I arianas ~riet~~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 b&1 ews New tax bill rea By Rafael H. Arroyo bill which is expected to raise line with an earlier commitment ing a series of public hearings on between 521 to $25 million in Mafnasmadeduring the tax hear­ the proposals. THE HOUSE Ways & Means additional revenues in the first ings that witnesses will be in­ The good pointsofthetwoother Subcommittee on Tax Reform is year of its implementation. formed one last time prior to fi­ proposals, House Bill 8-250 and set to endorse to the full House a "The report will be ready for nalization of the tax bill. House Bill 9-83, are to be taken !' tax reform measure based on the submission to the leadership on The subcommittee is generally intoaccount,accordingtoMafnas, II tax proposal submitted by the or before Monday," Mafnas said. backing the Chamber's alterna­ when the final versionof the sub­ I Saipan Chamber of Commerce. "But we intend to meet with rep­ tive tax proposal over the stitute bill is drafted. According to House Vice resentatives of the Chamber and governor's and the speaker's tax UndertheChamber's proposal, SpeakerandSubcommiueeChair­ the Administration to discuss the proposals, after having received a surtax of 10% over and above man Jesus P. Mafnas, thepanel is finalversionofthebill,"he added. input from a wide range of wit­ ali CNMI taxes is to be charged poised to submit the substitute The "wrap up" meeting is in nesseswithinthecommunitydur- taxpayers, except for those with rebate base of $2,000 or less. On the other hand, it is also propos- Gutierrez, Bordallo Jesus P. Mafnas COntinued on page 8 Quitugua stays on win Guam elections By Ferdie de la Torre Frink, who were present in the AGANA,Guam(AP).Demo­ two-term governor whocommit­ though the figures are basi­ meeting.. crat Carl Gutierrez defeated ted suicide in 1990 as he was cally final already as of last DANIEL Quitugua finally an­ "So the suspense is over," RepublicanThomasTanakaon about to begin serving a four­ night, the Guam Election nounced yesterdayhe wouldcon­ Quitugua said, smiling. Tuesday in the race for gover­ year prison sentence for witness Commission is just about to tinue his term as Board ofEduca­ Laughters followed coming nor of thisU.S. territory. tampering and conspiracy to ob­ certify the election results by tion chairman. from the usually "serious" board Gutierrez garnered 24,432 struct justice. today. Quitugua disclosed his final members. voters, or 53 percent of those Gutierrez will succeed Repub­ Over at the Guam Legisla­ decision during the board meet­ The chairman then appealed to cast, toTanaka's 18,512votes. lican Gov. Joseph Ada, who was ture, it appears the Democrats ing held in the BOE conference board members and PSS staff to Gutierrez, 54, and his run­ barred from running after win­ will also be in control, taking room at the PublicSchoolSystem put together their efforts in ad­ ning mate for lieutenant gov­ ning two four-year terms. 13 out of the 21 seats up for central office in Lower Base. dressing critical issues. grabs in theunicameralcham­ ernor, Madeleine Bordallo, Guam's congressional del­ The chairmancitedamongother Continued on page 8 and Tanaka and his running egate, Democrat Robert ber: things,thelettersofsupportwhich mate, Doris Flores Brooks, Underwood, ran unopposed, re­ Topping thence. was Tho­ he received fromschoolchildren, .are all territorial senators. ceiving 36,379 votes. mas C. Ada (Democrat) who teachers and parents after he re­ Bordallo, 61, is the widow Results certified today garnered 25,354 votes while vealed his intention to quit. .Weather. of Ricardo Bordallo, aformer Sources from Guam said al- Continued on page 8 Quitugua said he was deeply touchedwiththoseletters.Hewas ·.Outlook· able to convince his wife that it is not necessary io forego with the CUC debt not paid with plans to step down. "I will accept and finish the remainder of my contract," Quitugua declared. bond money -- Mitchell The announcementdrewa loud applause from the board mem­ "We arcvery sorry if theBank of complaint, BOG auorncy Joaquin bers, Don Farrell, Fermin Atalig, Guamhas suffered any embarrass­ C. Arriola was said to have told FelicidadT. Ogumoro,Education rnentbecauseofthis. Wennwknow Mitchell that he did not and never Partly Cloudy with Commissioner William S. Torres thatthe bankdidabsolutely nothing would approve a withdrawal of the Isolated light showers. and in-house legal counsel Sean wrong. It didnotdisburse evenone Continued on a e 8 penny from the trust account, aswe had been led to believe by the Governor's statements.Now wearc left with anewmystery: why didthe Governor say that heusedthe trust fundstopayMitsubishiwhen hedid notin fact doso'?" Mitchell saidina statement faxed to the Variety yes­ terday. In an amended complaint, Rayphand had charged thatthe gov­ ernorLL~d bond incomefundswhich were held in trust at the Bank of Theodore R. Mitchell Guam inorderto makea $6.2 mil­ JEANNE H. Rayphand, the plain­ lion payment to Mitsubishi Corpo­ tiffinthe taxpayers suitquestioning ration. Governor Froilan C. Tenorio's The governor madethe payment spending Commonwealth money, to covera Commonwealth Utilities has filed a motion to dropthe Bank Corporation debt ofGuamfromher lawsuit In hercomplaint shealleged that Rayphand's Attorney, Theodore the Bankof Guam was guilty of a R.Mitchell saidtheinformation pro­ breachof trust because it had per­ vided to him by the Bankof Guam mitted thegovernor to use the trust proves that the Bankof Guam has funds, without an appropriation of done nothing wrong hence, the mo­ the funds by the legislature. Board of Education Vice Chairman Don Farrell (left) listens as Daniel Quitugua announces his decision to tion. Upon the bank's receipt of the stay as BOE chairman in yesterday's board meeting. ~,; ! 11 ', ~: i (~ •• I TIIURSDAY,NOVEMBER 10 , 1994-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AtID VIEWS-THURSDAY-NOVEMBER 10, 1994 Democrats suffer widespread defeat CPABoard confirms Shoda By JOHN KING secretary Dee Dee Myers said as pass health care reform and other will enable Republicans to stop two dozen in the House. THE BOARD of Directors of Froilan C. Tenorio's administra­ position on October 31 by Gov. thority is tasked with the respon­ But this was not to bean average the scope of Democratic losses major legislation and affect his anything Clinton tries to get the ConunonwealthPorts Author­ tion. Froilan C. Tenorio and had been sibility of operating and manag­ year, and Democratic dominance WASHINGTON(AP)· Inastun­ became clear. Already, the im­ re-election strategy for 1996. Re­ through Congress. TheSenate also ity (CPA) on Tuesday (11/8/94) Shoda is no stranger to CPA, serving in an acting capacity until ing the airports and seaports ning electoral rejection of Presi­ pact on the administration was publican victories promised a has the power to ratify or reject of the statehouses was injeopardy, unanimouslyconfmnedthenomi­ having served as its Executive Tuesday afternoon. when the throughout the Northern dent Clinton's Democratic Party clear, as White House Chief of battle for lower taxes and less treaties. Each state elects twosena­ as well. nation of Carlos S: Shoda as the Director since its inception in Board met in aSpecial Meeting at Marianas. It is governed by a Voters were settling 36 gover­ Tuesday, the Republican opposi­ Staff Leon Panetta said Clinton government and could increase tors. The House, which mustorigi­ Executive Director effectively 1975. He retired on December the conference room of the CPA seven-member Board of Direc­ tion won control of the U.S. Sen­ would propose only "an incre­ pressure against further U.S.com­ nate all spending laws, has 435 norships. Republicans seized nine immediately. 1989 and went into private busi­ at the Saipan International Air­ tors who were nominated by the ate and stood on the brink of total mental change" in health care mitments abroad. members elected indistrictsdrawn Democratic governorships and Shoda, 51, replaced Roman T. ness. port. Governor and confirmed by the command of Congress for the first next year, rather than a top-to­ Among the victims were Mario up according to population. protected their territory all across Tudela, who hadbeen the Execu­ Shoda was nominated to the -The Commonwealth Ports Au- Senate of the CNMI Legislature. time in 40 years. bottom overhaul opposed by Re­ Cuomo in New York and Ann Republican Chairman Haley the country. tive Director since January 1990. Richards of Texas - Democratic The restored Republican ma­ publicans. Barbour said voters were sending In the biggest state of all, Re­ Tudela retired from Government jority is virtually certain to install Republicans also catapulted to governors who fell to voters' mis­ a booming message:"Government publican Pete Wilson capitalized service. Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas to the election victories in state gover­ givings about Clinton and Demo­ is too big for its britches." on voter concerns about illegal Shoda expressed his "heartfelt powerful post of Senate majority nors' races around the country, cratic liberalism. Richards lost to If one man personified the immigration and crime to win a appreciation" to the Board mem­ leader, or speaker, for the final gaining the party's first majority one son of former President party's plight, it was House leader second term as governor of Cali­ bers following his confirmation, two years of President Clinton's in state capitals since 1976. The George Bush. Another son, Jeb Thomas Foley of Washington, at fornia. saying he "will work closely with term. defeat registered widespread an­ Bush, lost a tight race to Lawton riskof beingthefirstHousespeaker Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana the Board to carry out the poli­ "The American people have ger and frustration with Demo­ Chiles in Florida. voted out of office since 1860.
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