1 22001111 MMaahhaarriisshhii SScchhooooll YYeeaarrbbooookk TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss 2 Administration and Faculty 4 Middle and Upper School 13 7th Graders 14 8th Graders 16 Freshmen 18 Sophomores 20 Juniors 22 Senior Pages 24 Academic and Science Awards 28 Class Events 33 Desktop Publishing (DTP) 36 Environmental Club 37 Greenfest 38 Around School 41 Upper School Art 42 Scouting 46 Speech 47 Destination ImagiNation 50 Senior Trip 52 Sports 54 Pep Squad 54 Soccer 55 Basketball 56 Volleyball 58 Credits Lower School 59 Photographers: Tom Library Time 60 Cingire, Mousumi Dey, Preschool 62 Debb Durflinger, Jim Pre-K 63 Davis, Kathy Eason, Kindergarten 64 Werner Elmker, Lucinda Hall, Rig Gelfand, Greg Grades 1 /2 65 Holland, Juliet Jarmosco, Grades 3 /4 67 Laurie Kavanaugh, Bryan Grades 5 /6 69 Prather-Huff, Matthew Lower School Art 71 Siegel Thanking Our Donors 72 Design: Lucinda Hall, Dillon Evertsen, Bryan Prather-Huff, Matthew Siegel, Ryan Smelcer, Runzhao Xie, Lila Cutter, Grace Fernyhough, Caro- line Fulcher, Minna Mo- hammadi, Dodie Paige Thiel, Tahra Wilkins 641-472-9400 copyright Maharishi School, 2011 www.maharishischooliowa.org. * Thank You * Thank You * Thank You * Thank You * Thank You * Thank You * Thank You * Thank You * Thank You * * Thank You Thank You * Thank You ** Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Founder of Consciousness-Based Education * Thank You ** Thank You * Thank You * Thank You * Thank You * Thank You * Thank You * Thank You * Thank You * Thank You * Thank You * Thank You * 22 33 With all appreciation to our custodians of the big picture. BBooaarrdd ooff DDiirreeccttoorrss 4 Dr. Bevan Morris Bob Daniels Jim Davis Marc Freeman Dr. Chris Jones Chair Acting Chair Bill Goldstein Shelley Gratzon Dr. John Hagelin Heather Hartnett Richard Hobbs Peter Huggins Camille Jorgensen Lucie Martlin Janet Nichols Dr. Craig Pearson Noah Siemsen Chet Swanson Emmanuel Titus Susan Tracy Sankari Wegman Our outstanding administrators! MMeessssaaggee FFrroomm tthhee SScchhooooll HHeeaa5 dd This year Maharishi School celebrates the 30th anniversary of our Middle and Upper Schools. In 1981 an intrepid group of educators and 34 founding students filled the gap between the ele- mentary school and university to complete the world’s first Kinder- garten through Ph.D. Consciousness-Based system of education. Today we can look back on A Record of Excellence: The Remarkable Success of Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment, as Executive Director Dr. Ashley Deans titled his book. Year after year, our students have demonstrated the effectiveness of education for enlightenment, a holistic approach for inner development along with outer success, what we call 200% of life. This past year was no exception. We continued our tradition of excel- lence in academic and extracurricular competitions and extended our Dr. Richard Beall Consciousness-Based connections around the world, from Italy (the Head of Maharishi School destination for the senior trip) to China (with new school partnerships and prospective students). “The world is our family,” and expanding our boarding school program will enable us to open our arms even wider in the years to come. So what started as a dream thirty years ago continues to unfold with new possibilities. It is our responsibility, privilege, and joy to continue this legacy and to honor our Founder, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. SScchhooooll CCoouunncciill The School Council is respon- sible for the daily administration of the School. It is comprised of the School Head, Directors of Lower, Girls, and Boys Schools, and other administrative leaders. They work in collaboration to provide holistic guidance of our aca- demic program, finances, personnel, physical plant, and expansion programs. Front: Laurie Baumann, Girls School Director; Laura Bordow, Lower School Director; June Schindler, Finance Officer Back: Dale Monson, Administrative Director; Richard Beall, School Head; Terry Weiss, Personnel Director We you! OOuurr FFaaccuullttyy 6 Key: Upper School, Middle School, Lower School, Preschool Akber Ali Fatima Ali John Armstrong Anne Balf Computer Science Pre-K, Child Care Boys Dean, Social Studies 1/2 Boys Owen Blake Jean Bousquet Ben Caplan Carol Chesnutt Basketball Coach PE Teacher Math Resource Economics Cynthia Cornell Karen DeAngelis Evelyn Ellinghaus Laurie Eyre Sanskrit Sustainable Living Kindergarten Aide Math Lawrence Eyre Kristina Gelfand Rig Gelfand Marcy Gritz Social Studies, SCI English Athletic Director Substitute Faculty C OOuurr FFaaccuullttyy 7 Key: Upper School, Middle School, Lower School, Preschool Mitch Haas Lucinda Hall Taniya Handapangoda Barbara Hays Varsity Boys English, Writing, Desktop 7/8 Math, Science Basketball Coach Publishing Kindergarten Justin Heaton Brenden