COMMUNICATIVE FUNCTION FOUND IN WALT DISNEY FILM ENTITLED MONSTERS UNIVERSITY AND ITS APPLICATION ON TEACHING SPEAKING A THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Acquire Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Program ofTeacher Training and Education Faculty Muhammadiyah Universitas of Purworejo RIZKY KHABIBAH 102120064 ENGLISH EDUCATION PROGRAM TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF PURWOREJO 2014 COMMUNICATIVE FUNCTION FOUND IN WALT DISNEY FILM ENTITLED MONSTERS UNIVERSITY AND ITS APPLICATION ON TEACHING SPEAKING A THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Acquire Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Program ofTeacher Training and Education Faculty Muhammadiyah Universitas of Purworejo RIZKY KHABIBAH 102120064 ENGLISH EDUCATION PROGRAM TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF PURWOREJO 2014 i APPROVAL SHEET COMMT'NICATIYE FT]NCTION FOUND IN WALT DISNEY FILM ENTITLED MONSTERS UNIWRSITY AND ITS APPLICATION ON TEACHING SPEAKING RIZKY KTIABIBAH 102120064 This thesis has been approved to be defended in front of the team of Thesis Examiners Approved By ffi Consultant I onsultant II Q"a Sri'lVidodo. M. Hum Zulia Chasanah. S. S. M. Pd NIDN.06 2805 7302 NIDN. 061612 7401 Acknowledge, Education Program Kffi 06 2405 7001 t1 RATIFICATION SHEET COMMT,NICATTVE FT]NCTION TOUND IN WALT DISNIEY FILM ENTITLB,D MONSTERS UNIWRSITY AND ITS APPLICATION ON TEACHING SPEAKING RIZKY KTIABIBAH fi2120064 This thesis has been defended in front of the team of Thesis Examiners Teacher Training and Education Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo on the date of: August 9thr2014 The Board Examiners Signature First Examiner : Juita Triana, M. Pd -+...) Second Examiner : Titi Rokhayati, M. Pd -"") ,... Third Examiner : Sri \Midodo, M. Hum .. ...) t A, Purworejo,,A.lg*;..t..g, "i u I I The Dean of the Teacher Training aB.d Education Faculty 105 198103 t 002 111 STATEMENTS Hereby, the researcher: Name Rizky Khabibah Student Number '102t20064 Study Program r English Department Title Communicative Function Found in Walt Disney Film Entitled Monster,g (Iniversity And Its Application on Teaching Speaking. states that this thesis is absolutely her own work and the contents of thethesis is not written by someone else, except some parts which follow the wriffenrule and ethics of thesis. If it proved that this statement is incorrect, this entirelybecomes her responsibility. The researcher, July J, ltl zo4 Rizky Khabibah IV DEDICATIONS With gratitude and love, this is dedicated to: Allah SWT the Merciful and the Gracious. My beloved mother, Ibunda Sri Khasifah and my beloved father, Ayahanda Wasik, who always give me strength and everlasting love. Thanks for your supports, so I can finish this thesis. Love you so. My beloved little brothers, Andrian Nur Habibi, Salis Kurniawan, and Ridho Arbi.Thanks foryour supports. My dearest friends who always give me motivation, Nur and Nanik. My advisor, Sri Widodo, S. S., M. Hum, thanks a lot for your guidance, patient, and supports. Special thank to my adorable mates Ulil Hidayati. (Bunda), Rizma Karlinda. (Mamah), and Suyudi Nayoko. (Menyoet). Thanks for beautiful times All of my friends in English Program, especially those of “Semrawud” class B in the academic 2010/2011. Thanks for being nice friends. v MOTTOS You can if you think you can If you complain that Allah is testing you too much, you are failing the test. There is no success without failure and sacrifice. Never old to learn. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AlhamdulillahiRobbil’alamin, is the first word that the researcher can sayto express the gratitude to Allah SWT who gives the researcher strength, guidance, blessings, and ability in finishing this thesis. This thesis was written to fulfill a requirement for obtaining theSarjanaPendidikan Degree of English Education Program of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. In this opportunity, the researcher appreciates greatly to those who have given valuable suggestion and guidance in completing this thesis, particularly the researcher would like to thank to: 1. Mr. Drs. H. Supriyono, M. Pd, as the Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. 2. Mr. Drs. H. Hartono, M.M, as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education faculty Muhammadiyah University of Puworejo. 3. Mrs. Semi Sukarni, M. Pd, as the Head of English Program of University of Puworejo 4. Mr. Sri Widodo, M. Hum., as a first consultant who has given encouragement, advice, suggestions for the improvement of this thesis. Thanks for his willingness to share his knowledge, time, and invaluable guidance during the writing process of this thesis in order to make this thesis better. 