PAGE SIXTEEN TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1970 IIIanrti^Bti^r ^tn^ntng U m ld Average Dally *Net Press RUn For Tlie Wedc Bnaed The Weather ■\ . : June 27, 1980 use of the pools be restricted Fair, quite coc^ again to­ EHrectors Hear to town residents only. night; tow near 60. Tomorrow About Town moatly aunny, mild; high about Manchester Chapter, IMs- A fourth man questioned the 15,610 Comments On need for retaining the Griswold 80. Friday — partly cloudy abled American Verterans, and Warm. its auxiliary will sponsor a hot- Police, Pools Ehigineerlng Co. fo rpreparing BITUMINOUS Manchester——A City of Village Charm engineering reports on water: dog roast tonight at the Rocky needs. He recommended using Hill Veterans Hospital. Those How maany police cruisers VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 260 (THm'TY-SIX PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) qualified town personnel for the MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1970 (Olaaaifled Advartlolng on Page IS) PRICE TEN CENTS planning to assist are remind­ should be dispatched to the work. DRIVEWAYS ed to be at the hospital by S :30. Paridng Areas e Oas Stations • Basketball OoUrts scene of an accident? One, two And a woman complained of I* Now Booking for Sommer Work The auxiliary will have its re­ -—how mahy? gular meeting tomorrow at 7:30 squeaWig wheels of garbage PLACE YOUB ORBER NOW BECSAB8B OF A p.m. at the ViFW Home. A Manchester reisdent claims trucks as they stop to make : PRICE INCREASE SOON that too many are being sent. pickups. AU Work PersonaUy Supervised. We Are 1#8% Insured. Babhidge Appearing at a Board of Direc­ Massive Offensive Manchester WAT6S will have tors’ comment session this a business meeting tonight at morning, he said police cruisers DeMAIO BROTHERS Serves HEW the Itallan-Amerlcan Club, Bl- could better be out patrolling Night’s RainfaU Manson’s Newspaper 643-7691 Part-Time drldge St. Weighing in will be the town than reporting need­ Totals .31 Inches from 7 to 8. lessly to the scene of an acci­ Launehed by U.S. WASHINGTON (AP) -J/i President Homer D. Bab- dent. A downpour last night at 1st Lit. Qlen A. Barrick, hus- bidge of the University of Today’s comment session was about 10:30 . and steady ■ light bimd of the former Ann Jeiffrles, manned by Mayor Nathan Connecticut has taken him­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Agostinelli,! Deputy Mayor Da­ rain through the night dumped self out of consideration for Jeffries of 47 Oalaxy Dr., re­ On Laotian Border the post of assistant secre­ vid Odegard, Board Secretary .31 inches on Manchester, ^ all swimming pools i^ueed! 4 * Leads to Jailing of Counsel cently received the U.8. Com- James Farr and Donald Wells, drenching the town lor the first (AP)—^The United States and South Viet- tary for education, for "per­ sonal reasons," the White mendatloa Medsd at Ramsteln all Republicans. time ih two and a half weeks. nam are wapng a massive air and ground offensive AB, Oermafly. He was decorat­ $2.88........................... now $2.00 £ House said Tuesday. By UNDA DEUT80H ed for meritorious service as an Swimming pools came in for During the entire month of M IIS. ifr? Laotian border trying to block one complaint and one recom­ But the Department of Aaaociatod Press Writer information officer at Cigll 'AIB, July, only .91 inches of rain fell $5.88..............................now $4i4)0 g North Vietnamese troops and air supplies destined for Health, Education and Wel­ Turkey. mendation. in town, according to records South Vietnam and Cambodia. ,, LOS ANGELES (AP)— A man complained that the fare says Babbldge wlU serve kept by the’ Town Water Depart­ g 5418 boats................ now $4J0 9 The South Vietnamese com­ during August as a consul­ A defense attorney is Martius Li. Elmore, acting dir­ swimming pools are being used ment, far below the anticipated mand announced that several spending three nights in after they have been officiaily average of 4.02 Inches. Before to­ tant on higher education. ector of the Manchester Com­ TJ C T H d s w * .o o thousand troops from Its 1st and His pay will be $136 .a day. the same jail as Charles munity College film center, will closed. Mentioning Globe Hol­ day the last measurable rainfall ^ eh.?