s.-ì E EPIPHYSEAL PLATE REPAIR USING FAT INTERPOSITION TO REVERSE PHYSEAL DEFOR}IITY An experimental study JI I j I I l l I Thesis submitted in March 1989 for the degree of Doctor of Medicine in the University of Adelaide by Bruce Kristian Foster, M.8., B.S. (Adel.), F.R.A.C.S. The work described was performed within the Department of Pathol ogy of the University of Adelaide I TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE I TABLE OF CONTENTS II TABLE OF FIGURES IV TABLE OF TABLES VII SUMl'IARY X DECLARATION XII ACKNOl.lLEDGEMENTS XIII Chapter I GLOSSARY I Ghapter 2 AII'ls 2 Chapter 3 NOR]'IAL PHYSEAL FUNCTION 3 3.1 INTRODUCTION 3 3.2 MECHANICAL PHYSEAL INJURY 7 3.3 CLASSIFICATION OF FRACTURES l0 3.4 ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY 18 3.4. r Zone of Reserve Cel I s 3.4.2 Prol i ferati ng Cel I s 3.4.3 Hypertrophic Cells 3.4.4 Mi neral i zati on 3.4.5 Metaphysi s 3.4.6 Ci rcumferenti al Structures 3.4.7 Arti cul ar Cart'il age 3.5 BLOOD SUPPLY 30 3.6 BIO1'4ECHAN ICS 32 Chapter 4 DEVELOPMENT OF CLOSURE ]'IODEL 36 4.1 EXPERIMENTAL AIM 36 4.2 REVIEIil OF THE LITERATURE 44 4.3 MATERIALS & METHODS 4.3.1 Animal s 4.3.2 Operative Technique 4.3 .3 Radiol og'ical Techniques 4.3.4 Bone Deformity Index 4.3.5 C.T. Measurement 4.3.6 Spec'imen Measurements at Autopsy 4.4 RESULTS 58 4.5 D I SCUSS ION 7l 4.6 CONCLUS IONS 74 II Page No. Chapter 5 FAT INTERPOSITIONAL REVERSAL 75 5.1 EXPERIMENTAL AIM 75 5.2 REVIEI^, OF THE LITERATURE 75 5.3 MATERIALS & METHODS 84 5.3.1 Bone Brjdge Resection 5.3.2 Radiologìcaì Techniques 5.3.3 C.T. Measurements 5.4 HISTOLOGICAL QUANTI FICATION 93 5.5 RESULTS 0F l SQ. CM. DEFECTS 108 5.6 RESULTS OF 2 SQ. CM. DEFECTS t2t 5.7 RESULTS 0F 3 SQ. CM. DEFECTS 134 Chapter 6 DISCUSSION 145 Chapter 7 CONCLUSIONS & FUTURE DIRECTIONS 158 Chapter I APPENDICES t62 Chapter 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY 169 III TABLE OF FIGURES Paqe No 3.1 Growth arrest following trauma. 5&6 3.2 Poland's classification of physeal fracture. ll 3.3 Salter and Harris' classification of physeal l3 fracture. 3.4 Rang's classification of physeal fracture. 16 3.5 Ogden's classificatjon of physeal jniury. t7 3.6 Normal physeal anatomy. l9 3.7 Physeaì zonaì function. 20 3.8 Blood supp'ly to the epiphys'is. 31 3.9 Normal physeal radiology. 35 4.1 Summary of growth djsturbance caused by surgical 42 trauma to the ep'iphysea'l plate in immature dogs. 4.2 K-wi re marker pì acement. 47 4.3 Ep'iphyseal arrest by phys j odesi s, accordi ng 49 to Phemister. 4.4 Radioìogical bone deformity. 52 4.5 Measurement of bone lengthening ratio. 52 4.6 Computerized tomographic section of the tibial 54 physis. IV Page No. 4.7 Measurement of pin distances at autopsy. 56 4.8 Preparation of histologÌcal section. 57 4 .9 Macroscopi c vi ew of a prox'imal ti bi al fusi on . 59 4. 10 Radi ol ogi ca'l variati on of fusi on. 6l 4.ll Histologica'l evidence of fusion: bone response. 66 4.12 Histological evidence of fusion: physeal response. 67 4. 13 Histological evidence of non-fusion: physea'l 68 transpl antatj on. 4.14 Histological evidence of non-fusion I. 69 4.15 Histologica'l evjdence of non-fusion II. 70 5.1 0perati ve deta'i I s of physeal bridge resect'ion 85 and fat interposition. 5.2 Quantification of physeal area by computerized 94 tomography. 5.3 Hjstologicaì assessment of host tissue response 95 to implant - capsule formation. 5.4 Histological assessment of host tissue reaction 97 to implant - epiphyseal bone response. 5.5 Hjstolog'ical assessment of host tissue reaction l0l to'impìant - cortical bone remodel'ling. V 5.6 Hjstological assessment of fat autograft. 5.7 Histological assessment of bone brìdge reformation. 104 5.8 Hjstological assessment of host physeal response. 105 5.9 H j stol og'ica'l assessment of host physea'l 109 response - polarized light examination. 5. l0 Hi stol og'ical assessment of host physeal ll0 response - peripheral physis. 5.ll Rad'iolog'icaì evidence of fusion and reversal ll4 of deformity. 5.12 Bone bridge reformat'ion - peripheral . 120 5.13 Interst'iti aì physeal repair. t22 5. 14 Attempt at medial bone bridge reformation - 132 low power examination. 5. l5 Attempt at medial bone brjdge reformatjon - 133 high power examination. 