Application Form for the European Green Capital Award 2021 9. Water Refer to Section 2.9 of the Guidance Note 9A. Present Situation Please complete the following table providing the most recent data that is available: Table 1: Benchmarking Data - Water Indicator Unit Year of Data Domestic usage (drinking water) - litres per capita 119 Litres/capita/day 2017 per day Total usage (drinking water) - litres per capita per 181 Litres/capita/day 2017 day Water loss in pipelines 7.1 % 2017 Percentage (%) of total annual generated waste water load, connected to waste water collecting >99 % 2017 system + urban waste water treatment plants (UWWTPs) No. of WWTP 3 Number 2017 Kariniemi 130 000 Ali- Total design capacity (Population Equivalent - PE) Juhakkala PE 2017 120 000 Nastola 22 000 Kariniemi 107 700 Ali- Total load received by UWWTP (PE) Juhakkala PE 2016 77 000 Nastola 20 300 Connection rate >99 % 2017 Kariniemi, Ali- Treatment level which is applied in each UWWTP: Juhakkala: secondary or more stringent; in this case, type of primary, Treatment level 2017 treatment: nitrogen and/or phosphorus removal, secondary disinfection etc. (active sludge) and tertiary. UV 1 Application Form for the European Green Capital Award 2021 disinfection. Iron (ii) sulphate for removing phosphorus. Nastola in 2016: primary, secondary (active sludge), UV disinfection. Iron (ii) sulphate for removing phosphorus. Waste water reuse (describe type of reuse) 0 % 2017 3.56 €/m3 (overall) 2017 Water pricing (overall and split into water supply and waste water services, incl. taxes and service 1.38 €/m3 (water supply) 2017 charges) 2.18 €/m3 (waste water supply) 2017 Describe the present situation in relation to water management, including any relevant disadvantages or constraints resulting from historical, geographical and/or socio-economic factors which may have influenced this indicator. Describe the current general features of waste water treatment according to national requirements and the requirements of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD, 91/271/EEC), and the situation regarding drinking water quality and the requirements concerning the Drinking Water Directive 98/83/EC . Please provide information of the EU Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC and its daughter directives regarding implementation. In detail, please make reference to: 1. Total water drinking water consumption (in cubic meters/year and litres/capita/year) including a breakdown for different sectors (e.g. households, industry, energy, agriculture, small business, tourism, public sector); describe plans currently in place to reduce water consumption and to improve water status 2. Proportion of urban water supply subject to water metering, both for domestic and non-domestic metering; 3. Source of water (surface water, groundwater) - make reference to aquifers and river basin management; 4. Quality of drinking water (e.g. how many days of non-compliance with the Drinking Water Directive?) - 2 Application Form for the European Green Capital Award 2021 make reference to connection to large/small supplies; 5. Water loss in pipelines, leakage management and network rehabilitation; please provide information on leakage management and network rehabilitation; 6. Storm water management (including number of storm water overflows) and use of natural water retention measures (www.nwrm.eu) and/or sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS); 7. How the links between water and energy consumption (water-energy nexus) if available provide data on yearly energy consumption (kWh/m3 of distributed water); describe measures in place to reduce/optimise the energy consumption for waste water plants or water supply services; 8. Compliance with the EU Water Framework Directive and other EU/national/regional legislation applicable at the city level indicating status of water bodies relevant for the urban area within the city limits and relevance of measures enshrined in the applicable river basin management plans; this shall include the status of the relevant river basin (e.g. water bodies in good/bad status; if information on droughts, scarcity; expected future trends); 9. Compliance with the EU Water Framework Directive and link to the relevant Flood Risk Management plans; 10. Use of ‘non-conventional resources’ and water recycling initiatives (rain water use and grey water or waste water reuse); 11. The scale of river restoration projects planned e.g. for resurfacing (lost) rivers, naturalising previous channeled rivers; 12. Projects to reconnect citizens with waterbodies e.g. creation of wetland parks, improving water quality to allow for swimming. Include data and a short explanation for the following specific indicators. Provide explanation in the case of missing information. 