7i<? For Value—Shop The Ads de AU The ActWtta* < ;„ The Town With T«U» Th« LarfMt Ant Beat Shops And P SarrlMt la Iht Ana An Our P«p« AdrcrtlMn. PafenriM Them! x XXI-NO. 2 farteret CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, A^RIL 18, 1952 PRICE EIGHT CENTS .pinian Church Wedding March Hits Faster Pace in Borough; Harmony for Fall Borough Preparing for Air Raid Council Approves K Si. Demetrius Three Couples Will March to Altar April 26 Election Is Urged Test; State Lists Instructions Pay Increase CARTERET -- A step-up In lowlnn a wedding trip to Florida, ployed as testers at the General CARTEJRET The Carteret stations are to follow the regular Mark Easter the cadence of the march down the couple will reside at the La- Cable Company, Perth Amboy, By Mayor Skiha efense Council has announced air raid drills. To the middle aisle Is noted In the fayette street addresfl, where the Romance began. hat a state-wide air raid test will Industries having continuous To Boro Employed ,,, I Together with all borounh. Ilrabec-Rogow«kl Leonhard-Blerota. e held during the week of April CARTER.ET — A solid Demo- processes that cannot stand ten- CARTERET—A salary lncrcast AH11' WoddlnR bells will rln« for Holy Family Church at 3 P. M. At 4 P. M. in the Holy Family 37 to May 3. ;,;ill,.hcs of the Eastern xalic organization for the Impor- | minute Interruption, will partici- »f *300 per annum for all munici- '•" || , members of St. three couples In Carteret nn will be the scene of the marriage Church, Miss Eva 3lerota, Named "Operation New Jersey," pate to the extent that personnel V Saturday, April 28. tant Presbyterlal election thft fall pal employes. Including police, ""' Ukrainian Orthodox of Miss Wanda Rogowskl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mat- was urged by Mayor Stephen Skl- the objective of the test Is to de- not directly Involved In the proc- : : Gaslor-Sloan and firemen, was approved by the Hi '"'.,, llhsrrve the Feast of daughter of Mrs. Julia Rogow- thew Slerota, 78 Union Street, ba, incumbent, nominated at termine public response to air raid esses will carry out the drills. 1 Mips Iimbe] P. Sloan. daughter skl, 9 Salem Avenue and the late will be married to Carl Leon- Borough Council in an ordinance^ ,.|', Sunday, April 20th. Tuesday's election. He will be op- conditions. The movement ot highway vc- introduced on first readlifc lust" I of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sloan, 24 Victor Rngowskl to John Hru- hard, son of Mr. an9 Mrs. Jo- This air raid test will be the lVirrs wiu begin at 8 posed by Frank A. Bareford Jr. hlclrs will be subject to the con- night. Lofavctte Street .will become the bee. 218 Fayette Street, Perth seph Leonhard, 28 Bloomfleld first to be held In New Jersey re- '" ,]„, morning with a pro- in the fall. He declared: trol of police on duty at the time bride of Marine Cpl. Walter Amboy, son of the late Mr. And avenue, Fords Section, Raritan uiring public participation. To of the alert. Drivers hearing the Men In the street department 5 Otosior, son of Mr. and Mrs. "The Democratic Organization who work on an hourly bash had '| ''"',„i,id the church edifice Mrs. George Hrubec. A recep- Township. A reception will fol- has made a good showing at the assure that the populace of the nlert, will bring their vehicles to "•'.'.„ nil the falthf\U will John Qaslov. 2 Elmwood avenue. tion will follow at Whltey's, low at the Holy Family Paroch- borough will observe We alert. a full stop as soon as practicable, their pay hiked accordingly as did f The ceremony will take place at State St. Perth, Amfcoy. Miss Ro- ial School Hall. Miss Alice Oo- primary. NOTW that we have passed employes in the street cleaning'% '::,;. ,in,,inn of the Easter over that hurdle, there is no rea- posters are being distributed call- to the curb or side of the road. II 4 P, M. in St. Joseph'3 Church. Kowskl will be attended by her towlckl will be maid of honor ing attention to the proposed teat. department. '- ;,,;!