Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 2/20 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 15.-31. Januar Die Themen dieser Ausgabe 1. Internationale Gedenkveranstaltung zum 75. Jahrestag der Befreiung des Vernichtungslagers Auschwitz- Birkenau ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Israel auf dem Weg zur dritten Wahl .............................................................................................................................. 4 3. Umstrittener Friedensplan .............................................................................................................................................. 6 4. Medienquerschnitt ........................................................................................................................................................... 9 1. Internationale Gedenkveranstaltung zum Juden "das ultimative Symbol jüdischer Hilflosig- 75. Jahrestag der Befreiung des keit". Mit dem Staat Israel habe man dagegen heute Vernichtungslagers Auschwitz-Birkenau "eine Stimme, ein Land und ein Schutzschild". Zu Israels Regierungschef Benjamin Netanyahu nutzte den aus aller Welt angereisten Rednern gehörte die internationale Gedenkveranstaltung 75 Jahre an Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier, der be- die Befreiung des Vernichtungslagers Auschwitz- tonte, dass es keinen Schlussstrich unter das Erin- Birkenau, um einen Appell an die Staatengemein- nern geben dürfe. Deutschland müsse seiner histo- schaft zu richten, sich geschlossen dem Iran entge- rischen Verantwortung gerecht werden, sagte genzustellen. Er forderte eine "gemeinsame und Steinmeier, der als erstes deutsches Staatsober- entschlossene Haltung gegen das anti-semitischste haupt in der Holocaust-Gedenkstätte Yad Vashem Regime der Welt, das Atomwaffen entwickeln und sprach. Er versicherte: "Wir bekämpfen den Antise- den einzigen jüdischen Staat zerstören will", so mitismus! Wir trotzen dem Gift des Nationalismus! Netanyahu in der Holocaust-Gedenkstätte Yad Wir schützen jüdisches Leben! Wir stehen an der Vashem. Der Iran unterdrücke sein eigenes Volk Seite Israels. Dieses Versprechen erneuere ich hier und bedrohe die Weltsicherheit. Israel werde alles in Yad Vashem vor den Augen der Welt." Die Rede tun, was nötig sei, um den „Staat und unser Volk zu des deutschen Bundespräsidenten fand allgemein verteidigen". Staats- und Regierungschefs aus fast große Anerkennung in den israelischen Meiden. 50 Ländern erinnerten in Jerusalem an die Befrei- ung des Vernichtungslagers am 27. Januar 1945. Should liberation of Auschwitz be celebrated Nach Angaben des israelischen Außenministeriums with luxe dinner parties? handelt es sich um das größte Staatsereignis seit (…) seventy-five years after the liberation of the Staatsgründung. Nach Schätzungen wurden in Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp, anti- Auschwitz-Birkenau rund 1,3 Million Menschen Semitism has reared its ugly head once again, and ermordet, die meisten davon Juden. Netanyahu world leaders who are set to gather in Jerusalem würdigte den Kampf der alliierten Mächte und deren must make it clear: Never again! (…) unless bold Sieg über Nazideutschland. Sie hätten dafür einen statements are made during the event, the visit of immensen Preis zahlen müssen. "Aber gerade heu- world leaders this week will be nothing more than a te müssen wir sagen: Für sechs Millionen Juden, public relations stunt, an insult to the memory of the darunter 1,5 Millionen Kinder, wurden die Tore zur victims and survivors of Auschwitz. (…) The Hölle zu spät geschlossen." Auschwitz sei für die liberation of Auschwitz was not a festive occasion for 1 anyone. The vast majority of Jews brought to that this faint hope. How dehumanizing, to insist on hellhole were not alive on the day of its liberation. denying a people’s last recourse to even an (…) Having survived the camp and the hellish uncertain, belated, modicum of justice. How march, 30,000 of them were cast into yet another degrading to do so while standing on the shoulders inferno – concentration camps inside Germany from of Holocaust survivors, insisting that this is which they were not liberated until the first week of somehow being carried out in their name. (…) May of that year. The Russian troops who liberated Shame on you, Prime Minister Netanyahu. Shame, Auschwitz found survivors numbering anywhere also, on any world leader who goes along with the between 2,000 and 7,600 people, depending on the travesty of equating a people’s attempt to achieve source. They were left behind because they had not justice with anti-Semitism. Taking this cowardly been able to walk. (…) Why is the government of position does not only betray the Palestinians’ hope Israel celebrating the liberation