All the Newi of UBDBANK and Surrounding Towns fold Fearlessly and Without Bias RED BANK REGISTER liiuwt W«kir, Enut«d u Btoonil-Clui Uattu »t lb« totU Subucriytloo fricoi On» Xear J2.00. VOLUME LVIII, NO. 4, OBK» »t Bud Bank, N. J, ondw tha fat oi M.rcb 1, 1819. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1935. Sli Momhi J1.00. Slnjla Copy <o. PAGES 1 TO 12, Rumson Seeks James S. Parkes EARLY POTATOES. KEEP REGISTER'S ARTICLE. Store Celebrating Regulation Of Getting Better Prices Than National Sweepstakes Story Concerning American Phalanx Funds For Roads For Freeholder They Keceived Lost Year. finds Place In Blajiy Libraries. Its Tenth Birthday Some farmers In thia section nave Several months ago The Register Filling gtationa started to dig itptatoeB, and there Is Red Bank Councilman Will printed a lengthy article on the The National 5c, 10c and $1 Efforts Will be Made to Get Por- rejoicing because tho price Is con- Here Now A Certainty North American Phalanx and the ar- License Fees and Diminished U*» tion of Federal Funds for Re- Probably bo a Candidate for siderably better than was the cage at ticle has received so much consider- Store Began Business Here of Sidewalks for Driveway Republican Nomination at the thls.Ume last year. Early this week ation that many libraries, as well as Ten Years Ago This Week— aurfacing Streets—Liquor Li- $2.25 to $2.50 was received for 1B0 Space Considered at Red September Primary Election. This Was Definitely Decided Monday Night When number of Individuals, throughout Enjoys Nice Clientele. cense for Rumson Inn. pounds. However, no commisalon the state have solicited copies. The Bank Monday Night. nhipmenti! hivvo yel been me An nnd Improvement of roads with, otate ••That Councilman James 8. Pnrkcs Register regroti) that this edition is The National, fjc, 10c and $1 ntore BeRUlation of automobile ««nrtoj of Red Bank will be a candidate for farmers point out that the present Almost Enough Fun8a Were Secured to celebrates KB tenth anniversary' be- and federal aid was one of the prin- prlceB are not necessarily an augury now depleted, with the exception of stations was again considered by the cipal matters discussed at last week'B freeholder at the Republican pri- tho numbers in Its permanent file. ginning tomorrow morning This mayor and council ot Red Bank Mon- of a good season. Tho early potato Make the Affair Possible. popular "store, located at 47 Broad meeting ot the Rumaon mayor and mary election In September la gen- yield Is fair, but not so good as laat Beatrice Winser, librarian of the day night. At the laat previous mest- council. Specification!) submitted by erally regarded as near being a cer- periodical departaicnt of the Newark street, in the Truox" building, oppo- ing Councilman Thomas M. Gopilll year. The hot, dry weather during With the financial goal In sight Complete committeo appointments site White street, wan started just ,,-Georgo K. Allen, borough engineer, tainty as anything human can bo ty June had an adverse effect on tho and almost attained, the National are to be announced within the next Public library,. wrote The Register was asked to maka a report on thl« lor resurfacing Lennox avenuo, Park those who keep close tabs on Mon- that they were very glad to get the ten years ago this week. matter, and at the meeting Monday avenue and a section of tho Avonuo crop. Sweepstakes regatta will definitely be few days. In going over the files of The Rcg- mouth county politics. Mr. Parkes held on the North Shrewsbury here Lester Boss expressed his belief article on tho American Phalanx, night he presented for consideration of Two Ilivers, were approved and has made no announcement to thin and were having them mounted to ister we ilnd a most interesting item a proposed ordinance patterned after bids lor tha Job will bo opened at on Saturday and Sunday, August 17 that tho regatta will be the most pertaining to the opnning of the effect, but It la anticipated that he and 18. This.was decided Monday successful ever held, and pointed out keep In their New Jersey collection. one which Is enforced at West Or- tho next meeting of the council on will do so Within a short time. Navesink Fair night when the Community Regatta store and also of the initial advertise- ange. He stated that under the Home July 25. ' • - th4t almost nil the funds needed had ment The opening of a basement Rule act municipal officials had large committeo held a dinner-meeting at been raised In a short period, citing for sales purposes wag a novelty in Tho above work has been made August 8,9,10 the