UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Policy discourses and multi-scalar interactions in curriculum development: Institutionalizing and translating ethnicity/race issues in Brazilian education Soeterik, I.M. Publication date 2013 Document Version Final published version Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Soeterik, I. M. (2013). Policy discourses and multi-scalar interactions in curriculum development: Institutionalizing and translating ethnicity/race issues in Brazilian education. General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Disclaimer/Complaints regulations If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. 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UvA-DARE is a service provided by the library of the University of Amsterdam (https://dare.uva.nl) Download date:08 Oct 2021 POLICY DISCOURSES AND MULTI POLICY DISCOURSES AND MULTI-SCALAR INTERACTIONS IN CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT SCALAR INTERACTIONS IN InsƟtuƟonalizing and TranslaƟng Ethnicity/Race Issues in Brazilian EducaƟon CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT In Ɵ Maya Soeterik InƟ Maya Soeterik POLICY DISCOURSES AND MULTI-SCALAR INTERACTIONS IN CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Institutionalizing and Translating Ethnicity/Race Issues in Brazilian Education Inti Maya Soeterik This research project is part of the IS-Academie program on Education and International Development, jointly funded by the University of Amsterdam and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Soeterik, I. M. (2013) Policy Discourses and Multi-scalar Interactions in Curriculum Development: Institutionalizing and Translating Ethnicity/Race Issues in Brazilian Education, Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam - Proefschrift ISBN: 978-94-6228-328-2 Cover design: Inti Maya Soeterik Illustrations: I.Mariordo (2007) Brazilian National Congress in Brasília Agencia Brasil (2011) March of the Brazilian Black Movement Inti Maya Soeterik (2008) Photos of an Afro-Brazilian project at a school in the municipality of Caxías, Rio de Janeiro © 2013 I.M. Soeterik. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the written permission of the author of the book. POLICY DISCOURSES AND MULTI-SCALAR INTERACTIONS IN CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Institutionalizing and Translating Ethnicity/Race Issues in Brazilian Education Inti Maya Soeterik ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op gezag van de Rector Magnificus prof. dr. D.C. van den Boom ten overstaan van een door het college voor promoties ingestelde commissie, in het openbaar te verdedigen in de Agnietenkapel op vrijdag 6 december 2013, te 14:00 uur door Inti Maya Soeterik geboren te Las Condes, Chili Promotiecommissie Promotores: prof. dr. I.S.A. Baud prof. dr. F.X. Bonal Co-promotores: dr. A. Verger Planells dr. R. Emerson Nascimento dos Santos Overige Leden: prof. dr. S.L. Robertson prof. dr. C.G. Koonings prof. dr. J.M. Baud prof. dr. S. Karsten Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen To all those Brazilians campaigning for a more inclusive and just society: Axé! “In the end persuasion is the only weapon we have. We do not have the power, only the power of our discourse, the strength of our argument. That’s it.” Statement of a Brazilian Black Movement actor during an interview, Rio de Janeiro January 2008 “Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world.” Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970) CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES iix LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF BOXES xi ACRONYMS xii AKNOWLEDGEMENTS xv PREFACE xvii Chapter 1 Context of the Study: Inequality, Race, and Education in Emerging Brazil 1 1.1 Progress and Remaining Challenges in Brazilian Society 2 1.2 Development of the Brazilian Education System: A Process Full of Dispute 12 1.3 Ethnic/Racial Inequality and Racism in Brazilian Education: Current Opportunities and Challenges 17 Chapter 2 Framing the Issues 27 2.1 Structure, Agency and Processes of Change 27 2.2 Alternative to the Linear View on Processes of Change in Education 30 2.3 The Policy Cycle 32 2.4 Conceptual Tools for Understanding Formation and Transformation of Education Policy and Practice 35 2.5 Defining Ethnicity and Race 41 2.6 A Critical Approach to