525 GRANT AVE., NORTH MANKATO, MN 56003 | 507.387.6501 | F: 507.387.7365 Parish Office 507-387-6501 | Fax: 507-387-7365 Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm January 3, 2021 Emergency Number The Epiphany of the Lord 320-522-2180 Religious Education Office 507-345-6765 Accounting Office 507-345-6828 Email [email protected] Website holyrosarynorthmankato.com Holy Rosary Parish Staff Father Paul van de Crommert, Pastor Cindy Gawrych, Office Administrator Jim Theuninck, Accounng/Administraon Ministry for Sick & Homebound/ Support Staff Lorraine Klaseus | 507-388-4932 Calvary Cemetery Board Representative Tom Kiffe Loyola Catholic School Adam Bemmels, Pre-K—12 Principal Loyola School Office 507-388-0600 | Fax: 507-388-3081 Bulletin Article Deadline: Tuesdays at 12:00 pm Noon FOR SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT: Rev. Paul van de Crommert HOLYROSARYNORTHMANKATO.COM/ WORSHIP-SACRAMENTS Pastor HOLYROSARYNORTHMANKATO THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD JANUARY 3, 2021 mates from the seminary, when I was studying in Italy. Over the years, she had been my pen pal and we exchanged many cards, “When King Herod heard this, he was greatly photos and leers, of which I troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.” have saved nearly every one. She -St. Mahew had beauful penmanship. Over the years, Tante Anna had I recall in my years in major theology, entrusted to me some of the and even my first years as a priest and Visser family albums (that were pastor, that I was a very faithful watcher coveted by the Visser-Crommert of the half-hour sit-com M*A*S*H. It was family), over and above any of her (Aunt Ann & Uncle John a sad day for me when the show stopped many other nieces and nephews in the Netherlands, circa producon and equally when the re-runs in Holland. Once, when I was 1950’s.) were leaving the major staons. vising in the Netherlands, she presented me with a One of the episodes involved the M*A*S*H unit during prized, hand-painted Del plate from the Eucharisc the me of Christmas. According to the story, there had Congress of 1924 that had belonged to my great-uncle, been a great number of casuales that had come in on th who was a priest in the Netherlands, and who had died Christmas day, December 25 . Some of the young soldiers about the me that I was born. She loved to laugh and had made it and others did not. One parcular lad they joke around, have a good glass of wine unl her cheeks had worked on finally died at 11:30 P.M. on Christmas became rosy; and also we had some serious talks about night. Margaret, the head nurse, ponders the mystery of priesthood and religious life. She would o en say in “One minute you death by saying in words similar to these: Dutch, “The two of us have to sck together as clergy and are alive and the next minute you are gone. There is no religious, for the rest of our family does not understand drum beat. There is nothing, you are just gone.” As they our lives.” Perhaps she was right. Like most religious, she are about to make out the death cerficate, the physician, had lived a long life, reaching into her mid-90’s. In terms Hawkeye Pierce, goes up to the clock and moves it forward of math, she was old. In terms of her immortal spirit, she See, he made it to the 26th a half-hour. He says, in effect: “ always seemed…like my Mother, as being kind of ageless. of December.” The priest chaplain concludes that I told a classmate of mine recently that I am starng to Christmas day should not be remembered as a day of dread the month of December. It’s the month that I lost death, but rather as a day of life and hope, with the birth my Mother, one of my best friends in the priesthood, of Christ and salvaon. Bishop Sirba, and now my beloved Aunt. It was unfortunate that Christmas Eve 2020 (the day we In that M*A*S*H episode, the physician Hawkeye welcome the new life of Christ into the world, the day that moves the clock forward, so that the death cerficate when I was young was a me of celebraon, opening gi s, will not read that the young soldier died on Christmas and then Mass) was another day of sadness for me. I day. Even though we are in the Christmas season, and it received a call on Christmas Eve from one of my brothers is all about life and the birth of the baby in Bethlehem, it telling me of the death of my Mother’s only sister and my is curious that the gi s the three Kings present to the favorite aunt, Sr. Venana Vissers O.S.F., or beer known newborn king are most appropriate, but also address the to us as “Tante Anna.” She and my Mother were only a death of the Divine Son. year apart in age and in many respects looked and spoke Tradionally the gi of gold was brought by the wise so similarly. We o en joked that it was only the nun’s veil man Melchior. The gi of frankincense was brought by that could help disnguish the two of them apart from one the wise man Caspar. The gi of myrrh