GAIL FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 Sl. No Publication Amount in Rs. Sl. No Publication Amount in Rs. Sl. No Publication Amount in Rs. 1 The Institute of Costs Work 15000 1 Petroleum Economist $ 12,792 (i.e 1 Malayala Manorama 150000 Accounts of India Lucknow Rs. 677976 @ Chapter $1= Rs.53) 2 Maithil Pravahika 25000 2 DEW 250000 2 The times of India 300000 3 Mottos India 30000 3 Governance Now Rs. 50,000 3 Vaartha 153995 4 Green Earth Foundation 10000 4 Millennium Post 500000 4 Dun & Bradstreet 200000 5 Shree Krishna & Navgraha 20000 5 The Economic Times 500000 5 Tehelka 70000 Temple Faridabad 6 Bhartiya Bhasha Evam 20000 6 The Hindu Rs. 36,500 6 Airports India 250000 Sanskriti Kendra 7 Paryavaran Bharati 25000 7 Rail Bandhu 12,00,000 (@ 7 G files 300000(@Rs. Rs. 2 Lac per 100000 per page) issue) 8 Bridge Federation Of India 200000 8 Down to Earth 40,000 8 Millenium Post 300000 9 Gloria Medias 50000 9 Hari Bhari Vasundhara 6,00,000 9 Economic & Political 25000 (Hindustan Media Ventures Weekly Limited ) 10 Indian Leagal Service Officers 40000 10 India Today 4,50,000 10 Rail Bandhu 400000 Assc 11 Kala Dirgha 55000 11 Indian national Press 125000 11 DEW journal 100000 (Bombay) Ltd./ The Free Pres Journal 12 Rishi Kalyan Sansthan 30000 12 Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) 250000 12 Businessworld 160000 13 Rajtantra- Web Magazine 50000 13 MINT 400000 13 Whispers in the 500000 Corridors 14 Kaladarppanam 10000 14 Indian national Press 125000 14 Mail Today 190000 (Bombay) Ltd./ The Free Pres Journal 15 Itwar 50000 15 Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) 250000 15 Business Today 175000 16 Nai Sadi 45000 16 Hardnews 50,000 16 Hardnews 50000 17 Anupam Rashtra 30000 17 Whispers in the Corridor 5,00,000 17 Shubh yatra- Maxposure 250000 Media Group 18 Desa Prabhat 20000 18 Resource Digest 6,00,000 18 Pioneer 400000 19 Sarokar Monthly magazine 30000 19 The Express Group ( The 2,00,000 19 Resource Digest 3,00,000 Indian Express & The Financial Express) 20 Yuva Samvad 20000 20 Rail Bandhu 400000 20 Malayalam Manorama 40,500 21 Today's Economics 31666 21 Business Standard 50000 21 Free Press Journal 125000 22 Gulmohar Park Resident 5000 22 Hardnews 90000 22 Kadambini/HT 49000 Directory 23 Pratham Pravakta 50000 23 Trendsetter/ Airport Authority 250000 23 Outlook Business 200000 of India Ltd. 24 SCOPE- Kaleidoscope 50000 24 The Hindu Business Line 316000 24 Indian express 450000 25 Indian Prakashan 30000 25 Dainik Bhaskar 500000 25 Business Today 175000 26 Nari 180000 26 Business Standard 125000 26 Airport India 500000 27 Parliament Street 50000 27 HT Kadambini Magazine/ HT 49000 27 Upstream US $ 6950 or Media Rs. 444800/- (1$ = Rs. 64/-) FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 Sl. No Publication Amount in Rs. Sl. No Publication Amount in Rs. Sl. No Publication Amount in Rs. 28 All India Journalists Welfare 20000 28 Euroasia Industry Magazine €4779 (= 28 Rail Bandhu 400000 Association Rs.3,44,088 @ € 1=Rs.72) 29 All India federation of Plastic 2000 29 60th All India Police Westling 100000 29 Pioneer 400000 Industries etc Championship 30 Mera Kuch Saaman-- souvenir 30000 30 Amar Sahara (vip ref 509) 35000 30 Forbes 150000 31 Agni- Forum for Strategic & 50000 31 The Union