^RITISH MUSEUM DEPARTMENT OF ORIENTAL PRINTED BOOKS & MSS. CATALOGUE OF AEABIC PRINTED BOOKS IN THE BEITISH MUSEUM BY A. G. ELLIS, M.A. VOL. Ill INDEXES BY A. S. FULTON, M.A. Assistant Keeper in the Department of Oriental Printed Books d MSS. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES LONDON 1935 ; MADE AND PEINTKD IN GREAT BRITAIN BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, DDKE STREET, STAMFORD STREET, LONDON, S.E.I. SOLI) AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM AND BY BERNARD QUARITCH, Ltd., 11, Grafton Stbeet, W.l Tnr. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, Amen House, Warwick Squabe, E.C.i ; and KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., Ltd., 38, Great Russell Street, W.C.I. [All rights reserved.] PEEFACE Mr. a. G. Ellis's " Catalogue of Arabic; Books in the British Museum," compieted in 1901, has earned the gratitude of more than a generation of scholars, although many have failed to make the fullest use of its accurate and copious information owing to its lack of indexes. It contains a detailed description of most of the huge (•olh'i'ti(jii of Arabic works acquired l)y the Trustees of the Museum from the earliest days up till the end of the nineteenth century, comprising not only books printed or lithographed in the Arabic language, but translations of Arabic books into European and other languages, bibliographies and other writings on Arabic literature. In the search for any book, and especially one written in an Oriental language, for here peculiar difficulties arise, all the necessary bibliographical clues should be available to the student, who, if unaljle through inadequate information to use one line of approach, may thus without delay attain his object along another. The three indispensable clues being (a) Author's name, (b) Book-title, (c) Subject-matter, the Department of Oriental Printed Books and Manuscripts has always followed the practice of appending to author catalogues a full index of titles and a subject index. In the present instance a variety of causes, which it is needless to enumerate here, has long delayed the publication of these indexes. They are now offered to the student in the hope that the monumental work which they serve may thus acquire a fuller measure of usefulness than it has hitherto enjoyed. For the General Index, Mr. Ellis had alreadv written entries for those titles which are purely Arabic in form. These have been altered to suit the scheme here adopted and have been incorporated by the present compiler. All the entries, irrespective of language, are embraced in a single alphabet. The definite article «/-, or 7-, and the Izafat i are ignored as index letters. Many of the works indexed have double titles, e.g. Histoire des Beni Zeiyan, rois de Tlem^en [Nazm al-durr wa'l-'ikyan]. MuH. b. 'Abd al-JALiL, al-Tanasl. PREFACE These appear twice (once under each title) in the General Index, but only once in the Subject Index. In every case the alternative title is given within brackets. The system of classification used in the Subject Index follows that of the " Supplementary Catalogue of Ai-abic Printed Books (1926),'" but is slightly more detailed. The words Mu/iiimrnad and i/>n, which occur frequently on every page, are abridged in the usual way to JIu/l. and h. A. S. FULTON. — — INDEXES. The references in these Indexes arc to the navies of authors or other headings under which the works are catalogued. Anonymous works catalogjied under their titles are indicated hjj the 'phrase in loco. I. GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES. A /cat n. Operis cosmographici Ibn el Vardi Die Abhaiidlungen der Ichwan es-Safa in Auswahl [Kharidat al-'aja ib] caput prinium, de regioiiibus [Kluilasat al-wata]. Ikhw.In al-SAFl. et oris. 