
425 NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 425 Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States. Arthropoda: Cirripedia Victor A. Zullo April 1979 u.s. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheri es Service NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS National Marine Fisheries Service, Circulars The major responsibilities of the :\atlOnal !'I1arine Fis heries Sen'ice (NMFS) are to monitor and assess the abundance and KeoKraph,c ri'stnhutl(ln "f rishen' resources. tn understand and predict Ouctuat ions in the quant Ity and distribut ion of these resources. and to establish le\'els It,r optimum lise of the resources :\\IFS is also charged wtlh the d~ \'e l o pment and implementation of policies for mana~ing national fishln~ gfllund,. de\ elopment and enforcement of domestic fisheries regulations. surveillance of foreign fishing off l 'mted States coastal waters. and the de\elopmpnt and enforcement of international rishery agreements and policies. NM FS also assists t he fishing indust r~ through market ing se" ice and et'Onomll analvsis programs. and mortgage insurance and \'essel construction subsidies. It collects. anal~·zes. and publishes statistics on \arJou:-- phases lit the industn The '\(JAA Technical Report '\;!\IFS Circular series continues a series that has been In existence since 1941 . The Circula" are technical puhlicatlf,"s "f general interest intended to aid conservation and management. Publications that review in considerable detail and at a hl~h te,hnlcallevel rertain broad areas of research appear in this series. T echnical papers onginating in economics studies and from mana~emenl in ­ vest Igat lOns appear In the Circular senes. (JAA Technical Report :\:\1FS Circulars are available free in limited numbers to governmental agencies. both Federal and State. The~ are .. I,,, avallahle In exchange for other scientific and technical publications in the marine sciences. Indi\'i dual copies ma~ ' he ohtained (unless "tbn; -e nntedl from DA2!i. Tecbnicallnformation Division. Environmental Science Information Center. NOAA. Washington. D.C. 20~:1;' . Re­ rent ( lTcllhrs afe: '\(,~ Prncessll1g r ,STROPAC STD data and the construction of vef­ :171. Fisherv publications. calendar year 1970: Lists and- indexe~ . B\' t cal temperaturc and salimtv serlions by computer By Forrest R. Miller !\-1 aT\ Ellen Engen and Lee C. Thorson. December 1972. iv + :1 4 p .. 1 fig . and Kennet h A Bliss. Februan' 1'172. i\ + 17 p .. A figs .. ~ app figs. For For sale hv the Supenntendent of Documents. 1l .S. Government Printing lie OJv tbe Supenntendent of Documents, LJ S Government Printing Of­ Office. Washing-ton. D.C . 20402 . ',II' \\ }sh ngton D.C'. 20402 IiI' :\l anlle nora a nd fnu na 01 the northeastern United States. II ht \ 10 1!t"ld Irtf>ntlficalion of anadrtlmllu~.iu\"enile salmnnJds In thp I'r/lt/l/lla Ciliophora. B~ ' Arthur C. Borror. September 197:1. iii + 62 p .. !) !'aullc orthwest Bv Robert.J !'I-1acConneil and George R. Snyder. li~s F", sale h\' the Supenntendent 01 Documents. I I. S. Government .Iu'luarv 14~2. ". + 6 p 4 fij:(s. For sale by the Superintendent of PTint In~ OItJ,·.. ,. Washington. D.C. 20402. I)", uments. t' '>. Government Printinj:( Office. Washinj:(ton. D.C 20402. '(;7 Englneertng economic model for fish protein concentration :179. Fi s her\' publications. calendar vear 1969: Lists and indexes. Bv Lee !,,"n'sses Hv K K Almenas. L C. Durilla. R. C. Ernst ..J W Gentrv. M . C Thorson and Marv Ellen Eng-etl. April 197:1. iv + :1 1 p .. I fig. Fo~ sale H H .. I(' and.1.!\-1 !'I-Iarchello. October 1972, iii + 17ii p .. 6 figs .. 6 uibles. bv the Superintende nt of Documents. II S . Government Printing Office. ~or Sd t· In the Supertntendent of Documents. t'.S Government Printing Washingt on. D.C. 20402. 0111('(' \\ ashmg-ton DC 20402 t~1I F"he" publications. calendar Year 196H: Lists and indexes. Bv (Iii-! (·ollperat,,·e Gulf of MeXICO estuarine inventory and stud, \liI" ~:lIell ~: Il gett a nd Lee C. Thorson . May 197:1, i\' + 24 p .. I fig . F,;r Flllnda Phase I. area description Bv.J Kneeland Mc:\lulty, William i". sale h\' the "upennt endent 01 Documen". U.S. Government Printing Of­ Llndali .. Ir . and .James E. Svkes. :"\memher 1972. \ii + 126 p., 46 figs .. 62 I,,· ... Wil,hln ~ ton . I) .C . 20402 labl.·, Fllr sale bv the Supenntendent of Documents. U.S Government )'nl1llnl( Ollic£'. Washinl(ton. [) C 20402 :\,~ I. Fi s heT\' publicat ions. calendar vear 1967: Lists and indexes. Bv Lee ~ql F",ld gUide 10 the anglefishes tPomacanthidae) in the western (' Thorson a nd Mar~ ' Ellen Engett. :July 197:1. iv + 22 p .. I fig , Fo~ sale \tlantl< H Henry A Feddern \Jovember 1972, III + 10 p., 17 figs. For h\ the Supenntendent of Documents, U.S . Government Printing Office. ".1 .. 