Hard and Soft g WordSTUDY Start VOCABULARY 1 Lesson Objectives Day 1 Students will: • Understand initial g usually has the hard sound when Hard g Hard g Soft g Soft g bandage gerbil angel gently Hard andHard Soft and g Soft g 3 3 4 4 followed by a, o, or u The letterThe g followed letter g followedby a, o, u by = harda, o, usound = hard sound gallon g agllonolden g o ldengully gully gallon gingerbread arrange giraffe • Understand initial g usually has the soft sound when 3 3 4 4 The letterThe g followed letter g followedby e, i, y by= soft e, i, soundy = soft sound gamble golden beverage luggage gerbil g egrbiliraffe g i raffegymnast gymnast 3 3 4 4 followed by e, i, or y BeginningBeginning MiddleMiddle garage The soft gThe sound soft cang sound be at can the: be at the: gossip budget message 3 3 4 4 • Write and identify words with hard and soft g beginningbeginning ge neral general middle middle ur gent urgent gather gully challenge package 3 3 4 4 end end emer ge emerge Day 2 general gutter danger submerge End End Students will: 3 3 4 4 genie gymnast gadget urgent • Understand rules for hard and soft g 3 3 Unit 4 4 • Sort words with initial hard and soft g gentle manage genius village 3 3 4 4 Anchor Chart (BLMAnchor 1) Chart (BLM 1) Category Cards Category(BLM 2) Cards (BLM 2) Word Cards (BLM 3) Word Cards (BLM 4) • Sort spelling words according to the sound of g Word Study & VocabularyWord 1: Unit Study 26: & Hard Vocabulary and soft 1: g Unit 26: Hard and soft g ©2010 Benchmark Education©2010 Company, Benchmark LLC Education Company, LLC Word Study & VocabularyWord 1: Unit Study 26: &Hard Vocabulary and soft 1: g Unit 26: Hard and soft g ©2010 Benchmark Education©2010 Company, Benchmark LLC Education Company, LLC Word Study & Vocabulary 1: Unit 26: Hard and soft g ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Word Study & Vocabulary 1: Unit 26: Hard and soft g ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Materials: Anchor Chart (BLM 1) Category Cards (BLM 2) Word Cards (BLM 3) • Anchor Poster 26 bandage gerbil angel gently couragecourage gesturegesture Name ___________________________________Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Date ____________________________________ • BLM 2: Category Cards 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 Sound SoundSort Sort Parent Directions:Parent Have Directions: your child Havewrite yourthe wordschild writefrom thethe wordsword bankfrom underthe word the bankheading under for thethe heading for the correct sound ofcorrect g. Tell soundyour childof g .to Tell look your for child the oneto look word for that the fitsone under word boththat headings.fits under both headings. gallon gingerbread arrange giraffe damagedamage gophergopher Word BankWord Bank • BLM 3: Word Cards 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 gossip gossipgovern governgenie geniegarage garagegentle gentle knowledge knowledge gymnast gymnastgallon gallongiraffe giraffegamble gamble • BLM 6: Take-Home Activity gamble golden beverage luggage emergeemerge governgovern gingerbread gingerbread gallery gallerymanage manageguilty guiltyangel angel 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 generate generateurgent urgent • Teacher Category Cards—Hard g, Soft g garage gossip budget message emergencyemergency guiltyguilty Hard g Hard g Soft g Soft g • Teacher Word Cards—gossip, gymnast 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 gather gully challenge package enlargeenlarge imageimage 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 general gutter danger submerge gallerygallery knowledgeknowledge Day 3 Students will: 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 genie gymnast gadget urgent generategenerate languagelanguage • Understand soft g can be at the beginning, middle,3 and end3 4 4 5 5 5 5 gentle manage genius village genuinegenuine storagestorage of words 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 Word Cards (BLM 3) Word Cards (BLM 4) Word Cards (BLMWord 5) Cards (BLM 5) Take-Home ActivityTake-Home (BLM 6) Activity (BLM 6) • Sort words according to where the soft g soundWord Study & Vocabulary 1: Unit 26: Hardfalls and soft g in words©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Word Study & Vocabulary 1: Unit 26: Hard and soft g ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Word Study & VocabularyWord 1: Unit Study 26: & Hard Vocabulary and soft 1: g Unit 26: Hard and soft g ©2010 Benchmark Education©2010 Company, Benchmark LLC Education Company, LLC Word Study & VocabularyWord 1: Unit Study 26: & Hard Vocabulary and soft 1: g Unit 26: Hard and soft g ©2010 Benchmark Education©2010 Company, Benchmark LLC Education Company, LLC • Choose words that meaningfully complete sentences Word Cards (BLM 4) Word Cards (BLM 