Academy 35000 31 DEW Journal 90000 Security Studies 32 Recreation club no. II 15000 32 Recreation Club No. 2 14000 32 DNA 150000 MOP&NG"Souvenir" 33 NIFT KNITMODA 2011 30000 33 Society for social 15000 33 IGU US$ 5908 or SOURCE BOOK empowerment(Vip ref-499) Rs. 378112/- (1$= Rs. 64/-) 34 Jadeed Markaz 50000 34 Business Digest 28000 34 Public Sector Today 30000 35 Karnataka Hindi Academy 15000 35 Kalakirti/Anita Films 10000 35 Build India News 50000 International 36 News Eye 28000 36 Shree Krishna Sewa Samiti 20000 36 The Singhasana 60000 (Regd.) Faridabad (Shree 37 The Voice by FOD 8000 37 AllKrishna India &Federation Navgraha of TemplePlastic 10000 37 Krashak Sansthan 40000 IndustriesFaridabad) 38 Legacy India 40000 38 Rashtriya viklang Samachar 12000 38 Shri Vishnu Sahasranama 50000 Satsangam 39 Draupadi R.E.A. Medi-care 18000 39 Dalit Adivasi Duniya (vip ref- 25000 39 Tadbhav 50000 Trust 500) 40 Cricket Bharati 45000 40 Kaladarppanam 20000 40 ISTD /Indian Society for 20000 Training & Development 41 Pahal 35000 41 Shabdabodh 15000 41 Dashmesh Sevak Jatha 20000 42 Shree Vinayaka Mandir 10000 42 Udbhavana 15000 42 Indira Gandhi Institute of 30000 Committee Technology/principal IGIT/xebec 2013 43 Samtadisha 10000 43 Bharatiya Bhasha Evam 15000 43 Legacy India 25000 Sanskriti Kendra/ Sanskriti Samanvaya 44 Jasarat Times 10000 44 G Files 600000 44 DUMUN 2013 40000 45 Desh Bhakt Express 10000 45 MIHU 30000 45 Resident's Welfare 50000 Association Cultural Forum of New Moti Bagh Club 46 Singhasana 50000 46 Marg 72000 46 tatva 2013/LBSIM 50000 47 Union Territory Independent 35000 47 Katha Krama 20000 47 Power Today magazine 50000 48 Indo News 35000 48 Media Opinion 60000 48 Arbitrage 2013 20000 Fest,Ramjas College FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 Sl. No Publication Amount in Rs. Sl. No Publication Amount in Rs. Sl. No Publication Amount in Rs. 49 Bharatiya Sanskriti Sansthan- 60000 49 Vishwa Patrakar Sadan 90000 49 Delhi College of 50000 Smarika Engineering Alumni Association 50 The Institute of Cost and Works 100000 50 Sandesh Bureau 15000 50 FMS Alumni Association 50000 Accountants of India (Regd.) 51 Empowerment 15000 51 8th Conference of CITU ( vip 5000 51 National Amateur Golf 100000 ref : 524) Tornament (Chairman's Trophy)/Office of The Commissioner of Income Tax 52 Rashtriya Viklang Samachar 15000 52 Heroes Football Academy 20000 52 Silent sports Promotion 17160 Society 53 Souvenir - ex ONGC 50000 53 Dinsha Patel Amrut mahotsav 50000 53 Mahanama Malaviya 50000 executives welfare asso Sanman Mission 54 Measurement 25000 54 Jasarat Times 30000 54 Maharaja Surajmal Institute 15000 of Technology/AVENSIS 2013 55 Khulasa Times 30000 55 Yuva Sangram Jyoti(VIP ref 75000 55 Federation of PTI 50000 535) emplyees Union 56 Indian Journal for training & 30000 56 Delhi Bhajana Samaj 50000 56 The Sunday Post 41040 development (IJTD) 57 Souvenir - GRASSO 200000 57 The synergy online 60000 57 Pakhi 32640 58 Abhigyan-FORE School of 20500 58 Uttaranchal Patrika 16000 58 Vishwa Patrakar Sadan 25000 Management 59 Nishpaksh Bharat Doot 20000 59 Dalit Awaj 34000 59 Media Opinion 25000 60 Digvijay 50000 60 Iyengar Yoga Centre 100000 60 Hriday/Public Health 50000 Foundation of India 61 Prayas 2011 20000 61 NewsEye 45000 61 