1. Proportion (%) of total generated waste water load, not connected to waste water collecting systems and explanation of the type of waste water treatment applied to this fraction (reference to individual or other appropriate systems, i.e. IAS); 2. If the city is located in an EU Member State include data on waste water treatment obligations according to the UWWTD (based on city's size and nature of the area of discharge); 3. Waste water collecting systems: main type of collecting system (combined/separated) and annual proportion (%) of COD-loads discharged via storm water overflows; 4. UWWTPs: organic design capacity (PE), most advanced treatment level, annual incoming and discharged loads (load or concentration) of BOD5, COD, Ntot and Ptot and treated waste water amounts (m³/a) of all UWWTPs serving the city. If the city is located in an EU Member State, indicate whether the UWWTP complies with the treatment requirements under the UWWTD; 5. Annual amounts of generated sewage sludge (tonnes/year) and description of treatment/disposal pathways (% of total amount); 6. Further information (e.g. on treated waste water reuse, economic sustainability, use of integrated constructed wetlands or other GI/nature-based solutions) is highly appreciated. Please note: In case the city is served by a private, or public/private services company, or your regional/national authorities are responsible for the water services, please provide the information requested and describe the additional 3 Application Form for the European Green Capital Award 2021 city activities. (max. 800 words and 5 graphics, images or tables) Drinking Water Lahti Aqua Ltd (part of Lahti City Group) is in charge of drinking water and waste water management [1]. Groundwater is used as only drinking water source. In 2017, 95% of water users were connected to the municipal network and subjected to water metering, and the total water consumption was 7.5 Mm3 (approx. 45 m3/capita/a) compared to 7.8 Mm3 (approx. 79 m3/capita/a) in 2006 (Fig A1). Water consumption has mainly decreased as a result of decreased use by apartment building residents, industry and the service sector. In 2006, residents consumed 139 litres/capita/day compared to 119 litres/capita/day in 2017. Today, 7.1% of water is lost in pipelines (Fig A2), while in 2006, the loss was nearly 11%. Effectiveness is achieved using modern control and digital information systems. The energy consumption of drinking water production was 0.69 kWh/m3 in 2017 (Fig. A3). Figure A1. Total water consumption by different sectors/users (1000 m³) 2017. 4 Application Form for the European Green Capital Award 2021 Figure A2. Water loss in pipelines in Lahti (%) 2017. Figure A3. Energy consumption of drinking water production in Lahti (kWh/m³) 2017. Drinking water quality is excellent. In 2010, 98% of the samples complied with the quality standards. Lahti Aqua has upgraded the purification technology, and in 2017, 100% of the samples complied with the quality standards (Drinking Water Directive). Due to the groundwater’s good quality, only minimal treatment is needed. The groundwater in Lahti is soft (pH 6.5). Therefore, calcium oxide or sodium hydroxide (50%) is added to prevent pipeline corrosion. Bacterial growth is prevented with a small amount of sodium hypochlorite (10%) or ammonium chloride. All water towers are equipped with UV water purification systems. Wastewater Collecting Systems Virtually all urban areas have separate sewers for storm water and wastewater. In 2017, Lahti had 767 km of wastewater sewers and 454 km of storm water sewers. Combined sewers remain in the area adjacent to the Lahti Market Square. The amount of storm water runoff, from this area, has been estimated by Lahti Aqua as being approximately 50 000 m3/a (1% of the runoff from the city centre) [2]. Storm Water Management and Floods The Storm Water Management Plan (2012) promotes the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) [3]. For all new development areas and sites, a specific plan must be presented for storm water management. Alternative 5 Application Form for the European Green Capital Award 2021 solutions are often necessary in the southern parts of Lahti, due to the soil type (clay/silt). Flood risk areas were mapped, for Lahti, in 2010. Possible flooding is not expected to cause significant damages, since vulnerable areas are generally not inhabited and are excluded from future construction. Water Bodies The Lake Vesijärvi and seven other lakes have a “moderate” status, six lakes have a “good” status and one has a “poor” status. There has been a Vesijärvi Action Plan since 2009 [4, 5], and a regional action plan to improve the condition of rivers and lakes. There are four rivers in Lahti, two have a “moderate” status, one has a “good” status and one has a “poor” status. A Water Management Plan (2010) is in place to develop water management [6]. Quantity of Wastewater The quantity of wastewater has decreased: 7.5 Mm3 in 2017 and 8.4 Mm3 in 2006 (Fig. A4). Figure A4. Generated wastewater, by sector, in Lahti (1000 m³). 94.6% of households were connected to a sewage network in 2016. Close to 2 000 citizens or 600 buildings in the rural areas of Lahti used onsite sewage facilities. The methods vary from simple septic tanks to modern facilities.
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