* M. I / U f I ' " a 2nd infantry divisions and a ma- low Swimming Pool specifical­ recorded at Porter Reservoir Babbldge had said last M. Manson, the shaggy- present “An Evening of Brief rine brigade were conducting month that he wouldn’t ac­ haired clan leader who Films," tomorrow at 8:16 p.m. ly, he complained of excessive Was on July 17. ^ y YS V f- f- ^ "several operations” along the noise, after hours, and recom­ ’Two power failures occurred cept any post with the fed­ briefly halted the Sharon at the ynitarian-Universallst ■ ■ ■ '■ fl'I'f/l/cJfl/ border from the demUitarized eral government that would Society of Manchester Meeting mended police patrol of all the on Forest St. last night between ^ zone to points southwest of Da i Tate murder trial by flash­ pools. require him to leave full time ing at the jury a newspa­ House, 466 Main St. The pro­ 2 and 4 a.m., neither related to work at the University of gram is the third in the society’s Another man recommended the storm. Hartford Electric I p filll I 1 / f l t^CUtlUOdlCl other sources reported that per headline reading: Connecticut. But he did say summer series. A discussion will an Identification system for Light Co. officials indicated the U.S. B62 bombing strikes In the “Manson Guilty, Nixon De­ town users of the swimming he would be available as a follow the film. The event is power loss was caused by a NEIAR SKOUN, Cambodia Laotian panhandle had been In- part Ume consultant. clares.’’ open to the public. pools. He recommended that blown fuse. (AP)—Any doubts that U.S. air tenslfled during the past few The university’s board of The trial judge ruled attorney power has been committed to trustees also issued a state­ Daye Shinn committed "a will­ saving Cambodian battalions In ^ si»kesmM said the ground ment at that time saying ful and deliberate contempt” of — operations had produced no sig- Babbidge’s services were court by leaving the paper with­ .Vk yet, probably needed full time In Connec­ in Manstm’a reach at the coun­ swept asidee todayV byw seven because the monsoon rains In ticut. sel table. Shinn said he’d done it 5 American war planes. Laos have slowed North Viet­ White House Press Secre­ ( by mistake. The air controller on the namese activity. Manson’s move came 'Dies- ground was a U.S. Special tary Ronald L. Ziegler said Sources said the South Vlet- discussions with Babbldge day after Superior Court Judge GREAT APPLIANCES & Forces—trained Cambodian offi- F o r Her Dedication . J. namese command had no hadn't reached the point Charles H. Older denied without cer whose redlo technique and immediate plans to send large "where the post was offered comment a defense motion for a Mrs. Vickie Poharskie of 339 Oakland St. examines plaque she received recent­ ‘"to ^ became and then refused.” But he mistrial based on Nixon’s state­ ly from the Mansfield State Training School, presented by Francis Kelly, su­ ^ " “ «d States fears that did say Babbldge had been ment—later withdrawn—that perintendent, for her work in raising money and in collecting toys and other dlan troops tp r^ to drive away might disturb preliminary over- under consideration for the Manson was guilty directly or items for the school. Mrs. Poharski and a number of her co-workers at Pratt a l^ e Viet Cong and North tures now under way between past, and the preliminary indirectly of eight murders. TV VALUES talks had been goin^ on. Defense attorneys said later and Whitney Division of United Aircraft in East Hartford donated $2,500 to government an^me fi the school as well as a motorized wheelchair after a year’s campaign. Mrs. Po­ four miles to the key road inter- Pathet Lao / they would consider a further section of the district capital at * ' mlstriad motion based on their harski, who works in the packaging department at PWA, accepted the award Skoun were caught in flreflght r,., sources-sald some 40 contention that the jury has at a dinner at Mansfield, attended by about 40 of her co-workers. early today. They sent out ur- been "tainted’’ by exposure to Save More Than Ever Before gent calls for air support. (ivnr+h vi |**'*”*^ night on Edict May Nixon’s statements, made . to Hartford Ipke., Rockville; Linda Hie first to arrive were a U.S. ■ newsmen in Denver Monday. Manchester K. Carroll, Colchester; Edward Hospital Phone (NOT A PROMISE — A GUARANTEE) OVIO reconnaissance plane and ^ >Onh trail In “This is a massive kind of E. Clough, RED 2, 202 Center a South Vietnamese transport ^ Cambo- Halt Flow prejudice,” said Paul Fitzger­ Hospital Notes Rd., Vernon; Rosemarie A. De- The. telephone nuni'ber for bristling with minlguns. As the onn ald, attorney for Patricia Kren- steph, 304 Colonial Rd., Bolton; Manchester Memorial Hospi­ G A M E TIM E South Vietnamese plane pulled boon « i said there has winkel, 22, one of four defend­ tal was changed a few VISITING HpPBS John Dldocclo Sr., 20 Fulton S Y L S ^ I A off target with Its ammunlUonam m iLuon " ^ I c a n t acUvlty" In Of Nerve Gas ants charged with killing Miss Rd.; Sonia Garcia, 'West Willing- months ago, but too late to spent, thU correspondent, who since July 1 and.
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