Research Archives Acquisitions List - December 2013 Journals 1 "Schrift und Sprache." Papers Read at the 10th Mainz International Colloquium on Ancient Hebrew (MICAH), Mainz, 28-30 October 2011 15 (2013) J/KUSATU/15 2 Archaeology 67:1 (2014) J/ARC/67:1 3 Aula Orientalis 31:1 (2013) J/AuOr/31:1 4 Biblica 94:1 (2013) J/BIB/94:1 5 Biblica 94:2 (2013) J/BIB/94:2 6 Biblica 94:3 (2013) J/BIB/94:3 7 Jaarbericht van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptische Genootschap Ex" Oriente Lux" 44 (2012-2013) J/JEOL/44 8 Journal of Egyptian History 6:2 (2013) J/JEH/6:2 9 Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities 38 (2011-12) J/SSEAJ/38 10 KMT 24:4 (2013-2014) J/KMT/24:4 11 Libyan Studies 44 (2013) J/SLS/44 12 Object Predication in Tiberian Hebrew: A Typological Apporach to the Nonverbal Copula 16 (2013) J/KUSATU/16 13 Oriental Institute News & Notes 220 (2013) J/OINN/220 14 Orientalia 82:1 (2013) J/OrNS/82:1 15 Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 108:4-5 (2013) J/OLZ/108:4-5 16 Revue Biblique 120:3 (2013) J/RB/120:3 17 Revue Biblique 120:4 (2013) J/RB/120:4 02/25/2014 Page 1 of 4 18 The INA Quarterly 40:3 (2013) J/INA/40:3 19 The Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Newsletter 2013:3 (2013) J/SSEAN/2013:3 20 Transeuphratène 43 (2013) J/TRANS/43 Monographs, Pamphlets, and Series 21 Mario Capasso and Paola Davoli (eds.). Soknopaiou Nesos Project 1 (2003-2009). Biblioteca degli "Studi di Egittologia e di papirologia" 9. Pisa: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2012. FOLIO: Capasso 22 Nathanael Andrade. Syrian Identity in the Greco-Roman World. Greek Culture in the Roman World. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. MON: Andrade 23 Edward Bleiberg, Yekaterina Barbash, and Lisa Bruno. Soulful Creatures: Animal Mummies in Ancient Egypt. Brooklyn: Brooklyn Museum, 2013. MON: Bleiberg 24 Henriette Broekema. Inanna, heerseres von hemel en aarde: Geschiedenis van een Sumerische godin. Leeuwarden: Elikser, 2013. MON: Broekema 25 Kemal Çiçek. The Great War and the Forced Migration of Armenians. Belfast: Athol Books, 2012. MON: Çiçek 26 Menachem Cohen (ed.). Psalms: Part II. Ramat-Gan: Bar Ilan University, 2013. MON: Cohen 27 Menachem Cohen (ed.). Samuel 1 and 2. Ramat-Gan: Bar Ilan University, 2013. MON: Cohen 28 Vassil Dobrev, Miroslav Verner, and Hana Vymazalová. Old Hieratic Palaeography: Builders' Inscriptions and Masons' Marks from Saqqar and Abusir. Prague: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, 2011. MON: Dobrev 29 Terence DuQuesne. Spirits of the West. Oxfordshire Communications in Egyptology 8. London: Darengo Publications, 2012. MON: DuQuesne 30 Terence DuQuesne. The Jackal Divinities of Egypt I. From the Archaic Period to Dynasty X. Oxfordshire Communications in Egyptology 6. London: Darengo Publications, 2005. MON: DuQuesne 31 Terence DuQuesne. The Salakhana Trove: Votive Stelae and Other Objects from Asyut. Oxfordshire Communications in Egyptology 7. London: Darengo Publications, 2009. MON: DuQuesne 32 Shamai Gelander. The Religious Experience in the Psalms. Biblical Encyclopaedia Library / Encyclopaedia Miqra'it / Encyclopaedia Biblica 29. Jerusalem: The Bialik Institute, 2013. MON: Gelander 02/25/2014 Page 2 of 4 33 Jane A. Hill, Philip Jones, and Antonio J. Morales (eds.). Experiencing Power, Generating Authority: Cosmos, Politics, and the Ideology of Kingship in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Penn Museum International Research Conferences 6. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2013. MON: Hill 34 David S. Vanderhooft and Abraham Winitzer (eds.). Literature as Politics, Politics as Literature: Essays on the Ancient Near East in Honor of Peter Machinist. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2013. MON: Machinist 35 Zhixiong Niu. "The King Lifted Up His Voice and Wept". David's Mourning in the Second Book of Samuel. Tesi Gregoriana Serie Teologia 200. Rome: Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, 2013. MON: Niu 36 Bülent Özdemir. Assyrian Identity and the Great War: Nestorian, Chaldean an Syrian Christians in the 20th Century. Dunbeath: Whittles Publishing, 2012. MON: Özdemir 37 Amanda H. Podany. The Ancient Near East: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. MON: Podany 38 Qāni': Le port antique du Ḥaḍramawt entre la Méditerranée, l'Afrique et l'Inde. Fouilles russes 1972, 1985-1989, 1991, 1993-1994. Preliminary Reports of the Russian Archaeological Mission to the Republic of Yemen 6. Turnhout: Brepols, 2010. MON: Salles 39 William M. Schniedewind. A Social History of Hebrew: Its Origins through Rabbinic Period. Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013. MON: Schniedewind 40 Lenka Suková. The Rock Art of Lower Nubia (Czechoslovak Concession). Prague: Charles University in Prague, 2011. MON: Suková 41 Lenka Suková. The Rock Paintings of Lower Nubia (Czechoslovak Concession). Prague: Charles University in Prague, 2011. MON: Suková 42 Nili Wazana. All the Boundaries of the Land: The Promised Land in Biblical Thought in Light of the Ancient Near East. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2013. MON: Wazana 43 Judith S. McKenzie, Joseph A. Greene, Andres Reyes, Catherine Alexander, Deidre G. Barrett, Brian Gilmour, John Healey, Margaret O'Hea, Nadine Schibille, Stephan G. Schmid, Wilma Wetterstrom, and Sarah Whitcher Kansa. The Nabataean Temple at Khirbet et-Tannur. Volume I: Architecture and Religion. The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 67. Boston: American Schools of Oriental Research, 2013. S/AASOR/67 44 Judith S. McKenzie, Joseph A. Greene, Andres Reyes, Catherine Alexander, Deidre G. Barrett, Brian Gilmour, John Healey, Margaret O'Hea, Nadine Schibille, Stephan G. Schmid, Wilma Wetterstrom, and Sarah Whitcher Kansa. The Nabataean Temple at Khirbet et-Tannur. Volume 2: Cultic Offerings, Vessels, and Other Specialist Reports. The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 68. Boston: American Schools of Oriental Research, 2013. S/AASOR/68 02/25/2014 Page 3 of 4 45 Antti Arjava, M. Buchholz, Traianos Gagos, and Maarit Kaimio (eds.). The Petra Papyri IV. American Center of Oriental Research Publications 6. Amman: American Center of Oriental Research, 2011. S/ACORP/6 46 Ludwig Koenen, Jorma Kaimio, Maarit Kaimio, and Robert Walter Daniel (eds.). The Petra Papyri II. American Center of Oriental Research Publications 7. Amman: American Center of Oriental Research, 2013. S/ACORP/7 47 Elisabeth Delange and Horst Jaritz. Elephantine XXV: Der Widderfriedhof des Chnumtempels. Mit Beiträgen zur Archäozoologie und zur Materialkunde. Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 105. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2013. S/AVDAIK/105 48 Olivier Artus (ed.). Loi et Justice dans la Littérature du Proche-Orient ancien. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtstgeschichte 20. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2013. S/BZAR/20 49 Vitali Bartash. Miscellaneous Early Dynastic and Sargonic Texts in the Cornell University Collections. Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology 23. Bethesda: CDL Press, 2013. S/CUSAS/23 50 Jacques van der Vliet and Joost L. Hagen (eds.). Qasr Ibrim, between Egypt and Africa: Studies in Cultural Exchange. Egyptologische Uitgaven 26. Leuven: Peeters, 2013. S/EU/26 51 Adolf Hoffmann and Claudia Bührig (eds.). Forschungen in Gadara/Umm Qays von 1987 bis 2000. Orient-Archäologie 28. Rahden: Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, 2013. S/OA/28 52 Agnes Henning. Die Turmgräber von Palmyra. Orient-Archäologie 29. Rahden: Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, 2013. S/OA/29 53 Henrike Simon. "Textaufgaben." Kulturwissenschaftliche Konzepte in Anwendung auf die Literatur der Ramessidenzeit. Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur Beihefte 14. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag, 2013. S/SAKB/14 54 Dietrich Raue, Stephan J. Seidlmayer, and Philipp Speiser (eds.). The First Cataract of the Nile: One Region, Diverse Perspectives. Sonderschrift des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo 36. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013. S/SDAIK/36 55 Thomas Beckh. Zeitzeugen aus Ton: Die Gebrauchskeramik der Klosteranlage Der el-Bachît in Theben-West (Oberägypten). Sonderschrift des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo 37. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013. S/SDAIK/37 56 Barbara Lüscher. Die Sprüche vom Kennen der Seelen (Tb 107-109, 111-116). Totenbuchtexte 8. Basel: Orientverlag, 2012. S/TbT/8 02/25/2014 Page 4 of 4.
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