I..' \'. J. Gupra and H. h. Erben Palaont. 2. 57 1!2 4 Abh. 1 133-1 lC Sruttgart, Juni 1983 Literature I:il,.glri o\\h>. Ii I I 1971 I.L)r\on\Llr Ammonoldea. 11. Goniariri. - Tmdx Paleonr. Inst. Akad. Nauk 555li. 127. 225 pp , 19 11; tcxfils\.: Lloskra. HOC.<I\Iov\h>. B. I .I IISKC~\II<H. L. S. 9; RUZHEKCE\.,Wr. E. (1962):NadotrjadAmmonoidea. Sisrr,marlr- ~llc\LalaICII.I\I [l>i./L)\~ou.I Palconrologii, [email protected]. p. 334425, pl. 1-32. text- llg> 03-IS', hlo\L\a. li,,l~rt.K (I')!5 I. I tuJc\ sur Ic Faunes du DPxon~enSuperieur et du Carbonifere lnterleur de la hlontagnc N<,~rc- 123,pp.. IC pl., 21 ii:\.. Ilontpellicr. 151 i 11. \. 1 . (Ifii2l. L her Arnmonitm. uhrr lhrc Sonderung in Famillen. uherd~eArrcn, rrc. - Ahad. W'ii5 lirrl~n.56 pp . 5 I B~rlin (;I \IHI.I, C. W'. I 1iih.i): 8d;r d~\.n;enlenin den Obercanescebilden des F~chrel~ebirres.- Palaec,ntoera- u ., ., ., - Two Pictonia (Perisphinctidae) phlca. 11: 85-165. 15-21, (~1NIC H. (;. (lS9h): Daq Palaozoikum in1 Polnischen hilttelg~bir~e.-Yerh. russ.-kals, mineral. Gc,. St. from the Subbetic Upper Jurassic of Spain Pcrershurg, 32 (2). 539 pp.. 15 pi.; St. Petersburg-Moskra. - (193C). SachtraCezumPalaozoikumdesPolnischenMitteljieblrjies.-NeuesIb. Mvlin. rtc.. Ueil Bd. - OTTOF. GEYER,Stuttgart, and FEDERICOOLORIZ SAEZ, Granada'. 13. 331-388, pj. 14-15, S texdlgs.; Srutrgart. t (II'I'T+. l' J. (1975): Devonian conodonts from Himalaya. - Cha?anica Geologlca, 1 (I i: [99-I2C. I)rlhj I~(>L\r. M. (1962):Ob\er\at~ons on theammonoid succession oithe Korrh American 1)rvonlan J Pale- With 4 figures in the text (?). ont.. 36 217-28.1, pi. 43-48, 15 textfigs.; Tulsa, Okla. K u rzf a s su n g : Aus dem Unterkimmeridgium des Subbetikums ron West-Andalusien werden zwci H).\ii. A. ilRfi3-iSN41:GeneraoiFossi~Ce~halonods.-Proc.BostonSoc.Nat,Hj\r.,22:253-272 (18S3i. L Ammoniten beschrieben, diezum GenusPrctonza BAYLE,1878 (S~b~rnusPaci~ypr~on~nSCHNEID, 1940) zu 273-338 il8X.1): Ro\ron, Mass. stellen sind. Es handelr sich um den ersren Nacbu-ris der Gattung im mediterran-tethydischen Ober~ura. h~ IIVAIN. I. (IYhOl: Die Ammono~deades Devon im Kantabrischen Geb~rge(Nord\pan~cn~. - Ahh AL~\'I\\. I.,!., math.-nar. Kl., Jg. 1960 (1): 454-559, 9 9].,2C rer$gs.; Lldinz. Abstract: Two ammonites belonging to the genus Picronza BAILE, 1878 (~uhgenusPachyp~non~a I A\(.F,W'. (IcJ?Y): %ur liennmls des Oberderons am Enkeberg und el Balr e (Saucrland). - Ahh prcul'\. SCHNEID.1943) are descnbed from the Lower Kirnmeridgian of the Subberic of Western Andalusia, this be- no.. i.ct)l. I.~nlic\an\t. n. F 119. 132 'Z , 3 'oi.. 39 texdies.: Berlin. ing the first evidence of the presence of this genus in the Mediterranean (Tethydian) Upper Jurassic. I II~UO~I~I11. I.. 5. (I94C): ,Ammonoidea iz kamennougolnich otloshenij sewernogo hazachsrana. - Pale- cmr. SSSK, Paleonr. !nsr., 4 (9, I), 395 pp., 15 pl., 78 textflgs.. Moskra. R esu m en : Se describen do, ammonites que pertenecen al genero Prnonia BAYLE,1878 (subgenera ~IAIIuh, t1. (I'lil): I)as Oberderon derDil1mulde.-Abh. preuB. geol. Landesancr., n. I-. 134, 139 pp., 4 Pachprctonu SCHNEID,1940). Se trata de la primera description en el Jurasico Superior del dominio medi- ,>I.. (7 teirt~gs.:Berlin. rerraneo. Los eiemplares proceden de la Zona Subberica (Andalucia). A111 I I H. .4, h. &? 