RERUtN IT I Rr %-rxIi L-DrsK n L. la I n I C I v. D WITNi14 | Report No., WH- 146a ON091 WEEK |I I -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Public Disclosure Authorized This report was prepared for use within the Bank and its affRliated organizations. They do noenta responsnmhki!tv 4n7 its ni-mrrncy or.emn.e.,nns. The ronI m Iy 1 not be published nor may it be quoted as representing their views. I TMTJ PMA'T'T(n1AT. BANT 'PCPOR JPCNqTPTjCTTCN ANn DTh1VPT(TOPME.1T TMTW!VJAT&TCNMA1 T)PVTT CPPMFY:NT AqqCOC!TOTn Public Disclosure Authorized CURRENT ECONOMIC POSITION AND PROSPECTS OF BRAZIL Volume II Public Disclosure Authorized Transportation May 11, 1965 Public Disclosure Authorized Western Hemisphere Department CURRENCY EQUIVALENT Grr erc y Tit = ruziro (syrribl C FLOATING RATE Quotation: June 1964 US $1 = 1, 200 Cruzeiros April 1. 1965 US $1 1,840 Cruzeiros BRAZIL: TRANSPORT Table of Contents Paga Note on Prices I. INTRODUCTION A. The Transport Network 1 B. Traffic 2 C. Past Investments 2 D. Major Transport Problems 1K E. Transport and Economic Development ', F. The 1964 - 1966 Investment Plan G. Transport Deficits 8 H. Transport Coordination ' II. RAILWAYS A. Organization and Management 12 B. Traffic Trends _q C. Physical Properties 18 T) OnPrati ons 27 E. Investments 31 F P-rirnings and Finnnces31, G.. Suggestion for a Master Plan for the Modernization o)f' t.he Fedracyl Pailwayr Stexm. 1 II.HIC-9.bMUaS5 A. HTig.hwayir rl nq fi n ation B. Highway Organization 45 CG. Traffic StatistiDcs- -- d ardg -De d L7 D. Highway Construction 50 TM TT4ghway 1a4-1enance 1:J. 1rLt,s LW a 41A4c 4.cu&,t F. Highway Planning 61 U. L' .U±d4.LJVLL d.L±U .L±ivetrln 67LiL. T TTr,71Tn.TA1U Mm A Trc'nMM A. I Re FIee U B. Traffic 74 C. Regulation 75 1). User Charges and Other Costs 76 Table of Contents: (Continued) Fage, V. PORTS A. Introduction 78 B. Supervisory Management 79 C. Port Organization 79 D. Port Traffic 50 E. Physical Properties 82 F. Labor 82 G. Port Investment Funds 83 H. The Investment Program for 1964 - 1966 84 I. Dredging 86 J. Port Deficits 87 VI. SHIPPING A. Supervisory Management 90 B. Coastal Shipping 90 C. Ocean Shipping 93 D. Investments 95 E. The Shipbuilding Industry 98 VII. AVIATION A. Background 99 B. Productivity 100 C. Financial Losses and Subsidies 101 D. Regulation 103 E. Airports 104 - iii - Table of Contents: (Continued) TABLES Introduction 1 = Domes Tn+.Pr-ity Freigiht TraffiG hy Mnden of Trnnsport. 1950-19(6 2. Domestic Intercity Passenger Traffic by Mode of Transport, 1950-1963 4. Investments in Transport, 1964-1966 5. Operating Deficits of Pub c transpot, 1960=1966 J4Lh54A'J 0 6J. TUotl LjegU1.L V.L LRoLU (Min Tra1cL.Lks VL.,y 7. Federal Network - Dates and Manner of Acquisition 8. Feder- '.L. Sstemi - IL St2tistios,JU15 99 6 9. Sao Paulo State Railways Traffic Statistics, 1959-1963 .1.0. TUov edUUVrI2dL 1NjUtWUVii - JULIO, ±UL1/nlU11, AVeragU HltU.j, RetveIIuet by Principal Commodities, 1963 1.1. oLCUai redLeral N rietworXr- Tions ofi rreighLU uarVdU LJDurinJg 1963) uy Principal Comodities 12. Central do Brazil Railway - Tons, Ton/lans, AVUrage Haul, Revenue by Principal Commodities 13. Derailments on the Brazilian Federal Railroads (According to the various