Avalanche Campground (MT), 66 Big Horn Equestrian Center (WY), Index Avenue of the Sculptures (Billings, 368 MT), 236 Bighorn Mountain Loop (WY), 345 Bighorn Mountains Trail System INDEX A (WY), 368–369 AARP, 421 B Bighorn National Forest (WY), 367 Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Backcountry camping, Glacier Big Red (Clearmont, WY), 370 (MT), 225–227 National Park (MT), 68 Big Red Gallery (Clearmont, WY), Academic trips, 44–45 Backcountry permits 370 Accommodations, 413–414 Glacier National Park (MT), Big Salmon Lake (MT), 113 best, 8–10 54–56 Big Sheep Creek Canyon (MT), 160 for families with children, 416 Grand Teton (WY), 325 Big Sky (MT), 8, 215–220 Active vacations, 43–52 Yellowstone National Park Big Sky Brewing Company AdventureBus, 45, 269 (MT—WY), 264 (Missoula, MT), 93 Adventure Sports (WY), 309, 334 Backcountry Reservations, 56 Big Sky Candy (Hamilton, MT), 96 Adventure trips, 45–46 Backcountry skiing, 48 Big Sky Golf Course (MT), 217 AdventureWomen, 201–202 Backroads, 45, 46 Big Sky Resort (MT), 216–217 Aerial Fire Depot and Baggs (WY), 390 Big Sky Waterpark (MT), 131 Smokejumper Center (Missoula, Ballooning, Teton Valley (WY), Big Spring (MT), 188 MT), 86–87 306 Big Spring Creek (MT), 187 Air tours Bannack (MT), 167, 171–172 Big Timber Canyon Trail (MT), 222 Glacier National Park (MT), 59 Bannack Days (MT), 172 Biking and mountain biking, 48 the Tetons (WY), 306 Barry’s Landing (WY), 243 Montana Air travel, 409, 410 Bay Books & Prints (Bigfork, MT), Big Sky, 216 Albright Visitor Center 105 Bozeman, 202 (Yellowstone), 263, 275 Bayern Brewing (Missoula, Flathead Lake area, 100 Alpine Slide (Snow King, WY), MT), 93 Glacier National Park, 61 308 Bear Creek Saloon & Steakhouse Kalispell, 116 Alpine Theatre Project (Whitefish, (Red Lodge, MT), 226 Missoula, 82 MT), 130 Bear Mountain Mercantile Red Lodge area, 226 Altitude sickness, 416 (Whitefish, MT), 123 Waterton Lakes National Amazing Fun Center (Coram, MT), Bear Paw Battlefield (Havre, MT), Park, 77 131 190, 192–193 Whitefish, 120 American Automobile Association Bears, Yellowstone, 272 Wyoming (AAA), 410 Bear’s Hump Trail (MT), 77 Cody, 348 American Computer Museum Beartooth National Scenic Byway Grand Teton, 334 (Bozeman, MT), 204 (MT), 199, 227 Jackson, 301 American Heritage Center Beartooth Nature Center (Red Sheridan, 367–368 (Laramie, WY), 400 Lodge, MT), 227 Yellowstone, 281 America the Beautiful—-National Beaverhead County Museum regulations, 265 Park and Federal Recreational (near Dillon, MT), 160 Billings (MT), 231–241 Lands Pass, 47, 414–416 Beaverhead-Deerlodge National accommodations, 238 America the Beautiful—-National Forest (MT), 150 getting around, 232 Park and Federal Recreational Beaverhead Rock (MT), 160 getting there, 232 Lands Pass—-Senior Pass, 421 Beaver Ponds Loop Trail getting to Yellowstone from, Amtrak, 410, 413 (Yellowstone), 285–286 262 Anaconda-Pintler Wilderness Beavertail Hill (MT), 85 nightlife, 240–241 (MT), 159 Bechler Meadows Trail outdoor activities, 232–236 Anaconda Smelter Stack (MT), (Yellowstone), 289 restaurants, 239–240 151 Bed & breakfasts (B&Bs), shopping, 237–238 Anderson Meadows (MT), best, 10 side trip to Pompeys Pillar 159–160 Belton Chalets (MT), 67 