„« of Resurrection jon why we can't work together The driver, In selecting his stop. 4 ,„ front of the church A reception will be held at 6 sist«r, Stella and best man will and the bvldesmaids will te Mlas There will not be any mobili- ping point, will give consideration The full text of the pay raise 11 ! P. M, at the Portuguese Club, be Mr. Hrubec's cousin, Qeorge Adrienne Cselle and Miss Doro- in behalf of the entire Democratic |' ,,„,,. it will have been ticket at the polls in November." ation of civil defense forces other to the safety of his passengers ordinance will be published in next •'.",".. , priest will continue Perth Amboy. Miss Dorothy Sar- Mlkulka. On return from a trip thea Eckalewitz. The best man than police, auxiliary police on und the snffty of others. Friday's issue of the Carteret' lli( zlllo will be the bride's attend- Tuesday's Results •'''•,,„, church. Divine llt- to Canada, the couple'Will re- will be John Kovach and the wardens who are near their Pusenicer Directions Press. i(,i the Chrysotom ant and Frederick Oaslor will be side at 720 Cortland Street, ushers will be John Rodzjnka The Democratic Organisation m best man for his brother. Fol- at the time the sirens sound. Passengers in buses and trucks At the same time, the council •'•„.' ,|' T A. M. With Rev. Perth Amboy. Both are em- and Edward Lair. was successful In putting over Its Schools will carry out regular- will remfiln in their vehicles. Rail- also approved on first reading an candidates. Councilman Joseph ", ' i,:lk a« celebrant, The ly established air raid drills. Per- roads will cooperate to the fullest ordinance providing for a 40-hour -A ,,:,,,„• will sing under the sonnel in Industry, public build- extent possible flurina the red week for fire engineers. Council- ;„ ,,| prof. Leonard Char- Coloring of 'Pysanky', Eggs for Julian Easter CARTERET — Even though ings, department stores, railroad (Continued on Page 2) man Walter Sullivan said that Julius Kiih lost out in the race ilnce all other employes are on * M,,n,lny and Tuesday be for the Democratic nomination 40-hour work basis, the same ,«, il ' I ! Dog Vaccinations, Will privilege should be accorded the ! 1 • rtays of obligation, di- its councilman, he came through lit Carries on Slavonic Custom of Centuries Ago with flying colors In another Sixteen Members fire engineers. 1 ,,;; will be celebrated at Start Here June 23 f I " CARTERET — Coloring rtnd decoration of eggs here can recall spending long winter evenings at race, The ordinance also provides for II A called by Slavonic races as "pysanky" Is reaching this pastime while in their home countries, but ,.„,,,! church** adhere KUh, a Drmorrotlc commlt- CARTERS7T — Health In-' Enroll in Church (the addition of two fire engineers^ ,.r thp flnrt Ecumenl- its seasonal production peak In the kitchen of three or four weeks before Raster is the custo- feenuui from thr eleventh dis- jpeetor Mlchmi) YMCIIMVI an- . making a total of nine men It fat • Carwret lolk will celebrate Walter according to mary time tor preparation here. trict, was elected by 69 votes. ",'jVwhlch decldad that nounced today that a dog vac- CARTERET — On Holy Thurs- believed that Carteret is the first' | the Julian calendar on Sunday, April 20. The eggs are blessed the clay before Easter A write-in vote for Oouflas cination clinic will be held in the municipality in New Jersey to '• I-, i i ,f Resurreqtlon must day the First Presbyterian Church , irst full moon of the The workers are mostly women of Slavonic and distributed as gifts. Each symbol on a "ps- Zonobia chalked up only four borough from June !I3 to June ?rant firemen the 40 hour, week. origin whose families brought to this country the vote*. received into membership 16 per- r , . rannot coincide with sanky" means something and each section of 27. Sessions are slated for 2 P, M. sons who made their confession of Municipal consent was granted •,'hMstof Passoyer. art of egg-dyeing. They have been working on the There will be two evening aith before the congregation to Public Service Coordinated' eggs during the past few weeks, putting Into that Ukraine has Its own basic designs. faith before the congregation. „ - ,1,-mii observance Synowleckl and Walter Sullivan clinics, Tuesday, June 24 and They are Nancy Amimdson, Nlel I Transport to operate 20 buses on ,, v.inee of Easter by the chore all the artistry that generations of practice Celebrating Easter this weekend are members Thursday, June 28 at 7 P. M. e New have accumulated. were easy winntrs, polling 454 and C!n<>ge. Edith Colgan, Judith Con- 'l York-Atlantic City run. , i, exceptionally sol- of St. Mary's Greek'Cftthollc Church, St. Ellas' The state mobile x-ray unit rad, Carolyn King, Janet McLMn, The buse& use the New Jersey The skill and Ingenuity of Ukrainian women Greek Catholic Church and St. Demetrius' 500 votes respectively as against TI he busei us th N J nmsidered the most 210 votes cast for Julius Klsh wh will be in the borough July 9 Lillian Moore, Beverly Schmidt. urnplke through the borough, , In particular have placed Easter egf? coloring on Ukrainian Church. These parishes conform to the and 10 from 2 to 5 P. M. and Thomas Toblassen, Irene Wyatt, i nly day of the year. the highest plane In folk art.
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