11\ the SUl'enllt('ndent 01 Documents. l' S. Government Printing Of­ Wash,ngtoll. DC 20402. II'" \\.!,h,ngtlln D( 20402 :IH2. Fi s he,,' puhlications. calendar vear 1966: Lists and indexes. Bv t70 (oll.'dlnK and prllcesSlng data on fish ej:(gs and larvae in the Mar\' Ellen Engett and Lee C. Thorso·n . .Jul.l' 1973, iv + 19 p .. I fij:(. F~r I' ''''''IfIII'' ('"rrent region . Bv DaVid Kramer. \IIa" .J Kalin, Elizabeth sale h\' t he Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Govern ment Print ing Of­ (; "I,'\e'b lar'Je, H Thradi,,11. and ·James R Zw~ifel November 1972. lice. Washing-ton. D.C. 20402. \ + t" p . ' t~ Ilgs ~ tables For sale by the Superintendent of I), 'u n.'nl>, I'" (;o\ernment PrlOtlng Office. Washington. D.C 20402. :11':L Fisher\' puhllcations. calendar vear 1965: Lists and indexes. Bv Lee C Thorson a nd Mary Ellen Engett . :July 197:1, iv + 12 p .. I fig . Fo~ sale -I (h II I Ii,h.,,, miln:lgement DISCUSSIon and research. Bv Adam A. I" the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office. s" ~o!oskl pd,tllrl I - papt'ts. 24 authors.) April 197:1. VI 17~ p. ~A + Was hington. DC 20402. I g' I~ tahles 7.11'1' tahles F"hef\' pul,I •.I' Ills. calendar \·ear 19/1 LIsts and indexes Bv :IH4 Ma nne flora a nd fauna 01 the northeastern United States. Hig her I ho, \ \1111,1' lit !olll'r "7:!. l\ ... 24 p .. I leg. For ,ale bv the plants 01 the manne fTinge . By F.:dwin T . Moul. September 197 ~, iii + 60 r '" pt n'(r ill'n' II! ()IU 1II1Wllh. l F (;o\"ernment Pnnttng Ofllce. p . 109 figs For sale b~ ' the Supenntendent of Documents, U.S. Govern­ \\,I'n'" 1)( 2[)4tJ~ ment PTlnllng Office. Washington. D.C. 20402. \llrt It '1, r, I,..d l:tuna Ilt the northeastern l'nited States. :IH.'; FISh er\' publications. calendar year 1972: Lists and indexes. Bv Lee \ 1Il,1 I, Oil,:,., h,H'tll B\ 1)il\ Id (; l ,,"k and Halph O. Bnnkhurst :\1a\ C Thorson and !\-laT\ Ellen Engelt ;\Jovember 197:1. iv + 2:1 p .. I fig . For I ,,+- ~ I P ~2 'II(' ~"r "ole 11\ the S;ul'erintendent of Do('ument~. sale 11.\. the SlIpeTintendent of Documents, l l. S . Government Printing- Of­ 1 ',\t rt 111,11 P"n' Ill( (lI'l, p. \\'ashlllgton. D C 211402 fice, \\·I!s h,nglon. D C 20402. :ll't; \lanne flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Pvc­ nOKonlda Bv l.a\HenCe R !'IlcCloskev September 197:1. iii + 12 p., 1 fig. For sale 11\ t he Superintendent "I Documents, t r s . Government Printing Olftce \\·ash,nKton. D.C 21l40:.' Hl th(' \.( ntIPt'ntHI ... heli. '\0\(1 "rOlla '1)0;7 \lanne flora and fauna 01 the northeastern United States J. ",..:1 RlIth H "tllddard ·June I!Cl Crllslilcpa "tomatop"da B\ Ravmond B Manning-. February 1974. ill + '01' t ~hle' F,r s.' e 11\ I he "upl'nntendent 01 h 1' .. III liK' For sille I" the Supenntendent of Documentb. t '.S G",·ern­ 11 1" Il' n~ Ll 11('(' \\ ",h ngt"n. [l (' ~\I·ttl:'> ment Pnnting Otlll'e \\a,hll1gton. 0 C :.'0-102 NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 425 Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States. Arthropoda: Cirripedia Victor A. Zullo April 1979 u.s. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Juan la tv' Kreps Secretar National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration R L r,ar" A Fran" A.c11"'"' n st a Terry L Leltze A.ssistan' Ad'T1 n s rator or s res National Marine Fisheries Service FOREWARD This issue of the "Circulars" is part of a subseries entitled " Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States." This subseries will consist of original, illustrated, modern manuals on the identification, classification, and general biology of the estuarine and coastal marine plants and animals of the northeastern United States. Manuals will be published at ir­ regular intervals on as many taxa of the region as there are peciaJists available to collaborate in their preparation. The manuals are an outgrowth of the widely used " Keys to Marine Invertebrate of the Woods Hole Region," edited by R. 1. Smith, published in 1964, and produced under the au pi ces of the Systematics-Ecology Program, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. In­ stead of revising the "Woods Hole Keys," the staff of the Systematics-Ecology Program decided to expand the geographic coverage and bathymetric range and produce the keys in an entirely new set of expanded publications. The ":\larine Flora and Fauna of the ::.Iortheastern United States" is being prepared in col­ laboration with systematic specialists in the United States and abroad.
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