1-UKNISH,W'. M. (1957): Paleozoic Ammonoidea (excl. Clymeniina). [In:]"Trcnu\r on In\rrirhrzte Paleonrologv", Pt. L: 11-94, fig. 1-37, 46-79; Lawrencc, liania,. X~I.\FTIR, (;. Grat zu (1832):Ub;r die~lanulitenund Goniariten im Ubergangs-Kalk dc\ Fichtrlgci,lrye. - 38 pp., 6 pl.; Aavreuth. Geologic remarks - iIR4C). Lhr \'cr\tiinerungen des Ubergangskalkes mit Clymenien und Orrhocerarltrn \.<,n Ohcr- InnLrn. - Beitr. z. Perrefaktenkde., 5: 112-128, pl. 10-12; Bayreuth. 1.ocation and geological sketches are shown in Fig. 1. -- (IS.13). K~cht>agzu den Goniatiten des Fichtelgebirges. - Beitr. z. PerrefaLtenLde , 1: Ih-31. ? (A) - A klippe of Upper Jurassic age included in the "Serie de Base" of Aljibe Unit is ana- Aufl.; Aarreurh. ly7cd. In the profile studied, an anticline structure urhose southern limb dips subvertically is SAII\~I~A, A. h. (1947): Orrjad Ammonoidea, B., Atlas rukou~odjashtchichform izkopaemlch faun sh0u.n. The sequence consists of 8-10 m of biomicritic and micritic red limestones, 34 numbered SSSR. 3. I)car,nskajasistema. pp. 159-180, pl. 4145, textfig. 7-52;Moskva-Lcnlngrad (Gocgeolly- ildl). levels, panially of nodulous character and with thin intercalated marly horizons. Ammonites, 1'1 1-1I u. C;. (19591: Gonlarires devonlennes du Sahara. - Publ. Serv. Carte gC.01. Algerie, nouv. ser.. Pale- collected bed by bed permitted the recognition of thestrombecki, Divisum andBeckeri zones in ont., Mem. 2, 371 pp., 26 pl., 58 textfig.; Alger. - the Kimrneridgian, according to the bi~stratigra~hicalscheme for the Subbetic mountains in (1960):CIymenles du Sahara. -Publ. Sen.. Cartegeol. Algerie, nour. Ser., Paleont., Mem., 6: 1-76; 0~6~17(1978: 663466). Unfortunately, sampling limitations have to date precluded a greater AIger. I<I.+\ Ylr,~ii<,(1'18 I): Devonian and Earliesr Carboniferous Ammonoids from Guangxi and Guizhou. - precision. For more detailed information, see OLORIZ& FERNANDEZ-LLEBRFZ(1981). hlcni. Nanllng Inst. Geol. Paleont., Acad. Sinica, 15: 1-152, pi. 1-33, textfigs. 102, Nanjing. \<III\I)I u 01 r, 0. H. (1923): Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Palaozoikums in Obedranken, Ostthuringen und (B)- The Almola is one of many calcareous discontinuous outcrops located in the hound- ilrm 5aih\i\chcn V~~tlande.I. Strarigraphie und Ammoneenfauna des Oherderons von Hof a. S. - ar!--zone betazeen internal and external zones of the Betic mountains. 1-2 m of grey-ochre 'ic~~e\Jh. Mln. erc., Beil. Bd. 49: 250-357, 393-509, pl. 14-18, 21 texdigs.; Sruttgart. biomicritic limestones overlie more than 150 m of Liassic limestones in the Almola series. It is I l'I52). Uhcr da5 Oberdevon und Unterkarbon ron Saalfeld in Osrthuringen. Eine Nacblese zur 511.111~raplltcund Ammoncen-Fauna. - Senckenbergiana, 32(5/6), p. 281-336, 3 pl., 24 texdlgs.; possible to deduce the extremely reduced and foreseeably condensed character of the Kimme- I !.,oL(urt '.M. ridgian from the ammonite fauna contained in these materials. At present, seemingly, according 8 tali-i I'.ilr<l/r~liAmmanoldra: Cl?meniina. - [In:] "Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology" (R. C. to the faunal spectrum, only the Platynota zone can be precluded from the biostratigraphical \IcN,I<I.rcl 1'1. 