Elks home. This marks tho first this as un Illustration of public in- powers In regulating eervlco eta- possible through an appropriation of definite decision as to the fate of the terest and co-operation. Getting Ready For tiona. $3,200 from the atate through tho regatta which had been only tenta- Oharles C. Alexander, Jr., racing Mayor Charie3 R, English was ab- c county board of freeholders. Ton Plymouth Sedan to be Disposed tively planned to date, because of the chairman of the Sweepstakes here in Annual Outing sem ami James S. Parkea, president per cent of tho cost is paid by the Of on the Co-Operative Plan uncertainty of sufficient financial 19Z$, and each year racing chairman o£ the council, presided In hla* stead. borough. —Company Wanta to Buy support. of the famous New York-Albany out- Monmouth Boat Club to Spend a Because the mayor was not present, Tho borough olllclals have in mind board rnr.e, waa named by Mr. Irwin it was decided to defer action on the Small Truck. With $1,000 already raised, and Day Next Month Cruising tho resurfacing of other roads. May- $1,005 removed from the racing bud- to fill that difficult post In the forth- matter until the next regular meet- or Van R. Halsey announced that ho Members of the fire company at get by municipal co-operation nnd coming local event. The racing com- Down the River and Having a Ing Monday night, August 5. had been Informed that of $3,000,000 Naveaink have begun preparations assumption of various tasks In con- mittee, us named Monday .night, be- Feast at Sandy Hook. Tho ordinance read by Mr. Gopslll alloted to tho state by tho federal for tho annual fair to be held Aug- nection with the BWeepstakes, the sides Mr. Alexander consists of provides for a licenso fee for each government for highway work, 25 per ust 8, 9 and' 10 on tho fire house sum of $800 remained to be raised In Thomas Field, Jr., Pierre A. Proal, The Monmouth Boat club of Red gasoline pump. The charge for one cent Is to bo Bpont on secondary grounds. The fair thia year will ha,ve a three-day drive, which concluded Benjamin L. Atwater, Frank P. Dick- Bank has definitely decided to hold pump would bo ?15. For each ad- roads, and he waa of the opinion that Monday night. Hubert M. Farrow, man, Charles F. Chapman and Mayor an outing next month although the ditional pump the fee would be $10. tho borough may bo able to obtain the customary attractions, with Augustus M. Mlnton of Fair Haven. date for the outing will not be set For example, licenaea for two pumps aid from, this source. Following the ground prizes every night. Books chairman of the finance committee, have been Issued on a new Plymouth announced that $655 in cash and Mr. Alexander explained that the until the club's monthly meeting wouid cose ?25. It was stated that mayor's advlco tho council decided pledges had been obtained. Sweepstakes event would be run in Monday night, August 6. many other communities besides • to take Immediate steps to apply for do luxo sedan, which will be disposed West Orange derive such revenue. of on the co-operative plan. Nell three heatsof fifteen miles each. In In the 'meantime arrangements nre funds. The decision to hold the sweep- addition, there will be classes for all being made for the event and by The proposed ordinance stipulates Johnson is general chairman. stakes followed, although it was em- the time the date is selected there Jero J. Carow, borough clortt, re- | This year oiarks the fiftieth anni- phasized- that it was vitally import- types of outboards, which will race that service stations must bo at leaat ported that plana have been approved i versary of tho company and the fire- two heats, five miles to a heat. The will be but little to do but arrange 500 feet from churches, sohoolhouseB, by engineers of the EKA headquart- ant the amount still needed be raised new 225-cublc inch hydroplanes will transportation for the large number libraries and hospitals. Driveways" men will strive to observe the event within the next few days. who are expected to attend. ers at Red Bank for the laying of by making the fair the moat suc- be seen here for the first time in two must be at least ten feet from street gutters and curbing in tho borough With tic preliminaries attendant heats nf five miles each, as well as These outings held by the club are intersections and must be at least under the now federal worka pro- cessful over .held. The firemen want to the financial campaign out of the to buy a new piece of apparatus the 135-cublc inch hydroplanes.
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