National Monument, 241 An Rí Rá (Butte, MT), 148 Benton Lake National Wildlife sightseeing, 236–237 Antelope Flats Road (WY), 334 Refuge (MT), 178 visitor information, 232 Apres Vous Mountain (WY), 303 Berkeley Pit (Butte, MT), 150 Bird’s Nest Books (Missoula, Archie Bray Foundation (Helena, Bigfork (MT), 100 MT), 88 MT), 139 COPYRIGHTEDBigfork Museum of Art and MATERIALBird-watching Area codes, 414 History (MT), 103–104 Montana Art City (Hamilton, MT), 96 Bigfork Summer Playhouse (MT), Benton Lake National Artfusion (Bigfork, MT), 104–105 104 Wildlife Refuge, 178 Atlas Block (Helena, MT), 141 Big Hole National Battlefield Bozeman, 203 Atlas Theatre (Cheyenne, WY), (MT), 160, 164–166 Ninepipe National Wildlife 397 Big Hole Valley (MT), 134 Refuge, 98 ATMs (automated teller Bighorn Basin Loop (WY), 345–346 Wyoming machines), 418 Bighorn Canyon National Gillette, 376 Austin-Lehman Adventures, 45 Recreation Area (MT), 234, Seedskadee Wildlife Autumn Creek Trail (MT), 64 242–244 Refuge, 407 425 220_9781118278475-bindex.indd0_9781118278475-bindex.indd 425425 44/23/12/23/12 88:29:29 PMPM Bird Woman Falls Overlook Bob Ward & Sons (Hamilton, Buffalo Bill Reservoir (WY), (MT), 60 MT), 96 348–350 Bison (buffalo) Bohart Ranch (Bozeman, MT), 202 Buffalo Bill State Park (WY), Madison Buffalo Jump State Boiling River (Yellowstone), 276 347–348 Park (MT), 212 Books, recommended, 21–22 Buffalo Hill (near Kalispell, MT), National Bison Range (near St. Bookworks (Whitefish, MT), 123 116 Ignatius, MT), 98 Boot Hill (Virginia City, MT), 169 Bulldog Saloon (Whitefish, MT), INDEX Wahkpa Chu’gn Bison Kill (MT), Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge 130 191 (MT), 189 Bunsen Peak Road (Yellowstone), Yellowstone, 272, 274 Bowman Lake Trail (MT), 65 281 Bit-O-Wyo Ranch (near Cheyenne, Boysen Reservoir (WY), 356 Bunsen Peak Trail (Yellowstone), WY), 397 Boysen State Park (WY), 356 286 Bitterroot River (MT), 84 Bozeman (MT), 197–210 Bureau of Land Management, 47 Bitterroot Valley (MT), 94–97 accommodations, 206–207 Business hours, 414 Bjorge, Ken, 104 getting around, 200 Bus travel, 409–410, 413 Black bears, 289 getting there, 200 Butch Cassidy (Robert LeRoy Black Coulee National Wildlife getting to Yellowstone from, Parker), 374 Refuge (MT), 189 262 Butte (MT), 146–157 Blackfeet Heritage Center and Art outdoor activities, 200–204 accommodations, 153–154 Gallery (Browning, MT), 76 restaurants, 207–210 getting around, 148 Blackfeet Indian Reservation (MT), shopping, 206 getting there, 148 75–76 sightseeing, 204–205 nightlife, 155–156 Black Otter Trail Scenic Drive special events, 200 outdoor activities, 148–150 (MT), 234 visitor information, 200 restaurants, 154–155 Black Sandy State Park (HMT), Bozeman Angler (MT), 203 side trip to Deer Lodge, 139 Bozeman Creek to Mystic Lake 156–157 Black Star Draught House Trail (MT), 202 sightseeing, 150–153 (Whitefish, MT), 130 Bozeman KOA (MT), 207 special events, 148 Blacktail Books (Kalispell, MT), Bradford Brinton Memorial Ranch visitor information, 148 117 (Big Horn, WY), 369 Butterfly Herbs (Missoula, MT), 88 Blacktail Mountain Ski Area (MT), Bradley Lake (WY), 332 Butte Trolley (MT), 149 103 Brennan’s Wave (Missoula, MT), 86 Blacktail Ponds Overlook (WY), Breweries and microbreweries, 24 330 Missoula (MT), 93 C Black Tooth Brewing Company Brewery Follies (Virginia City, MT), Calendar of events, 26–28 (Sheridan, WY), 373 169 Calhoun Ridge (MT), 245 Blaine County Museum (Chinook, Brewhouse Pub & Grille (Helena, Cameron Falls (MT), 77 MT), 193 MT), 146 Campbell County Rockpile Boar’s Tusk (WY), 407 Bridge Bay (Yellowstone), 291 Museum (Gillette, WY), 376 Boating (boat rentals), 48. See Bridger Bowl (Bozeman, MT), 202 Camping, 48–49 also Canoeing; Kayaking; Bridger Creek Golf Course Montana Rafting and floating; Sailing (Bozeman, MT), 203 Bozeman, 207 Montana Bridger-Teton National Forest Dillon, 162 Flathead Lake, 100, 102 (WY), 47, 305, 330 Flathead Lake area, 105 Glacier National Park, 61 Browning (MT), 75–76 Glacier National Park, Miles City, 246–247 Buckboard Crossing Area (WY), 66–68 Whitefish, 120 406 Helena, 144 Wyoming Buffalo (bison) Livingston and Gallatin Flaming Gorge National Madison Buffalo Jump State National Forest area, Recreation Area, 406 Park (MT), 212 224 Grand Teton, 325, 334 National Bison Range (near St. Madison River Valley, 214 Yellowstone National Park Ignatius, MT), 98 Red Lodge area, 229 (MT—WY), 264, 281 Wahkpa Chu’gn Bison Kill (MT), Virginia City, 169 Boat tours and cruises 191 Waterton Lakes National Montana Yellowstone, 272, 274 Park, 78 Flathead Lake, 102 Buffalo (WY), 373–375 Whitefish, 127 Glacier National Park, 58 Buffalo Bill, grave of (Cody, WY), Wyoming Great Falls, 176 346 Cheyenne, 396 Waterton Lakes National Buffalo Bill Dam (WY), 350 Devils Tower, 379–380 Park, 77 Buffalo Bill Historical Center Flaming Gorge National Wild Horse Island, 105 (Cody, WY), 11, 349–350 Recreation Area, 406 Wyoming, Grand Teton, 329, Buffalo Bill Historical Center Art Grand Teton, 336–337 334 Show and Patrons Ball (Jackson, Jackson area, 315–316 Bob Marshall—Great Bear— WY), 28 Laramie, 401 Scapegoat Wilderness (MT), 79 Buffalo Bill Invitational Shootout Medicine Bow National Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex (Cody, WY), 347 Forest, 403 (MT), 7, 8, 112–115 Buffalo Bill Museum (Cody, WY), Sheridan, 372 349 Thermopolis area, 360–361 426 220_9781118278475-bindex.indd0_9781118278475-bindex.indd 426426 44/23/12/23/12 88:29:29 PMPM Yellowstone, 290–295 Chief Plenty Coups State Park Cody Dug Up Gun Museum (WY), Yellowstone National Park, (MT), 242 349 regulations, 265 Children, families with, 415–416 Cody Firearms Museum (WY), CAM-PLEX (Gillette, WY), 376 Jackson (WY), 308 349–350 INDEX Camp Three Forks (MT), 214 Montana Cody Nite Rodeo (WY), 7, 350 Canoeing, 51 Glacier National Park, 57 Cody Stampede (WY), 27, 347 Wyoming Missoula, 87 Cody Trolley Tours (WY), 350 Grand Teton, 334 Children’s Museum of Bozeman Cold Lakes (MT), 103 Jackson Hole area, (MT), 204 Colter Bay (WY), 328 305–306 Chimney Rocks. (WY), 406 Colter Bay Campground and Canyon campground Chinese Wall (Bob Marshall Trailer Village (WY), 336 (Yellowstone), 291 Wilderness Complex, MT), 113 Colter Bay Visitor Center (Grand Canyon Creek Nature Trail (WY), Chittenden Bridge (Yellowstone), Teton, WY), 324, 328 243 286 Columbia Falls (MT), 130–132 Canyon Ferry Lake Recreation Chokecherry
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