Higgins Sheila Higgins Ed Hipp Basketball Coach PE, Soccer, Basketball, Track, Tennis Coach Girls Coach Boys Golf Coach Eric Hoffman Greg Holland Stephanie Holland Allison Honeycutt PE Teacher & Photography, Kindergarten Teacher; Preschool, Sustainable Living Child Care Assistant Director Pre-K Teacher, Coach Arts Enrichment Richard Incorvia Thomas Kepler Angela Mailander Susan Marcus 7/8 English, Social Studies English, SCI English Language Learners Girls SCI Faculty OOuurr FFaaccuullttyy 8 Key: Upper School, Middle School, Lower School, Preschool Alice Monk Mala Ngethe Shane Orne Karen Price PE Preschool Girls PE Math, Physiology Jelena Raam Asha Sharma Kathy Siemsen Martha Stewart Pre-K Aide Sanskrit, Child Care 3/4 Boys Consciousness, Math Resource Girma Tessema Greg Thatcher Amy Thiel Brendan Thomas Chemistry, Biology Art Girls SCI Speech Tatiani Ticciati Karen Valentine Joe Verstrepen Wendi Vessey Sustainable Living Asst. Faculty Speech Art Varsity Track Coach OOuurr FFaaccuullttyy 9 Key: Upper School, Middle School, Lower School, Preschool Kate Vetter Meg Vigmostad Cathy Wadsworth Mark Wilkins 1/2 Girls 3/4 Girls 5/6 Boys DI Director, Program, SCI Richard Wolfson Charlotte Zmachinsky Dariana Travis Math, Physics (Alumna) 5/6 Student 5/6 Girls Teacher Faculty Hard working, and COOL! OOuurr SSttaaffff 10 Ashley Deans Richard Beall Laurie Baumann Laura Bordow Executive Director Boys School Director & Girls School Director Lower School Director Head of School Christine Albers Andrea Beall Rosalie Borg Noelle Boucherle Marketing Director Admissions Asst. Dharma Foundation Std. Accts. & Admissions Karen Campbell Cheryl Carter Priya Chhalliyil Fran Clark Lunch Academic Counselor Central Office Development Debb Durflinger Rebecca Dye Kathryn Eason John Farley Maintenance Maintenence Central Office DevelopmentFaculty Staff OOuurr SSttaaffff 11 Trish Fenton Tom Fishback Jane Fleshman Malinda Gosvig Purchaser Boys Dome Academic Support Marketing Supervision Tony Hallen Springli Johnson Laurie Kavanaugh Lee Lefler Development Director Substitute, Marketing IT Manager Special Projects Annalisa Miller Dale Monson Suzanna Jothi Namasivayam Marketing Administrative Director Mullenneaux Central Office Counselor Donna Nelson Wendie Nelson Mitchell Price Ron Perry Development Counselor Sports Concessions Basketball Mngr.,Faculty Driver Staff OOuurr SSttaaffff 12 June Schindler Kathy Shaw Jeremy Sloan Adam Terfa Finance Librarian Maintenence Administration Jan Thatcher Terry Weiss Katherine Walmsley Development Personnel Media Center Staff MMiiddddllee//UUppppeerr SScchhooooll13 Middle/Upper School 77tthh GGrraaddee GGiirrllss 14 Anna-Theresa Unger DI, Tennis, Volleyball, Piano Phoebe Haerr Basketball, Volleyball, Track, Tennis, DI, Dance Sophia Goodale Basketball, Volleyball, Track, Tennis 7th Grade 77tthh GGrraaddee BBooyyss 15 Chandreshwara Morales Doga Ozesmi Gabriel Sperry Giovanni Cingire DI, Soccer, Basketball, Music, DI, Basketball, DI, Soccer, Basketball, Tennis Golf Golf, Soccer Swimming, Golf, Archery, Track Marcus Schoenfeld Solomon Constant Soccer, Tennis, Music, DI, Soccer Basketball, DI 7th Grade 88tthh GGrraaddee GGiirrllss 16 Alina Knight Courtney Swanson Heilani “Jaya” Muehlman Jackie Leete Dance, DI, Drawing, Dance, Art, Tennis, Acting Dance, Piano, Poetry Volleyball Acting, DI Kadie Roberts Lydia Huggins Sarah Swanson DI, Tennis, Art, Guitar, Basketball, Volleyball, DI, Flute, Painting, Dance Soccer, Dance Track, Tennis 8th Grade 88tthh GGrraaddee BBooyyss 17 Alex Hoffmann Bimba Shrestha Brecon Llewellyn David Wadsworth Davin Titus Soccer, Tennis, Track, Soccer, Basketball, Italian, Basketball, Basketball, Soccer, DI, Soccer, Track, Golf, Basket- Basketball, Swimming, Animation, Drawing, Music, Soccer, Golf, Boy Scouts, Tennis, ball, Photography, Ceramics Electronics, Church MATHCOUNTS Piano Robotics Demitri Makeig Brandon Prather-Huff Keefe Lashway Kishan Thijm Lalith Pullapantula Golf, Soccer, Basketball, Golf, Boy Scouts, Soccer, Tennis, Guitar, Soccer, Basketball, Basketball, Soccer, Photography, Art, Trap Shooting Photography Photography, Reading, Traveling DI Traveling Nathaniel Zhu Niko Thiel Samuel Stickels Toma Bousquet Soccer, Piano, DI, Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, Soccer, Soccer, Basketball, Trombone, MATH- Drawing Basketball, Drums Golf, Track, Biking, COUNTS, Science Drums, DI 8th Grade FFrreesshhmmaann BBooyyss 18 Avery Mullenneaux David Fleshman Matthew Rowe Michael Corazza Michael DeAngelis Tennis, Soccer, Speech, Tennis, Basketball, Speech, Boy Scouts, Golf, Table Tennis, Boy Scouts Soccer, Speech Trumpet, Banjo, Speech, Writing, Music Golf, Basketball, Improv Diddgeridoo Rashan Anderson Solaris Nite Suraj Pullapantula Surya-Karan Vinit Suganur Speech, Track, Tennis, Basketball, Basketball,
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