5.16 Bone bridge reformation I. 742 5.17 Bone bridge reformation II. 143 6. I Physeal defect. t5l 6.2 Physeal repaÌr t52 6.3 Physeal growth. 155 VI LIST OF TABLES Page No. I Rel ative incidence of physeal 'iniuries 8 4A Provocation Series - Deform'ity index at 3 months 62 (i) bone lengthening ratio (i i ) pin angul ation 4B C.T. scan results 63 4C Direct measurements at 3 months autopsy of: 64 Bone p'in distance versus bone length difference 4D Radiology & histology correlatjon of fusion 7t 5A I sq. cm. defect - 3 month survival tt2 Deformity index at 3 months 5B I sq. cm. defect - 6 month survival ll3 Deformity index at 3 and 6 months 5C C.T. scan results for I sq.cm. defect 116 at 3 month and 6 month survival 5D H'istopathol ogy I sq. cm. reversal s - sheep tt7 autopsied at 3 months VII Page No. 5E Histopathology I sq. cm. reversals - sheep ll8 autopsied at 6 months 5F 2 sq. cm. defect - 3 month survival 124 Deformity index at 3 months 5G 2 sq. cm. defect - 6 month survival t25 Deformity index at 3 and 6 months 5H C.T. scan results for 2 sq. cm. defect t27 at 3 month and 6 month survival 5I Hi stopatho'logy 2 sq. cm. reversal s - sheep t28 autopsied at 3 months 5J Histopatho'logy 2 sq. cm. reversals - sheep t29 autopsied at 6 months 5K 3 sq. cm. defect - 3 month survival 135 Deformity 'index at 3 months 5L 3 sq. cm. defect - 6 month survival 137 Deformity index at 3 and 6 months VIII Page No. 5M C.T. scan results for 3 sq.cm. defect - 3 month 138 and 6 month survival 5N Histopathology 3 sq. cm. reversals - sheep 140 autopsied at 3 months 50 H'lstopathology 3 sq. cm. reversals - sheep 141 t 1 autopsied at 6 months I 1 ; I i ,trl '1 I I I l I I I I I IX SUMMARY A predi ctabl e method of reversal of physea'l (ep'iphyseaì pl ate) damage at the level of deformity is not current'ly avajlable. A reproduci bl e model of a periphera'l part'ia'l bone bridge to the proximal medjal tjbial physis v',as created jn lambs at the age of 6 weeks. Three months after the initial procedure, reversal of the bone bridge lesjon u,as achieved by excjsion of the bone bridge and autologous fat interposition from the ipsilateral knee fat pad. There v',ere 3 groups of animals with lesions to the phys'is. At reversal in the first group of animals, C.T. scans determined that the size of defects was 17.2 + 2.2% of the total physeal area. For the second group of anjmals, the size of the defect was 28.0 + 6.0%. For the thjrd group of animals, the lesion was 33.7 + 7.2%. Us'ing an unpaired Student's ú test, there u,as a statjst'ica'lly sign'ificant increase ìn sìze of lesion between groups (p < 0.0001). ldi th 'interposi t j on of fat radi ol og'ical cniteri a j ndi cated success j n the resumption of physeal growth jn 85.7% of cases in the first group, 54.5% in the second group, and 50.0% jn the third group. The survjval of the fat and its maintainjng of pos'ition I'rere critical factors to the success of the reversal procedures. For example, 'in the first series of experiments, success js 100% if two animals unable to satisfy both criteria are elimjnated from analys'is. Measurements of the areas of the physea'l defects us'ing C.T.'images between the initial (reversa'l) procedure and autopsy at three and six X months showed a decrease ìn size of the defects. These, hov'lever, failed to reach a statistically sign'ifjcant level of change in the size of the defects. This is presumptive evjdence of the ìnabiìity of physeal cartilage to repaìr. Histolog'ical assessment showed that there bras minimal evidence of physeal stimulation or resumption of a normal physis in the defects. A spur of cartilage cou'ld be seen to arjse centraì'ly from the phys'is and to point towards the metaphys'is. In this regÌon there was loss of normal physeaì chondrocyte organ'ization. Under polarized light mìcroscopy the phenotyp'icaì expression showed metapl asi a of the hyal 'ine cart'il age to f i brocart'il age. Chondrons of physeaì di sorgani zati on occurred. It is postulated that correction of deformity occurs by a non-union effect, which allows the rema'ining normal physis to functjon and groþ,, rather than by a process of interstitial physeal repa'ir.
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