E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2017 No. 8 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was You could see all of her legs, and it struck Mr. Speaker, America cannot ignore called to order by the Speaker pro tem- me as odd because she was so very young. sex trafficking in this country. Individ- pore (Mr. VALADAO). What happened next was even more uals, citizens, no matter who they are, f disturbing to him. One of the women need to be able to recognize what is passengers in the vehicle said to the taking place amongst sex trafficking. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO young girl in a controlling, coaching What happened in Sacramento with TEMPORE voice: this child is not an isolated incident. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- First thing you do, you ask this question: This incident just happened to end well fore the House the following commu- Do you have any weapons? When you’re hug- because someone saw something and nication from the Speaker: ging him, just ask, ‘‘Do you have any weap- said something. ons?’’ Pat him down. Pat him down while Last Congress, we took the historic WASHINGTON, DC, you’re hugging on him. Get the money first. step of passing several pieces of com- January 12, 2017. Before you start touching him, go in there, prehensive, bipartisan trafficking leg- I hereby appoint the Honorable DAVID G. get the money first. VALADAO to act as Speaker pro tempore on islation, supported by most Members of this day. Avila, a father himself, knew some- the House of Representatives and the PAUL D. RYAN, thing was not right about that con- Senate. Speaker of the House of Representatives. versation. The two older women taking One of those bills was my own and f a girl inappropriately dressed to a CAROLYN MALONEY’s, the Justice for hotel, talking about exchanging Victims of Trafficking Act. This bill MORNING-HOUR DEBATE money, did not make sense to him. did a number of things, but most im- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- This had the hallmark of sex traf- portantly, it went after the root prob- ant to the order of the House of Janu- ficking. He later said to police: lem: the demand, the customer that buys minors on the marketplace of sex ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- I was 100 percent sure I knew what was nize Members from lists submitted by happening. trafficking. the majority and minority leaders for The bill did a lot of other things to So Avila dropped off the three indi- help promote the enforcement of the morning-hour debate. viduals at the Holiday Inn Express and The Chair will alternate recognition sex trafficking laws in America. The immediately called the police, even Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act between the parties, with each party though he didn’t have to. He alerted limited to 1 hour and each Member also went after the trafficker as well as them that there was a child sex traf- rescuing the victim, and, of course, it other than the majority and minority ficking occurring right under their leaders and the minority whip limited prosecuted the buyers. noses. The bill also set up a fund to pay for to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- The two alleged women traffickers grants to help the victims and victim bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. were later identified as 25-year-old Des- shelters and to educate police. The f tiny Pettway and 31-year-old Maria fund is funded by money that goes into SEX TRAFFICKING Westley. They now have been charged that fund by fees, ordered by Federal with pimping and threatening a minor. judges. In other words, let the crimi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The buyer, 20-year-old Disney Vang, nals pay the rent on the courthouse Chair recognizes the gentleman from was also arrested and charged by the and pay for the system that they have Texas (Mr. POE) for 5 minutes. police with soliciting a child pros- created and help fund shelters and po- Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, re- titute. lice training to recognize the traf- cently in Sacramento, California, Uber Mr. Speaker, this girl turned out to ficking that takes place. driver Keith Avila picked up three pas- be 16 years of age, but her life was The enforcement of the bill is taking sengers. They were two women and saved because of this individual, Mr. place throughout the country. Going what looked like to him to be a very Avila. after human sex trafficking is some- young girl, about 12 years of age. The Elk County Police Officer Chris Trim thing that this country needs to recog- ride would be short. The total fare was said it best: nize, and we need to be able to recog- only $8. He could’ve said nothing, went on his way, nize it when we are individuals, law en- The young girl, sitting in the front collected his fare, and then that child victim forcement, and Members of the House seat with him, was dressed inappropri- would have been victimized again by who of Representatives as well. ately in such a short skirt. Here is knows how many different people over the Sex trafficking takes place not only what he said about her: next days, weeks, or even months. on the individual basis, but at big b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H393 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:21 Jan 13, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12JA7.000 H12JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H394 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 12, 2017 events such as the Super Bowl and the air. They have unsettled 18 percent of HIGHLIGHTING THE IMPORTANCE Final Four. Just this week, the Depart- our economy—over $3 trillion of annual OF RURAL HEALTH CARE ment of Homeland Security had a expenses—disrupting the 6 years of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The briefing for Members of the Texas dele- progress in making the system work Chair recognizes the gentleman from gation on the Super Bowl, talking better. Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 about the security that will be imple- I have been talking to people in my minutes. mented in Houston. It was quite im- community, finding out about some of Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. pressive. But during that briefing for the damage that is being done, their Mr. Speaker, before I was elected to Members of Congress—and I see two of concerns and apprehensions. The larg- serve in the House of Representatives, them here, Mr. AL GREEN and Mr. est employer in the city of Portland is I spent nearly 30 years in the nonprofit FARENTHOLD, who were at that brief- Oregon Health & Science University. healthcare field assisting those individ- ing—they talked about how probably uals who were facing life-changing dis- sex trafficking will be at that location, They already have felt compelled to implant a hiring freeze, dial back some eases and disability. Additionally, as a and how they are going to try to pre- member of my home community, I vent it. of their programming, trying to recon- figure, preparing for the worst. have volunteered for decades as an It is quite impressive, the Blue Cam- emergency medical technician, serving paign that is taking place by the De- The local government, partnering my neighbors in their time of trauma partment of Homeland Security. We with the private sector to treat the or medical emergency needs. are going to be ready for those people poor and the elderly, people with men- I am acutely aware of the challenges who want to try to promote sex traf- tal health issues, are having their im- many face when it comes to obtaining ficking in Houston because of the portant reforms put at risk, and they reasonably priced health care. It is es- Super Bowl, making sure that there is are scrambling to try and figure out pecially critical for rural America, like not going to be sex trafficking in our how to do it. much of the Fifth Congressional Dis- town, in our country, and that our chil- The State of Oregon, not unlike trict of Pennsylvania. dren are not for sale. many States around the country, is We are facing a healthcare crisis in So it is important that we recognize our Nation’s rural areas. These often it when we see it, and it is because of facing some budget challenges, and there is a $1.7 billion question dealing disadvantaged populations are still awareness of citizens like Mr. Avila struggling to access affordable, quality with the uncertainty going forward that America is turning the tide and care. Many remain uninsured. Many with Medicaid. making sure that we enforce our sex find themselves newly uninsured as a trafficking laws. Rural hospitals are especially vulner- result of the pressures and the demands And that is just the way it is. able, and they will explain it to any and the mandates of the Affordable f Congressman who chooses to ask. Most Care Act. Most are underinsured; how- REFINE THE AFFORDABLE CARE important for many of them is the fact ever, access to quality care really does ACT—DON’T REPEAL that this approach that is being pur- remain the largest challenge.
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