5) Take-Home Activity (BLM 6) Materials: Name ___________________________________Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Name ___________________________________Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Which Word?Which Word? Which Word?Which Word? Prairie Dogs Spelling Dictation • BLM 2: Category Cards Directions: ReadDirections: each sentence Read andeach then sentence choose and the then word choose from thethe wordword bankfrom thatthe wordbest bank that best Parent Directions:Parent Have Directions: your child Haveread youreach childsentence read andeach then sentence choose and the then word choose from thethe wordword from the word Review Words completes each completessentence. eachThere sentence. will be two There words will left be over.two words left over. bank that best completesbank that besteach completessentence. eachThere sentence. will be one There word will left be over. one word left over. Prairie dogs are small mammals in the rodent family. Squirrels, mice, beavers, gerbils, chipmunks, and gophers are some of their cousins. They are 1. Word BankWord Bankdamage damagebandage bandageenlarge enlargeguilty guilty Word BankWord Bankgenerate generategopher gophermessage messagegymnast gymnast all rodents, too. Rodents have two upper and two lower teeth that never stop • BLMs 4–5: Word Cards growing. Rodents chew a lot, which helps to keep those teeth short. 2. genuine genuineknowledge knowledge gesture gesturegolden golden gobble gobblegingerbread gingerbread danger danger Prairie dogs are sometimes called ground squirrels. They look like tree 3. • BLM 7: Classroom Activity 1. Is that a 1.fake Isdiamond that a fake or is diamond it __________________? or is it __________________? 1. That big, 1.old __________________That big, old __________________ dug holes all dugover holesour backyard. all over our backyard. squirrels, without the fluffy tails, and they build their homes underground. Prairie dogs are the size of rabbits, with tan or golden-colored backs and white bellies. There are five kinds of prairie dog. The best known is the black-tailed. New Words 2. When you2. raise When your you hand, raise it youris a __________________hand, it is a __________________ that tells me that tells me that 2. It is not good2. It manners is not good to __________________ manners to __________________ your food. your food. • BLM 8: Take-Home Activity Black-tailed prairie dogs live in “towns,” big groups of up to hundreds you know theyou answer. know the answer. of animals. Each town is made of underground passages that connect rooms 1. together. Prairie dogs arrange the rooms to use for special purposes. The town 2. 3. That fireplace3. Thatsure fireplacedoes __________________ sure does __________________ a lot of heat. a lot of heat. has rooms for sleep, for storage, for babies, and even rooms used as toilets. • Teacher Category Cards—Beginning, Middle, End 3. There was3. a lotThere of __________________was a lot of __________________ to our yard because to our yardof the because storm. of the storm. Each day, the young pups play while grown-ups work on the tunnels, 3. watch out for attacks from other animals, and gather food. Prairie dogs eat 4. There was4. a largeThere __________________ was a large __________________ sign where the sign bridge where was the washed bridge out.was washed out. mostly vegetable material like grasses, seeds, and roots. • Teacher Word Cards—angel, message, giraffe 4. After our 4.puppy After chewed our puppy on my chewed shoe, onhe myreally shoe, looked he __________________.really looked __________________. In 1900, 800 million wild prairie dogs lived on the prairies and Sentence grasslands of the American West. Farmers and settlers considered them pests 5. It would 5.be funIt wouldto send be afun secret to send__________________ a secret __________________ to my friend. to my friend. and got rid of most of them. Now there are only a few million left. 5. You can gain5. Youa lot can of __________________gain a lot of __________________ from reading frombooks. reading books. Today, the first place many kids see prairie dogs is at the zoo. Perhaps they are not as strange or mysterious as other zoo animals, like giraffes 6. We made6. a bigWe __________________ made a big __________________ house and then house we andate allthen of weit. ate all of it. or gorillas. But prairie dogs are fun to watch. They pop in and out of their Day 4 6. That picture6. wasThat so picture good waswe decidedso good to we __________________ decided to __________________ it. it. tunnels and scurry about. Visitors may even see two prairie dogs touch their Students will: front teeth together. This is a gentle motion. It is how the animals recognize
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