causes) 14. Electrified Railroads in Kilometers (Federal and State Railroads) 15. Selective or Magnetic Telephones in use on the Brazilian Federal Railroads 16. Signalling and Licensing System on the Brazilian Federal Railroads 17. Status of Locomotives in 1964 on the Brazilian Federal Railroads 18. Locomotives in Service 1948-1964 on the Brazilian Federal Railroads 19. Status of Locomotives in Service 1961-1964 on the Brazilian Federal Railroads 20. New Diesel Locomotives Necessary for Conversion from Steam to Diesel During a 5-year Period 21. Freight Cars (over 30 years) 22. Status of Freight Cars on the Brazilian Federal Railroads 23. Status of Passenger Cars on the Brazilian Federal Railroads 24. Workshops, Repair Shops and Filling Stations on the Brazilian Federal Railroads 25. Turnround of Freight Cars on the Brazilian Federal Railroads 26. Number, Speed andlWeight of Passenger and Mixed Trains Record of Punctuality for 1963 of the Brazilian Federal Railways 27. Federal Network - Number of Enployees on January 3, 1964 (Pay Classification, Public Service, Industrial) 28. Federa:l Network - Number of Employees; Wages; Average Per Year 29. Federal Network - Number of Employees by Occupational Classification 30. Federal Network - Analysis of Line by Traffic Densities 31. Investments - Year 1958-1963 32. Federal Network - Investment Program; 1964, 1965, 1966 (As Original- lv Estimated by Ministrv of Economic Planning) 33. Federal Network - Investment Program; 1964, 1965, 1966 (As Revised) - iv - 3h Pail Costs Versus .RetailPrices 35. Federal Network - Profit and Loss Statement, 1963 ,.1 F ederzal N'et-wrkc = P->eveues, Eess "- efTi-P-}s,+ T-1^, 94=16 Cw Ifl Ca. .5..~uvJ. V a - *L- StS O .. J.F- owof, A O J.~ * 4 37. Revenues, Expenses (Revenues include amounts allocated for Investment) -)IU. 38. Forecasts ofSJ. Operat4.glJJ. 4L1- PI;su.ltS LLa BaseonV'.eoJ1 .uJUe 0 rra.QL.L.6c oasMiedas Rates and Fares as Projected by RFFSA; No Increase in Wvfages in 1965;, 20% on Janua-y 1, 1966; MaUterial and Other Cost Increases, 35% 1965 - 15% 1966 39. Foraccist of1 O.perat, ,Ig Res-ults Daseu on 'oJolume of Traff± c ±i±±ifieu Rates and Fares as Projected by RFFSA; W.1ages Increase 50% July 1, 19c;5 and 20% January 1, 1966; Material and Other Costs lncreased 50% July 1, 1965, 40% July 1, 1966 hO. Federal Network - Condensed Balance Sheet as of December 31, 1963 Highw-ays 41. Classificiation of Highwtays - Lengths According to Type and Juris- diction, Beginning 1964 42. Relations Among Area, Population, Length of Highway and MYotor Vehicle Registration, Beginning 1964 43. Grade Construction and Paving Program, 1958-1962 44W. Average Daily Traffic on Some Federal Highways 45. Accidents on Federal Highways 46. Gravel Roads in Minas Gerais with High Average Daily Traffic 47. Earth and Gravel Roads in Rio Grande do Sul with High Average Daily Traffic 48. Gravel Roads in the State of Parana with Average Daily Traffic Equal or More than 500 Vehicles 49. Brazil National Highwzay Department Standards for Highway Design 50. Import of Machinery for Construction and Maintenance of Highways 51. Official Unit Prices of the National Highway Department (196h) 52. Network Maintained by National Highway Department, Beginning