U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Prepared in cooperation with the GEOLOGIC QUADRANGLE MAP U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MARYLAND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BUCKEYSTOWN QUADRANGLE, MARYLAND AND VIRGINIA 77°30′ 77°22′30″ MAP GQ–1800 ° ′ ″ ° ′ ″ 39 22 30 21 39 22 30 SEA LEVEL Qt fl 80 77 85 CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS 54 22 16 4 REFERENCES CITED a 17 21 45 82 5 33 FEET 1600 2000 82 1200 1200 2000 1600 15 20 Cenozoic surficial deposits 400 400 800 800 h fa Brezinski, D.K., 1992, Lithostratigraphy of the western Blue Ridge cover rocks in 85 81 73 34 fr Qal 36 26 Holocene B 25 Qal A 16 11 Ogu 30 37 Maryland: Maryland Geological Survey Report of Investigations 55, 69 p. Surficial deposits not shown 400 feet=122 meters 20 72 QUATERNARY 27 79 Holocene and Burton, W.C., Froelich, A.J., Pomeroy, J.S., and Lee, K.Y., 1995, Geologic map of Qt Qc Qr Qt 40 26 25 27 84 Pleistocene 82 frs 42 the Waterford and Virginia portion of the Point of Rocks quadrangles, Virginia: bs 82 11 Pleistocene and QUATERNARY 29 71 22 QTt Qc 52 late Tertiary AND TERTIARY U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2095, 30 p. 61 fa h 5 81 62 bl 74 Clark, F.W., 1924, The data of geochemistry: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 770, Ogl 54 69 42 Unconformity mt 71 22 70 Qal 79 72 20 9 10 841 p. Qal Ogl Qt Qal 86 50 65 Jd Early Jurassic JURASSIC mt 71 Cloos, Ernst, and Cooke, C.W., 1953, Geologic map of Montgomery County and the surface 10 45 bl 37 80 frs 23 60 Intrusive contacts District of Columbia: Baltimore, Maryland Department of Geology, Mines, and Wa- mp 21 15 81 76 Culpeper basin 61 51 ter Resources, scale 1:62,500. 80 77 Qr 29 81 54 12 52 11 78 43 55 51 Drake, A.A., Jr., and Lee, K.Y., 1989, Geologic map of the Vienna quadrangle, Fair- Qc 17 39 F bl 65 76 ar fax County, Virginia, and Montgomery County, Maryland: U.S. Geological Survey a 25 22 70 fr 61 32 bs tm Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ–1670, scale 1:24,000. ? Newark lower part of 25 Upper Triassic TRIASSIC 55 Qt 58 Supergroup Culpeper Group Drake, A.A., Jr., Sinha, A.K., Laird, Jo, and Guy, R.E., 1989, The Taconic orogen, 41 18 82 60 mp bs 11 22 fr 45 in Hatcher, R.D., Jr., Thomas, W.A., and Viele, G.W., eds., The Appalachian-Oua- 15 QTt 60 77 41 mt mr chita orogen in the United States: Boulder, Colo., Geological Society of America, 17 fl 23 40 51 80 62 61 50 The Geology of North America, v. F–2, p. 101–177. 35 85 72 75 Unconformity Route 180 40 frs frs Jd 25 41 Ogu fr western Piedmont Edwards, Jonathan, 1986, Geologic map of the Union Bridge quadrangle, Carroll and 43 57 67 71 42 Frederick Counties, Maryland: Baltimore, Maryland Geological Survey, scale 39 20 80 Blue Ridge- Frederick Valley Sugarloaf Mountain Westminster 23 F 72 14 22 Qt 40 17 South Mountain synclinorium anticlinorium terrane 1:24,000. 35 70 Qc 15 62 anticlinorium ———1988, Geologic map of the Woodsboro quadrangle, Carroll and Frederick mp 9 fl 25 81 37 67 72 Ogu Lower Ordovician ORDOVICIAN Counties, Maryland: Baltimore, Maryland Geological Survey, scale 1:24,000. fa 21 77 mt 25 42 F 31 79 81 46 Lower Ordovician ORDOVICIAN Evans, N.H., and Milici, R.C., 1994, Stratigraphic relations and structural chaos on 19 65 75 45 60 Ogl 42 66 81 frs 82 52 and Upper Cambrian AND CAMBRIAN the southeastern limb of the Blue Ridge anticlinorium and points east, central Vir- 37 22 52 80 Qt 86 43 49 39 fl ginia Piedmont, in Schultz, Art, and Henika, Bill, eds., Fieldguides to southern Ap- Qc mt 80 85 palachian structure, stratigraphy, and engineering geology: Virginia Tech Depart- 31 70 fa Upper Cambrian Qr 39 63 82 ment of Geological Sciences Guidebook Number 10, p. 31–64. 62 28 O gl 72 bl 62 35 fr frs Fauth, J.L., 1968, Geology of the Caledonia Park quadrangle area, South Mountain, 39 81 75 ar? 11 42 ? Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th Series, Atlas 129a, 132 p. ar Middle and 53 79 75 Zi Lower Cambrian Fisher, G.W., 1978, Geologic map of the New Windsor quadrangle, Carroll County, 62 fr fl Maryland: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I–1037, 42 32 65 59 t 80 Qc 47 59 Jd scale 1:24,000. Tuscarora Creek bs 12 65 fl a Lower Cambrian CAMBRIAN ? Froelich, A.J., 1975, Bedrock map of Montgomery County, Maryland: U.S. Geologi- frs Chilhowee Jd 42 Qt Group cal Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I–920–D, scale 1:62,500. 