was brought by another. the wise man Balthasar. These were most appropriate She had come to spend an enre month on the farm gi s, as the gold represented Christ’s kingship, the when I was in grade school. She returned for two weeks at frankincense represented His priesthood, and the myrrh the me of my ordinaon, and I stayed in her convent with represented CHRIST’S PASSION AND DEATH. SO, EVEN my Mother on two occasions for two weeks in the AT THE BEGINNING OF CHRIST’S BIRTH INTO LIFE, HE IS Netherlands; and then a me or two with one of my school GIVEN A GIFT SIGNIFYING DEATH. The late Archbishop Page 2 HolyRosaryNorthMankato.com | LoyolaCatholicSchool.org THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD JANUARY 3, 2021 Stewardshipship ofof GGratituder Stewardshipdship ofof GGratitude 12/27/20 12/20/20 Our Gifts to God & Holy Rosary Adult Contribuons $5,959.00 Adult Contribuons $6,935.00 Electronic Giving $2,674.84 Electronic Giving $2,509.87 Plate Collecon $59.00 Plate Collecon $102.00 Junior Collecon $141.25 Junior Collecon $125.75 Christmas Collecon $1,100.00 Christmas Collecon $6,373.00 Christmas Flowers $395.00 Christmas Flowers $145.00 A/C Donaon $6,000.00 Weekly Offering Total $10,329.09 Weekly offering goal is set at $10,300.00 Weekly Offering Total $22,190.62 Weekly offering goal is set at $10,300.00 Bridging the Gap $0.00 Addional Weekly Income $1,485.00 Bridging the Gap $0.00 Grand Total $11,814.09 Addional Weekly Income $1,423.00 Total weekly stewardship goal is set at $13,200.00 Grand Total $23,613.62 Thank you for your gi s of gratude to God! Total weekly stewardship goal is set at $13,200.00 May God reward your generous spirit! Thank you for your gi s of gratude to God! May God reward your generous spirit! “The Quill and the Cloth” continued... Sheen said it so well in words similar to these: “…All of us Stewardship of Gratitude were born into the world to live. Christ was the only one who was born into the world to die.” Work of Christmas Begins As I stated in my Christmas homily, we cannot speak of "When the song of the angels is slled, when the star the wood of the manger without speaking of the wood of in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, the cross. We cannot speak of Christ’s birth without also when the shepherds are back with the flocks, then the speaking of His death. So, perhaps the month of December work of Christmas begins: is in fact a good month to die. Christ was born into the to find the lost, world only to die for sinners. The Wise Men seemed to to heal those broken in spirit, know this, and if we are “wise” in the ways of the Holy to feed the hungry, Spirit, we should know this as well. When we were to release the oppressed, bapzed (nearly all of us as infants), we were also to rebuild the naons, bapzed into Christ’s death. to bring peace among all peoples, May Anna, and all who have died in the year of 2020, to make a lile music with the heart… from Covid-19 and any other causes, see in the world to And to radiate the Light of Christ, every day, in every way, come, the Babe of Bethlehem who was born under the star in all that we do and in all that we say. Then the work of of light and life for all who believe in Him. Tante Anna, may Christmas begins. The message of the Feast of Epiphany you rest in peace! Merry Christmas! announces to all people, everywhere: Rise up in splendor… your light has come, The Glory of the Lord shines upon you! Let the work of Christmas begin, and let it begin with you." Rev. Paul van de Crommert - Howard Thurman (adapted) Pastor HolyRosaryNorthMankato.com | LoyolaCatholicSchool.org Page 3 THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD JANUARY 3, 2021 The Week Ahead Ministry Schedule Monday, January 4th: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, January 9th & 10th Religious 5:00 pm - Mass - Pearson Family Eucharisc Ministers: Tuesday, January 5th: Saint John Neumann, Bishop 5:00 pm Pat & Wanda Hull Private Mass - Shirley Gazzola† 10:00 am Ryan Howe, Terri Compton Wednesday, January 6th: [USA: Saint André Bessee, Ushers: Religious] 10:00 am Doug Helget, Bob Wegsheid, Dan Voracek, 12:00 pm - Mass - Rykhus Family Jacob Voracek Thursday, January 7th: [Saint Raymond of Penyafort, Priest] 12:00 pm - Mass - Sandee & Gary Lindmeier Friday, January 8th: Christmas Weekday Upcoming Parish Events 12:00 pm - Mass - Bob Frederick† Faith Formaon Resumes - Grades 6-9 - Saturday, January 9th: Christmas Weekday Wednesday, January 13th, 6:30 pm, church No 3:00 pm Mass Faith Formaon - Grades 1-5 - Wednesday, 4:30 pm - Sacrament of Reconciliaon - Cry Room January 20th, 6:30 pm, church 5:00 pm - Mass - Gina Sandbo† Sunday, January 10th: THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Diocesan Ministries 10:00 am - Mass - Cheryl Edwards† Appeal Thank you to all who have given to the Diocesan Ministries Thought For the Week Appeal.
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