S3808 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 1, 2006 amendment intended to be proposed by him SA 3796. Mr. INHOFE submitted an amend- bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie to the bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was or- ment intended to be proposed by him to the on the table. dered to lie on the table. bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie SA 3816. Mrs. BOXER submitted an amend- SA 3776. Mr. KOHL submitted an amend- on the table. ment intended to be proposed by her to the ment intended to be proposed by him to the SA 3797. Mr. DURBIN submitted an amend- bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie ment intended to be proposed by him to the on the table. on the table. bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie SA 3817. Mr. COBURN submitted an SA 3777. Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Mr. on the table. amendment intended to be proposed by him LEAHY, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. SARBANES, Mr. LAU- SA 3798. Mr. KENNEDY submitted an to the bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was or- TENBERG, Mr. DODD, and Mr. OBAMA) sub- amendment intended to be proposed by him dered to lie on the table. mitted an amendment intended to be pro- to the bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was or- SA 3818. Mr. WYDEN submitted an amend- posed by him to the bill H.R. 4939, supra; dered to lie on the table. ment intended to be proposed by him to the which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 3799. Mr. INOUYE (for himself, Mr. STE- bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie SA 3778. Mrs. BOXER submitted an amend- VENS, Mr. SHELBY, Mr. SARBANES, and Mr. on the table. ment intended to be proposed by her to the ROCKEFELLER) submitted an amendment in- SA 3819. Mr. VITTER submitted an amend- bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie tended to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. ment intended to be proposed by him to the on the table. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie on the bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie SA 3779. Mrs. BOXER submitted an amend- table. on the table. ment intended to be proposed by her to the SA 3800. Mr. INOUYE (for himself, Mr. STE- SA 3820. Mr. OBAMA (for himself, Mr. bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie VENS, Mrs. HUTCHISON, Mr. ROCKEFELLER, LEVIN, Mr. BAYH, Ms. LANDRIEU, and Mr. on the table. Mrs. BOXER, Mr. LAUTENBERG, Ms. SNOWE, LIEBERMAN) submitted an amendment in- SA 3780. Mrs. BOXER submitted an amend- Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. KERRY, Mr. DORGAN, Mr. tended to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. ment intended to be proposed by her to the NELSON, of Florida, and Mr. PRYOR) sub- 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie on the bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie mitted an amendment intended to be pro- table. on the table. posed by him to the bill H.R. 4939, supra; SA 3821. Mr. SANTORUM submitted an SA 3781. Mrs. BOXER submitted an amend- which was ordered to lie on the table. amendment intended to be proposed by him ment intended to be proposed by her to the SA 3801. Mr. LEAHY (for himself and Mr. to the bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was or- bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie DURBIN) submitted an amendment intended dered to lie on the table. on the table. to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. 4939, SA 3822. Mr. INOUYE (for himself, Mr. STE- SA 3782. Mrs. BOXER submitted an amend- supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. VENS, Mr. SHELBY, Mr. SARBANES, Mr. ROCKE- ment intended to be proposed by her to the SA 3802. Mr. LEAHY submitted an amend- FELLER, Mr. REED, Mrs. BOXER, Mrs. CLIN- bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie ment intended to be proposed by him to the TON, and Mr. ALLARD) submitted an amend- on the table. bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie ment intended to be proposed by him to the SA 3783. Mrs. BOXER submitted an amend- on the table. bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie ment intended to be proposed by her to the SA 3803. Mr. FEINGOLD submitted an on the table. bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie amendment intended to be proposed by him SA 3823. Mr. LEAHY submitted an amend- on the table. to the bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was or- ment intended to be proposed by him to the SA 3784. Mrs. BOXER submitted an amend- dered to lie on the table. bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie ment intended to be proposed by her to the SA 3804. Mr. COCHRAN submitted an on the table. bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie amendment intended to be proposed by him SA 3824. Mr. VOINOVICH submitted an on the table. to the bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was or- amendment intended to be proposed to SA 3785. Mr. LEVIN (for himself, Mr. DOR- dered to lie on the table. amendment SA 3613 submitted by Mr. GAN, Ms. STABENOW, and Mr. CONRAD) sub- SA 3805. Mr. BENNETT submitted an VOINOVICH (for himself, Mr. OBAMA, Mr. mitted an amendment intended to be pro- amendment intended to be proposed by him DEWINE, Mr. LEVIN, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. DUR- posed by him to the bill H.R. 4939, supra; to the bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was or- BIN, and Mr. DAYTON) and intended to be pro- which was ordered to lie on the table. dered to lie on the table. posed to the bill H .R. 4939, supra; which was SA 3786. Mr. HARKIN submitted an amend- SA 3806. Mr. BROWNBACK submitted an ordered to lie on the table. ment intended to be proposed by him to the amendment intended to be proposed by him bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie to the bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was or- f on the table. dered to lie on the table. SA 3787. Mr. KYL submitted an amend- SA 3807. Mr. CHAMBLISS (for himself, Mr. TEXT OF AMENDMENTS ment intended to be proposed by him to the ISAKSON, and Mr. INOUYE) submitted an SA 3728. Mr. VITTER (for himself bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie amendment intended to be proposed by him and Ms. LANDRIEU) submitted an on the table. to the bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was or- amendment intended to be proposed by SA 3788. Mr. KYL submitted an amend- dered to lie on the table. him to the bill H.R. 4939, making emer- ment intended to be proposed by him to the SA 3808. Mr. COLEMAN submitted an bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie amendment intended to be proposed by him gency supplemental appropriations for on the table. to the bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was or- the fiscal year ending September 30, SA 3789. Mrs. HUTCHISON (for herself, Mr. dered to lie on the table. 2006, and for other purposes; which was CORNYN, and Ms. LANDRIEU) submitted an SA 3809. Mr. OBAMA submitted an amend- ordered to lie on the table; as follows: amendment intended to be proposed by her ment intended to be proposed by him to the On page 165, line 19, strike ‘‘$10,600,000,000’’ to the bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was or- bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie and insert ‘‘$10,400,000,000’’. dered to lie on the table. on the table. On page 168, between lines 8 and 9, insert SA 3790. Mrs. HUTCHISON submitted an SA 3810. Mr. OBAMA (for himself, Mr. the following: amendment intended to be proposed by her COBURN, and Mr. KENNEDY) submitted an FLOOD PROTECTION, LOUISIANA to the bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was or- amendment intended to be proposed by him dered to lie on the table. to the bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was or- SEC. 2054. (a) There shall be made available SA 3791. Mrs. HUTCHISON (for herself, Mr. dered to lie on the table. $200,000,000 for the Secretary of the Army CORNYN, and Ms. LANDRIEU) submitted an SA 3811. Mr. OBAMA (for himself, Mr. (referred to in this section as the ‘‘Sec- amendment intended to be proposed by her COBURN, and Mr. KENNEDY) submitted an retary’’) to provide, at full Federal expense— to the bill H.R. 4939, supra. amendment intended to be proposed by him (1) pumping capacity and other measures SA 3792. Mrs. HUTCHISON (for herself, Mr. to the bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was or- required to prevent flooding associated with CORNYN, and Ms. LANDRIEU) submitted an dered to lie on the table. modifications to outfall canals in Jefferson amendment intended to be proposed by her SA 3812. Mr. BOND submitted an amend- and Orleans Parishes, Louisiana; to the bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was or- ment intended to be proposed by him to the (2) repairs, replacements, modifications, dered to lie on the table. bill H.R. 4939, supra; which was ordered to lie and improvements of non-Federal levees and SA 3793.
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