OHIO STATE PENITENTIARY . .INMATE HANDBOOK REVIEWED February 7, 201 PREFACE This handbook is for your use while incarcerated at the Ohio State Penitentiary (OSP). The handbook is designed to be your reference manuiil. Any revisions to the handbook Will be posted via memos and/or on the institutional prog1-amming television channel. ··An offender is placed at the Ohio State Penitentiary due to classification to Level 4 or Level 5. Level 4 is a security level for offenders who are involved in, but not leading others to commit violent, disruptive, predatory or riotous actions, and/or present a threat to the security of the institution as set forth in the establish Level 4 criteria. Level 5 is a security level for offenders who commit or lead others to commit violent, disruptive, predatory, riotous actions; or, who otherwise pose a serious threat to the securi of the insti on as s . o m. e .esta 1s e eve criteria. Placement at the Ohio State Penitentiary is for an indefinite period of time with annual security reviews. The Ohio State Penitentiary houses Security Level 4 and 5 inmates. · While you are at- the Ohici State Penitentiary, you are expected to abide by Adininistrative Regulations, ODRC and OSP rules and regulations, and participate in OSP programs. It is hoped you will make a positive adjustment that will enable you to transfer to a lesser security level. Offenders will receive orientation within seven (7) days of their arrival from both ·Unit Staff & the Inspector's Department: A. Offenders will be given or have access to an Offender Handbook and/or Orientation in his own language (when possible), or have a translation done for him as arranged by Unit Staff. Handbooks are available through your Case Manager and Library. B. In the event a literacy or language barrier problem exists, Unit Staff will verbally assist the offender in understanding the information. All new offenders receiving an inmate handbo.ok shall retain a personal copy for a minimum of fourteen (14) days, including holidays and weekends. Upon possessing the handbooks for the minimum of fourteen (14) days, all offenders shall return their personal copies of the handbook to their unit staff. Offenders are financially responsible for any lost or damaged copies of the handbook provided at a cost of $5.00 each. Copies are also available after the initial fourteen (14) days from your unit staff. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS · Preface 1 Tableo~f-C-on-t-en~~-------------------------- 2-4 UnUStaff.__ _________________--''----------- 6 UnitManagerChief___ ~------------------- 6 Unit Manager (Correctional Specialist).________________ _ 6 CaseManager (Correctional Program Special) ______________ 6 Block Lieutenlll).t'------------------------ 6 Block Sergeant._______________________ _ 6 BlOck Correctional Officer 6 Unit Secretary --------------------- Chain ofColllllland (for unit staft) __________________ 6 Americans with Disability Act (ADA) ___________________ 7 Birth Certificates 7 Cashiers Office ------------------------- 7 JP ay Placing-------------------------- money on your account--'---==========------ 7 G1L Kiosk-=------------------------- 8 Cashier's Office Copies _____________________ 8 Cash Slips/Check-out Slips ___________________'--- 8 Release/Gate Money ______________________ 8 Electrical Appliance co-pay program _________________ 8 Classification Attendance 9 Job Assignment------------------------- __________~------------- 9 Levels 4B, SA, and SB------------'-------- 9 Leyel 4A Inmates ______-'---------------- 9 Security Classification_-'---------------------- 9-11 Placement at Level S from Level 4 OSP ________~----- 9 Placement at level S froin Re.ception or Another Institution_.------­ 10 Voluntary Placement at Level 4 Inmates at OSP-'------------ 10 14 Day Review/Orientation Process for Level 4 Inmates------- 11 Annual Security Review-level 4 & S ----------------- 11 Commissary ______________________;_ ______ 13 CountTime ____-'----------------------- 13 Disciplinary Process _________________________ 13 Appeal __________________________ 13 Rules of Conduct 13 -----------~----------- Rul~s of Conduct Hearings ______________;_ ______ IS Teniporary Suspension of Privileges __________________ 16 Driver's Licens.e 16 Drug Tra ffl cking ----------------------------- ________;_ __________________ 16 Duration of Stay and/or Length of Stay at t~~,_,--'----------tn------- 16 Education --"--------------------------- 16 Frre Safety _______________________~--- 17 Food Service ---'-------------------------- 17 Kosher Meals ----------------------- 17 Grievance Procedures--------------------------- 18-20 [denti fi cation Badges·-------'-----------------­ 20 ldentification Cards --------------------------- 20 2 Incentives for Positive Behavior: 21 Level S Incentives -------------------- Cell of the Month JPaylnmateKiosk __________________--'------ 21 Video Visit 21. Kite & ICR -----------------~------- 21 Laundry ___________________________---------------------------~ 22 LegaIServices __________________~-------- 22 Copies_~----------'--------~------- 22 LegruKit __________________________ 22 Notary Services ________________________ 22 Library Services 22 23 23 Incoming ______________________~--- 23 Outgoing __________________________ 24 FreeLetters~·-----------------~----- 24 MailingAddress _______________~-------- 24 Packages __________________________ 24 Level 4A 24 Level 4B, ----'----------------------'and Level S ____________________ 2S Published Materirus 2S Medic al Services --'--------------'--------- Nurse/Doctor Sick Crul _________________~---- 26 Medicru Co-Pay _____~------------------ 26 Emergency __________________________ 26 Medication Issuance _______________________ 26 Carry Medications ________________________ 27 Dentru Care · 27 -------------------------~ Physicru Examination ___~------------------- 27 Advanced Directives 27 Tattooing __________---------'---------'---------------- 27 Mental Health Services 27 8ui cid e Awareness------------------------ 27 Movement from Cell Location------------------------ _____________________ 27 Attire ____-'------------------------- 27 Levels SA and SB----------------------­ 27 Level 4B --'-------------------------- 28 Lev el 4A _______--'------------------- 28 Notification of Next-of-Kin· 28 ParoI e Board -----'------------------- 28 Post Relea.se Control---------------------------- Screening 29 Privilege I .evel Review Pro Privilege Level Review for Level 5 · 31 Privilege Level Review for Level 4B----~~------------ __________________ 31 Privilege Level Review for Level 4AT __________________ 31 Programming-'----'---------~--------------- 32 Property/Cell __________________________ 3S CD Players & CDs---------------------­ 3S Cell Furnishings-'-·----~-----------~~---- 36 PropertyClaims ________________________ 36 3 Property Limits (Reference attachment #3 OSP Property Limits) Quartermaster ____________________________ Records Office Commutation-ORC2967.07,A.R.5120-l-l-20______________ . JrulTimeCredit.________ ~---------------- Notice to Foreign Nationals·---------------------~ Parole and Review Hearin PerORC 5120.21, YouDoNotHaveAccess~---------------------~ To Your Master File__________ . Shock Probation - ORC 2951.05 · Recovery Services ________________________---------------------·_ Recreation Recreation Department~---------------'---------~ Congregate Recreation·-----------------------~ Outdoor Recreation._________________________ . Recreation Facilities Restroom. __________________________----------------------·. Recreation Schedule ______________________ Personal Effects/Attire Search.__________________________ ----------------------~ Conduct·-------------------------~ Re-entry/ORAS ________~---------------- Religious Services Sanitation ------------------------- Cell Sanitation ------------------~----- Cleaning Chemicals ____________________~- Groomin.,_ ___________________________~ Hygiene Articles___________________ ~------· Shaving_·------------------------ Trash Trays------------------------------ ______________________________. Searches and Contraband Searches Contr ab and----------------------------- Sex ua 1 Act ~--------------------------- Sex ua I Misconduct-------------------~------- (Reference Attachment 1 PREA Prison Rape Elimination Act) Social Securify Card · · Social Security AppJication~--------------------- SpecialManagement.__________________________ _ Hygiene Articles for Special Management Offenders._____________ _ Telephone for Special Management Offenders.__ ._____________ _ ~:t~e~P~a;y;;;;;;~~~~~~~====================================iii-----~-- Emergency _________--'--------------- Legal Collect _______~----------------- Schedule for Level 4 and 5 Inmates·-------------------- GTL Directions/How to Use the Telephone--------~-----,---- Television Purchased------------------------------- Personal Television ~--------------------- State Issued Television __~------~--------------'-- fobacco and Tobacco Substitute Free Institution'-'----------------- Town Hall_Meetings ________________________ 44 Unauthorized Group Activities-------------'-----------44 Zero Tolerance.__________________________ _ 45 Unauth11rized Relationships. ________________________;_- 45 Veteran Coordinator ________'-----~----------- 45 Visitin 45 !>--~--------------------------~-....:Visiting Schedule for Approved Visitors, __________________.45 DirectionstoOSP_______________________ ~ 45 Local Transportation~·------------------------46 Regulations_· _______'------'---~-------'-'--------' 46 DressCode_-'-'--------------------------­
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