and explorations of urban and rural spaces in literature; the relationship between theory and literature; the aesthetics of literary expression and rhetoric; pop litera- ture, audiences, and consumer society; and identity in post-unification Germany. Although the emphasis in most of the essays is on contemporary lit- erature in the German language, the volume underscores the shift to is- sues and mediations which reflect and resonate the multicultural, global contexts within which contemporary (German) literature is produced. These contributions recognize and address the mediation of cultural, so- cial, and historical forces and tensions which constitute intricate proc- esses of literary communication. They also reflect the consciousness that models of national literatures cannot fully capture the multiple ways in which contemporary texts communicate culture in literature or how they might be re-conceptualized within the contexts of world literature. The impact of globalization in shaping new forms of literary expression is also pronounced in these essays – e.g., through analyses of the globaliza- tion of linguistic expression itself or in the interrogation of globally-in- flected contexts of everyday life (e.g., the nature of work, migration, me- dia, and product culture) that have become locally redefined. In this process, the essays also register the destabilization of cultural and analyti- cal categories, including shifts in our understanding of what constitutes postmodern and postcolonial texts. In part, the contributors to this volume are involved in the process of, and work on, Kontinentalisierung which Paul Michael Lützeler describes in his book of the same name – both in terms of their situatedness in mul- tiple continental cultures and in their interrogation of particular, local, Introduction: About Contemporary Literature 15 continental, and global intersections understood as contested sites of cultural production. As we consider
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