'Umar b. Muii., called Ibn al-WARDi. Abhandlungen fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. A. M. Betti ... ill quartam Fen primi Canonis Academies, etc. —Germany. Deutsche morijen- Auicenna3 coimiientarium. HUSAIN b. 'Abd laendische Gescllschaft. Allah (Abu 'Ali), called Ibn Sina. —al-Kanun. 'Abhodhath hat-tamidh. Liturgies.—Jews. Abatil al-'alam (Libro de la vanidad del mimdo). Abhoth. MiSHNAH. NezlBn. E.STELLA (D. DE). Abi'l Walidi Ebn Saiduni Eesalet seu Epistolium Abda' ma lean fi suwar salatin al 'Utliman (Album [al-Risalah]. Ahmad b. 'Abd Allah, called des Souverains Ottomans). Salim Faris. Ibn Zaidun. Abdollatiphi Bagdadeusis vita [from 'Uyiin al-iuba]. Abjad al-'uliim. Muh. SiddIk Hasan Khan, Ahmad b. Kasim, called Ibn Abi Usaibi'ah. Nawab of Bhopcd. Abdollatiphi compendium memorabilium Aegypti Abniyat al-islam. 'Abd al-SHAKUE Eahman 'Ali [al-Itadah wa'1-i'tibar]. 'Abd al-LATlF b. Khan. YusUF, al-Baghddd'i. Aboth. Mishnah.—Nezlliln. Abha matamah fi'1-mufakharali bain al-ghurbah Abou Naddara [i.e. Abu Nazzarah Zarka]. Perio- \va'l-il<;amah. McH. al-TAiYiB, al-Jazair'i. dical Publications.—Paris. AbhandluDg iiber das Licht [al-Makalah fi'1-daii]. Abou Naddara a Stamboul. Lemaitre (A.). Hasan b. Hasan, called Ibn al-HAixHAJi. Abrege de geographic a I'usage des ecoles arabes- Abhandlung iiber die in Aegypten eingewanderten franfaises. Bellemare (A.). arabischen Stiimme [al-Bayan wa'l -i'rab]. Abrege de la Doctrine Chretienne [Khulasat al-ta'lim Ahmad b. 'Ali, al-3faKnzl. al-masilii]. David (C. J.). Abhandlung . iiber die notweudigen Vorstudien Abrege de I'histoire de France [al-Sirat al-sanijah]. der Philosophie [Fi ma yanbaghi an yukaddam Martin (A.). Kabl ta'allum al-falsafah]. iluH. b. IMuH. Abrege des conjugaisons arabes [Mukhtasar fi'1-sarf]. (Abu Nasr), al-Fdrdhl. BOCTHOR (E.). Abhandlung iiber die Siegel der Araber, Perser und Abrege des vie des anciens Philosophes [Mukhtasar Tiirken. Hammer-Pukgstall (J. von). tarjumat kudama al-falasil'ah]. Salignac de la Abhandlung iiber die Unvergiinglichkeit der Seele. MoTHE Fenelon (F. de). Sa'd b. Mansuk, called Ibn Kammunah. Abrege d'histoire ancienne [Mukhtasar ii'l-tawarikh Abhandlung von den Grundfragen der Philosophie al-kadimah]. PiAHMani (L.). ['Uyiin al-masa'il]. Muii. b. Muh. (Abu Abrege d'histoire sainte a I'usage des ecoles [Illukh- Nasr), al-Fdrdhi. tasar fi'l-tawarikh al-mukaddasah]. Eahmani Die Abhandlung von deu Tendenzen der aristo- (L.). telischen Metaphysik [Aghrad ma lia'd al- Abu Dolef Misaris . de itinere asiatico commen- tabi'ah]. MuH. b. Mui'i. (Abu Nasr), al- tarius. Mis'ar b. al-MuHALHiL (A_BU Dulaf), Fardhi. al-YanhiJL'l. — — GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES. 4 Abu Mihgan poetae arabici carmina [Diwan]. Abu Achmetis f. Seirim Oneirooritica. Muii. b. SiEiN, ^IiHJAN b. HabIb, al-Tlmlhifi. al-Easrl. - [Thamaniyat al-fusiil]. serraoiiis Abschuitte MosES Abu Nasri . al Gieuharii . purioris Acht arabici thesaurus vulgo dictus Liber Sehah. ben Maimon. ISMA'iL b. Hammad, al-Jauliarl. Acht Capitel [Thamaniyat al-fusiil]. MosES ben Abu Nazzarah Zaika. Periodical Publications. — Maimon. Paris. Acht Jahre in Asien und Afrika von 1846 bis 1855 Abu Saffarah [i.e. Abu Nazzarah Zarka]. Periodi- [Sepher nesi'ath Yisra el]. Benjamin (I. J.). cal Publications.