CASS CITY C HRONICLE. TRI-COUNTY CHRONICLE, Established in 1899 | Consolidated Vol. 5, No. 3= CASS CITY ENTERPRISE, Established in 1881 ~ April 20, 1906, CASS CITY, MICH., FRIDAY, NOVEYiBER 25, t9~o. ' I I T I q~l 11 I '1' E] Ov[R 2,264 BU. I£oMPI[TIo or CHRISTMAS IS COMING. D Mesdames Wixon, Auten and Wilsey 1 Merchants Will Outdo Themselves fIN[ {;OIJNIilY HOME' in Displays of Holiday Goods. Entertain Nearly 200 People. t i[ I SOLD BY FARMERS TO CASS CiTY One of the most pleasant social ON THE FARM OF J. J. SPENCE, With only four weeks until Christ- functions of the season occurred Fri- mas, the merchants of Cass City ar~, GRAIN CO. WEST OF TOWN. day evening when Mesdames Wixon, already beginning to talk about their Auten and Wilsey entertained tow- prospects for a successful holiday Farmers Have to Wait Until Nine ards 200 la4ies and gentlemen " in Residence Is of Sand Brick and season, and our readers will soon see O'clock in Evening to Doerr's hall. They had procured the Woodwork and Floors Are displayed on the pages of the Chron- Unload. rare talent of Helen Wyrick Sha- in Antique Oak. icle the timely ads of Cass City's en- for, reader and entertainer, of De- ,~ terprising business men. From con- • .o troit for the occasion. She presen- versations with some of them, we are The farm is no longer the isola- Photographer Bingham took a ted a dramatic recital of the play, led to believe that, unless something ted lonely place that. it used to be run down to the bean elevator of "The Lion arid the Mouse," in four happens to prevent, the merchants or that some people seem to think the Cass City Grain Co. Monday af- scenes. Her impersonations were are going to outdo themselves . in it is yet. Farming under present ternoon, and thoug h it was raining, excellent and in the opinion of many the mattter of offering holiday goods conditions is a business and in most he secured a creditable picture of her efforts in that ling were the this year. The fact is, that, the cases is coming to be ran in a buai- the crowd that was waiting to empty best ever enjoyed in Cass City. Being Christmas trade has increased each ness w~ay. The first step in the the big loads of beans into the hop- encored several times at the close of year, and to meet this .increase the modernizing of the farm came with per. The Chronicle expected to the play, she gave comic selections several merchants have, through ex- the introduction of ruraI free deliv- print a half-tone picture of the group which produced much laughter. Be- perience planned on .presenting to the ery, followed by the telephone. To- this week, .but because the paper tween acts Miss Ethel McGregory public larger and more assoI~ed day the farmer is as up-to-date as goes to press early on account of gave one of her beautiful piano solos stocks than ever before. A record his village brother, and in several Thanksgiving, the engravers did and Mesdames Wickware, Schenck breaking holiday trade is looked for- .instances the latter is second in not have the necessary time to com- and Pinney delighted the guests with ward to, and remember when think- the race for the good things in life. plete the cut for this issue and the a pretty vocal trio, "Slumber Song." ing of making your purchases that Today the modern farm home is picture must wait until later. There The program was follow,ed by an in- your home merchants stand ready to fully as well supplied with conven- were 21 farmers' teams and wagons formal reception during which light serve you in every way. iences as the house in the town or in ].inc. Had the photographer wait- refreshments were served. Much city. Several fine country residences ed until Tuesday, the crowd would credit is due the ladies for their ex- have been erected in the vic,inity of have been still larger, 30 or more cellent ideas of entertaining and A WRY fOOLiSH Cass City an late years. A~nong these loads in waiting at one time. their generosity in providing such is the home of Mr. and Mrs.James J. On Monday the number of bushels an enjoyable evening for so large a CUSIOM Of LADIES Spence, 2 miles west and ~ mile Be Well Dressed for of beans purchased by the Grain Co. number of persons. nm'th, recently completed. exceeded 1,436 and on Tuesday the 20TH CENTURY HAT HIDES amount received at the •elevator was The residence is of the two-story Thanksgiving PREACHER