1.. 37-47. fig. 38-45; Lawrence, Kansas. ,. scheme of the Subbetic area. For more complete information see MARTIN-ALGARRAet al. I I I I(I.!4 /wci C'cphal~~o~ienfaunenan der Deron-Carbongrenze im Sauerland. - Jb, preufl. ,.I.,>! I .I!$~~c\.II~\I. 44 ,lYliI: p. 78-171, pl. 6-8, 5 textfigs.; Berlin. (198 1). \ ,111,1\$.1 ti. 1 l(11~21I )li. (,on~atlt~.nder unrerkarbonischen Gattendorfia-Stufe im Honnetal (Sauer- 1 &,,,I I GUIU It, ( ,C,II Kl~c~~~ld.\Y'e~tf., 3 (I), p. 167-196; Kreield. I .D I. 1, I< 1'). I )I? ( rl~l~.~l~~r~~~leniaunades hoheren Oberderon am Enkeberge. -Neues Jb. Min. '' Address of the authors: Prof. Dr. OTTO F. GEYER,Institut fur Geologie und Palaonrologie der Unirersl- c : I\, l\sl , 21, (134. pl 7945. 3 rextfigs.; Sturtgart. ' tar, Boblinger Str. 72, D-7030 Srutrgart; Prof. Dr. FEDERIC~OLORIZ SAEZ. Departamento de Paleonrolo- I,, ,:I I,., ,ill hcnn~nl\LIP Ohrrdr\ons am Nordrande des Rheinischen Gehirges. 2. Zur gia, Facultad de Cienclas. Unirersidad de Granada. I . , , ,I,8 I't,~l,ml~nrn \ 11, Ilin. erc., p. 78-95, pl. S, 5 textfigs.; Stuttgart. !I 3 I .<I,, , 8 ,ICI I'.il~,~.i~~~t~~~~r~i~~~lc,i((;or~~~t~ren).Palaeontographlca 62: 85-184, pl. 14-22, 1 ., .!1 , '>I, I*, ,., .- ."r. I ,,,,.i:,~ Ji.\ \lanlt\L-lpr\ hrl der EchrL.' -g -v + :u, , <. Two Pictonza from the Subbetlc Upper Jurassic ot Spain Taxonomic remarks The iorms allied to the genus Pzctonza BAYLE,1878 (with thesubgenera P~cton~as. str., Trio- zires Bucn.\~,n,1924, \'inalesphincter SPATH,193 I, and Pachypictonia SCHNEJD,194C) arc me- dium-sized to large, moderately to strongly erolure perisphinctids of rounded to compressed whorl section and body chamber lengths of up to one whorl. Their ribbing is strong. Pictonia s. srr. (type species:Pictonaa baylei SALFELD,1913) has a depressed to round whorl section, and ribbing intermediate in character betreen perisphinctoid and rasenioid, i. e. strong primaries, each of which branches into 2 or 3 secondaries or intercalatory ribs. Each whorl slioar 3 or 4 more or less pronounced constrictions.Pictonia s. str. n~aspreviouslyknown from thr Uppermost Oxfordian and Lonrer Kimmeridgian of Korrhwestern and Central Europe (up- pw part of ldoceras planula zone till Ataxioce~achypseloqcium zone). Trioziter (rvpc specles: Triozitessemtnudatirs BUC~MAN,1924) is a large form which bears di- stant triplicate rib?. Conspicuous on the inner whorls, the ribs grow fainter and fadeaaay con>- plctrl!. before the beginning ot the body chamber. This poorly knonn subgenus has been men- t~onedtrom the Lower Kinlnleridfiian of Greenland and England. \'inalesphinctes (typespecies: \'inaiesphinctes roig~SPATH, 1931), perhaps best to be grouped together xvlth Triozites, has likewise alarge shell and a body chambernrith lacking or very feeble ornamentation. According to JUDOLEY8: FURRAZOLA-BERMUDEZ(1968: 103-107) each whorl has between 3 and 5 constrictions. The inner whorls are ornamented with fine to somewhat coarser peri~~hinctoidribbing, with bipartite rib units and external intercalatory ribs.
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