—Paris. Acta Apostolorum arabice. Bible. —Acts. Abu Taher Mohamad . Cresaraugustani Oratioues Acte de foi de Souyouti. 'Abd al-RAiiMAN b. Abi duas selectse [from al-Makaiuat al-kurtublyah]. Bakr (Jalal al-DiN), al-Suyiih.—Supjwsiti- MuH. b. YusuF (Abu T.\hir), al-Saraliush. tious Works. Abu Zakarijja Jahja ben Dawiid Hajjug und seiue Actes du .sixieme Congres international des Orieii- zwei grammatischen Schriften iiber die Verbeu, talistes. Academies, etc. —Europe. Inter- etc. Jastrow (M.). national Oriental Congress. Abu Zammarah [i.e. Abu Nazzarah Zarka]. Acts. Bible. —New Testament. Periodical Publications.—Paris. Ad Almausorem [al-]Mansuri fi'l- tibb]. Mui'i. b. Abubetri Ehaza; Maomethi ... in artem Medendi Zakariya (Abu Bakr), al-Raz'i. compendiosa introductio [al-Madkhal ii'l-tibb]. Ad Eegem Mansorem [al-Mansuri fi'1-tibb]. Muii. MuH. b. Zakariya (Abu Bakr), al-Rdzl. b. ZakarIy.I (Abu Bakr), al-Rdzl. Abubetri Ehazae Maomethi . opera exquisitiora. Adab al-bahth [i.e. al-Risalah fi'1-jadl]. 'Abd MuH. b. Zakariya (Abu Bakr), al-Rdzl. — Two al - Rahman b. Ahmad ('Adud al - Din), al- or more Works. Ijl. Abugalii Filii Sinae . de Morbis Mentis Tractatus. Adab al-balith, or al-Adab al-liusainiyah [notes on]. Husain b. 'Abd Allah (Abu 'Ali), called Ibn Muii. b. Ashraf, al-SamarJcandl. SlNA. al-Kanun. Adab al-dunya \va"l-din. 'AlI b. Muh., al-Mdivardt. al-Abiiglialumsis. Bible. —Revelation. al-Adab al-lianafiyah. MuH., Hanafl Tibrlzl. Abul Abbasi Amedis, Tulonidarum primi, vita et res al-Adab al-husainiyah, or Adab al-bahth [notes on]. gestae. Eoorda (T.). Muh. b. Ashraf, al-Samarliandl. Abul-Baka Ibn Ja'is Commeiitar zu dem Abschnitt Adab al-katib. 'Abd Allah b. Muslim, al-Dlnaivarl, liber das JU aus Zaniachsari's Mufassal. called Ibn Kutaibah. Mahmud b. 'Umar, al-Za7nalchsha,rl. al-Adab al-mufrad. Muii. b. Isma'il, al-Buhhdrl. Abulfatlii annales Samaritani [al-Ta'rikh mimma Adab al-uashi. MahmOd 'Umar, al-Bdjurl. takaddam 'an al-iiba]. Abu al-FATH b. Abi al-Adal) al-sharifiyah. 'Ali b. Muh., called Saiyid al-HASAN, al-Sdmiri. SharIf, al-Jurjdnl. Abulfedae Africa. Isma'il b. 'Ali ('Lmad al-DiN Adab wa-hikam wa-akhbar wa-athar [an abridgment Abu al-FiDA). of Asrar al-hukama]. Yakut b. Yakut, al- Abulfedea Arabiae descriptio commentario perpetuo Mnsta'siml. illustrata. Pommel (D. C. von). al-A'dad al-radiyali. Maximus Mazlum, Patri- Abyat hasht zaban. Uurgadasa Kapur. arch of Antioch. Die Academien der Araber und ihre Lehrer. al-Addad. MuH. b. al-KAsiM, called Ibn al- Wuestenfeld (H. F.). Anhari. An account of South-West Barbary. Barbary. Additamenta ad historiam Arabum ante Islamismum. An account of the Arabian ti'ibes. Mui'i. al- Rasmussen (J. L.). Bassam, al-Tamtml. An address to the people of India [al-Marthiyah An account of the establishment of tlie Falemite li-di al-himniat al-wat'iyah].
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