5. Mrs. Zulia Chasanah, S. S, M.Pd., as a second consultant who has given advice and suggestion for the improvement of this thesis. vii 6. All of the lecfures of English Program, thanks for their guidance during the completion of this research, and also allthe staffs. 4 My mother and dad who have provided the researcher a great deal of encouragements during my study at Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. This thesis of course is far from being perfect. Hor,vever, the researcher hopes that this work can give valuable contributions to the researcher himself,, the institution, English Department, and all readers especially those who are interested in teaching learning English. Thus, She welcomes warmly of comections, critics, and comments for the next better research. Purworejo, July tflzorq ]w The Researcher vlll ABSTRACT RizkyKhabibah. 2014. Communicative Function Found in Walt Disney Film Entitled Monsters University and Its Application on Teaching Speaking. A Thesis. English Education Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Science Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo. Consultant: Sri Widodo, M. Hum. Keywords: Analysis Language, Communicative Function, Film, Monsters University, Walt Disney Language means communication. In communication, we use a language to express feeling, ideas, opinion, and desires. So that others know or understand what we want. When we use language in communication, we get the advantages the function of language. This research is to analyze communicative function used by the characters in Monsters University film. It is mainly to discuss the kinds and application in teaching speaking used by the characters in the film. The aims of this research are (1) to find out the communicative functions used in Monsters University film, (2) to find the application of communicative function in the film entitled Monsters University by in teaching speaking. In conducting this research, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative method. The researcher uses film as the object of the study. The data are utterances used by the characters in Monsters University film. Furthermore, the utterances are analyzed to describe and to explain in detail the phenomena of utterances based on communicative function. By conducting this research, the researcher finds that there are 96 utterances performed communicative function in the film. Kinds of communicative function in the film are; greeting consisting of 6 utterances (6%), partingconsisting of 2 utterances (2%) , introducingconsisting of 18 utterances (19%), apologizingconsisting of 10 utterances (10%), requestingconsisting of 1 utterance (1%), wishing and congratulationconsisting of 13 utterances (14%), offeringconsisting of 1 utterance (1%), expressing opinionconsisting of 6 utterances (6%), problem and difficultiesconsisting of 3 utterances (3%), encouragingconsisting of 5 utterances (5%), thankingconsisting of 10 utterances (10%), emotion, exclamation, and harsh words consisting of 21 utterances (22%). Emotion, exclamation, and harsh words are the most commonly used by the characters. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS TITTLE .................................................................................................... i APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................ ii RATIFICATION SHEET ......................................................................... iii STATEMENTS OF THE RESEARCHER ................................................. iv DEDICATIONS ....................................................................................... v MOTTOS .................................................................................................. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................... vii ABSTRACT ............................................................................................. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................... x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ......................................................... 1 A. Background of the Study ........................................... 1 B. Reason of Choosing The Topic ................................. 3 C. Statements of Problem .............................................. 3 D. Objectives of the Study .............................................. 4 E. Limitation of the Study .............................................. 4 F. Significance of the Study ........................................... 4 G. Definition of The Term ............................................. 5 H. Organization of The Writing .................................... ... 6 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ......................... 8 A. Previous Study ........................................................... 8 B. Language ..................................................................
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