Indian Dream 30000 62 Vishwakarma Sanket ( Bhartiya 75000 62 Last Sunday 60000 62 Monereco Alumni 150000 Majdoor Sangh) Association 63 USM Patrika (Rashtrabhasha 20000 63 Delhi productivity Council 30000 63 Telugu Sahitya Samiti 10000 Swabhimaan Nyas(Bharat) ) 64 TAP foundation 25000 64 Petroleum Recreation Club No. 35000 64 Aaj ka Adhyayan 60000 1 65 Thesynergyonline.com 60000 65 Parliament Street 50000 65 Company Secretaries 20000 Benevolent Fund souvenir 66 Mustaqbil 138000 66 Nari 180000 66 Kaleidoscope/SCOPE 50000 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 Sl. No Publication Amount in Rs. Sl. No Publication Amount in Rs. Sl. No Publication Amount in Rs. 67 Kaleidoscope (SCOPE) 60000 67 Shanti Sahyog 20000 67 Team Aeroslash 30000 Racing,DPS R.K Puram 68 Delhi foundation of deaf women 15000 68 CSR Today 50000 68 5th West Bengal State 50000 Senior Body Building & Fitness Championship 2012-13 69 Indian Sociological Society 50000 69 Indian Prashasan 30000 69 Sentinel/CISF Pata 50000 70 All India Federation of Plastic 24000 70 Yuva Samvad 30000 70 Child care & welfare 30000 Industries Foundation 71 Lokmat 50000 71 Delhi Golf Society 150000 71 Krish Kriti 50000 72 Governance Now 30000 72 V R . Sports management 30000 72 Delhi Technological 30000 University/Tatva 73 Yuva Sangram Jyoti 75000 73 ICAI National award for 100000 73 Rashtriya Sanskriti 50000 excellence in cost management 74 Nutan Savera 25000 74 Ex-ONGC Executives Welfare 50000 74 Amar Sahara (ref:691) 35000 Association 75 Mangalam 40000 75 Mottos India 30000 75 Central Hall (ref:672) 150000 76 OVERSEAS APARTMENT 25000 76 Digvijay 30000 76 Anupam Rashtra(VIP ref : 30000 PUJA SAMITY 651) 77 SARBOJANIN DURGA PUJA- 10000 77 Mustaqbil 240000 77 M/s Drishti Creative 30000 2011 (books-o-Sansad) 78 KALI BARI MAYUR VIHAR 8000 78 Indian Society for Training & 30000 78 Delhi NewsTrack (ref:684) 20000 SAMITI Development/ IJTD 79 BIBIDHA BANGIYA SAMAJ 5000 79 Daily News Activist (Vip ref- 30000 79 News Discovery 38000 554) 80 Shibmandir Sarbojanin 25000 80 Vishwamukti (vip ref - 532) 30000 80 Institute of Hotel 8000 Durgatsab Samity Mangemenet Catering Technology & Appiled Nutrition,Dehradun 81 MILANI CULTURAL & 20000 81 Business at Zero Hour (Vip ref- 36000 81 Railway Man 16000 WELFARE ASSOCIATION 545) 82 NAKTALA UDAYAN SANGHA 25000 82 Amar Today 35000 82 Progressive Foundation of 30000 Human Rights 83 CHANAKYAPURI PUJA 20000 83 Cricket Bharti/ Nai Sadi 40000 83 Oil & Maritime/ Austral 60000 SAMITI Pulication Asian Maritime group 84 DURGOTSAV-2011 15000 84 Paryavaran Bharti 26250 84 Nivesh manthan/NaradVani 50000 Sanchar Madhyam Pvt. Ltd. 85 NAVAPALLI PUJA SAMITI 15000 85 The Silence Brotherhood 20000 85 GAIL employees 35000 Cooperative Group Housing Society FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 Sl. No Publication Amount in Rs. Sl. No Publication Amount in Rs. Sl. No Publication Amount in Rs. 86 VINYA NAGAR SARBOJANIN 25,000 86 Janmat Samachar 40000 86 Vama 150000 DURGA PUJA SAMITI 87 MATRI MANDIR SARBOJANIN 6000 87 Pakhi 32640 87 German Returnee Club of 30000 DURGA PUJA SAMITI India 88 SABJU SANGHA 10000 88 Sunday Post 41040 88 All India Journalists 20000 Welfare Association 89 DURGA POOJA SAMITI, C.
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