FROM VIEW. 2,264 bushels. This amount does cottage shape and is admirably lo- STMf SfNMOI fOX rated on the Spence farm of 160 not include several loads which were stored in the shed Tuesday. The Head=gear Should Be Removed at properly observe Thanks- ing is 28 by 32 feet in size with side bean elevator is running n.ight and Beginning of Service Says day to take care of the product. It .... walls standing 18 feet high. On the giving Day the turkeyshould VETERAN TUSCOLA COUNTY kEG- south and east a massive veranda is F. A, Bigelow. was nine o'clock Tuesday eveniffg be- ISLATOR BREAKS HiS NECK. lsituated, 9 by 24 feet in size, and be well dressed-so should you. fore the last farmer unloaded his an addition to the house on the wagon, and there were 55 different Dear Editor: southwest is 9 by 13 feet. The walls farmers at the elevator with beans Re-elected This Month For Fifth You will do the writer a favor and To be well dressed Thanksgiving Day and every of the residence are built of sand during the day. benefit a large class of citizens of Time to Represent the 21st brick. other day---wear Clothcraft All-Wool Clothes. The capacity of the bean elevator this 'community if you will kindly District. The main entrance is from the They have the style that you would ordinarily of The Farm Produce Co. has been publish this letter in the columns of .----..--___ south into a hall which leads to expect only in high-priced clothes. severely taxed this week. In fact it the Chronicle. the reception room, dirdng room and has been necessary to turn some State Senator-elect Edwin G. Fox The very proper and universal cus- They are guaranteed to wear well, to hold a coat closet, and contains an open away becatise the company was un- of Mayville, age over 60, fell on the tom of gentlemen saluting ladies by shape and to be honestly made of pure wool cloth. stairway. Besides the rooms men- able to handle all that came. From steps of his home Monday and broke lifting the hat, had its beginning sev- tioned, there are a parlor, kitchen, Yet they cost only $10 to $25. 800 to 1,000 bushels have been pur- his neck, meeting instant death. He eral centuries ago when the head- pantry and bath room off the first We'U ~thank you to investigate these remark° chased a day and night work has js thought to have been troubled w'ith dress worn by men was a helmet of floor. able clothes. You'll th~nk us if you do. been nescessary on the part of the heart failure also. The widow and iron to protect the cranium of the Reception room and parlor are di- force to care for the product. During one son survive. wearer from the spear-thrusts and Continued on fifth page. the month of November the bean Senator Fox was born in the prov- sword-strokes of his enemies. There- o fore, to remove the helmet in the J@ Do Crosby sales of the Farm Produce Co. to ince of Ontario. He was brought to, presence of ladies or friends was a Cass City's Shoe and Clothing Men. the city markets w.ill amount to 18 Michigan by his. parents 55 years cars, or 12,375 bushels. ago. For a few years the family SAfiiNAW MAN token of confidence that they would The past few weeks has found sev- lived in Lapeer county, then for a not inflict any harm upon the un- eral farmers bringing their products short time at Flint, and then moved SU[S VASSAR covered head of the gallant helmet [:3 to towrl who are far removed from to Tuscola, where the senator lived wearer. Now w.ill some one inform me of the regular trading zone of Cass City. ever since, except for a few years SEEKS $5,000 BECAUSE HE WAS Contimued on eJl=;hth ~atl;~ .... This fact together w~ith the fancy when he was clerk in a store in a FORCED OUT OF VILLAGE. prices paid have naturally increased store in Iowa. FOUR AUCTION SALES the business of our local merchants. In 1875 he engaged ]n the mercan- Vassar Council Will Stand Behind One business man remarked to the tile business at Mayville and the L Buy a Kodak tts Marshal and Intends to Car, Chronicle that the past week had business still continues under the Are Advertised in the ChroniCle ry Suit Up If Necssary. and you will never regret it. Pictures been the best since he had been in name of Edwin G. Fox & Son. He This Week. business. Another business man w'as for six years town clerk, for that you get of your family at home D.
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