of these people with for freedom and dignity. It joins in the slow death of a luxe dinner party at the President's Residence in the lessons that have guided humanity for the past Jerusalem? An army of producers, chefs and some 75 years and are now drowning in the rising 200 waiters working to come up with updated dishes authoritarian tide around the world. This is not the suitable for specific pallets. I read the reports in world that humanity tried to build after World War II disbelief. Are you out of your minds? (…) No (…). ceremony or presentation would be as clear and Hagai El-Ad, HAA, 23.01.20 powerful a message as the attendance of those with numbers burned into their left arms as if calling out Who is the Fifth World Holocaust Forum for? in a loud voice: We are here! (…) It’s not for us. It’s not for the Holocaust survivors, Shoshana Chen, YED, 22.01.20 their children, or their children’s children. (…) only 60 of the 780 places at the ceremony in Yad Netanyahu exploits the Holocaust to brutalize Vashem were allotted to survivors and their escorts. the Palestinians (…) The ceremony thus welcomed 47 world leaders Benjamin Netanyahu did not invent the idea of to commemorate the liberation of Auschwitz, but it leveraging the Holocaust for political gain. Yet, like welcomed less than 47 survivors. (…) if it’s not for so much else in current Israeli politics, he is taking us, who is it for? It is for future generations who will even that low to new depths. (…) Israel’s prime quickly forget, who want to forget, and who would minister intends to exploit the Fifth World Holocaust deny the Holocaust. A ceremony before 47 world Forum (…) to call on world leaders to publicly back leaders speaking multiple languages may help in Israel’s self-serving position that the International preserving the memories of the unspeakable horrors Criminal Court in The Hague has no jurisdiction in visited on our parents and our people – men, the occupied Palestinian territories. Netanyahu women, children, and infants. It may shed began this exercise barely 48 hours after ICC international light on the six million Jews, 1.5 million prosecutor Fatou Bensouda announced (…), that children – nearly all of them Jewish, of the 220,000- she is ready to open an investigation into potential 500,000 killed in the Romani Genocide, and of the war crimes in the West Bank and Gaza (…). 5,000-15,000 homosexuals killed by the Nazis. It Wasting no time, Netanyahu responded that "new may remind many of the dangers of rising anti- edicts are being issued against the Jewish people - Semitism and racism; and it will hopefully remind anti-Semitic edicts by the International Criminal attending world leaders of their responsibility to Court." This cynical reframing is staggering, both protect their citizens from this scourge. (…) the intellectually and morally. The Palestinians who live central (…) ceremony at Yad Vashem (…) was also under Israel’s occupation are a people bereft of for our prime minister. It was a reminder to him that rights. (…) Israeli prosecutors and judges process more than 150,000 Holocaust survivors – nearly a Palestinians in the occupied territories through a third of those remaining in Israel – live under the "justice system" that delivers an almost 100 percent poverty line. That under his watch (…) these conviction rate. At the same time, this system works Holocaust survivors cannot afford to heat their to ensure impunity for Israeli security forces who kill, homes and many must decide whether to buy food abuse or torture them. For Palestinians, quite or medications. (…) literally, the International Criminal Court is their court Varda Spiegel, TOI, 23.01.20 of last resort. Yet Netanyahu, backed by Israel’s entire political leadership, is trying to quash even 2 Honoring Holocaust victims means fighting anti- existence they can hold their head up high in the Semitism countries in which they live, and if necessary, if (…) An event of this magnitude has never been held things take a turn for the worse, they can always in Israel before to memorialize the six million come home. (…) When the sun finally shone on our members of our people (…) who were struck down national renaissance, it found us beaten and by the most evil killing machine known to bruised, limping like our ancestor Jacob after his humankind. This impressive event reflects an struggle with the angel. The leaders of the world international consensus regarding recognition of the who came to Jerusalem also salute the miracle of dreadful uniqueness of the Holocaust of the Jewish our people's rebirth (…). Seventy-five years after people and the imperative to "Never Forget!" (…) (…) the memory of Auschwitz is no longer just
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