of 1964L 53. Brazil National Highway Department Plan for Immediate Action 196L-1966 54. Brazil-Rodobras, Superintendencia do Plano da Valorizacion D'Amazonia (SPVEA) Belem - Brasilia Highway, Planned Expenditures 1964-1966 55. Priority Projects of the State Highway Department - Rio Grande do all 56. Parana - Planning of the State Highway Department 57. Planning of the State Highwav Department - Parana 58. National Road Fund 59. Imnosto Unico Sobre Lubrificantes e Combustiveis - November 196h Law (Prices for Fuels and Lubricants) 60A Distribution of Revenue from Imnosto Unico 61. Fuel Consumption 1958-1963 62 Higho.w.au Revenues and Expendituresq 1950-1969 63. Total Revenues & Expenditures of State Highway Departments 1950-1962 6A. Estimated Consumption of Fuels and LubrAiants - 1959-1969 65. Prices of Fuels and Lubricants 66. Highw.vay Invest-ment Plan l96b=1966 67. Proposed Investment Plan 1964-1966 68. M-inten------ Expend,dituess 1965-1066 (PooedD-s2.rt 5. 6J9 . Tota.Lm UHL1iLhw.ay R-eAvu U-.196 19.L5 (Popse A --- - a Plan)-- 69. Total Hiighway Revenues 1965-1966 (Proposed Investment Plan) Table of Contents: (Continued) HiLyhwav Transport 71. Vehinle Fleet. 195Lh-1963 72. Production of Vehicles, 1957-1963 73. Imports of Motor Vehicles, 19*_-19A2 (Num.bers and Values) 74. Truck and Buls Operating Costs Ports 75. Organization and Principal Facilities of Brazilian Ports 77. Share of Coastal Shipping in Outgoing and Incoming Cargo per Port-.JL I.' .L-1959-1963L7,11 ..L7 U..; 78. Total Cargo Handled in Brazilian Ports 1959-1963 17A M-l4-1 -,A,_TY_X - _2- : __5_ T_-- _ nner) Inl { l, I.7 IU .L J_ ± Uanlu±u.LI L;v;-aU i7L 1vt-x; vL1 p;7-er7cl Main Group and Per Port) V8. IL oruILng CUargodV flUJ..L'ezu D'r,U4BrLaUi1 rUIL's 1L7;)7 _9-'796 BDi do-u Li in Dry Bulk, Liquid Bulk and General Cargo) 81. Incoring Cargo Handled in Brazilian Ports 1959-1963 (Breakdown per Dry Bulk Cargo) 82. incoming Cargo Handled in Brazilian Ports ly9y-9yo3 'BreaKdown of Liquid Bulk Cargo) 83. Outgoing Cargo Handled in Brazilian rorts 1959-1963 84. Outgoing Cargo Handled in Brazilian Ports 1959-1963 (Breakdown of Dry Bulk Cargo) 85. Outgoing Cargo Handled in Brazilian Ports 1959-1963 (Breakdown of Liquid Bulk Cargo) 86. Investments in the Port Secto'r and their Finance 1956-1966 87. Investments in Port W.orks and Port Equipment 1964-1966 per Port 88. Investments in Port Works 1964-1965-1966 (Breakdown per Port and I:tem) 89. Composition of the Dredger~Fleet (Dredger Fleet Availabole in Brazil in 1964) 90. Brazil Operating Results Major Ports 1961-1963 (Operating Results in Current Money) 91. Revenues and Expenses Of,Major Ports 1961-1962-1963 (Development of Revenues, Personnel'4H,Total Expenses, Balances 1961-1963 in Percentages of 1961 Level) Shipping 92. Capacity and Compositi6h`f''the Fleet and its Distribution over Shipowners 93. Development of Coastd- Tia&tic Flow - Ton/kms, Cargo, Distances 94. Age Distribution of the kLedt in Ocean and in Coastal Navigation December 31, 1963 95. Investments in the Shidl,lng Sector and their Finance 1959-1966 96. Situation Shipbuildiig Industry in Brazil 1963/1964 - vi - Table of Contents: (Continued) Aviation 97.
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