9 25 h 40 79 Qal 33 57 80 Goddard, E.N., Trask, P.D., DeFord, R.K., Rove, R.N., Singewald, J.T., and Over- 60 40 15 78 ul fr ar 37 45 85 Qal A u uq beck, R.M., 1948, Rock-color chart: Washington, D.C., National Research Coun- 39 87 56 72 67 75 33 55 ar cil, 6 p. [reprinted by Geological Society of America, 1951, 1963, 1970]. mp 7 fa 55 su 57 45 79 65 Lower Cambrian(?) Hopson, C.A., 1964, The crystalline rocks of Howard and Montgomery Counties, in 21 22 mt 42 sm The geology of Howard and Montgomery Counties: Baltimore, Maryland Geologi- mp 21 Qt cal Survey, p. 27–215. Qr 65 sl B 28 65 31 fr 84 Horton, J.W., Jr., Drake, A.A., Jr., and Rankin, D.W., 1989, Tectonostratigraphic 17 uq 27 Ogu 24 T Zi Lower Cambrian(?) 17 71 L CAMBRIAN AND terranes and their Paleozoic boundaries in the central and southern Appalachians, 11 62 31 U and fa FA LATE PROTEROZOIC in Dallmeyer, R.D., ed., Terranes in the Circum-Atlantic Paleozoic orogens: Geo- B&O Railroad 57 25 Zs Late Proterozoic(?) 59 frs 11 85 logical Society of America Special Paper 230, p. 213–245. fa 59 Jd mt 27 21 T S Hoy, R.B., and Schumacher, R.L., 1956, Fault in Paleozoic rocks near Frederick, 22 Jd U T 23 75 R L Maryland: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 67, no. 11, p. 1521–1528. Jd 25 70 H 37 U 11 81 T ? ? FA Jonas, A.I., 1924, Pre-Cambrian rocks of the western Piedmont of Maryland: Geo- bl 17 21 logical Society of America Bulletin, v. 35, no. 2 p. 355–363. Qr 22 70 C 30 New Design Road 10 I Jd T 1 ———1927, Geologic reconnaissance in the Piedmont of Virginia: Geological Soci- 32 R ST 21 61 A sl U ety of America Bulletin, v. 38, no. 4, p. 837–846. 62 81 69 42 58 29 10 M R Ogu 57 H Jonas, A.I., and Stose, G.W., 1938a, Geologic map of Frederick County and adjacent 80 10 T 75 32 77 73 frs Qc 65 Qt parts of Washington and Carroll Counties: Baltimore, Maryland Geological Survey, bl 39 27 62 21 uq Qr 70 72 37 C scale 1:62,500. 42 I DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS 80 69 T a Antietam Formation of Chilhowee Group (Lower Cambrian)—Light- 10 fr 78 R ———1938b, New formation names used on the geologic map of Frederick County, 13 7 27 17 10 A [Color designations, in parentheses, are from Goddard and others (1948)] olive-gray (5 Y 6/1) to olive-gray (5 Y 4/1), medium- to coarse-grained, 19 65 10 12 46 52 fr 71 60 M u Maryland: Washington Academy of Sciences Journal, v. 28, no. 8, p. 345–348. Qt fr 81 fa 75 medium-bedded, locally ferruginous, micaceous, silty metasandstone in- 11 35 Keith, Arthur, 1894, Harpers Ferry Folio, Va.-Md.-W. Va.: U.S. Geological Survey 70 FREDERICK VALLEY SYNCLINORIUM 23 Qal 78 60 CENOZOIC SURFICIAL DEPOSITS terbedded with very fine grained, silty metasandstone to sandy metasilt- fl 20 59 11 65 25 Geologic Atlas of the United States, Folio 10, scale 1:125,000, 11 p. 13 7 34 78 ar 70 stone. Poorly exposed. Thickness estimated at 300 ft bs 21 77 Alluvium (Holocene)—Unconsolidated mixture of clay, silt, sand, gravel, O 35 Qal Keyes, C.R., 1890, Discovery of fossils in the limestones of Frederick County, Mary- 53 Zi fr 57 80 10 81 75 38 67 cobbles, and some boulders underlying flood plains of Potomac and Harpers Formation of Chilhowee Group (Lower Cambrian)—Brownish- land: Johns Hopkins University Circular 10, p. 32. gl 28 Jd h Qt Monocacy Rivers and their tributaries. Includes alluvial terraces as gray (5 YR 6/1) to dark-greenish-gray (5 G 4/1), silty, phyllitic metashale 81 ———1891, A geological section across the Piedmont Plateau in Maryland: Geologi- frs Ogu 45 69 80 much as 10 ft above stream channels, and fine colluvial debris from ad- fl mp 27 82 to highly sheared, phyllitic metasiltstone containing intervals of brownish- cal Society of America Bulletin, v. 2, p. 319–322. 17 45 73 77 jacent slopes. Sediments well to poorly stratified, commonly in fining- fa 70 65 42 gray (5 YR 4/1), medium-grained, silty metasandstone. Poorly exposed. Knopf, E.F.B., 1931, Retrogressive metamorphism and phyllonitization: American Qr fl fl 70 81 Qal 11 5 upward sequences as much as 20 ft thick Thickness estimated at greater than 900 ft Journal of Science, 5th Series, v.
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