Identity, Difference, and Inequality in Education 49 2.7 Raising the Questions 53 Chapter 3 Research Design and Methodology 59 3.1 Theoretical Foundations and Methodological Considerations 59 3.2 Research Design 64 3.3 Limitations and Ethical Considerations 75 Chapter 4 The Agenda-Setting Process Concerning Law 10.639: from Framing to Regulation 79 4.1 Phase 1: The Campaign Against Racial Inequality in Education 83 4.2 Phase 2: Trajectory of the Text of Law 10.639 in the Official Political Arena 105 4.3 Phase 3: National Regulation of Law 10.639 111 4.4 Concluding 118 Chapter 5 Implementation of Law 10.639 in the Political Arena: from Institutionalization to Remobilization 125 5.1 Phase 4: Institutionalization and Network Strengthening, Knowledge/Material Production and Dissemination 127 5.2 Phase 5: Revitalization of Networks and Mobilization: No More Excuses? 153 vii 5.3 Concluding 159 Chapter 6 Law 10.639 at the School Level: Recontextualization of the New Policy Discourse 165 6.1 Beyond a Focus on Implementation 166 6.2 Mapping the Local Situation: Law 10.639 in Niterói Primary Schools 167 6.3 The Case of School 10 169 6.4 Concluding 202 Chapter 7 Conclusions 207 Appendix I Some notes on the Brazilian Education System 225 Appendix II Overview of Collected Data 229 Appendix III Brazilian Constitution Article 206 (1988) 233 Appendix IV Resolution CNE/CP 01/2004 234 Appendix V Overview of the MEC Education and Ethnic/Racial Diversity Series (2003-2008) 236 Appendix VI Overview of MEC Race-Based Actions and Programs (2003-2008) 237 Appendix VII Overview of the Household Situation and Ethnic/Racial Identity of School 10 Pupils 241 Appendix VIII Overview of Background Information on the School 10 Professional Team 243 REFERENCES 245 SUMMARY 257 RESUMO EM PORTUGUÊS 265 ABOUT THE AUTHOR 273 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Human Development Index Brazil, 1980-2011 2 Figure 1.2 Map of Brazil indicating percentages of population belonging to 4 classes A, B, and C Figure 1.3 Race/color self-identification of the Brazilian population, 6 black/brown and white, per 1,000 inhabitants, 1980 to 2010 Figure 1.4 Race/color self-identification of the Brazilian population, 2011 7 Figure 1.5 HDI of the Brazilian population, total and by race/color, in 1980, 8 1991, and 2000 Figure 1.6 Percentage of the population aged 6-14 who are out of school 18 by race/color, Brazil 2001-2009 Figure 1.7 Percentage of the population aged 15-17 who are out of school, by 18 race/color, Brazil 2001-2009 Figure 1.8 Percentage of the population aged 4-5 who are out of school, by 19 race/color, Brazil 2001-2009 Figure 1.9 Percentage of the population aged 0-3 who are out of school, by 19 race/color, Brazil 2001-2009 Figure 1.10 Percentage of black and brown children in the Brazilian population 20 excluded from education, by age, Brazil 2009 Figure 2.1 Discourse as a mediating mechanism between structure and actor 28 Figure 2.2 Interactive factors affecting implementation 30 Figure 2.3 The Policy Cycle 33 Figure 2.4 Conceptual framework: the policy process concerning ethnicity/race 56 and education in Brazil Figure 2.5 The dialectical process between politics of ethnicity/race and 57 education and pedagogical practices and strategies Figure 3.1 Metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro state, with its municipalities 68 Figure 3.2 Municipality of Niterói 12 administrative districts and the 12 visited 70 schools in the 5 different education districts Figure 4.1 Timeline Phases 1 and 2 in the agenda-setting process and 80 implementation of Law 10.639 Figure 4.2 The Zumbi dos Palmares March Against Racism For Citizenship and 93 Life in Brasília in 1995 Figure 4.3 Arenas, actors, and events influencing the agenda-setting process on 120 ethnicity/race issues in education in Brazil until approval and regulation of Law 10.639 Figure 5.1 Timeline Phases 4 and 5 in the agenda-setting process and 126 implementation of Law 10.639 Figure 5.2 Arenas, actors, and events influencing the process of the 161 institutionalization of Law 10.639 and the Curriculum Directives 003/2004 Figure 6.1 Images of the direct surroundings of School 172 Figure 6.2 Images of the Interior of School 10 176 Figure 6.3 National Black Consciousness Day Leaflet, from the School 10 182 celebration on November 28, 2009
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